
Dear Friends,


Bureaucrats work hard all day,

Regulating your wealth away,

Disagreeable lot,

Government rot,

While protecting their privilege position and pay.


The elites are going at it full tilt,

Bending our ears with propaganda’s lilt,

You’ll take CBDC

It’s legal money,

As we watch the beast system be built.


With a happy hey and hearty ho,

There’s one thing we do all know,

Lacking merit,

We must admit,

That the FBI has got to go.


Those on the lookout for intolerance,

Are ever up on the latest occurrence,

Cancel him here,

Politics of fear,

And measure it by subjective reference.


Putting words and intent in the mind of the foe’s voters,

Is progressive conniving and makes a case for posers,

Stepping in holes,

Down at the polls,

So the elite ban their political foes by edict and orders.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Values, Urban And Rural

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a thing urban people don’t understand, is the relationship rural people have with guns. How could they? Having a completely different background. Rural people grow up with guns, chain saws and tractors. They’re simply part of rural life. Urban people, on the other hand, have no experience with a chain saw and so are afraid of them. Tractors are fire spewing monstrous beasts to someone who’s only seen one in a magazine. While the mere sight of a gun literally makes an urban person’s blood run cold. Not all, some go to shooting ranges, and so have a cursory understanding of guns. Not like a rural person though. To someone who grows up with guns, they’re no different than a tractor, chain saw, cheater bar, rototiller, or knife… it’s a tool.

I met a woman at an ATM several decades ago. There had recently been a school shooting, and the woman behind me said, how awful it was that the teenager had access to guns. I smiled and told her I grew up with a gun in my closet, with bullets for it on the shelf above. I had used it my entire life. What was odd though… is that, while I had fights in school and suffered teenage angst, not once did it ever occur to me to bring that gun to school and shoot anyone. Color drained from her face and she took a step back from me. Horror and shock mixed with alarm at being so close to a potential killer. I laughed, because from her accent I could tell she was from an urban area of Massachusetts, while I grew up in a rural area in northernmost Appalachia.

While rural people are familiar with guns, as tools, urban people are familiar with crowds. Which admittedly, I am not. I would rather be in an open carry bar, with a few people I know, than be in a disarmed crowd of people I don’t. Given my druthers though… I would be in the woods alone with my dogs. Traffic is another thing that vexes me and I’m sure most rural people as well. While a city person is comfortable in mind numbing traffic, but isn’t on a winding abandoned dirt road, in the middle of the night. You get used to what you get used to. We’re most comfortable surrounded by what we grew up with. Which isn’t a weakness, it’s a strength. Because, society needs city and rural people, along with our varying attitudes and preferences.

There’s a place for the urban person’s fears and bravery as well as for the rural person’s fears and bravery. When both are given courteous respect, both contribute to the greater whole. A society can be considered the alloy of all the people, or more aptly, a society is a complex system. Each part contributes to the emergent phenomenon that’s called society. As long as there’s an underlying societal myth, binding the people to a unit, diversity is a strength. Since complex systems become robust by it. With freedom of travel and living such a society can self separate. Those who prefer the city life can move to the city and those who prefer rural life can live in the rural areas. Each to their preference and all benefited by it. As long as people stay in their lane and don’t become arrogant.

If rural people imposed rural values and standards on cities, the speed limit on residential streets would be 75 miles an hour, burn barrels would be common, and every backyard would have a shooting range. While rural people have the common sense and humility, to know better than to impose rural values on city people, sadly, city people don’t seem to have that level of humility. What’s good for the city is good for the country is their mantra. Proven by their actions. Since national governments are necessarily run by urban people, rural people have urban values imposed on us. Ideas that are every bit as stupid as a 75 mile an hour speed limit on an urban street. Like gun control. Because what makes sense on a city street doesn’t in a forest or farm. But it takes the wisdom a forest bestows to understand it.


John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Draft

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a draft would be a terrible thing, because it would further empower an insane elite. Anyone who’s read any of my articles understands how utterly out of control our elites are. So we have to ask ourselves, do we want lunatics to have even more power? Only a fool would answer yes. The draft would allow them to bypass public sentiment and impose their will without feedback. Why do I say this? The volunteer army is a form of democracy. If society approves of the job the elite are doing, many will sign up… and if the public disapproves of the elite, few will join. As we see today. Why would anyone go to fight, possibly die and risk their immortal soul… to benefit dirt bags? On principle alone we need to vociferously condemn any draft… as it’s a means to more war.

The elite love war. It’s empowering, enriching and glorifying. Their investments in the military industrial complex pay off handsomely. Even as their reputations get a boost for being a “wartime” this or that. Further, during war, the unlawful edicts of the elite are to be followed to the letter, else we’re charged as traitors. War ticks all the boxes for a psychopath. Since they have no empathy, humanity or soul… the death, suffering and lost potential wash right off them, like filthy water from porcelain. Since the elite adore war, and find it so profitable, we can’t expect them to stop waging it anytime soon. The draft only allows them to bypass the reticence of the people, to join a war effort that doesn’t defend our nation, it’s to make the elite more elite.

The perpetual unwinnable wars have a chilling effect on recruitment. I say unwinnable, because to win a war, the elite have to want to win it. When the elite, as ours, only want the fire to continue, they’ll feed it, but never douse it. As we see nowadays. Remember the lost decade in Iraq? Where American boys fought, were maimed and died, to give Iraq to the Islamists. The debacle in Afghanistan proved the elite aren’t serious about winning… only fanning the flames. Because what sense is there in maintaining a trillion dollar military if no one else has any weapons? So the elite solved that problem, and gave our mortal enemies, the Islamists, 80 billion in weapons systems. That should justify another few hundred billion in defense spending… and a host of new unconstitutional regulations on speech.

Now the elite are marching to Moscow. Even as NATO is sending weapons to Ukraine to fight a lost war, that’s cost 500,000 people their lives, with an uncounted number of people maimed. Russia has all but won the war. Ukraine could sue for peace and get some semblance of a nation back… but the elite won’t tolerate the war ending. So they want to institute a draft in Europe, Canada and the US, to send our kids to die for their dreams. As our children are sent to feed the cannon, our replacements will stay behind to take the jobs, homes and wives of those who died serving their country… with a gun pointed at their front, and at their back. A draft only applies to citizens, by definition. Even as our weakness makes war with the CCP more likely.

With the horrible economy making it impossible to create a family… wouldn’t you think people would line up to join the military? Apparently not. Recruitment is way down. Maybe because of the debacles, the perpetual war or the corruption of the elite, but people just aren’t joining in the numbers the elite need to feed the war machine. So they need a draft. Ideally including women. Because you can’t replace a culture without eliminating the women as well. Those who avoided the enlarged hearts from the covid shot will be drafted. That’s why I say we need to shout to the heavens, we do not comply. We will not accept a draft of our kids. We will not further empower a lunatic fringe elite. Because a draft puts a gun at our kid’s backs as well as their fronts… and only a fool would allow that!


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


When you’re shopping at the market,

Or at the local mall saying charge it,

The world’s not safe today,

The elite made it that way,

So the lesson nowadays is to be a hard target.


We’ll never get the right people in charge unless,

We look at major issues that we need to address,

Psychopaths in charge,

Criminals at large,

Because we’re ruled by a popularity contest.


Don’t look around just enjoy the feast,

Believe those conspiracy nuts the least,

Mind your manners,

Now wear our banners,

And roll up your sleeve to accept the mark of the beast.


The elite’s spending us into a stupor,

The whole of the globe to capture,

Insane inflation,

Renting nation,

Because they’ve sold out our children’s future.


Look close at the world and you will see,

The elite breaking faith with you and me,

They lie and connive,

And treat us with jive,

While they undermine our genuine democracy.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Regulating Prosperity Away

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, almost everyone undervalues the destruction that regulation causes to the economy. Think of an economy like an onion. Each layer representing an industry. The most profitable ones at the core and the least profitable ones on the outside. Marginal businesses make up the skin. Regulation then sloughs off a layer at a time until only the core is left. As we all know, the core of an onion doesn’t last long in the sun, without layers over it, and a hide protecting the whole. Skinning the onion is what regulation does. No one cares that the rind is pulled off by regulations. Those people are barely making it anyway. Then, layer by layer, regulation peels the economy to its core. Until the core rots and the economy is gone forever. Then regulation will have taken us into the poverty paradigm.

When a firm is barely making a profit, even a tiny amount of regulation or raise in taxes, shifts the budget into the red. Then those businesses fail. Because only corporations with elite backing can lose money for decades and stay open. The employees of the destroyed firms get laid off and are added to the unemployment lines. The firms that sold them products lose a customer and become less profitable. Even if the regulation or increased taxes don’t directly effect them. The space becomes vacant, allowing for a more profitable firm to take up residence… or to add to urban blight. The destruction of that marginal industry makes all other industries less profitable, and therefore, more subject to the destructive effect of additional regulation. Shrinking the onion and allowing rot to enter it.

Regulation disrupts the creative destruction cycle. While it fosters destruction it stifles creation. Each new regulation is a brick added to the wall in the way of business creation. When starting a business is easy many will be started. When business creation is difficult however, few will be started. The paradigm of business failures isn’t changed though… most still fail. There are simply fewer to start with, so fewer exist in five years than would have. Part of how creative destruction works, is that as businesses fail, the infrastructure they owned becomes available cheap. That infrastructure is then bought by an entrepreneur to start his or her business. If regulation increases the cost so much, no matter how cheap stuff can be bought, the cost is so high, they can’t start new firms.

The incentive structure for creating regulations is perverted. The elite who pass regulations aren’t effected by them. They do however profit from passing them. How? By political power, standing and monetarily. Monetarily by the requirement of bribes to get around them. Which is the normal paradigm in highly regulated economies. The regulators standing in society is increased along with the political power they wield. Regulation is the exercise of power over others. Power over others generates respect, if only to keep on the good side of the tyrant. So regulation grows and never shrinks. As does kudzu. Anyone, like Trump, who seeks to cut regulation then is a mortal danger to the regulators. And we see what they do to people they view as threats… the elite wage open lawfare against them.

Because the incentives are perverted, we can’t expect the elite who pass and benefit from regulations… to solve the problem themselves. No one cuts their own pay to help another. Especially psychopaths. Like our elites. Moreover, we know from experience the regulators will go to criminal lengths to crush anyone in their way. Proven by their handling of Trump. That their profit comes at cost to everyone else only makes it more sweet… If creative destruction is obliterated, so be it. If the economy is skinned to its core, all the better, a rotten core is easier to control anyway… So, while the regulators understand their power, the rest of us are ignorant of it. We childishly believe we need regulation, like a dog needs heart worm. Wake up to the evil of regulation, demand it be cut, and your children will be richer for it.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Migration Proves Communism Evil And Capitalism Good

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, action betrays even self delusion. We’re self interested, and we do what we believe is in our self interest. We don’t work hard to harm ourselves. Do you? Judging from history and modernity, people everywhere and of all stripes believe it’s in their self interest to live in a capitalist country, and not a socialist or communist one. How do we know the one follows from the other? Because where communists control a nation, people are willing to risk death to get out. China, North Korea and Venezuela for example. And where do they go? To another communist country? Cuba? Nope, they go to Capitalist ones. Like the US, Canada and Europe. From this, we can conclude that capitalism is favored by the people, while communism is favored by the elite. Judged by what we do.

Why do I say communism is favored by the elite? Judging by their actions. No command and control idea is offered they don’t accept. Because elitists believe the elite should control. Of course communism is a cherished subject in academia. I bet a plurality of professors would agree that, “real communism has never been tried…” and what they mean by real communism, is that they themselves haven’t been the despot in charge. Then it would work. Every arrogant expert believes he or she could run the command and control economy. While having le petit dejeuner in Paris, il pranzo in Milan and dining in NYC. Judged by their actions, those at the top favor communism, while those at the bottom favor capitalism. That’s why I say the elite favor communism.

If the experts and elite who favor communism are right… why do so many poor people flee it, at risk to their very lives? No capitalist nation has border walls to keep people in, they have them to keep people out. Meanwhile, all communist nations need secret police, else everyone would flee. Venezuela for example. Communism took it from being a wealthy country to a basket case in merely two decades. Today people flee across the deadly Derrien gap to get out of that Hell hole. Risking rape, murder and screw worms to get free. Ask yourself, how many people a year apply to immigrate to North Korea? China has immigration of companies, drawn by government subsidies, no regulation and low taxes. So, communists can bribe people into their systems, but no one goes willingly… and leave the first chance.

Migration flows prove unquestionably which system is better. Judged pragmatically. Since we’ve pragmatically proven capitalism the better system, and the elite claim to be pragmatic, why don’t they accept it? Because the elite and experts are not pragmatic… they’re ideologues, who claim to be pragmatists. Playing with philosophy like Thrasymachus played with Justice. Making them their opposite and in doing so illustrating their weakness. The weakness of justice is that it can be used to rationalize the unjust… and the weakness of pragmatism, is that ideologues can take it away from actual pragmatists, by propaganda and censorship. Nevertheless, migration proves incontrovertibly, that capitalism is preferred over fascism and communism, by the people. Judged by action and not election.

Why are the experts and elites ideologues? Because the education system makes them so. Zealots serve someone else purpose, while pragmatists serve their own. Elites in training are carefully diverted away from why people immigrate and emigrate, and to the intentions of the rulers. Intentions are an easy way to vilify someone. Simply claim their intentions are evil, since we can’t read their minds, we’re so controlled. When a brainac claims communism hasn’t been tried, socialism is more fair, and experts should call the shots… ask them why people flee those places then? Why do folks always go to nations with freedom and capitalism? Judge people by their actions, and not their rhetoric, and you’ll be closer to understanding the truth of things. Migration then proves communism evil and capitalism good.


John Pepin

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Elite Jokes

Dear friends,

A bureaucrat and a clergyman died and went to heaven. After accepting them, Saint Peter led the clergyman to a small room with only a table, chair and bed. The bureaucrat became worried at this. Until Saint Peter stopped at a huge mansion, teeming with angelic servants. The Bureaucrat asked why he got such a nice place while the good clergyman’s was so humble. Saint Peter said, “You have to realize, we get thousands of clergymen a year… but you’re the first bureaucrat we’ve ever seen.”

What do you call a bag of feed? A feedbag, What do you call a bag of groceries? A grocery bag. What do you call a bag of scum? Joe Biden.

Men are bold, adventurous and a bit pathological, while women are nurturing, protective and a bit neurotic, and progressives are just bat shit crazy.

Government is a system so the unproductive can control the productive, the stupid can command the wise, and the parasite can call itself the host.

Entrepreneurs innovate technology, scientists innovate knowledge, and lawyers innovate ways around the law.

I saw that rioters surrounded the White House the other day, they chanted violent slogans, engaged in iconoclasm and beat police… and no one was arrested. Good thing too, anti Americans have Rights!

George Soros, Biden and Rothschild could care less about nuclear war… they’re to senile to know better.

Biden was driving through an Indian reservation and came upon some Cherokee banging drums. He told his driver to stop. Biden asked them what they were doing. One Cherokee said, “We bang on drums and the echo from that mountain gives us deep insights about ourselves.” Biden asked if he could see. The Indian asked the heavens, “How do I get rich?” He banged the drum. The echo said, “Thrift…” Biden asked if he could try? The Indian handed him the drumstick. Biden shouted to the heavens, “How can democrats win the election?” He banged on the drum as hard as he could. The echo responded, “Drop out…”

Mothers are loving as fathers are protecting… and the state is both smothering mother and drunken father.

Government staunchly protects freedom of opinion and expression… as long as you express protected opinions.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Dear Friends,


Wishy washy and won’t take a position,

Always awaiting the perfect condition,

We voters have no say,

The deep state’s way,

Showing the republican party is merely controlled opposition.


The ECHR will protect your health,

No matter the destruction to your wealth,

Now don’t whine,

The vax is fine,

It’s bringing in global despotism by stealth.


The elites have failed it’s clear to see,

Plus they despise both you and me,

Arrogance incarnated,

Despotism related,

And the elite won’t stop until we’re no longer free.


Every EU elite is clearly a nutter,

So drunk with power they do stutter,

Loath mankind,

Evil and unkind,

Seeking to rid themselves of us human clutter.


The elite are toiling diligently please don’t fear,

Talking and talking until their mouths are sere,

Zealots in name,

Imps in a flame,

And they won’t rest until the Beast system is here.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Rise And Fall Of Civilizations

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our Constitutional Rights are only as robust, as the ethics of those tasked with protecting them. Otherwise they’re only ink on paper. Even the ideas it contains, the American societal myth, is only as marshaling as they’re taken seriously by the elite. Civilizations are founded on a societal myth. That “myth” is the founding ethos, way of life and right action in that civilization. All civilizations have them, and as they maintain them they rise, and once they abandon them, they fall. Sparta was unconquerable as long as they followed the perverted laws of Lycurgus. Once they coined money in gold instead of iron, and gained an eye for luxury, they were lost. Therefore, requiring ethical action and attitude from the elite is paramount in preserving our civilization.

The Constitution is merely pretty prose printed on friable paper. No matter how profound or sublime the ideas, someone has to believe and enforce them, even if only upon themselves. A law that’s not enforced isn’t even a suggestion. The US Constitution both limits and allows. It limits by the fact it only allows what it allows. Which is why Madison argued against the Bill Of Rights. Saying, if the Constitution doesn’t explicitly give the power to regulate playing jacks, then government is barred from regulating playing jacks. A sound argument, as long as the enforcers follow the rules, but they don’t. As in Wickard v Filburn where SCOTUS said, all human actions effect “interstate commerce,” and so the federal government can tax and regulate anything and everything… without limit.

The American societal myth is also called, “The American Way.” It’s an ethos of self reliance, humility, honesty, thrift and entrepreneurship. So armed, a society can become wealthy beyond imagination. In government the American way is, honest and fair laws, adjudication and enforcement. The American founding ethos can be discerned by reading Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac. Every nation has a societal myth. Not being British it’s not my place to describe the British Societal Myth. You can rest assured they have one. Just as does Russia, France, India, China, Japan and every other nation. Each society has it’s own societal myth. Moreover, as long as they maintain that societal myth, that society thrives. Once they abandon their societal myth, that society flounders, and dies.

When confronted with the constitutionality of a law or bill, a politician’s reaction is telling of their attitude towards our Constitution, and our Societal Myth itself. If the question is taken seriously, then we can presume that politician or elite, takes our founding ethos and Constitution seriously. If however, they scoff and laugh, as if asked if moon maidens are real, then we can be pretty sure they consider our societal myth and Constitution, as profound as moon maidens. This is of terrific concern to anyone who wishes to preserve their civilization. Because the elite are the ones tasked with maintaining our Constitutional Rights and the societal myth itself. If they despise them, then the elite will work to undermine them, and our civilization will falter and die.

The elite aren’t the elite because they deserve to be. They are the elite because they rose through the ranks of mankind by hook or by crook. As dross floats to the top. Like dross, they’re useless at anything but floating around. Which is fine since that’s their only ability. If however, they don’t believe and hold dear our foundational ethos, and Constitution, then they’re dangerous. We’re just as guilty as the elite when we tolerate such people. Because we’re too lazy to write a letter to our representative, senator, courts, and the executive. Our silence is tantamount to acceptance. The elite take their orders from someone, if not us, then malevolent forces have their way. Speak up. Our civilization depends on us forcing the elite to follow our Constitution, and at least pretending to believe in our Societal Myth.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Organized Crime And Appearances

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when one is in organized crime, appearances are paramount. No matter if the organization is the Yakuza, the Cosa nostra, or government. Appearances are important because they convey the idea of legitimacy to the otherwise illegitimate. That’s one reason gangsters constantly say they’re legitimate businessmen, as bureaucrats claim to be public servants. Copying religion, organized crime endeavors to blind us with splendor. Moreover, anything that threatens that air of legitimacy, must be crushed without mercy. Because, should the veneer of legitimacy and authority be scratched, exposing the rot beneath, the organization will quickly succumb to public outrage. Such organizations understand and manipulate us through our eyes. Only when we’re unaware of it though.

Part of the reason organized crime is so successful is they play on our awe of splendor. Confucius himself called attention to the way splendor can influence us, and make the sublime seem real. Parades, congress and court, are all acts of splendor. They capture the imagination and beguile the soul. Keeping us mesmerized by the eye candy and ignoring the world around us. In that way splendor makes us unwise. Plus, when confronted with the amazing, we give authority to the astounding. The more amazing the more authority we give. The US President’s annual State of the Union Address, a gangster’s birthday party is magnificent, as is any court of law, is nothing but splendor. The splendor is to give them authority in our eyes. Because the whole thing is effectively organized crime.

We give authority to that which appears authoritative. This is why banks are marbled, courts are bedecked with wood paneling, and a gansta’s teeth are adorned with gold. Old mobsters were always decked out in pictures. Even when at home playing croquet. They dressed the part to convey who they were. Remember John Gotti? The Teflon don. Have you ever seen a picture of the man when he wasn’t dressed to the nines? You haven’t, because if someone took an unflattering picture of the Teflon Don, they would find themselves in cement shoes, wading the bottom of “Oyster Bay.” Because mobsters not only make sure to look the part but to protect their appearance. Just as a congressperson wears suits, a judge a robe, and the President… depends.

It’s paramount that those appearances are kept up… no matter the cost. That’s why when someone would criticize the Soviet Union, the State would deem them mentally ill, and imprison them in a psychiatric ward. For political madmen. Just as the US and Europe are beginning to do today. A judge in his underwear lacks authority, a mobster with a stained tee on isn’t as respected, just as a President who poops his pants at a D Day gathering, appears to be a tottering old fool. So these things are kept from the public at all costs. If a judge needs a courtroom and robe to have authority then anything that gets in the way is a crime. Contempt of court. Woe be it to the photographer taking unauthorized pictures of a Don. Just as a mockingbird media will protect a poopy pants President.

The way to defend against our innate tendency to give weight to appearances, instead of merit, is to give weight to merit instead of appearances. Of our senses, it’s our eyes we give the most credence to. Despite knowing how easily they’re manipulated. Instead, listen to the words, use your heart to feel, taste their food, smell the perfumed odor, and apply intelligence to discern lies and manipulations. Remember, the judge is in his underwear, the Don wakes up with disheveled hair, and the President’s sphincter is weak. Try not to be taken in by appearances. “Appearances deceive,” and so they’re not to be trusted. So when confronted by splendor and appearance, look under the veneer, to the heart of the organization… and treat it accordingly. Organized crime is nothing but criminal.


John Pepin

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