War In Europe

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, one way you can tell the elite in a nation, are utter, complete and total failures, is if they start a war, and the people stand down. That was the death knell of ancient Rome. The elite so abused the people no one would fight for them. Why would they? Fighting for the elite is a lose lose. It always has been and it always will be. The only fight the people have a stake in, is a defensive war, against an aggressor. Manning an army to fight a foreign war so a corporation can get cheaper bananas is a fools errand. If you don’t die or are horribly disfigured, you get to be demonized when you come home, and refused your Constitutional Rights. As history proves… all the way back to Rome. The real war is against the elite, who are so arrogant and stupid, they would alienate the people then start a war.

In ancient Rome when a man was drafted, because no one would join willingly anymore, his land was stolen by the neighboring rich person, and his family send to a Roman equivalent of Cabrini Green. When he returned home his land had been taken and he had no means of supporting his family. Quite a reward for his service, eh? The constant importation of skilled slaves from the wars made sure there was no work for a man without land. It got so bad that Roman citizens would literally disable themselves, to make themselves unfit for service… so as not to lose their family land! The Roman elite had created such a set of pernicious incentives, they couldn’t man an army, and so the frontiers came crashing back in. Led by the mercenaries they had hired to fill in the gaps in the ranks.

In the US, the boys returning from Vietnam were greeted with spittle, jeers and hate. The boys who came back from Iraq and Afghanistan, are now called domestic terrorists, and labeled the biggest threat to the US there is. Literally by the very people who sent them to die for their country. Listen to the way Dark Joe Biden speaks about our veterans… and he wants to make more of them. The VA system is a joke. They can’t even get an eye prescription right… no matter how many times they try! Moreover, look at the job situation they returned to. Vets have to compete against a tsunami of illegals (8 million so far under Biden), on welfare, and so willing to work under the table for a pittance, to get some mad money. Even as the veteran has to pay the taxes for that illegal’s welfare, under cutting his wages.

When the Iron Curtain fell the deal was, NATO would not march one inch towards Russia. That was a red line for the nuclear armed Russians, who had been invaded from the West three times in recent history. So what did the elite in the West do? They marched NATO to the very doorstep of Russia. Establishing their intentions of invading… along the same path as Army Groups North, Center and South. Mitch the lich says our most important mission is to conquer Russia? Now, after triggering the Russian bear, the elites are calling on the very people they have been tyrannizing, attacking and labeling domestic terrorists for the last two decades? Really? And they expect anyone will join or even accept a draft, to go die for the elite’s stupidity… so their children can be raped, killed and replaced?

The dirty secret is, Russia’s demographics is worse than that of Europe, and if you discount the boat people, only slightly better. Because Europeans aborted their children and replaced them with immigrants to warp their demographic curve. Kill off the few remaining natives and the ethnic/cultural cleansing will have been completed. All it takes is a foreign war to send the patsies to die in. Plus it slaughters Russian kids as well. A win win. Elites so evil and stupid deserve a great comeuppance. Evil for wanting to replace their populations with a permanent underclass, and stupid, for alienating their people then starting a war. At least the Roman elites had the excuse they sweetened their wine with lead oxide. Despite the lessons of history, our elites only excuse is, they’re too stupid to know better.

Because let’s face it, “War is a racket…”


John Pepin

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