Hegelian Terrorist Attack?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, with all the reports of terrorists having come here through the open boarders, isn’t it possible the deep state and democrats, have set up another 911 trap? A big terrorist attack to corner Trump into another war. Why? To limit Trumps scope of action. Another big war, like Iraq and Afghanistan, would tie his hands, empower the deep state, and enrich the cronies. A win win, at the cost to young men, spent as ammunition. A big war would also disguise the economic effects of the administrative state’s administration. The unemployed youths without a future, can be sent across the globe, to make the elite richer and more powerful. Trump, with his aggravating peace mongering, stands in their way. A terrorist attack and resulting war would solve that problem.

There’s money in them thar wars! General Smedley Butler thought so, and said it many times. When Biden sends a few tens of billions to Ukraine. Ukraine gets weapons and ammunition… Lockheed Martin, RTX and General Dynamics get the money. Money that pays their bonuses, their workers and feed back into the political system, to keep the gravy train rolling. Over the bodies of human beings. Nevertheless, the wealth that’s transferred to the political and defense crowd is astonishing. Power is also transferred at an alarming rate. So the elite profit from war in wealth, privilege and power. At cost to you and I in wealth, standing and life itself. Making war very attractive to psychopathic elites who stand to gain so much for so little.

Unemployed youths can be swept off the streets with recruitment. One thing that history shows is always true of socialism, and socialist policies… is their utter failure at securing economic prosperity for anyone but the politically favored. The more socialism is applied the poorer the people become. The lot of the politically powerful on the other hand rises. Because socialism is the distribution of the goods of society by political favor. As the elite get more power over the economy, it fails ever more spectacularly. Leading to the need to disguise that failure and the resulting high unemployment. It’s done with censorship, manipulating the numbers, and using recruitment to sweep up the unemployed. Plus, the Keynesians can claim, war spending increases aggregate demand.

Trump stands in the way of all these goods… profit, reduced youth population and even more power in the hands of psychopaths. So they need a way to subdue him. The Russian collusion frame job worked last time. It even allowed the deep state to hem Trump in with a Special prosecutor the first few years of his first term. That won’t work again though. The failure of lawfare to dent him is proof. So the bureaucracy and cronies need a Hail Mary. A massive terrorist attack would fit the bill. It’s not like they haven’t done it before. Remember the memory holed Las Vegas Attack? Where a super human gunman, shot people from a single window, across town… in multiple locations, even after his death? Proving precedent. Making the possibility… possible.

The US borders have been wide open for almost four years now. Not only open, but if a terrorist comes here, they get a phone, pocket money and welfare… to support whatever grudge they have against us. Which means, the only terrorists that haven’t come here to wage war, are those too busy waging war at home. There could be tens of thousands of men under arms here. All the CIA and FBI need do is activate one and voila. If enough people are killed and maimed the outrage will be like a wave. A wave that can be surfed all the way to World War Three. An enraged people will demand action. Problem reaction solution. The problem of terrorists in the homeland was produced by government opening the border to terrorism, so the outrage can be ridden to a war. Taking away Trump’s agency again.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dear friends,


Sit back watch and have a smoke,

Naked corruption without a cloak,

The FBI made us tools,

Being above the rules,

And now the deep state’s made law a joke.


They tracked down grandma,

Strolling in the US veranda,

But not the pipe bomber,

They couldn’t be calmer,

And she went to prison for propaganda.


Honest elections are a dangerous affair,

Corrupt politicians then better beware,

Illegally cast votes,

Delivered in totes,

And in prison the frauds can despair.


Wealth inequality chant the politically crowned,

But a more spurious argument can’t be found,

An appeal to envy,

With promises empty,

And the rabid fox bites and bites until it’s bound.


Hey ho the deep state’s got to go,

Trump’s tough but it’s in the know,

Worthless snot,

Shit can the lot,

Else the deep state will crush him with a toe.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Oligarchic Faction

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… we’re watching the oligarchic faction commit seppuku. People are fleeing the globalist progressives again. I say again because progressives have a history of gaining power, then once people see who and what they really are, they flee as fast as they can. The last progressive era culminated in the eugenics movement in the US and the Nazis in Germany. It took them three quarters of a century underground, conniving, to get back into power. Now they run the EU, Britain, had the US under Biden, and run most of Europe, Canada, Central and most of South America, their grip on power is slipping again. Despite their willingness to censor, lie and cheat. Results have a way of convincing that propaganda can’t hide. So people are fleeing the globalist progressives… again.

The globalist progressive movement is evil. Judged by their actions and the outcomes of those actions. They claim their atrocities are justified by their glittering goals. Though atrocities always lower the lot of Man, showing they’re evil… and evil always destroys itself. Today the oligarchic faction is defending illegal immigrant’s “right” to come to the EU, get welfare, and rape little girls. The Globalist elites are so committed, they’ve staked British rape gangs as the hill they’re willing to fight and die on, if need be. Showing a self blindness that staggers the imagination. Moreover, under their rule, the lot of Man has dropped steadily and fast. No street is safe under their rule. Now that the globalist progressives have targeted farms, expect food prices to go even higher. With famines to follow.

The core philosophy of the progressive globalist faction, the oligarchic faction, is elitism. That the elite should run everything. Because the elite are experts. They’re the only ones who have the education, intellect and humanity to make all the decisions. If only the rest of us would just sit down, and shut up, the experts would have the world sorted out in short order. Just ask Bertrand Russell. If you think of it, every progressive globalist policy, is based on unlimited elitist power. Eugenics, the idea that a few experts should decide the genetic destiny of the human race, is an example. That the experts should breed us like dogs. Look at the bang up job they’ve done with dogs. Shortening their lifespan by half. Which could be had by the future… if only we sit down and shut up.

Polls and recent elections prove the globalist progressive faction is on the ropes politically. Their reaction to voters fleeing them, as fast as they can, is to cancel elections. Problem solved. Highlighting their solution to every issue. Exploit the violence of the State to force people to their will. The idea of discourse is foreign to the oligarchic faction. Why argue with your inferior? Especially when all you need do is use the power of the State to compel, rightthink, rightact and rightspeak. Sooner or later, when eugenics comes back on the table, they can breed us to be more compliant. Today they have to use indoctrination, propaganda and censorship to trick us into going along. No wonder people are fleeing the globalist progressive faction as fast as they can. Everything flees traps once seen.

The globalist progressive faction has brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, inflated away our standard of living, use violence as their primary means to power, jail people for wrongthink, normalized crime, crushed economies, are normalizing gang rapes of little girls, as well as sterilizing children. In other words, the results of their rule have been sub optimal. Now we’ve caught a glimpse of the hideous face of the oligarchic faction… we’re fleeing. So the globalist progressive faction decided canceling elections will fence us in. We’ve recognized them however. So their rule is effectively over… All there is left is the flummoxing and screaming. If they don’t take us with them, this generation will have to die out, before the oligarchic faction can threaten mankind again.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Subsidy Trap

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite subsidize that which doesn’t work, by taxing that which does… until it doesn’t either. Then government subsidizes it as well. Grinding down economies one industry at a time. By making profitable industries unprofitable and unprofitable ones into cronies. Its politically genius but economically stupid. Genius politically since it makes everyone dependent on the “Prince.” Stupid economically, because it hollows out the economy, until the roof supports the foundation. Subsidies become a subsidy trap. As was the case in Argentina before Milei. What are the motivation and likely outcome of factions, and politicians policies? Are they subsidy freaks? The answer tells us if they’ll hollow out the economy for self interest, or build it up for the national interests.

On the surface subsidies appear to help give struggling industries a leg up. Once they get up, they should be able to stand on their own two feet… shouldn’t they? But, they can’t, and so don’t. The moment the subsidy is removed the industry disintegrates like dry ice in an oven. It was a subsidy trap. The US subsidized the mohair industry for almost a century. The moment that subsidy went away, so did the the mohair goat. All mohair production immediately went to Australia. Because it can be produced there cheaper and so more profitably. Even as the US mohair industry might have survived, without the subsidy, and even found a way to thrive. There was no need, because it was subsidized. Weakening it to the point of dependency. Like deer that have been taught not to be self sufficient.

There are those industries however, that would not exist if not for government support… like space, aviation and scuba technology. On the face of it that argument makes perfect sense. It was the “Space Race” that triggered the Space Age. Aviation was advanced light years by the World Wars. Even as those self same wars advanced submarine and related technologies. Moreover, it can be said that even today the cutting edge of aviation is governments, trying to outdo each other with 6th generation aircraft. All logical and cogent arguments for subsidies. Except that it’s government regulation itself that hampers creation and adoption of technologies. Aviation, underwater, space and others. Subsidies go to technologies useful to kill people… instead of improving lives.

Let’s face it, politicians don’t subsidize an industry, to forward a technology, save an industry or to give a helping hand… they do it for power. That’s the only motivation of a politician to subsidize. Because politics is transactional. In politics you never get anything for nothing and you never give something for nothing. Those who do are quickly squeezed out. Subsidies then are the currency of the realm. A politicians will subsidize an industry to get a crony, trade political favor or pay a political debt. The altruistic arguments are simply the tools of a con. “Imagine if only…” then get us to fly into that bug light. That’s why we have so many subsidized industries today. Most have become so dependent they would go the way of the mohair goat should the subsidy stop. Subsidies become traps.

Do we want politicians who’ll rip down the economy, for selfish interest, or those who will build it up, for the nation’s interests? Wise people will choose the altruistic politician over the egoistic one. Why? Because its in our own self interest to build the economy, as well as the interest of everyone in it. Ruining profitable industries to subsidize unprofitable ones, thus making cronies, only enriches the political class. While it impoverishes the rest of us. The real beauty of the subsidy trap is the bait is so glittering. We could have anything we want, we only need subsidize it, and like bugs we fly into the light. Bait however is just that… bait. The answer then is to eschew the subsidy trap. If we want a strong and growing economy. Because subsidies harm the economy and the industries subsidized.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Ruining kids lives in and about town,

Mutilating them so they wear a frown,

Call it what you will,

It’s still a poison pill,

As those doing it are demons in a doctor’s gown.


The elite have gone apoplectic,

Trump’s turned their blood septic,

They fought him in court,

The bureaucracy’s a fort,

And was made of blankets is the uptick.


Some things will never fade,

Outshining their normal grade,

I say with a cheer,

Have a cold beer,

And Idiocracy’s the best movie ever made.


False flags can be denied to a mourner,

The cover up is abetted by court order,

Unless the lies are exposed,

The rotten plan is now toast,

Because the deep state has painted itself into a corner. 


There once was a deep state corrupt,

Their gaslighting was quite abrupt,

The spook lied to congress,

Why the whole things a mess,

Proving the bureaucracy morally bankrupt.


Democrats can get a ham, sandwich through,

A brutal senate confirming process tis true,

But not the GOP,

They turn and flee,

And Washington DC becomes a toxic brew.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Why Evil Destroys Itself

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason evil destroys itself, is that evil people will act against their self interests to do evil. Like when FDR wouldn’t allow a ship load of Jews to off load in NYC, instead sending them back to the death camp gas chambers. There was no personal or national cost of accepting those refugees. Indeed there would have been a huge political boon for FDR. In a loyal bloc added to the others he had bribed from the treasury. While FDR didn’t personally suffer in his life for his evil, his faction was forced underground, for decades after. Just as Hitler used his trains to transport Jews and Roma to death camps, instead of resupplying Army Group Center, leading to its collapse. Evil acts against it’s own interest, to do evil… because doing evil is so compelling.

Have you ever noticed that evil people dress snazzy? The Schutzstaffel in their black uniforms, ANTIFA in their black outfits and face masks, and the red fez dyed in the blood of Christians slaughtered at Tunis for example. Those sharp clothes are part of the draw of evil. Appealing to evil’s narcissism. Evil also offers simple solutions for complex problems. Just commit the atrocities the leader orders you to. Those who don’t are the enemy. Moreover, evil unleashes our dark side. Allowing us to do evil for a good cause. That’s what makes evil magnetic to the stupid. They can dress up, be the bullies, and smash things. Could there be anything more fun to an immature half wit? Which is why evil is hard to do away with.

Once someone is zealously evil, they will act against their own interests to do evil. It’s not a stretch then, to imagine that a crowd of evil people dedicated to evil, will act as a group to destroy itself? Mostly by their absolute lack of self awareness. They foolishly think others are as attracted to the grotesque as they are. So they do their evil in full sun. Initially, evil associations are laughed at, and ignored. Because regular people reason no on else could be that stupid. So evil can work in the dark. The place where evil thrives. Beating up political foes, breaking up political rallies, using terrorism as a tool and exploiting naivete to do election fraud. As Lenin did to get his faction named Bolsheviks (majority). Until they gain enough power to become a mortal threat to our liberty. Then it’s too late.

One way to detect evil masquerading as good is by examining outcomes. What has that faction, association or group’s actions resulted in, in the past? Have those factions produced prosperity, peace and healthy societies? Or have they produced famines, wars and sick societies? Do those crowds appeal to goodness or evil? In other words, do they use demagoguery and hate, or appeals to human heartedness and love? Take two democrats as an example… JFK once said, “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” While Dark Brandon told us to separate along political lines and attack those he disagrees with. Which of these two examples exhibits true empathy, reciprocation, and practices the Golden Rule? Which was evil that destroys itself?

Smart evil couches itself as good until it gets unlimited power. Once that happens, evil is free to harm itself. The omnipotent evil become idealists. Eschewing pragmatically doing good, to hide their true natures, instead idealizing evil and showing us who they really are. That’s why Hitler used his logistics to kill Roma and Jews, instead of supplying his troops. Doing evil became more important to him than winning the war… or even Germany’s survival. The Mongols conquered the world in a generation… and lost it as fast. Because ruling wasn’t what they wanted to do… they preferred killing and raping. Until conquering extended them to collapse. Today we see evil again destroying itself. Because it’s become arrogant and self blind. So it’s doing evil out in the open where we can recoil from it properly. Therefore, evil destroys itself.


John Pepin

Posted in media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rape Gangs In Britain

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the hypocrisy and double standard of the British government, is astonishing. They’ve refused to even investigate literal rape gangs… while jailing the man who’s complaining about rape gangs! Judged by actions, UK elites support rape gangs, and hate those who don’t approve. Otherwise, the elite would do something about the rape gangs, and not the people complaining about them. Because, lets face it, rape gangs roaming the streets of Britain? Seriously? The elite there don’t think that might be a bad look, for UK tourism, economics and society? One stumbles in though at how the elite there could be that stupid. Even if they want the rapes to continue unabated, denying even an investigation, while jailing complainers is bad optics… politically, reputationally, as well as morally.

I think we can all agree that rape gangs raping little girls is a bad thing? Can’t we? Seems like that’s a universal morality. No parent wants their daughter raped, and by the Golden Rule then, they must also believe other little girls should be free from that crime. Moreover, those who speak their own minds best stand up for others who are jailed for speaking theirs… else we’re all in danger of prison for our opinions. Because, if complaining about little girls being raped, is wrongspeak, how much more is complaining about the politically divisive? Thus normalizing raping little girls. That’s so crazy to me that the elite in the UK would fight and die on that bridge. It’s not the Arnhem Bridge, and Monty would shoot them himself, for abetting rape. In Britain no less?

You might think that rape gangs might roam the streets of some violence torn chaos of a country… but Britain? With the full support of the government? A first world nation sunk to such depths. Which is a reflection of the elite and the people that allowed it. The courts that violated, not only their oaths but justice itself, are even more culpable. Innumerable police turned a blind eye to rape gangs victimizing little girls in their jurisdiction. How can any of them sleep at night? Their black hole of morals, ethics and humanity, out masses Sagittarius A. A nation is primarily the reflection of the elite that run it. Because the people follow their leaders… into corruption, or virtue. In the case of Britain, with rape gangs roaming the streets raping little girls… unpunished, uninvestigated and protected.

Can you imagine their lack of self awareness and complete void of shame? Who’s so unabashed, they would be videoed saying they’re cool with rape gangs, and so is the government? To be recorded for history. Knowing that in a hundred, a thousand, and even a million years… people will ridicule you. That takes a void of wisdom as well. Because we all know that our times will be recorded in the annuls of history. Well, all of us, but the elite. They seem to think they live in a time bubble? Where they can say the most absurd things and people in the future will go along too. But lets face it, no one in the future will go along with rape gangs preying on little girls, and jailing those who complain about it. Our elites lack the leverage.

The elite in the UK apparently think rape gangs roaming the streets of Britain is perfectly acceptable. As they imprison Tommy Robinson for complaining about it. Showing the elite detest wrongthink more than rape gangs raping little girls. There should be double jeopardy. The threat of family vendetta and law. In Texas, a farmer caught a man raping his daughter in the barn. The Texas father beat the rapist to death and wasn’t charged. In Christian culture the role of father, brother, uncle and cousin… is to protect little girls. That’s why governments have been quick to act. To suppress the just outrage that leads to violence. Because, a government that fails to protect the most vulnerable, loses the authority, credibility and justness to govern. It then becomes the duty of citizens to replace it.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Manipulating Media

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the legacy media even today, has no idea why its losing. The main stream media is failing, because not only does no one trust them, we’ve realized they’re actually trying to manipulate us. Their lack of self awareness on this is astounding. I just watched a short segment of media elites talking about it. The elite’s couched everything in terms of politics. “The right wing controls this space and we control that space…” Exposing their bias openly and notoriously. In doing so also showing their utter lack of self awareness. Because, their openly politicizing for leftists, is a primary reason people have lost faith in the manipulating media. The press doesn’t see itself as informers but manipulators. To manipulate the rest of us to the will of those who pay their checks.

I suspect Covid, the MRNA “vaccine” disaster and the lies orbiting that humanitarian catastrophe, are a large reason why no one trusts the main stream media. The lies the media pushed, the propaganda ginning up fear and the covering up of the terrible side effects, millions are living with right now, are monumental lies. Not white lies about if a President tripped on a slippery ramp or not. The lies the legacy media spun are strangling people to this day. The thing about propaganda and Hegelian manipulation is, once the trap is sprung, it’s hard to conceal again. With young and healthy sports figures along with actors, dropping dead of “undisclosed…” the side effects are getting harder and harder to contain. Exposing the lies and fear mongering of the media.

The fundamental problem is their worldview. They see themselves as manipulators of the masses in service to their masters. That’s their Bacon’s cave. The filter through which they see the world. Information is a tool and commodity to push or suppress depending on it’s political effect. That’s why some information is called misinformation. In that it exposes truths their masters would rather have hidden. As a tactic this works fine… if you have a monopoly on the narrative. Then, even blatant exposures can be memory holed. Today isn’t that kind of environment. The internet dissolved their monopoly on the narrative. So, while the main stream media is stuck in their manipulator media mindset, the people have seen the ugliness behind the mask and are repulsed by it.

The media elite however only see their mask in the mirror. Which allows them to fall victim to their own propaganda. Eroding any self awareness they might still have. So media executives go on air, and complain about this or that party, controls this or that media space. Showing themselves to be open partisans. Ignorantly removing the mask for all to see. Then gazing at the mask lovingly and with admiration for its construction and beauty. Even as the rest of us recoil at the hideous face of despotism and hypocrisy that it hid. Which is why they’re failing so badly and are unable to understand why. Having sold out for so long skews their mindset. They think it’s the normal state of affairs. Perhaps it is. Yet that paradigm of control through a manipulating media is changing.

The quotidian beauty of free enterprise and association, coupled with the Internet, is that it allows people to gravitate to the information sources we like. People want agency. At least to believe we have agency. A naked partisan media, without a whit of self awareness, who’s lies have cost millions and continue to cost with the side effects of the vial they pushed on us… they’ve lost all credibility. Who wants to be manipulated to self harm. Not if they can help it. We’re as self interested as the pathological elites who pay the manipulating media to lie to us. Except we matured our cortex to several Piagetian levels past the psychopathic elites. So we don’t lie, cheat and steal for wealth… we work for it. Like the manipulating media used to… for their political masters.


John Pepin

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How Times Have Changed

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… Oh how times have changed. Twenty years ago if there was a single terrorist attack in the US, in a decade, it was the biggest story that decade… while today, we suffer terrorist attacks every few hours. Even as jihadis openly rally in our major cities like NYC and Austin TX calling for the overthrow of our constitutional government, and our brutal subjugation. That may be protected speech, but if you and I march to protest a stolen election, we go to prison for years without trial. Which only serves to encourage the terrorists. Anyone complaining about their protected speech is deemed a criminal. Showing why we suffer terrorist attacks by the hour now. Because the elite want terrorist attacks. Rest assured, if you or I acted up like that, the elite would nip it in the bud.

Prior to 911 there were very few Muslims in the US. Once they showed themselves to be a mortal threat to us, our elite imported them by the thousands. Knowing that among the sane people there would inevitably be terrorists. It’s like the elite wanted more 911’s, more terrorism and more chaos. Else they would have issued a moratorium on Muslim immigration until the war on terror was sorted out. They didn’t import thousands of Japanese and Germans during WWII, or North Koreans during the Korean war, nor did the elite import thousands of Barbary Pirates during the Barbary wars. Yet they imported thousands of Muslims during the war on terror? Was it Hegelian malevolence or stupidity? Today we’re swamped with Muslims, many are fine people, but some could go off any moment.

The elite want us to think, they’re the smartest people who ever lived, while at the same time hold them to be utterly inept. Why do I say that? Because, they claim to be smart enough to save the world from our stupidly, even as they fail at everything they put their hand to. So, we’re supposed to give them the benefit of the doubt, and grant their failures are due to ineptitude, not malevolence, yet they are smart and wise enough to be global despots. For our own good. It’s a hard pitch to make, that idiots incapable of anything should have total power globally to run the world, without consequence for outcomes. Yet there it is. Our elites tell us, they need power to save the world from us, and their failures are due to ineptitude. They are smart… to get anyone to believe that hogwash.

The elite have shown they know how to deal with insurrection, by the way they treated the Jan 6 protesters. No bail, prison without trial, and abuse while in prison… adding up to a trifecta of constitutional crimes. Without a single consequence for any elite guilty of cruelty under color of law. If they can get away with abusing citizens so, how much more so could they have got away with after 911? Yet the elite bent over backwards to claim, we are the threat, and Muslims are the victims. Meanwhile they’ve continued that song for twenty plus years. Yet we all know the elite would never treat a terrorist as bad as they treat citizens. The terrorists must be on their side while we’re their enemy. The double standard in law enforcement is proof the elite have an agenda.

Any reasonable person can look at the state of affairs, and conclude, the elite want chaos. Else they wouldn’t encourage it, protect it, and punish anyone who stands up to it. At least in the US we can complain about it, but in Britain and elsewhere, they release violent prisoners to make room for wrongthinkers. The elite there support the chaos plan. Who knows why the elite have gone full retard. One possibility is they want a globalist order, and to get there, they need to burn down the existing order. In other words, they see chaos as the path to utopia. Perhaps they hate America and it’s ethos? Maybe the elite are too stupid to know better? Regardless of why, it proves our elites now hate us, our culture, and the American way… or are too stupid to run a broom. Oh how times have changed.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Rationalize Unlimited Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if an academic wants to get rich, and has no morals, all they need do is invent a “science,” that not only proves the rich and powerful deserve their riches and political power, but they need it for all of our benefits… and they need it all. That academic will have money thrown at them faster than they can push it in their pockets. Because the politically powerful, who also happen to be rich, love anyone who justifies their political power. That’s why socialist doctrines are so beloved. Communism, socialism and fascism rationalize unlimited power… it’s for our benefit. Not the despot’s. As anthropogenic climate change rationalizes unlimited power by the elite. To save the planet. So, if you’re an unethical scientist, and want riches, think of a way to rationalize unlimited power.

The elite are self serving. You don’t amass wealth and political power by being altruistic. You amass it by appearing altruistic while actually being egoistic. What better way to appear altruistic while actually being egoistic… then with a glittering hoax? Like climate change. The rich and powerful don’t want to have unlimited power, but they have to have it, to save the planet from you heating your home, driving to work, or eating meat. When done right the altruistic con gets people to push their rights, money and humanity into the hands of the swindler. Then join him in pushing the con. By appealing to our fear of disaster, and simultaneously our sense of moral superiority, the altruistic con can sucker in millions of patsies. Though the elite are already wealthy… it’s unlimited power they actually seek.

Ideas that justify unlimited political power, in the hands of as few people as possible, are beloved of the elite. Progressivism for example. The progressive philosophy, is that the individual is the problem, and it takes a powerful state to solve that problem. As in eugenics where some are deemed by experts to be unfit to reproduce. So the progressives exploited the power of the State to forcibly sterilize those individuals deemed a threat to the gene pool. At a time when such surgery was barely understood and many terrible side effects could be expected. Putting the very reproductive rights of the individual, into the hands of experts, and ultimately… the state. How much more unlimited can it get? Today the progressives have grown into the monopoly philosophy of the global elite.

Ideas that falsify the notion of unlimited power are detested by the elite so get zero funding. The free market is a system the elite love to hate. They go on and on how free association is a terrible thing. Ask Bernie Sanders on the patio of one of his mansions on the inland sea. Free enterprise insults elitists. With it’s wealth generation, improving standard of living, and worse of all… equality of opportunity. Falsifying centralized power… empirically. History is unambiguous on this matter. Progressives, fascists, socialists and communists have a failure rate of one hundred percent. As measured in standard of living, wealth generation and equality of opportunity. So don’t expect to see some ground breaking study, blasted in the MSM, falsifying climate change, or that free Enterprise beats communism.

The path is open to anyone, with sufficient credentials to appeal to authority can get rich… by rationalizing putting unlimited power in the hands of the politically powerful. It’s a steep hill to climb. With historic empirical example proving the opposite, but the climate zealots have done it. In religion, if a prophet is wrong even once, on an insignificant point, he or she is no longer considered a prophet. A climate scientist can be wrong in their predictions over and over however. Showing science is more tractable than religion. Which means, if you have the certifications to be taken seriously, no morals and out sized ambition, all you need do is come up with a con, to make it appear the elite deserve and need their wealth, privilege and power. Cha ching!!


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment