The Progressive’s Superpower

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives excel at hostile takeovers. They took over the press, social media, and public policy by them. Entrepreneurs create something, sometimes with seed money from the deep state as was the case with Google, and then the progressive faction takes it over, by getting themselves installed on the board of directors. Once they control the board, they turn the corporation, foundation or NGO, to the dark side. Using wordplay, like ESG, stakeholder capitalism and impactful investing, the wire pullers pervert everything they touch, into a mechanism for the advancement of their agenda. Anti human, anti science and anti-sanity, their goals are as dark as their souls. The best way to stop the Faction then, is to fire them, and replace them with pro human, pro-science, and pro sane people.


Progressives need not create, they infect, then destroy, as they do all conservative media, foundations and corporations. Take the Ford Foundation, no, the Carnegie foundation, wait, instead let’s use the Federalist society… since they have all been taken over by the progressive faction. Their greatest success, however, has been the total arbitrary control they have usurped of the education system, from top to bottom. With it they have programmed millions of minds to act against their own self interest, and empower the strong to oppress the weak. To protect the weak from the strong. That “logic” makes perfect sense to most people graduating from our universities. Education today, or more precisely, indoctrination, has given the progressive faction the ability to infest and conquer.


One thing that gives the progressive hostile takeovers so much power is that they are done in the dark of night. Then the founders are ejected… like James O’Keeffe, Pastor Pavlovski and even Twitter founder Jack (the homeless) Dorsey. It happened to Elon Musk as well with Open AI. Once the founders are gone, the progressive faction can use their newfound “conservative” platform to manipulate the thoughts of conservatives and liberals alike. Because, like hogs, progressives filthy up everything they touch, and so they have to move to new wallowing grounds. They can spread their lies and propaganda from “authoritative sources,” until those sources too, are exposed and discredited. Then the progressives move on, infecting another organization, to spread their lies.


This strategy has worked wonders for progressives in their struggle for global totalitarian power. That’s why no one can stand in their way. Because progressive attacks come from without and within. All it takes is one progressive to get on the board of an organization, and like bacteria, they multiply, until they are in control. Then they eject everyone else who makes annoying, distasteful, and unfair arguments, that appeal to logic, humanity or reason. As the pool of talent that has been indoctrinated increases, the availability of rational people drops in proportion. Which makes their strategy appear unstoppable. Today, every corporation, foundation, and organization, unless it is brand new, is under the domination of the Faction. That’s why there is such unanimity of thought among them.


In the face of such an obvious pattern, only a simpleton can’t conclude the truth. Identifying it is the first step to diminishing the power of the progressive hostile takeover strategy. The next step is to act. If you own stock, look up the bios of the people who the board are telling us to vote for. If they support ESG, impactful investing, stakeholder capitalism or any other fascist play on words… vote nay. Stop donating to foundations that have been taken over by the progressive faction. Demand a voucher system in your state that is religion blind. Call or write your representatives and senators demanding election integrity. Boycott any corporation that pushes ESG, to bankruptcy. We have tried doing nothing, and shockingly, that didn’t work. Maybe if we do something… that might have an effect?



John Pepin

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