A Crat Is A Crat

Dear Friends,

I wonder… does anyone think the scum that rule us today, are any different than the scum that ruled us in the Dark Ages? Back then it was the aristocracy, today it is the bureaucracy. What’s the difference if you are robbed by Philip Marc (Prince John), or a nameless, faceless, and heartless government bureaucrat? The result is the same. I am of the opinion that abuse is abuse, no matter who does it, or for what reason. That’s why, during the Enlightenment, the thinkers of the time seeing the excesses of unlimited power given to the aristocracy, thought it wise to limit their power instead. The means they chose was constitutional, judicial and democratic limits. All of which have been bypassed. Bringing us full circle. Back to the Rights of Kings and away from limited government.

Human nature is human nature. I wouldn’t expect water to refrain from flowing downhill, without a dam, nor would I expect people to limit our self interest, without law. We are all self interested. If not humanity would have perished from the Earth millennia ago. Most of us channel that self interest to our immediate family and town. We have been domesticated to be human hearted. There are others however, who are not domesticated but are feral. Psychologists say they have the “Dark Triad Personality Disorders.” Lacking empathy, remorse and fear, they seek a position where they can abuse others, while those they abuse are powerless to resist or fight back. They used to be called aristocrats, now they are called bureaucrats, the one was the feudal system, the other is the administrative state.

One main difference between the bureaucrat and the aristocrat, is the aristocrat does most of his evil deeds in the light of day, in full view of the people. Today the bureaucrat can abuse from the privacy and safety of a cubicle. While the politician hide their abuses by calling them, “National Security.” The aristocrat has to ride in and out of the city through the throngs of people. His splendid clothes and carriage expose him for who he is. Meanwhile, the politician and bureaucrat rides in a nondescript car, like a zebra in a herd of zebras. Hidden in all ways and in every way from the consequences of their actions. So we could say that an aristocrat is, in this way, more honest than a bureaucrat, or politician. Because they face consequences should they get too evil.

What was called torture, execution and running down, is now called wet work. A much more descriptive word don’t you think? There are thousands of kids begging to sign up to do wet work for the administrative state every year. They are bureaucrats, but they deal in blood instead of ink. People with dark triad personalities seek these jobs because they fulfill their deepest darkest fantasy. To be able to kill someone, anyone, with the full sanction of the powerful. They refrain from abusing people only due to the threat of punishment. Remove that threat, and such people will gleefully act. Moreover, the same personality traits that enable one to do wet work, become claws when climbing the flesh ladder of a bureaucracy. That’s why all bureaucracies are run by psychopaths. The dross floats to the top.

Who could stop such abuses of power, the judiciary that enabled it, the psychopath bureaucrats and politicians that benefit, or the media that is in their pocket? Maybe a strongman will take power and save us? In other words, empower the strong to abuse the weak, to protect the weak from the strong. That was the paradigm in the Dark ages as it is today. Only during the Enlightenment did those that make the rules, decide it is better to empower the weak to defend themselves from the strong, by limiting the power of the strong to abuse the weak. The mechanisms the Founding Fathers put in place worked for a few decades before the elite started chipping away at them. Because pathological types disdain restraint. At least let’s admit, a bureaucrat is no different than an aristocrat, but is less limited.


John Pepin

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