The Progressive’s Superpower

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives excel at hostile takeovers. They took over the press, social media, and public policy by them. Entrepreneurs create something, sometimes with seed money from the deep state as was the case with Google, and then the progressive faction takes it over, by getting themselves installed on the board of directors. Once they control the board, they turn the corporation, foundation or NGO, to the dark side. Using wordplay, like ESG, stakeholder capitalism and impactful investing, the wire pullers pervert everything they touch, into a mechanism for the advancement of their agenda. Anti human, anti science and anti-sanity, their goals are as dark as their souls. The best way to stop the Faction then, is to fire them, and replace them with pro human, pro-science, and pro sane people.


Progressives need not create, they infect, then destroy, as they do all conservative media, foundations and corporations. Take the Ford Foundation, no, the Carnegie foundation, wait, instead let’s use the Federalist society… since they have all been taken over by the progressive faction. Their greatest success, however, has been the total arbitrary control they have usurped of the education system, from top to bottom. With it they have programmed millions of minds to act against their own self interest, and empower the strong to oppress the weak. To protect the weak from the strong. That “logic” makes perfect sense to most people graduating from our universities. Education today, or more precisely, indoctrination, has given the progressive faction the ability to infest and conquer.


One thing that gives the progressive hostile takeovers so much power is that they are done in the dark of night. Then the founders are ejected… like James O’Keeffe, Pastor Pavlovski and even Twitter founder Jack (the homeless) Dorsey. It happened to Elon Musk as well with Open AI. Once the founders are gone, the progressive faction can use their newfound “conservative” platform to manipulate the thoughts of conservatives and liberals alike. Because, like hogs, progressives filthy up everything they touch, and so they have to move to new wallowing grounds. They can spread their lies and propaganda from “authoritative sources,” until those sources too, are exposed and discredited. Then the progressives move on, infecting another organization, to spread their lies.


This strategy has worked wonders for progressives in their struggle for global totalitarian power. That’s why no one can stand in their way. Because progressive attacks come from without and within. All it takes is one progressive to get on the board of an organization, and like bacteria, they multiply, until they are in control. Then they eject everyone else who makes annoying, distasteful, and unfair arguments, that appeal to logic, humanity or reason. As the pool of talent that has been indoctrinated increases, the availability of rational people drops in proportion. Which makes their strategy appear unstoppable. Today, every corporation, foundation, and organization, unless it is brand new, is under the domination of the Faction. That’s why there is such unanimity of thought among them.


In the face of such an obvious pattern, only a simpleton can’t conclude the truth. Identifying it is the first step to diminishing the power of the progressive hostile takeover strategy. The next step is to act. If you own stock, look up the bios of the people who the board are telling us to vote for. If they support ESG, impactful investing, stakeholder capitalism or any other fascist play on words… vote nay. Stop donating to foundations that have been taken over by the progressive faction. Demand a voucher system in your state that is religion blind. Call or write your representatives and senators demanding election integrity. Boycott any corporation that pushes ESG, to bankruptcy. We have tried doing nothing, and shockingly, that didn’t work. Maybe if we do something… that might have an effect?



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Everyone Hates The Biden Administration

Dear Friends,

Let’s face it, everyone hates Biden and the progressives that run America… the world over. Even the ones they serve. Because everyone detests a pedophile, hypocrite and traitor. How do we know Biden and the progressive faction he represents are traitors? The laptop provides ample proof. Moreover, the open double standard in the enforcement of law exposes them as villains. The progressive faction’s unlimited rule in the last three years, has shown clearly who they are, what they want and the dark master they serve. Don’t think we are the only ones who see the double standard. Everyone does. Even hypocrites hate hypocrites, and there is no hypocrisy like a double standard in law. Then there is the pedophilia. Despots, criminals and villains the world over, loathe pedophiles.

During one of the Roman wars on the peninsula, a maid gave the Romans access to a besieged city, through a back door. The Romans won the city and asked what the maid wanted for a reward. She asked for a gold signet ring the roman soldiers wore. They gave her, all of them, crushing her to death in the process. Traitors are loathed even by the people they help. Biden and the progressive faction have done more harm to the United States, in three years, than anyone could have imagined, three years ago. In that, he has succeeded amazingly. The people he’s helping, Soros, Gill, Xi, Schwab, etc… detest Biden and their lackeys, just as much as Satan hates his. Then again, I am being redundant since the two groups on a Venn diagram, would largely intersect.

No one trusts a traitor, because if they will stab their erstwhile friends in the back, there is nothing keeping them from stabbing you in the back. Jumpin Jim Jeffords of Vermont found that out. That’s why the first thing a wise prince does when getting power is to execute former traitors. Nip it in the bud. If the prince then allows the children of the traitor to keep their inheritance, Machiavelli claimed, they will grow to be allies. The traitor however cannot ever be trusted. Plutarch gives many examples of traitors who turned around and stabbed their newfound friends in the back. The story of Dion is just such an example. That is how I know that the useful idiots, like Biden and the post modernist ANTIFA and BLM soldiers, will meet the same fate as the Brown Shirts did in 1934.

Why are longstanding allies of the US turning on us? Because the elite here are faithless, and so, being self interested, foreign parasites are scrambling for a new host. The Saudis know better than to trust a word out of the mouths of our lying leaders. That’s why they are joining the effort to undermine the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Even as Biden and the progressive faction helped with the election fraud that put Lula into power, Lula is adding Brazil to the effort. Biden has alienated much of Europe with the attack on Nord stream II. The people at least. The elite, who feel no pinch from higher energy prices, or shortages, are biting their tongues. Even as the elite open up a new front in the perpetual war. The chaos the progressive faction leaves in its wake isn’t endearing.

Lastly, no one likes a pedophile, they are the lowest of the low, and our elites, like Biden, the progressive faction normalizing pedophilia and the Rinos abetting it, are either pedophiles else enablers… same difference. Traditionalist elites around the world despise our openly pedophilia elites. They understand… Epstein was suicided for what he knew, and Maxwell will keep her mouth shut too, because she knows what paper sheets can do. No one trusts the progressives, their friends even hate them, and you should too. If the progressives win, and establish an unlimited global rule, the people they serve will have them run through. If we win, and limited government make oppressions few, the rats will be saved, from their own shrew. They even hate themselves… it’s true.


John Pepin

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The Power Of Faction

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite of all stripes want, and in fact need to have us factionalized, to limit our power to resist their usurpations. The way is by manipulating us through the press, to think each other evil… but not our all loving big brother government. As the media demagogues ordinary people as haters, racists, homophobes, transphobes, white supremacists, conspiracy theorists, insurrectionists, radical right wingers, etc… Every slur applied to the regular man, separates us into factions, creates hostility towards each other and increases the power of the strong to oppress the weak. As long as we fall for the bait, and hate each other based on criteria the elite have provided for us, we will always lose. The elite will always win. People are not our enemies, the system is.

The media has lost the last vestiges of fairness and truth. No sane person believes a word out of their mouths anymore. Liars, caught over and over, lose credibility. That is simply the way it works. The fabricated story about George Bush’s military record was brazen, bold and bullshit. The mockingbird media ran with it… until a blogger pointed out, the font the document was written in was not created until several decades after it was written. Caught in a huge lie, the media forgot about it… and so did most people. The lies since then have become more brazen, more bold and even more bullshit. Today the press tells us with a straight face, the secrets leaked, that our government is lying to us constantly about everything, are irrelevant, instead, the fact they were leaked is paramount.

The elite call us names constantly in ways subtle and obvious. The person called a hater by the elite is both vilified and cornered. Those not called haters, look to stay outside that classification, and so hate the hater. Because that is what you do. Each slur the elite use on us, separates us further and creates animosity between us. I am of the opinion that no man is my enemy, the system that encourages the elite to become evil, on the other hand, is my mortal foe. People are people, good, bad and indifferent, but the systems in place to limit the power of the elite to become bat shit crazy, have failed us. Instead the elite have, as Madison warned against in federalist Paper #10, created one faction to control them all… the media, medicine, corporations, the executive, judicial, legislature, and bureaucracy.

Demagoguing the everyman only works as long as we don’t see behind the curtain. Once we know our anger is because outsiders are talking trash about our peeps, and not because of anything our peeps did to us… our attitudes change. Lets face it, you and I disagree on a host of things, but we agree on one thing. We want the lot of Mankind improved… for everyone. That is not a small thing. How do I know this? Because almost everyone gives to charity in one way or another. Being charitable is a vote for the betterment of Mankind. No matter what side that vote is cast for. Our challenge then is to get people to see we are being played. If your not in the game, your the mark… and we are the marks. The first step to stop being a pigeon is to wake up to the game. People are not our enemies, the elite are.

Machiavelli said that the power of the aristocracy is limited, because the aristocracy are few, while the power of the people is great, because the number of the people is great. That democratic power however is limited, in that a host of people must be marshaled into service, for the democratic element to overwhelm the aristocratic. Demagoguery is one way the elite, the aristocracy, keep us factionalized and thus limit our power to resist them. Because they have read Machiavelli, rest assured, and they are conniving to play us against each other. How else could the elite be normalizing pedophilia, shutting down our energy and forcing farms to close? No regular Joe wants people to freeze, go hungry or see kids molested. That is being foisted on us by the elite. Instead, be wise as a serpent…


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the feminist movement has sold women a pig in a poke. A classic swindle. They told women that being a lawyer, doctor or secretary, is far better than having a family, children and a life. Women bought it hook line and sinker. That same game is being played on women across the world. The moment a society gets wealthy enough to allow stupidity to flourish… it does. Perhaps the worse form of stupidity is the feminist movement. Ask yourself, How many women on their death beds, surrounded by their beloved children, wished they had a career instead? Alternatively, how many spinsters were happy they eschewed a family for a career? Not many I should think. There are those women who are not suited for a family, and fair enough, but the rare should not set the convention.

The progressive faction has been a force for evil since their inception. Born of eugenics and racism, then raised on fascist ideals, progressivism is like a cancer. Every evil thing of the Twentieth Century was created by the progressive movement, including post modernism, which is only the newest re branding of that failed ideology. Feminism is perhaps their greatest achievement. By and through it, the progressives have convinced women to forgo a life and become a tool instead. Today, the same movement that claimed to empower women, is telling women to shut up and sit down! A trans man is stealing your opportunities, and you better thank him for it, else you are a transphobe. The progressives are evil to bone, to be sure, but their attack on women and thus humanity, is magnificent.

Young women are impressionable. That is why it is illegal in most nations for a woman under eighteen years old to smoke. Because they are too easily manipulated to decide such things for themselves. We all know that. Boys are no different. Otherwise, we could buy cigarettes, liquor and dynamite, at the age of twelve. Moreover, it is clear that age bestows wisdom, even to the dull and slow. Meanwhile, the establishment experts tell children they can be the opposite sex if they want. As many wanted to be a purple dinosaur when they were toddlers, they fancy what it would be like. So, many are manipulated into a life altering operation, sterilizing them, and resulting in suicide at thirty. Perhaps, since this is the case, these manipulators should spend a few decades of quality time in a supermax?

Once a nation becomes sufficiently wealthy it is subject to stupidity. This is because stupidity is a death sentence in an impoverished country. The stupid are quickly eliminated from the gene pool, so to speak. In a wealthy nation though, the surplus wealth will cover a lot of stupidity. Therefore, stupid ideas, like feminism, the trans movement and normalizing pedophilia, can flourish. Take every industrialized country as examples. They all have upside down pyramids as their demographic curves, and as much as progressives like to talk about sustainable, that’s not. It’s a death spiral. All the anti humans needed to do is manipulate little girls into thinking, being a tool of a corporation is far more rewarding, than having a family, husband and life. The lack of new children is an added feature.

Instead of our culture claiming all women want to be exploited, maybe it would be more human hearted to show a few examples of matriarchs, mothers and grandmothers. Real women who have lived real lives and are real people for it. Instead of lionizing the scheming, aggressive and ambitious temptress. Sluts that go far and die alone. Young ambitious women are used up, hollowed out and tossed away. While a mother flowers into a grandmother, then a great grandmother. She is a link in the chain of humanity, as her counterpart is a termination. The one dies alone, the other surrounded by loved ones (at least in thought) who lament her passing… then she goes to heaven. Because the spirit of a mother is enhanced by the selflessness of motherhood, while the spirit of a spinster lacks that critical nutrient.

Pragmatism says that one can judge the quality of a choice by its outcome…


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Biden Has Had It With Us

Dear NPCs,

It seems to me, Biden has taken just about as much as he is going to, from us. We insist on cooking our meat, driving to work and heating our homes… and he won’t stand for it anymore. Who do we think we are? The globe could burst into flames, any moment, freezing us to death where we stand. Dumping plant food into the atmosphere must be stopped. We owe it to the plants. Moreover, our insistence on a standard of living that approaches that of the elite, is infuriating to them. Why be an elite if your standard of living is not orders of magnitude better than the grazing masses? Us grazing masses then, need to realize our place is not in a heated home, eating cooked food and dressed in new clothes. Our place is where the elite want us… living in projects, eating raw bugs, and wearing used underwear.

I bet many people reading this have the audacity to cook your food. Many with gas stoves even! Who do you think you are? An elite? Obviously, we would never begrudge the elite the very best food, prepared by the best chefs, cooked on gas stoves… because of all the tireless work they do on our behalf. Saving the world from us for example. Many elites find their wagu beef not as delicious, knowing that you or I could probably someday save up, and buy some. In fact the thought is repulsive to them. So, clearly, we have to stop eating beef altogether, to make the elite feel more comfortable when they eat grilled chateau briand. I, for one, am excited to try the new culinary delights our elites have in mind for us, like pond scum, garden slugs and fire ants.

Do you drive to work, then that makes you a villain. The elite love the world so much, they are willing to fly private jets across the planet to a global warming conference in Davos, so why are we so unwilling to do our part? All we have to do is tighten our belts a little more, go without the luxuries, like eating… so the elite can loosen their belts. They find any constraint claustrophobic. Let’s face it, wouldn’t you be more healthy if you rode a bicycle to work and back? What is a few hours on a bike before work, and a cold shower after, so you can do business with people… when it could save the planet for the elite? Walking is even better. Why use the steel, energy and petroleum to manufacture a bicycle, when we could simply walk to work? That’s why we need 15 minute cities.

Imagine it, some people heat their homes in the winter, basically spitting in the face of the planet. Others cool theirs in summer! If you are not an elite, it’s immoral for you to feel any comfort, whatsoever. The elites have deemed it. Just think of the plant food we could keep out of the air if you went cold all winter? Obviously you would have to drain your water lines. Another bonus! Without heat, and water, your carbon footprint will be the size of a tweety bird’s. Freeing up all that energy so an elite can fly to the Place Saint-Germain-Des-Pres, Paris, for lunch, and then to the French Laundry in California, for dinner. Your sacrifice could save the planet. Just buy some lice infected used long underwear, coats, and blankets. Invest in some buckets too, to replace the water-less bathroom.

Let’s face it, we have to be stepped on, else we will destroy the planet before the nukes can fly. As in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the elites are like the hogs, and we’re like the horse. Our part is to work ourselves to death, for the hogs, so they can make our lives better. Our elites epitomize the porcine persona. Their fondness of the planet and us, forces them to oppress us, for our own good. If they didn’t terrible things could happen. Children might grow up and have families, the human standard of living could rise to who knows what heights, and worse of all, the lack of oppression would enrich the poorest to eat wagu beef, drive a suburban or eat lunch in Paris. I don’t blame Biden and the elites, us hoi polloi have got way out of hand with our luxuries, like running water… so the elite have to reign us in.


John Pepin

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Shame, Shame, Shameless

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason progressives are like juggernauts, unstoppable, is because they are shameless. We can’t relate. People with a conscience experience shame as a result of cognitive dissonance. Progressives don’t. Call a progressive a Nazi, because that is essentially what their ideology is, fascism, and they laugh derisively. They know damned well they’re fascists but lack the humanity to feel shame at the fact. Whereas, a conservative will feel shame that Nazis even existed, let alone being called one! Shame is a powerful weapon when wielded against someone with a conscience. Yet shame is wholly worthless against a shameless progressive. That is why they are unstoppable, most people would be ashamed to do what they are doing, the shameless however have no such limitation.

Shame is a powerfully limiting factor in people’s lives. It holds us back from making a fool of ourselves as well as often keeping us from reaching our natural apex. Shame however is a social emotion. There can be no shame when one is a hermit. The hermit can displease no one but himself. People who wholly lack shame, even when exposed as a pedophile, are people without social limits. The entire paradigm of shame is lost on them. Shame then is a tool of manipulation, control and oppression. Those subject to it are the patsies, and those immune, the swindlers. Point out a man has taken showers with his daughter and without a hint of red in his cheeks, will counter that you are a hater. Then the reasonable person with human emotions will have to process that absurdity. As the pervert laughs.

Any normal person, if elected under a cloud of suspicion and outright fraud, would go to great lengths to prove they are not corrupt. Not Katie Hobbs in Arizona though. Without a hint of shame she is going after the last vestiges of accountability and veracity of their elections. She is in action proving what was alleged in court. Showing Katie Hobbs to be a cut above (or below). She lacks the emotion of shame. Therefore, she is a Nietzschean superman… or woman in this case. Someone with whom morals, logic and empathy have no standing. Because they are uber. They have other names as well, in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Psychiatry, or DSM, such people are called… psychopaths, narcissists and Machiavellians. Potato… potatoe, it is mere semantics, (or spelling).

Other examples of progressive lack of shame abound. From the FBI’s absolute lack of self awareness when they went after Project Veritas and James O’Keeffe, over the Biden diary, then transferring attorney client privileged information they seized in their illegal early morning raid… to the NYT! Despite the fact the FBI had the Biden journal… because James O’Keefe had given it to them! That is where the story about Joe Biden showering with his daughter comes from. Apparently it’s true. What does this story tell us of shame? That Biden lacks it, the FBI is unabashed and the media that hid the story are reprobates. Now the shameless FBI that covered up the Biden laptop is going after mothers and fathers who speak up at school board meetings? Talk about the shameless lacking honor.

Of course this all has real world consequences. The shameless, or psychopaths, depending on the word you choose to describe them, run the world. Holding the rest of us in thrall with their lack of shame. Disgraceful acts like normalizing pedophilia, the hypocrisy of flying private jets as they begrudge the rest of us cook stoves, and the unmitigated gall to pervert elections with mail in voting… then jail anyone who would grieve it. That, my friends, is the acme of shameless. You or I would crawl under a rock in shame, were we to do such things, let alone be caught. Their lack of shame is their super power. With it they lay low all that would stand up to them. Soon it may lead them to total global power. Because we are too ashamed of being given non sequitur monikers to stand.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Are You Better Off Today?

Dear friends,

It seems to me, back in the day the media would ask, is your life better now or before? It was the basic question of the quality of leadership of a politician and party. There can be no more pragmatic metric of political leadership. That was back when politicians were subject to free and fair elections. Now that fraud has become synonymous with American democracy, that entire paradigm is flipped upside down. Today our politicians are beholding to the pedophile billionaires that run the world, not the voters… us. Because, obviously, when election fraud is sanctioned by the courts, with standing, the voters no longer have a say, and no one in the media dares ask the question, are you better off today? Because they would be ostracized, from society, the industry, and most importantly… all that billionaire money.

Representative democracy has had its supporters and detractors in the past. Both sides had their points and both sides had their blind spots. The detractors, like Adolph Hitler, claimed that parliamentarians lack a spine, avoid responsibility, take expedients and lead a nation to ruin by their cowardice. In that he wasn’t far off. The dross does indeed float to the top. Ben Franklin had a different view. In his time, people had a grounding in Christianity and Christian values… even Thomas Paine. That meant they had limits. So, self limiting people created a limited government, to be run by self limiting men. By the Twentieth Century, politicians of all stripes had become atheists. Men lacking limits running unlimited governments. Putting both men’s ideas about representative democracy in context.

When elections are mere theater, as is the case whenever and wherever there is mail in voting, the government is neither democratic nor representative… it’s something else. The politicians represent someone other than the voters. This is made possible by the democracy affirming election fraud we have in the US today. Mail in voting, especially unverified mail in voting, cannot be secure. It must be fraught with fraud. Since that is the new paradigm, it will only be a matter of time, before it is adopted by the republicans as well. Politics is war by election, and as Clausewitz said, any advantage gained by one side, will quickly be adopted by the other. The only limit is public opinion. If the public is outraged enough, the opponents will have to step back… Are you outraged enough?

Government that is not representative nor democratic, is run by and for the people with the money to pull the strings, not the people. Folks like Zuckerman, who hired election workers to “count” mailed in ballots in the dark of night, with the windows papered and taped so no one could see in. Only a moron or zealot would not count that as open evidence of fraud. Brought to us by the billionaire bucks of the overlord class. Who else could be funding the overthrow of the west? Through their control of the media, NGOs, education and the courts, the progressive faction is implementing their plans for a global administrative state, with corporatism as the model… using billionaire bucks. They call the shots. Why else has not one of Epstein’s elite pedophile clients been run to ground… do you suppose?

Solutions like, absolute transparency in government, a return to paper ballots and public hand counting, criminal charges for violating the Constitution, term limits, as well as limiting the role and scope of government, are off the table. Because they would lower the power of the strong to oppress the weak. The one thing every faction agrees on, in capital cities across the planet, is the only way to save the weak from being oppressed by the strong, is to further empower the strong to oppress the weak. Limiting government is unthinkable to the self unlimited strong. The overlord billionaire pedophile masters of the world forbid it. However, if we are to return to a time when we are asked, are you better off today then before, the media has to ask it, and not be fad whores.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Follow The Money

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is critically important that we trace the money back to the scum who are funding this trans movement, then expose them for the demons they are. Criminally charge them if possible but ostracize them from society, culture and business at a minimum. The degenerates who are foisting the trans ideology on children, through the schools and culture, are the lowest of the low. Snake poop is an order of magnitude higher. We all know this is no organic movement. There was no groundswell of demand from those who had for decades, nay, centuries, striven to have their human rights met. No, the reality is, before 1970, no one thought they had been born into the “wrong” body. That idea is a perversion that was injected into the zeitgeist to normalize the perversions of elite pedophiles.

Those elite perverts that are pushing the destruction of children’s lives, for their twisted pleasure, are the worst of the worst. How do I know that with such certainty? Because if you put them in a supermax, with sociopaths and psychopaths, (whom one would expect to be birds of a feather) the elite pedophiles would be beaten to death on the first day. Why? Because even rapists, robbers and cappos think molesters are the lowest of the low. Many in prison today, would love the diversion of an elite pedophile cell mate, who has been pushing the trans ideology on kids. If people with no respect for humanity, are utterly self interested and lack even the smallest amount of empathy, think such people are below contempt… why should we allow them to run the world?

There is a production company that is looking for contributors to a three part trans movie. Huge amounts of money has been posted for its production. Upon discovery I wondered to myself, who is paying this much money to push this agenda? Of all the worthy causes why pay so much to an unworthy one? Who has this kind of money to waste? After looking it up, it turns out they are international bankers, NGOs and corporations. There is a ton of useful information in this video. The fact the “trans movement” is so well funded, came out of nowhere and is encouraged by government itself, shows it is not organic, but manufactured… in a C suite office on Madison Avenue. One thing we know is, the twelve year olds being sterilized for profit… are not the ones ponying up the money.

These elite perverts run the world through a myriad of strings winding the world in a Gordian knot of hidden power. That they are perverts as well as pathologically addicted to power makes perfect sense. They run the banks, the administrative state and the courts, and apparently have tendrils that run from academia to the boardroom and beyond. When a too big to fail bank is fined a billion dollars for breaking the law, and no executive loses a penny in bonuses, let alone punished criminally, they are certainly responsible. Kept alive by baby blood and black magic, their unnatural longevity is a testament to their unwillingness to go to their eternal reward. I, for one, am not comfortable with such worthless scum, running the world as if it is their playground. I am offended by it… are you?

Obviously we cannot expect our federal law enforcement agencies to run such people to ground… the DOJ is on the payroll. That leaves local law enforcement. A corrupted DA is a get out of jail free card, so such people rarely leave NYC. Regardless, if their efforts run afoul of some local ordinance in Texas forbidding sexualizing children, for example, a Texas DA could charge Soros, Tim Gill or John Arcus. NYC would have to arrest and extradite them to Palo Pinto Texas for trial. Because under the US system, a Prosecutor, Judge and court in Palo Pinto Texas, has the same authority as a corrupted Manhattan District Attorney. That is our ace in the hole. If there are any DAs in Florida, Texas, etc… that are willing to stand up for children, the rule of law and humanity itself. We could strike a blow.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Government Is Eyeing Us With Bad Intent

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, before a government can do real harm to its citizens, several factors must be met. For example, elections need to be rendered harmless to the elite, the courts must be controlled, speech must be censored, the media a tool of manipulation and the people disarmed. Once these conditions have been met, government can oppress at will. Genocide, eugenics and sterilizing children for fun and profit, are not only on the table, they are what’s for dinner. Any government then that implements even one or two things on this list is one that clearly has bad intentions. The further along this list a government travels, the closer to absolute tyranny the people are. A government that censors, uses fraud to manipulate elections, exploits law as a political weapon and disarms the people… is a villain.

There is a natural order to this list of oppression. First the media must be made into mockingbirds. Without the ability to control the narrative the people would quickly awaken to the threat of their elites. So the media has to be taken over first. As the Church commission exposed the Mockingbird Media. Censorship is the next goalpost, once the media is controlled, the voices of truth tellers must be silenced. Since the Constitution forbids censorship, a government could go around it by using contractors to subcontract out the censorship, thus avoiding Constitutional restraints. Like the US government did with Twitter according to the Twitter files. Once those conditions have been met, the rest of the list opens up. The next obvious choice of the would be tyrant though is the courts.

Once the court system is utterly corrupted, that state is by definition, tyrannical. A court system that is a rubber stamp for the strong to oppress the weak, is a court system that abets lawlessness. The power such a corrupt court system bestows on the elite is staggering. Thrasymachus would be abashed at the open injustice. He famously said that justice is a swindle the strong play on the weak, so when the strong take from the weak, they can claim it was “just.” A corrupted court system is the acme of this philosophy in action. You can know a court system is corrupted by how it rules. If some are allowed to break the law with impunity, and others are not allowed even to seek a redress of grievances, without going to prison lacking bail or trial, you know the courts are absolutely corrupted.

The final solution to the problem of the people is gun control. Disarm the public so only the elite have guns and the list is complete. North Korea, China and Cuba are examples of this paradigm. The US and Europe are not far behind. The fly in the ointment in Europe are elections. They haven’t been tamed there yet. While the problem in the US is the millions of firearms in the hands of law abiding citizens. Guns in the hands of criminals is not a problem, because it justifies unconstitutional gun control laws, instills fear in the people and the chaos criminals create can be exploited, in a Hegelian manner, to herd the people closer to the precipice. Once the European elites can get mail in voting, they will have tamed democracy, and once the US elites have banned guns, the elite have won.

In Europe the sheep are desperately trying to vote the wolves away from the flock. Only time will tell how that works out for them. In the US, we cling to our guns while hiding in a closet and pray that when the government is done rummaging through our personal effects, they don’t come for us. Just as a home invasion is impossible to deny, what our governments are doing today is undeniable. Yet we are not as powerless as the media, government and culture tells us. You can contact your senator and representative. If enough of us do, they will balk, that we don’t is implicit agreement. If we don’t speak up then, and boycott the mockingbird media, ignore the censorship, force our courts to follow the law and criminally punish elite criminals… they will be able to play out their evil on us and our children.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Problem Of The Strong Oppressing The Weak

Dear Friends,

It seems absurd to me, that so many people believe, with all their souls, the solution to the problem of the strong oppressing the weak… is to give the strong more power to oppress the weak. That is the solution that communists, socialists, fascists and elitists have agreed upon. They are so sure their solution is the right one, they are willing to die for it… and millions have. I suspect that underneath the solution, is the capitulation that the only solution, the final solution to the problem of the strong oppressing the weak, is to win the war in favor of the strong. Once and for all. A nihilistic notion, yet that is the only rational reason, to empower the strong to oppress the weak. Another solution, one that is apparently off the table, is to empower the weak to stand up for themselves.

Socialism, communism, fascism and elitism, are all ideologies that empower the strong to oppress the weak, in the name of solving the problem of, the strong oppressing the weak. Under socialism, also called fascism, the elite decide the direction and all stakeholders push in that direction. Often trampling the weak. Under communism the weak are protected by the strong, and anyone who offends the strong’s sense of righteousness, especially the weak, are sent to a gulag. Then there is elitism, where the elite rule to insure fairness and equality under the law. When in fact they, being egoists, exploit power to steal from the weak. In every system mentioned above, the strong steal from, use thought control on, and jail the weak. As a means for the strong to get more power over the weak. To protect them.

We have been carefully trained, like seals, to clap whenever we are told some strong man will save us. Standing on our own two feet is not discouraged in public schools, it is ignored. That option is carefully not mentioned. Graduates today have no idea that standing up is even possible. Let alone forming small community parallel systems. No, instead we look for a strongman to rescue us from the strong men. The moment we think one has our backs, we support them, until we find another knife in our backs. Then we scratch around for another strong man to protect us weaklings. The thought of becoming strong men in our own fashion, isn’t even allowable… or is it? That is the game. We are tricked into thinking we have no voice and no power, that we are weaklings. When that is just another lie.

How do we empower the weak? A terrible education is one way the strong oppress the weak and get the weak to pay for it. Kids are not taught how to succeed in life but how to be a good little robot. The rebellious ones are manipulated into self sterilization, to remove such genes from the pool. If we could seize control of the mechanism of education, from the progressive faction, and their minions in the NEA and state legislatures, then enact a voucher system… a thriving ecosystem of private schools, dedicated to the success of the students, instead of the success of the strong over the weak, would crop up. Like bog plants in a beaver pond. Well educated people are strong in and of themselves. People who can think are a mortal threat to the balance of power in the war between the strong and the weak.

The solution to the strong oppressing the weak, in my view, is to empower the weak not to need strong men. Through education, free markets and limited government, those born to a lower station will have more opportunity to rise to their natural level, dictated by merit, not by ones political favor. Technology is making radical decentralization possible. Maybe that is why the elite have gone insane. They fear losing their power to oppress the weak? That radical decentralization can be an empowering tool, or if we continue to allow the elite to use it to hold us down, it is a tool of oppression. Now that you have more of the facts it’s time to ask yourself, “Do I think empowering the strong to oppress the weak, is the best solution to the strong oppressing the weak… or not?” If not, help us strengthen the weak.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment