The Mask and the Mark.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the mask is a precursor to the Mark. It trains us to obey. They make us anonymous, a none person, we can’t buy or sell without one many places and they make those who will not submit, stand out for easy retribution. We are forced by the threat of state violence to wear a mask, that says on the box, “Not effective against Covid,” to protect us from Covid, for our own good. How far a step is it to accept the Mark of the Beast… then killing those who refuse? Not as large as you might think. Less than a year ago what we accept as normal today would have been unthinkable. What we may accept in another year may be just as unthinkable today. All it takes is a little fear, imposed at the right time in the right way, and voila, we will accept anything. We know this is true because we already have.

Ignorance subjects us to manipulation. Because the ignorant lack the tools to think on their feet. To that end our government monopoly school system has been instrumental in making people ignorant and dependent. The public schools grind away any interest in learning a student might have, to insure that continued learning not under the pathological tutelage of progressives, is neither sought nor accepted. This keeps the majority ignorant and dependent on the system. Someone dependent is subject to fear, because those dependent should fear, they are dependent. Individualists need not fear, we stand on our own two feet as much as possible. Individualists don’t see individualism as a goal but a system. A system that we use to stay grounded and stable. Protecting us from mass hysteria.

The science about wearing masks came in in 1918 and they were found to be worthless. In fact worse than worthless because they gave people a false sense of security. They tried lock downs as well in 1918 to no avail. These were found to be useless and even counterproductive. Today authorities argue some masks were made of cheesecloth in 1918 and so our masks are much better. They don’t protect against covid, like it says on the box, but you will feel better wearing it. Now we are told they are coming out with an inoculation against covid… which if they do, then a vaccine against the common cold, another covid virus, must be in the works as well. Else they are lying to us about the covid vaccine or that the common cold cannot be vaccinated against? One way or another they are lying.

We have an innate desire to follow authority. The Milgram experiments showed this in living color. In that social psychological experiment, they would take volunteers and have them push a button, punishing someone they couldn’t see in a booth, when told to, by a man in a white coat with a clipboard, the authority. (Because the person in the booth had misanswered a question). They were told the shocks would get increasingly worse the more they were applied. Over 90% of the volunteers pushed the button until the person apparently died in the booth. They would push the button even when the person being electrocuted would scream in pain and beg them to stop. This, my friends, is why it is so easy to recruit for death camp guards. Over 90% of us are willing, ready and able.

Which also means that up to 90% will accept the Mark of the Beast even if they know what it is! Because they will have only followed orders. Most of us, and probably me as well, cave in the face of authority when they are around, even when the punishments for not following are non existent. This is one reason the police have a theory, the more you see cops in a neighborhood, the less crime there will be. Because of the presence of the authorities. All the authorities have to do then is instill a bit of fear and were off to the races. Maybe allow terrorism get out of control, then say we need to have an RFID bio identifier to keep us safe from terrorism, and there we are. Most who wear a mask and demand others wear one too… will accept the Mark out of fear. Will you accept it? Have you already?


John Pepin

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