Follow The Money

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is critically important that we trace the money back to the scum who are funding this trans movement, then expose them for the demons they are. Criminally charge them if possible but ostracize them from society, culture and business at a minimum. The degenerates who are foisting the trans ideology on children, through the schools and culture, are the lowest of the low. Snake poop is an order of magnitude higher. We all know this is no organic movement. There was no groundswell of demand from those who had for decades, nay, centuries, striven to have their human rights met. No, the reality is, before 1970, no one thought they had been born into the “wrong” body. That idea is a perversion that was injected into the zeitgeist to normalize the perversions of elite pedophiles.

Those elite perverts that are pushing the destruction of children’s lives, for their twisted pleasure, are the worst of the worst. How do I know that with such certainty? Because if you put them in a supermax, with sociopaths and psychopaths, (whom one would expect to be birds of a feather) the elite pedophiles would be beaten to death on the first day. Why? Because even rapists, robbers and cappos think molesters are the lowest of the low. Many in prison today, would love the diversion of an elite pedophile cell mate, who has been pushing the trans ideology on kids. If people with no respect for humanity, are utterly self interested and lack even the smallest amount of empathy, think such people are below contempt… why should we allow them to run the world?

There is a production company that is looking for contributors to a three part trans movie. Huge amounts of money has been posted for its production. Upon discovery I wondered to myself, who is paying this much money to push this agenda? Of all the worthy causes why pay so much to an unworthy one? Who has this kind of money to waste? After looking it up, it turns out they are international bankers, NGOs and corporations. There is a ton of useful information in this video. The fact the “trans movement” is so well funded, came out of nowhere and is encouraged by government itself, shows it is not organic, but manufactured… in a C suite office on Madison Avenue. One thing we know is, the twelve year olds being sterilized for profit… are not the ones ponying up the money.

These elite perverts run the world through a myriad of strings winding the world in a Gordian knot of hidden power. That they are perverts as well as pathologically addicted to power makes perfect sense. They run the banks, the administrative state and the courts, and apparently have tendrils that run from academia to the boardroom and beyond. When a too big to fail bank is fined a billion dollars for breaking the law, and no executive loses a penny in bonuses, let alone punished criminally, they are certainly responsible. Kept alive by baby blood and black magic, their unnatural longevity is a testament to their unwillingness to go to their eternal reward. I, for one, am not comfortable with such worthless scum, running the world as if it is their playground. I am offended by it… are you?

Obviously we cannot expect our federal law enforcement agencies to run such people to ground… the DOJ is on the payroll. That leaves local law enforcement. A corrupted DA is a get out of jail free card, so such people rarely leave NYC. Regardless, if their efforts run afoul of some local ordinance in Texas forbidding sexualizing children, for example, a Texas DA could charge Soros, Tim Gill or John Arcus. NYC would have to arrest and extradite them to Palo Pinto Texas for trial. Because under the US system, a Prosecutor, Judge and court in Palo Pinto Texas, has the same authority as a corrupted Manhattan District Attorney. That is our ace in the hole. If there are any DAs in Florida, Texas, etc… that are willing to stand up for children, the rule of law and humanity itself. We could strike a blow.


John Pepin

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