The Tick

Dear Friends…

Two guys, JOE and STEVE are in Steve’s apartment. Joe is relaxing on the sofa. Steve is rummaging in the kitchen.

STEVE asks, “Want a beer?”

Joe scratches the back of his neck.

JOE says, “Yea. Thanks.”

Joe rubs the back of his neck.

Steve goes to the fridge. He opens it and grabs a couple of beers.

Joe looks at Steve in time to catch a beer. He catches it. Opens it. He takes a gulp.

Steve walks to the easy chair. He sets down. Picks up a remote. He turns on the TV.

Joe stands quickly.

JOE exclaims, “Argh!!! A TICK!”

Joe picks at it with his fingers. Steve is concerned.

JOE says, “Got it!”

Joe looks at the evil little TICK. It looks back.

JOE continues, “What should I do with it?”

STEVE says, “Toss it in the ash tray.”

In a squeaky voice the TICK says, “It burns! The ashes, they burn! I think its a chemical burn!”

Steve cocks his head.

Joe says, “I swear that tick is talking.”

Steve gives Joe a strange look, He says, “No…?”

The TICK says, “It burns! And that roach is smoldering!”

JOE says, “It IS talking!”

The TICK says, “Kill me! Burn me with a lighter, a magnifying glass or stick me with a pin… anything. End this pain!”

Steve picks up a can of Raid. He hands the can to Joe.

STEVE says, “Here use this.”

Joe sprays the ashtray. Ashes go flying. The tick is encased in a foam pyramid of Raid.

The TICK says, “This is worse! It still burns but now I’m sick too!”

Steve picks up the ashtray. He walks to the door. Opens it. He tosses out the complaining tick.

The TICK exclaims, “The sunlight burns my eyes!”

Steve turns and says… “A tick is like a politician. Shows up where its not wanted, takes what’s not theirs and resents being treated like a parasite.”

The End.

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Power Of The Purse

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we see the astonishing power of the purse in the medical system. Any debate that goes against the narrative is stifled by the threat of liquidation. Punishment is rapid and severe should anyone have too much to think. That’s one reason why the vaccine that isn’t… is still available, pushed on toddlers, and no one has gone to prison for the deaths it’s caused. How many medical advancements have been suppressed by the medical elite… exploiting their power of the purse? Since the power of the purse is so omnipotent, when used by people with a backbone, isn’t it sad the US House abdicated it to the bureaucracy? The power of the purse has such amazing force, it’s capable of getting people to participate, knowingly, in the murder of millions… or the destruction of their own nation.

Those who control the funding have the ultimate say. Speak up against Global Warming, and everyone knows, you get fired. From a weatherman, to a physicist at CERN, your job depends on your keeping quiet… and participating in the lie. So the experts participate. Do you want to study toenail fungus? Don’t bother writing for a grant… unless your study is how global warming is making toenail fungus worse. Then untold millions will be available to you. That’s how the funding of research can be used to manipulate data, and conclusions. Come to the wrong conclusion and you’ll never get a grant again. So “scientists” will lie, and participate in lies… to keep their job. As would you or I. If our livelihood depended on it. Because, only a fool, or hero, bites the hand that controls the purse strings.

Covid’s origin and effective treatments were suppressed by the power of the purse. Upon Covid’s appearance Fauci set himself to using his power to control the flow of money, bribing the experts, to parrot what he told them to say. They were faced with a dilemma. Lie when they know they’re lying, or face the wrath of Fauci. They saw the example the elites made of Doctor Malone, and no one wants to be made an example of. Stripped of credentials, lambasted in the media and called a quack… for telling the truth. It’s much easier to play ball and lie. To this day, the control of who gets what funding, decides the narrative about Covid, and the mortally flawed vaccine that isn’t. Not just shutting up “scientists,” but getting them to participate in murder… by the power of the purse.

How many people took the vaccine, knowing it’s potentially mortal side effects… because their job depended on it? I know of several. Those people knowingly risked death, or worse, to keep their sucky job. Now that is power. The power of the purse. It can force people to risk life itself. No wonder the bureaucracy so loves it. Bureaucrats decide what gets funded. They write the budgets, and representatives give it a thumbs up, or thumbs down. If they give it a thumbs down, the mockingbird media attacks them and threatens their jobs. So republicans always back down, rather than shut down, the government. In this case, the power of the purse, is used to wrest the power of the purse, from the congress. Because one side is willing to use it… while the other is terrified of it.

It’s astounding congress gave the power of the purse to the bureaucracy, since it’s able to get people to forswear their honor, participate in lies, and even mass murder. How do we know this? Because under a “rock ribbed republican,” speaker Johnson, the republican controlled House didn’t write the budget, the bureaucracy did, under the guidance of the democrats, and the “budget” they passed reflects it. The bureaucracy decides what gets funded, who gets punished for speaking out, and who gets rewarded for playing ball. Not the republican controlled House. They gave that power up. Instead, holding hearings about how bad Biden is… and doing nothing about it. Showing us how useless congress is. Having given anti- Americans the power of the purse. A purse our Constitution gave to them.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


There once was a faction so vile,

They stabbed us wearing a smile.

With hats of tinfoil,

Crooked as a coil,

And comporting themselves in Satan’s style.


There once was a man named Wray,

Worthless scum and totally gay,

Always a scheming,

Possessed by a demon,

And he should be dressed in prison gray.


Elite scofflaws are getting more open and abrupt,

Hoping us hoi polloi will get angry and act up,

So they can clamp down,

Grind us into the ground,

And their comeuppance will come as a wallop.


The EU is pleased with Tusk and how,

The grift favors and payoffs to allow,

Everything’s fine,

A new paradigm,

Because bribery with taxpayer funds okay now.


The arrogance of the experts knows no bounds,

Walk on their lawn and they let loose the hounds,

Better act now,

Cool it somehow,

And once their done there’ll be no more sounds.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Unjust Courts

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, as long as people are treated unjustly, and unfairly by the courts, how can any of us expect fair and just treatment? We can’t. A dog understands justice. Unfairly give two dogs out of three a treat, ignore the other, and there will be a reaction. Because justice is so hard wired into our psyche that even pets understand it. That’s why we have the cannon of law. To call the unjust just. It may take a lot of intelligent thinking, to rationalize injustice as justice, but we have some of the smartest lawyers who’ve ever lived. Backed by judges who live in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower. Law has been crafted into the acme of Thrasymachus’ version of “justice.” Where law is used by the strong to take from the weak and pretend it’s just. As US law and our courts are obviously doing.

People are on their best behavior when in public, knowing this, how absurd is it for the courts to publicly shame themselves? The term “Railroaded” was invented in the 1800s because, at that time the railroads had so much political favor, they could act with impunity. They would take anything they wanted no matter how illegal…. and the courts would back them. Thus the term… “Railroaded” came into popular vernacular. The railroads were stripped of their power by public opinion. The public became so annoyed at the obvious political favor the courts were giving the railroads, they contacted their representative, cornered him in public and at rallies, demanding action on the railroads. The railroads had acted in public and so had angered the people into action.

Courts rule based on political favor and expedience, then backtrack with law, to justify it. As they did with the railroads, Dredd Scott, Buck v Bell, Korematsu, Wickard v Filburn, etc… making them theater, masquerading as courts. Because, those decisions spit in the face of Constitutional rule in general, and our Constitution in particular. US courts aren’t the only ones subject to this. All courts across the planet rule based on political favor. Look at the recent ruling of the World Court, that Switzerland hadn’t done enough, to combat climate change! Even as Europe is burning down due to an invasion of people who despise Europeans, their customs and their little dogs too. That same court would never rule against unlimited immigration. No matter the negative effect on the people or immigrants.

Examples abound of our courts publicly humiliating themselves. The absurd, clearly political charges against Trump, are only the latest in a long line of public humiliation of the justice system, at their own hands. Kyle Rittenhouse’s self defense was documented by a multitude of cameras. Yet, the courts tried to crucify the boy, to manipulate public opinion against our Constitutional Right of self protection. Barring that, make an example of him so others will simply lay down and die. Then there’s the example of Julian Assange. The British courts have humiliated themselves over and over. Even today doing mental gymnastics to extradite him against their own law. Can you imagine how lacking self awareness the Texas and Connecticut courts were, when they railroaded Alex Jones, for wrongspeak?

Even an amoeba swimming in a pond in northern Alaska knows US courts are worthless. The public action of our courts has utterly obliterated their authority. All they have now is naked power, that flows from the end of a gun… as Mao put it. Those with political favor will fight to the death, to protect the system that protects them, while we hoi polloi don’t know how to wrest justice back. This isn’t a recent problem, as Plato’s Republic explained, with the Sophist Thrasymachus. Is Justice simply a tool for the strong to control the weak? Or is it a real thing? It’s real… because even a dog understands it. So what we have in our court systems today, are malevolent people railroading law, to their own ends. To the detriment of humanity… until we become sufficiently outraged to do something about it.


John Pepin

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Compromised Politicians

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re way too hard on our friendly, thoughtful, and compromised politicians. While yes, many if not most are corrupt as vulture vomit, it’s not their fault. Some are literal psychopaths. Which is a birth defect. The rest are controlled by the deep state. Because, while a politician must face an election every few years, the deep state is above the law, our constitution and consequences. If a politician doesn’t have a perversion the administrative state can hold over their head, they’re picked up by a black SUV, and shown pictures of their children leaving school. People are vulnerable to many kinds of manipulation. Especially by immoral actors with omniscient surveillance and impunity to law. I wonder if that’s not why, people who started their careers in politics with integrity, rapidly become scum.

Nowhere in the US Constitution, is the government given the authority to kill American citizens without trial… yet the deep state does it all the time. In fact the Constitution strictly forbids such activities. But, since the bureaucracy isn’t really a constitutionally constituted entity, it doesn’t have to abide by that antiquated document’s suggestions anyway. Our Constitution also expressly forbids what the government is doing to Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and Donald Trump… yet they’re doing it. Perverting law in public and without consequence. Because, the deep state has normalized their above the Constitution status, through the mockingbird media, and their sock puppets in congress. So the bureaucracy acts as it wants, justifying their endangering our very lives… by national security.

The elephant in the room, of the Jeffery Epstein murder called suicide… is that it was done by the bureaucracy. No politician could have pulled it off. Even Colonel Robert Hogan couldn’t have swung that one. That murder and subsequent cover up was deep state action. Multiple people across multiple agencies had to be intimidated or bribed into complicity. Only the deep state has the ability to do that. Why? To cover up their political leverage operation. Had the tool talked the gig would have been up. The videos of their marionettes would have come out, and congress might have been cleaned of corruption. Until the deep state could salt the ground again. The result is, our “representatives” are captured by the deep state and bend to their will… even backwards, as we see with speaker Johnson.

How is a septic tank different from congress? You don’t have to swallow the stuff that comes out of a septic tank. We go to jail if we can’t stomach the laws and lies our corrupt congress passes though. They have all year to come up with a budget yet fail to, every year, and “have” to pass an omnibus bill funding everything the deep state wants. Almost like the administrative state decides the budget and congress is a rubber stamp? Oh, representatives and Senators piss and moan about it… but dutifully vote for any usurpation when the time comes. They have skeletons in their closets too. Congress could stop illegal immigration with the passing of a single law, banning non citizens from any social services… but would never do that! They’re wisely terrified of the deep state’s wrath.

Our politicians are controlled, they have no agency, a janitor at McDonalds has more freedom. Our politicians have too much power to harm the bureaucracy to be allowed a long leash. So they’re held in check by fear. Remember when Chucky said, “They have six ways to Sunday to get you…?” He was expressing his terror of the deep state. Quite an unintended admission, isn’t it? Our politicians may have started with honest, good and noble intentions, but intentions are the road to Hell… and the deep state’s made Congress a superhighway. What’s the answer? There are many things we could do, contact our representatives, inform our neighbors, participate in the process, etc… but we won’t do them. Sadly, we won’t act until its too late. The collapse the deep state will cause though… that always works.


John Pepin

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Narcissistic Elites

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, as the small is an analogue of the large, in physics, chemistry and economics, small relationships mirror large ones. The large relationships are those between groups of people and small ones those between individuals. The analogue becomes apparent when we examine the narcissist and the source of narcissistic supply. In the family a parent is occasionally a narcissist. That parent then destroys the child slowly, feeding off their discomfort and pain, a vampire that drinks suffering. The large relationship between governments and the people is a copy of the narcissist family. They create suffering in the people, then feed off that suffering, as a parasite feeds off a host. Which means the elite epitomize narcissism. Since there’s no curing the narcissist, the only answer is separation.

The narcissist loves to create turmoil. When confronted with two options, one will improve the situation, and the other will make it worse… the narcissist, and narcissistic elite will reliably choose to harm. Especially if that problem gives them more power, because they’re the only ones who can solve the problem, (they intentionally created). Our narcissist governments then are the source of most of the turmoil we as mankind face. Out of their boredom they don’t have a choice but to stir up chaos. Which means the narcissist has to move regularly, because of the turmoil they created, fleeing the consequences, and to find new victims. The narcissist government so alienates the people, they seek to replace us, with new victims. Lured in with candy and pleas to help them find their puppy.

Narcissists need to be the center of attention. If the people get too much attention, our narcissistic elites get jealous. Have you noticed, any time populism is mentioned in the unbiased media, it’s always in a negative light? “Why Thurston, as you know, that’s a populist notion…” says some authoritative brainiac on CNN. Avoiding the logical conclusion, that the speaker of such a sentence is by definition… an elitist. What’s an elitist? A narcissist who’s so arrogant, stupid and lacking self awareness, they think they can run the world. All they need are enough guns. Any nod to the needs of the ruled is, heavens to Betsy, populist! How can the elite be the center of attention, if we’re paying attention to the needs of someone else? As the narcissist does in personal relationships… so do narcissistic elites in government.

Narcissists have big egos and are prone to narcissistic injury. As our narcissistic elites are. I’ve noticed a few times how Biden gets out of place angry when asked a difficult question. Often challenging the questioner to a physical duel… rather than answer the question. As a narcissist would. He’s not the only elite that resorts to anger either. The elite don’t like to be confronted by their lessers. Moreover, it appears, the higher in the hierarchy a person gets, the more narcissistic they become, or is it, only the most narcissistic rise in the oven of power? No matter, the top echelons of power are always filled with narcissists. Like Kamala Harris. No one can work for the woman. Clearly because she treats them so poorly. Isn’t that how you can tell the soul of a person though? The way they treat waiters?

Let’s face it, we’re the victims of narcissistic abuse… from the elite. Sadly, there’s no curing narcissism. When in a relationship with one, the only way to stop being the victim of their insatiable need for narcissistic supply… is to leave them. Because you can’t fill a narcissist’s need for validation. It’s like filling a black hole. The more it gets the more it wants. The elitist narcissists that run the world today are a black hole. Their need for power, glory and attention only grows. Not only politicians but especially the bureaucracy. An ecosystem designed by narcissists, for narcissists and run by narcissists… for the benefit of those narcissists. We have to use whatever means are at hand to root them out of power. Then limit that power so the next crop of narcissists can’t do what today’s have.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


The main stream media are clearly lawbreakers,

Donations in kind to the faction of manipulators,

Law has a double edge,

One side dull as a hedge,

And the other is sharp as a new pack of razors.


Two future visions now compete,

One is freedom the other defeat,

If we’re not clever,

We’ll lament forever,

In an Earthly Hades built by the globalist elite.


At the public trough the hogs do slop,

As we wait for another shoe to drop,

Are they Evil or inept,

At fraud they’re adept,

And everyone knows scum rises to the top.


Thinking for yourself is bad,

It makes the elitists mad,

They’re better than you,

The golden few,

But our eating bugs will make them glad.


The people who couldn’t repair a car,

Are stupid elite being who they are,

Thinking they’re smart,

Couldn’t greet at Walmart,

And change our Constitutions on a star.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Doom Loop Of Economics

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, American cities have committed suicide, entering the doom loop of economics. Under the normal progression of creative destruction, you would expect the collapse to be followed by a Renascence. Sadly, in this case that’s unlikely. Because the problem that’s destroying our cities isn’t going away with the economy. It’s entrenched. Diverting the normal creative destruction cycle. Sticking them in the destructive phase… forever. Many cities are stuck in the doom loop of economics. Though not all are, or used to be, mega cities. Small towns sometimes get stuck too. Usually from poor decisions by the town elders. Seeking short term success, and personal profit, over the city’s interest. Leading to a town getting stuck in the doom loop… just like NYC and SF are now.

Joseph Schumpeter in his book, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, coined the term, “Creative Destruction.” My take on his idea is that economics runs in a cycle. That cycle is similar to the natural growth cycle of organisms. There is a period of growth, followed by a period of stagnation, then growth again, and so forth. In economics, his theory is that the growth phase (creation) creates malinvestments, high cost and graft. The recession phase (destruction), cleans out the malinvestments, cuts the cost of start ups and cleans out the graft. Then entrepreneurs buy up those cheap storefronts, factories and commercial buildings to start their businesses. The cycle starts anew. The Holy Grail of economics, the cup Keynes clutched at, is to stop the cycle at the top.

The destruction phase can’t be overcome by cheap facilities, if regulations, graft and crime make it impossible to do business. The best idea will fail, even with almost no overhead, if the moment the doors open, everything is stolen. Only in places where there’s high profit can graft be successfully maintained. Then there are taxes and regulations. Money is fungible, it’s like water, always seeking level, so a cost is a cost. No matter if it’s for facilities… or lawyers and taxes. Therefore, in places with high taxes and regulations, even a free property can be too expensive to renovate. Especially when those same taxes and regulations are driving away the other businesses and those with means to leave. That’s how big cities and small towns get stuck in the destruction phase of creative destruction.

To allow such cities as Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore to rise, the people holding them down must be removed. With the corruption at the ballot box in those cities, that’s not going to happen. So they’ll continue their free fall to oblivion. Despite having cheap infrastructure, a workforce and ideal locations. Because the source of the friction to their rise is built into their systems. Regulations make it incredibly expensive to do anything. Graft and taxes follow any success at all. That is, if a business can get past the rampant, unprosectued crime. Finally, a main tenet of Confucius was that people follow their leaders. From the mayors office and beat cop to the poop gatherer on the street, the entire edifice of government in American cities, have followed. They’re corrupt to the core. Smart people are fleeing.

America is being drained. One look at the US debt clock proves it. Our decaying cities and towns are only the physical manifestation of it. The rot started at the top and it’s at the top that we have to address it. Rudy Giuliani cleaned NYC up, and now is public enemy number one… even as NYC has become a disaster zone again. Showing what the elite want. The rush of people with the means leaving is creating a vacuum drawing in freeloaders speeding the descent. Companies are leaving our cities due to crime, the “migrant” crisis and safety. Even as small businesses are on their heels. If a shop owner defends himself from a thug, robbing him, NYC police arrest the shop owner. The problems our cities and small towns face, are largely of their own making, but at least the corrupt are getting rich doing it.


John Pepin

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The Elite Are Captured

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the government can violate our Constitution at will, because the whole government, constitutional and administrative state, has been captured by an ideology. In Federalist papers #10, Madison warned, tyranny would result if two branches were ever controlled by a single faction. If you think about it, it makes sense. The only limit in our “limited” form of government is the infighting between factions. That animosity keeps limits on how far any faction can go. If all the levers of government are controlled by a single faction, the government serves that faction, without restraint. As we see today in the US, Canada and indeed in Europe. The fly in the ointment is our unwillingness to go along. Elections are becoming a real source of concern for the progressive post modernist faction.

Today we have all three branches and permanent Washington, captured by an pathological, anti American and Satanic ideology. Post modernist progressivism is nothing more than a mind virus. Our public education system is a primary vector. It’s also passed in the universities and colleges. Only those with the strongest immune systems against such things are able to fight it off. Those who are captured the most are sent to further indoctrination centers, like the World Economic Forum, (WEF) young leaders programs, and voila… the ruling class is of one mind. A diseased mind. As Klaus the varmint Schwab said, they have penetrated most governments… from the rear. The US government is no different. That pain in the derriere, bureaucracy gives you, now you know where it comes from.

Post modernist progressivism is an ideology that’s melded communism and fascism into a new malevolence, its adherents are certain will save the world… from us teaming masses. First, control us, then, eliminate the surplus. Playing off people’s sense of justice, to create injustice, manipulating our sympathy, to create a pitiless culture, and it seeks our hearts, to make us heartless. The progressive wallows in unearned self righteousness. Egoistic self righteousness justifies their usurpations, crimes and fraud… since they’re doing it for our own good. Which brings us to hubris and arrogance. For only the arrogant filled with hubris would presume to choose for others. Especially when the egoist’s own life is a total mess. Being liars, corruptocrats and perverts. No wonder censorship is a must.

The post modernist progressive faction posted their plans on the Georgia guide stones, for a few decades, before destroying it. Now the plan is in action the memorial’s continued existence would be inconvenient. Soon talk of them will be the stuff of conspiracy theories. Some of the highlights of that former granite obelisk are, reducing the human population by killing 6.5 billion people, global government, and a permanent world totalitarian state… from which there’s no escape. True believers are all in. They see the US, Europe and Russia as the primary impediments, and so, have to go. That’s why migration and world war is so important to them. They achieve two of their primary goals. Reduce the population and obliterates the US, EU and Russia. Opening the way to global utopia. Like in Star Trek.

How do we know all three branches and the administrative state are captured by the post modernist progressive faction? By their actions… the DOJ’s selective prosecutions, the court system’s use of standing to avoid their duty, and the passivity of the legislative branch, in the face of aggression by the bureaucracy. We all know the dementia patient isn’t in charge. He’s a rubber stamp to permanent Washington. Why else do they protect the man so? That’s why “our” governments act so brazenly. The elite agree, we need to be tyrannized, then culled. The democratic element is the problem. In the US, mail in has the elite covered, but in the EU, elections are becoming a real issue. Which is why EU elites will soon pervert their elections. So globalists can continue doing whatever the Hell they want.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The elites have gone stark raving mad,

Crazy as hatters they titter and laugh,

Debacle and disaster,

Coming faster and faster,

Expecting us to believe their mental acrobats.


The British elite have had it mate,

They’re not leaving it up to fate,

Import a new culture,

A circling vulture,

Because they seek an end to the nation state.


Shut downs and stimulus are a recipe,

For economic turmoil to last a century,

Inflation amok,

It’s in the trunk,

Because the gate to utopia is entropy.


Corruption always comes from the top,

Once started it drips down drop by drop,

Corruptocrats rule,

Law is a tool,

Polluting a nation until it becomes a flop.


They’re giving us poverty chaos and strife,

Our existence kept on the edge of a knife,

What’s more,

Nuclear war,

But one thing they’re still selling is the slut life.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Leave a comment