The Problem Of The Strong Oppressing The Weak

Dear Friends,

It seems absurd to me, that so many people believe, with all their souls, the solution to the problem of the strong oppressing the weak… is to give the strong more power to oppress the weak. That is the solution that communists, socialists, fascists and elitists have agreed upon. They are so sure their solution is the right one, they are willing to die for it… and millions have. I suspect that underneath the solution, is the capitulation that the only solution, the final solution to the problem of the strong oppressing the weak, is to win the war in favor of the strong. Once and for all. A nihilistic notion, yet that is the only rational reason, to empower the strong to oppress the weak. Another solution, one that is apparently off the table, is to empower the weak to stand up for themselves.

Socialism, communism, fascism and elitism, are all ideologies that empower the strong to oppress the weak, in the name of solving the problem of, the strong oppressing the weak. Under socialism, also called fascism, the elite decide the direction and all stakeholders push in that direction. Often trampling the weak. Under communism the weak are protected by the strong, and anyone who offends the strong’s sense of righteousness, especially the weak, are sent to a gulag. Then there is elitism, where the elite rule to insure fairness and equality under the law. When in fact they, being egoists, exploit power to steal from the weak. In every system mentioned above, the strong steal from, use thought control on, and jail the weak. As a means for the strong to get more power over the weak. To protect them.

We have been carefully trained, like seals, to clap whenever we are told some strong man will save us. Standing on our own two feet is not discouraged in public schools, it is ignored. That option is carefully not mentioned. Graduates today have no idea that standing up is even possible. Let alone forming small community parallel systems. No, instead we look for a strongman to rescue us from the strong men. The moment we think one has our backs, we support them, until we find another knife in our backs. Then we scratch around for another strong man to protect us weaklings. The thought of becoming strong men in our own fashion, isn’t even allowable… or is it? That is the game. We are tricked into thinking we have no voice and no power, that we are weaklings. When that is just another lie.

How do we empower the weak? A terrible education is one way the strong oppress the weak and get the weak to pay for it. Kids are not taught how to succeed in life but how to be a good little robot. The rebellious ones are manipulated into self sterilization, to remove such genes from the pool. If we could seize control of the mechanism of education, from the progressive faction, and their minions in the NEA and state legislatures, then enact a voucher system… a thriving ecosystem of private schools, dedicated to the success of the students, instead of the success of the strong over the weak, would crop up. Like bog plants in a beaver pond. Well educated people are strong in and of themselves. People who can think are a mortal threat to the balance of power in the war between the strong and the weak.

The solution to the strong oppressing the weak, in my view, is to empower the weak not to need strong men. Through education, free markets and limited government, those born to a lower station will have more opportunity to rise to their natural level, dictated by merit, not by ones political favor. Technology is making radical decentralization possible. Maybe that is why the elite have gone insane. They fear losing their power to oppress the weak? That radical decentralization can be an empowering tool, or if we continue to allow the elite to use it to hold us down, it is a tool of oppression. Now that you have more of the facts it’s time to ask yourself, “Do I think empowering the strong to oppress the weak, is the best solution to the strong oppressing the weak… or not?” If not, help us strengthen the weak.


John Pepin

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