The Slut Life

Dear Comrades,

You’re ordered to believe, the slut life is the best life for a woman, other than, obviously, having her precious little uterus ripped out, and adopting the persona of a boy. Motherhood and tending a home is the worst possible outcome for a girl. The joy and fulfillment of raising a family and watching one’s children grow up, being an integral part of nature in the most intimate way, is to be shunned. Hopelessness, sterility and loneliness are to be balanced with sex with strangers, wealth, and diversions of all kinds. If those fail, encourage suicide. Canada has the right attitude. They kill teenagers for having teenage angst. Very progressive! You’re further ordered to believe, mankind is a blight on the planet. Especially western civilization. Remember, racism is bad, so hate white people.

Little girls are to be instructed in the ways of being a sexual plaything as early as possible. This will put the notion of the fun slut life in their impressionable heads early. Get their hormones to do their thinking for them and half the job’s done. Once they have been with half the school, their options for matrimony diminish. Then we can manipulate them into being angry, at the all men and maleness, as the source of their loneliness. If we play our cards right, we can scoop a large percentage off as lesbians, taking away almost any possibility of having offspring. Those that become regular sluts can use abortion as birth control. That serves two purposes. It lowers people’s respect for human life and feeds Moloch at the same time. A win win.

Blurring the line between boys and girls, is a way of helping children understand they’re less then human, and even less then animals, since beasts know what sex they are. Mental illness is to be encouraged at every turn. There are a ton of kids that experience teenage angst, and that can be used against them. Everyone wants to become part of nature, it’s our job to make that impossible, and make it look like they did it to themselves. Let’s close the doors and make suicide the only way out. Our bootlicks in the field of psychology have done yeoman’s work in getting mental illness reclassified. Confusion of sex, gender and persona was a genius move. Now we have to exploit those tools to destroy ever more lives. The planet deserves no less from us.

Motherhood, family life and connecting with nature on the most intimate level is to be attacked. Use a little girl’s own mother as an example of how bad motherhood is. Highlight the negatives while ignoring the positives. If someone brings up a positive, attack the person, not the idea. Lay into them so vehemently, no one else will dare speak up about how being a mother, having kids and raising a family, makes a person part of something greater than any mere human paradigm. Allowing girls to realize being part of the circle of life, is dangerous, to us. The first two strategies are doomed to failure if girls are allowed to understand this basic truth of life. So vilify mothers, parents and families as oppressive, patriarchal and limiting. Make kids hate being in a family and they won’t want to start one.

By destroying the nuclear family, we’re reducing mankind’s footprint on the planet, and thus serving a greater goal, speciescide. With the rest of you gone, the few of us left, the privileged, can remember the philosophy, science and look at the art, so in some small way, the rest of you will live… in our memory. The planet will thank you, as will all the other planets we won’t be visiting, let alone colonizing and turning into capitalist jungles. We post modernist elites are the acme of mankind’s evolution. There can be nothing beyond us. Once the rest of you ball and chains, with your ethics and self interest, are taken away, we can become gods! Then all the suffering we’ve inflicted on humanity, not spreading life to other planets, and the loss of future generations… will have been worth it. Hail the slut life!


Commandant John

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