Censorship, Appeal To Authority and Political Correctness

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite’s break from enlightenment philosophy is so complete, appeal to authority is the only argument that is allowed. It is either ironic or diabolic, how the new class, people who’s training is all about classic liberal philosophy, have not only abandoned that school of thought but actively attack it. Even turning on the Nuremberg code, to inject a substance that has not been fully tested into everyone, and if the new Pfiser whistle blower’s claims are true, wasn’t correctly tested at all. Similar to the elite that derive their authority from the Constitution yet undermine it with every breath. Perhaps as Dr Malone says, it’s mass formation psychosis, maybe they are mesmerized by post modernism, or taught stupidity but it is clear, the elite across the world have lost their collective minds.

The foundation of the academy is supposed to be the enlightenment principles of; the scientific method, open discourse, freedom of thought, freedom of speech and abandoning appeal to authority. Today, our colleges and universities have reversed these foundational principles to; an infallible deity called “The Science,” silencing hate speech, political thought police, the only people allowed to speak are the authorities and only the authorities with the correct political bent. A complete reversal of the historic ethos at the academy. Since this claptrap is taught to the youth, almost universally in our public schools, colleges and universities, those inculcated generally believe it. Dealing with the cognitive dissonance holding such conflicting ideas bring, with rage against the patriarchy.

Such nonsense has been taught to our kids for decades now, which means, most of the elite have been schooled in hating the US and everything about it, only loving the Enlightenment for its evolution, Hegel and skepticism about God. To stay in the good graces of the campus thought police, one must engage in an hour of hate a day, screaming all that frustration out… at everything good the Enlightenment stood for. How could it be possible for them to be any different? No wonder most of the elite today despise the very things that give them authority in the first place. Being so maleducated, they believe the power they wield is somehow owed to them, for being born in the aristocracy. A return to the rights of kings, aristocratic prerogative and us a permanent plebeian class, for our own good.

How do we know that appeal to authority is embraced by the elite today? By the open censorship of anyone with a dissenting point of view. If the point of view of a dissenter is absurd, everyone will see it, and ridicule will soon follow. If however, the point of view of a dissenter is valid and the narrative advanced by the elite absurd, the ridicule will flow to the elite’s absurdity. Since dissenting voices are objectively being silenced by the corporatist social media giants, Trump, MTG, Dr Malone, etc… it follows that the corporatists who are censoring people for not having the proper credentials, even when they do, are pushing a false narrative. When only authorities, fully licensed, credentialed and authorized by the elite, are allowed to speak, that is the definition of appeal to authority.

That our elite have totally broken with Enlightenment principles, except atheism, cannot be denied. That so many don’t recognize it, especially those who should, is a testament to how blind the elite have become. Like people who go on and on about how much they hate cigarettes and reek of them at the same time. How many professors today even consider debate instead of appeal to authority? I bet not a one. If an elite with a whole alphabet of credentials, tells them the sky must be green (showing the work) and grounds keeper Willy looks up and says the sky is blue, the professors will go with the green sky every time, because, appeal to authority. Since the elite have abandoned the very foundation of their authority, in every way, it is time to view their authority… as illegitimate. Until they legitimize it.


John Pepin

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