The Powerful Stupid

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the US Founding Fathers set up a republic, because they were afraid that in a pure democracy the people would get fixated on some shiny idea, and take the nation into a ditch. They reasoned that the elite, tempered by education and the people, would be the most stable form of government. The elite, after all, have the most to lose if the nation deteriorates. History however has shown them wrong on at least one point. The elite are just as likely to become fixated on some absurd notion, as the most gullible yokel… if not more. Bonheoffer called such people, “stupid.” He said they’re the most dangerous people on Earth. Our Founding Fathers couldn’t know the power of mass media, or Edward Bernays systematic propaganda… that’s caught our elites in mind and soul.

History, especially twentieth Century history, proves the elite’s stupidity. The elite get these absurd ideas in their heads, and without common sense, feedback from sane people or limits to their power, they implement those asinine ideas to the detriment of mankind… over and over. Imagine how stupid someone has to be to think slaughtering millions of people is smart? Farming is bad? How completely off kilter does someone need to be to think killing babies is good? What kind of demon imagines sterilizing little girls and boys will help them? These and many more crazy ideas of the elites are being implemented today. The media’s reporting a plurality of elites think Americans have too much freedom. Could there be a more stupid thing to think than that, point a finger at someone, and three point back.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, the acronym an anagram of DIE, is the latest mind trap the elite have fallen into. Replacing equality with equity is insightful of their mindsets. Equality means everyone is treated equally, equity means some are treated better, others worse, based on their political favor. Elevating political favor over humanity. Diversity is how political favor is defined in this paradigm. Charting one’s intersectionalism, where their race, sex, and mental illnesses intersect. The more challenged someone is, the higher they score on the DIE index, and the more political favor they have. One thing all the elite agree on is, inclusion is based on exclusion. Only if some are excluded can everyone be included. They think this is brilliant logic. I think it’s a joke.

The election of Trump so infuriated the elite, it led to a wardrobe malfunction. Starting with such obvious lies wasn’t a smart move though. Claiming the germaphobe Trump liked to be peed on by hookers, with God knows what diseases… begged credibility. Then the lies got ever more absurd from there, like, Trump was a Russian agent. Billionaires seldom need money that bad. Now the elites are openly exploiting their authority to use law and the courts to crush the man. Acting like children, or people possessed by demons, the elite stand naked before the public, covered with warts, puss oozing sores and deformed in the most heinous ways. That isn’t what they wanted. They expected, in their stupidity, to commit crimes in public, like murdering Epstein, and get them covered up.

It’s not that a republic is bad, nor a democracy, it’s that people are easily manipulated, power corrupts and is magnetic to psychopaths. That’s the problem, we’re all subject to having stupid ideas. It’s the power to implement them that’s the issue. Speaking of fools with power… we have the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, their minds filled with the stupidest ideas ever to enter the brain of a human being, and with the billions, authority and NGOs to implement them. Openly calling for an end to democracy, erasing freedoms of every color, and seek unlimited totalitarianism in the name of tolerance, convinced that they’re Socrates’ Philosopher Kings… being the acme of stupid. Republic, democracy, whatever, the solution is to limit the power of the powerful stupid, to harm others.


John Pepin

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