Are You Better Off Today?

Dear friends,

It seems to me, back in the day the media would ask, is your life better now or before? It was the basic question of the quality of leadership of a politician and party. There can be no more pragmatic metric of political leadership. That was back when politicians were subject to free and fair elections. Now that fraud has become synonymous with American democracy, that entire paradigm is flipped upside down. Today our politicians are beholding to the pedophile billionaires that run the world, not the voters… us. Because, obviously, when election fraud is sanctioned by the courts, with standing, the voters no longer have a say, and no one in the media dares ask the question, are you better off today? Because they would be ostracized, from society, the industry, and most importantly… all that billionaire money.

Representative democracy has had its supporters and detractors in the past. Both sides had their points and both sides had their blind spots. The detractors, like Adolph Hitler, claimed that parliamentarians lack a spine, avoid responsibility, take expedients and lead a nation to ruin by their cowardice. In that he wasn’t far off. The dross does indeed float to the top. Ben Franklin had a different view. In his time, people had a grounding in Christianity and Christian values… even Thomas Paine. That meant they had limits. So, self limiting people created a limited government, to be run by self limiting men. By the Twentieth Century, politicians of all stripes had become atheists. Men lacking limits running unlimited governments. Putting both men’s ideas about representative democracy in context.

When elections are mere theater, as is the case whenever and wherever there is mail in voting, the government is neither democratic nor representative… it’s something else. The politicians represent someone other than the voters. This is made possible by the democracy affirming election fraud we have in the US today. Mail in voting, especially unverified mail in voting, cannot be secure. It must be fraught with fraud. Since that is the new paradigm, it will only be a matter of time, before it is adopted by the republicans as well. Politics is war by election, and as Clausewitz said, any advantage gained by one side, will quickly be adopted by the other. The only limit is public opinion. If the public is outraged enough, the opponents will have to step back… Are you outraged enough?

Government that is not representative nor democratic, is run by and for the people with the money to pull the strings, not the people. Folks like Zuckerman, who hired election workers to “count” mailed in ballots in the dark of night, with the windows papered and taped so no one could see in. Only a moron or zealot would not count that as open evidence of fraud. Brought to us by the billionaire bucks of the overlord class. Who else could be funding the overthrow of the west? Through their control of the media, NGOs, education and the courts, the progressive faction is implementing their plans for a global administrative state, with corporatism as the model… using billionaire bucks. They call the shots. Why else has not one of Epstein’s elite pedophile clients been run to ground… do you suppose?

Solutions like, absolute transparency in government, a return to paper ballots and public hand counting, criminal charges for violating the Constitution, term limits, as well as limiting the role and scope of government, are off the table. Because they would lower the power of the strong to oppress the weak. The one thing every faction agrees on, in capital cities across the planet, is the only way to save the weak from being oppressed by the strong, is to further empower the strong to oppress the weak. Limiting government is unthinkable to the self unlimited strong. The overlord billionaire pedophile masters of the world forbid it. However, if we are to return to a time when we are asked, are you better off today then before, the media has to ask it, and not be fad whores.


John Pepin

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