
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the feminist movement has sold women a pig in a poke. A classic swindle. They told women that being a lawyer, doctor or secretary, is far better than having a family, children and a life. Women bought it hook line and sinker. That same game is being played on women across the world. The moment a society gets wealthy enough to allow stupidity to flourish… it does. Perhaps the worse form of stupidity is the feminist movement. Ask yourself, How many women on their death beds, surrounded by their beloved children, wished they had a career instead? Alternatively, how many spinsters were happy they eschewed a family for a career? Not many I should think. There are those women who are not suited for a family, and fair enough, but the rare should not set the convention.

The progressive faction has been a force for evil since their inception. Born of eugenics and racism, then raised on fascist ideals, progressivism is like a cancer. Every evil thing of the Twentieth Century was created by the progressive movement, including post modernism, which is only the newest re branding of that failed ideology. Feminism is perhaps their greatest achievement. By and through it, the progressives have convinced women to forgo a life and become a tool instead. Today, the same movement that claimed to empower women, is telling women to shut up and sit down! A trans man is stealing your opportunities, and you better thank him for it, else you are a transphobe. The progressives are evil to bone, to be sure, but their attack on women and thus humanity, is magnificent.

Young women are impressionable. That is why it is illegal in most nations for a woman under eighteen years old to smoke. Because they are too easily manipulated to decide such things for themselves. We all know that. Boys are no different. Otherwise, we could buy cigarettes, liquor and dynamite, at the age of twelve. Moreover, it is clear that age bestows wisdom, even to the dull and slow. Meanwhile, the establishment experts tell children they can be the opposite sex if they want. As many wanted to be a purple dinosaur when they were toddlers, they fancy what it would be like. So, many are manipulated into a life altering operation, sterilizing them, and resulting in suicide at thirty. Perhaps, since this is the case, these manipulators should spend a few decades of quality time in a supermax?

Once a nation becomes sufficiently wealthy it is subject to stupidity. This is because stupidity is a death sentence in an impoverished country. The stupid are quickly eliminated from the gene pool, so to speak. In a wealthy nation though, the surplus wealth will cover a lot of stupidity. Therefore, stupid ideas, like feminism, the trans movement and normalizing pedophilia, can flourish. Take every industrialized country as examples. They all have upside down pyramids as their demographic curves, and as much as progressives like to talk about sustainable, that’s not. It’s a death spiral. All the anti humans needed to do is manipulate little girls into thinking, being a tool of a corporation is far more rewarding, than having a family, husband and life. The lack of new children is an added feature.

Instead of our culture claiming all women want to be exploited, maybe it would be more human hearted to show a few examples of matriarchs, mothers and grandmothers. Real women who have lived real lives and are real people for it. Instead of lionizing the scheming, aggressive and ambitious temptress. Sluts that go far and die alone. Young ambitious women are used up, hollowed out and tossed away. While a mother flowers into a grandmother, then a great grandmother. She is a link in the chain of humanity, as her counterpart is a termination. The one dies alone, the other surrounded by loved ones (at least in thought) who lament her passing… then she goes to heaven. Because the spirit of a mother is enhanced by the selflessness of motherhood, while the spirit of a spinster lacks that critical nutrient.

Pragmatism says that one can judge the quality of a choice by its outcome…


John Pepin

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