The Criminally Corrupt FBI

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now the FBI has been exposed as the instigators, operators and financiers of the Gretchen Whitmer “kidnapping plot,” that they claim to have “foiled” days before the 2020 election… makes it hard to deny they are utterly, totally and completely corrupt. That there are credible allegations that the FBI had a hand in the Jan 6 “Insurrection” is all the more damning. How many other false flags are they responsible for? At this point, we can’t take them seriously about anything. Now they want us to believe them about UFOs? Next we will be lining up to buy invisible bridges, swamp land in Death Valley and tropical islands on the Moon. You have to ask yourself, why do we need them? They only serve to undermine democracy, the rule of law, and addict our kids to opiates.

Without total transparency and criminal penalties for miscreants, such powerful agencies as the FBI, the CIA, NSA and the rest of the “national security” apparatus cannot be trusted. Unless you are arguing they are run by, and staffed by, angels, inhuman heavenly creatures. There are those who do believe that… they are called children. Someone with zero life experience. Those of us who have lived a life know better. With every breaking scandal, it becomes more obvious, those at the top of our national security apparatus are our moral enemies. So why do we give them so much unearned, unsupervised and unlimited power over us? The sheep guarded by wolves. The only answer, other than to disband the entire unconstitutional mess… is total complete and unerring transparency.

The role we are told the FBI serves is to track down interstate crime. Polishing that image with the 1960’s TV show FBI, they inculcated that notion into the heads of all us pretty little things. Too bad that is the opposite of the truth. There is nothing the FBI does that local law enforcement couldn’t do better. If you commit a crime in one state, then flee to another, do you honestly think it takes the FBI to nab you? Of course not, the local police will arrest you and send you to the jurisdiction where you allegedly committed the crime. See Kyle Writtenhouse. In the 1930s the FBI went after bootleggers, drugs and organized crime. Since then, the feds legalized booze, 60,000-70,000 kids a year die of overdoses and organized crime is now more prevalent than ever. Fail, total fail and epic fail… quite a track record.

This is not the first time the FBI has been caught interfering with US politics. Read the astounding history of Hoover for more insight into the real role of the FBI. Their complete failure leading to 911 was the trigger for the modern national security apparatus. With everything you say, text or email, recorded, punched and notarized. We are being pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed and numbered, by our overlords. The FBI and national security apparatus is the means for their total despotism. In a sane world, such people would face serious criminal penalties for their crimes. In ours, well, lets just say, it isn’t so sane. Today, the criminal elite are protected by the FBI, while we are terrorized by it. Sane people have nothing but contempt for such agencies and those that run them.

In truth, the FBI and indeed all national security claims are merely attempts to nationalize the police. Defunding the police is just the latest manifestation. The CIA, NSA and the rest are domestic spy agencies, aimed at us, not foreigners, justified as needed for national security. I put to you, would any sane nation invade the US? The only way to invade the US is by pretending to be refugees. Stirring up chaos, thus increasing the need for the national security apparatus. Create a problem, by importing terrorists, then use the fear it generates to increase your funding, power and tyranny. Unless we don’t play along. Demand your representative and senators stop importing terrorist and do their damned job. Reign in the national security apparatus. They are against us, our freedoms and our Constitution.


John Pepin

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