The Arrogance of Experts

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there is no one as arrogant, ignorant and narrow minded… as an expert. To paraphrase a line I read once in a story… [Experts are] people who have spent their entire life researching one aspect of an ever smaller thing, until they know everything there is to know, about nothing at all. They can tell you the most arcane tidbit in the area of their expertise, but can’t change a tire. Specialization is necessary for mankind to push the envelope of our aggregate knowledge forward, but experts are the wrong people to put in charge of sweeping a floor. In the end, the floor would not only not get swept, but it would need to be replaced by the time they were done. Then in their arrogance they will blame you for not having the proper fire suppression system in place.

Anyone who has dealt with a brainiac knows how arrogant and ignorant they can be. Back when I was a phone man… I went on a trouble to a well known left wing radio station to fix a circuit. I was met by two brainiac 2000’s. They told me in no uncertain terms the trouble was in our pair. I asked if they had proven it out of their equipment? They arrogantly replied they didn’t have to, they have degrees and such. So I tested the pair. No grounds, no shorts, no hiros and balanced. It was clean. I had them put their equipment on, and voila, the problem reappeared. It was in their equipment all along. They never apologized for their lordliness, snootiness or ignorance, but I didn’t expect them to. Experts have too much pride. Dealing with them is like dealing with a child.

Don’t get me wrong, they are awesome in their narrow field of expertise. They compete at the acme of human thought, in their fields, but that stupendous specialty knowledge comes at a price. That cost often is multifaceted. Some experts have trouble in their personal lives. Others trouble with drugs, gambling or alcohol. They all however suffer from nearsightedness. They can see that which they expertly know, perfectly, but everything else is a blur. Knowing so much, about so little, gives them a feeling of superiority… and it should, for they are superior in their field of expertise, but not in life, or anything else. That feeling of superiority, coupled with their firm conviction that professionals and experts should make the decisions, leads them to fall into the trap of appeal to authority.

You see it all around you. Global warming is all about appeal to authority. Every scientist is a climate scientist, and the consensus is that we need to willingly enslave ourselves, to those who told them anthropogenic global warming is a thing. Anyone who wants to debate is silenced, because the experts, the “authorities” have spoken. Of course they are experts, in other fields, while real climate experts are not allowed to speak… lest they discredit themselves. The entire administrative state (bureaucracy) is based on appeal to authority. The bureaucracy is staffed with experts, the more degrees the better, until they have brain fertilizer Piled High Deeply. Appeal to authority, as long as the “authorities” are politically correct, has become a religion among the new class.

Why is this relevant? Because the fundamental question of our age, even if masked by a multifaceted lens to confuse us, is… should we be ruled by childish, unelected, unanswerable unlimited and opaque experts, (the Administrative State) or should we be led by narcissistic, elected, answerable, limited and transparent politicians, (a Constitutionally Limited Republic)? The experts argue, no one knows more about less than they do, so they are clearly the best people to micromanage our lives for us. On the other hand we have a constitutionally limited republic. The system that has made the US the envy of the world, while those that went the way of the Administrative State, Maoist China, USSR, Zimbabwe, Argentina, etc… have not fared as well. The choice is yours… now you know what it really is.


John Pepin

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