Shame, Shame, Shameless

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason progressives are like juggernauts, unstoppable, is because they are shameless. We can’t relate. People with a conscience experience shame as a result of cognitive dissonance. Progressives don’t. Call a progressive a Nazi, because that is essentially what their ideology is, fascism, and they laugh derisively. They know damned well they’re fascists but lack the humanity to feel shame at the fact. Whereas, a conservative will feel shame that Nazis even existed, let alone being called one! Shame is a powerful weapon when wielded against someone with a conscience. Yet shame is wholly worthless against a shameless progressive. That is why they are unstoppable, most people would be ashamed to do what they are doing, the shameless however have no such limitation.

Shame is a powerfully limiting factor in people’s lives. It holds us back from making a fool of ourselves as well as often keeping us from reaching our natural apex. Shame however is a social emotion. There can be no shame when one is a hermit. The hermit can displease no one but himself. People who wholly lack shame, even when exposed as a pedophile, are people without social limits. The entire paradigm of shame is lost on them. Shame then is a tool of manipulation, control and oppression. Those subject to it are the patsies, and those immune, the swindlers. Point out a man has taken showers with his daughter and without a hint of red in his cheeks, will counter that you are a hater. Then the reasonable person with human emotions will have to process that absurdity. As the pervert laughs.

Any normal person, if elected under a cloud of suspicion and outright fraud, would go to great lengths to prove they are not corrupt. Not Katie Hobbs in Arizona though. Without a hint of shame she is going after the last vestiges of accountability and veracity of their elections. She is in action proving what was alleged in court. Showing Katie Hobbs to be a cut above (or below). She lacks the emotion of shame. Therefore, she is a Nietzschean superman… or woman in this case. Someone with whom morals, logic and empathy have no standing. Because they are uber. They have other names as well, in the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual of Psychiatry, or DSM, such people are called… psychopaths, narcissists and Machiavellians. Potato… potatoe, it is mere semantics, (or spelling).

Other examples of progressive lack of shame abound. From the FBI’s absolute lack of self awareness when they went after Project Veritas and James O’Keeffe, over the Biden diary, then transferring attorney client privileged information they seized in their illegal early morning raid… to the NYT! Despite the fact the FBI had the Biden journal… because James O’Keefe had given it to them! That is where the story about Joe Biden showering with his daughter comes from. Apparently it’s true. What does this story tell us of shame? That Biden lacks it, the FBI is unabashed and the media that hid the story are reprobates. Now the shameless FBI that covered up the Biden laptop is going after mothers and fathers who speak up at school board meetings? Talk about the shameless lacking honor.

Of course this all has real world consequences. The shameless, or psychopaths, depending on the word you choose to describe them, run the world. Holding the rest of us in thrall with their lack of shame. Disgraceful acts like normalizing pedophilia, the hypocrisy of flying private jets as they begrudge the rest of us cook stoves, and the unmitigated gall to pervert elections with mail in voting… then jail anyone who would grieve it. That, my friends, is the acme of shameless. You or I would crawl under a rock in shame, were we to do such things, let alone be caught. Their lack of shame is their super power. With it they lay low all that would stand up to them. Soon it may lead them to total global power. Because we are too ashamed of being given non sequitur monikers to stand.


John Pepin

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2 Responses to Shame, Shame, Shameless

  1. Ayn Stein says:

    This is closely related to envy. The envious don’t want your stuff—that’s jealousy—the envious want you not to have your stuff. This is why they torch limousines, instead of stealing them.

    When the envious are shameless, you get smug, entitled, dead-eyed NPCs.

  2. edwallis says:

    NOT “fascist”…but rather they are COMMUNIST.
    National Socialists and fascists arose in direct opposition to Communists (Marxist Socialists).

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