Ruled By Fools

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a point I have been trying to make, is that people who become enraged at debate, silence others by claiming truth is misinformation, using the power of government to promote one point of view, while exploiting that same power to silence others, demand we tolerate the intolerable, while they themselves can’t tolerate disrespect, even as they claim the moral high ground… are immature brats. Our leaders for example. People who lack the basic maturity we see in teenagers, invested with unlimited power, without accountability. We all know this to be true. The answer to this problem, according to the elite, is to give them more power, with less accountability. I propose a different solution… take away the power they have, and severely limit the power they’re left with.

More evidence, as if we need it, of the immaturity and lack of wisdom of world leaders today, is their lack of veneration for the systems, laws and constitutions, that give them authority. The authority they’re busy abusing every chance they get. From the courts denying states a day in court to deeming criminal defendants guilty, and holding trials to decide how guilty they are, like Alex Jones and Donald Trump, is the epitome of abusing authority and undermining the very institutions that give them the authority to do it. Only people utterly lacking common sense would do such things. Such wisdom is inculcated by years of living through the consequences of actions. Strip consequences from action, and there’s no limit to actions, because there’s no learning from life.

What the childish elite demand we get outraged at and what we are not allowed to get outraged at, is another sign of their total lack of wisdom. Imagine, the elite in Ireland can’t understand why Irish people would be outraged, at children being stabbed by an immigrant. A guest in your home attacking your kids. Yet the protests against the stabbing of school children is called outrageous by the elite. Should immigrant children in Ireland be targeted in a similar stabbing attack, by an Irishman… those same elites would condemn all Irish as evil and encourage the riots, bloodshed and arson that the immigrants would visit on Ireland. The obvious hypocrisy of the elite is proof enough, our elites are not the caliber of people to run their nose, let alone the world. They’re not the geniuses they think they are.

The elite across the world prove beyond a reasonable doubt every day, every time they open their mouths, and whenever they censor, that they’re retarded toddlers with too much power. Biden is riddled with dementia, the man can’t find his way off a stage, and he thinks he is qualified to run the world with unlimited power? Only a fool is stupid enough to think their smart enough to do that. To think oneself capable of running the world from a central authority is proof of a complete lack of wisdom. Anyone who actually thinks the centrally planned economy is still feasible, after the twentieth century, is too dumb to learn. Yet our elites, the world over, are so moronic they actually believe themselves capable of it. Could there be people so stupid they think their that smart? Yes. Our leaders.

The more they screw up the world, the more power they demand from us, to fix it. Never for a second thinking they’re the problem. Lacking the wisdom to even consider such a thing. Narcissists don’t have the ability to understand they could be wrong about anything ever. So far, giving them unlimited power has resulted in, inflation in a world reserve currency, world war and a collapsing world economy. Failures by any measure, except in the minds of the fools that did it. I think it’s time not only to replace them, but to cut the power from the governments of the world, so that in the future, when the next crop of fools, simpletons and retards rise to power, they won’t have the ability to screw things up as bad as our elites have. Limit the power of fools to destroy the world and the world might not be destroyed.


John Pepin

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