Stop Tolerating Intolerance

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the globalist elite’s nuclear weapon is… intolerance. They wield intolerance like an epee. That intolerance leads to fear. That fear then leads to silence. Even in the face of absurdity. Because, no one wants to lose their job for pointing out boys are not girls. Who is willing to take the character destruction that comes with saying the wrong thing? Moreover, no one is safe. Look at Ellen DeGeneres and J K Rowling. They were both queens of the movement, but made the mistake of thinking the left was able to process a truth, so were canceled. The intolerant not only can ostracize people effectively, but can enforce that ostracism, with effect. Intolerance however has a kryptonite, that is the recognition that it is based on a power dynamic… and not on ethics.

The globalists use ostracism to keep their zealots controlled. Deviate even a smidgen from the party line and you will be attacked on every front. The progressive shock troops know this all too well, since they are the ones who set upon other NPCs, who have the audacity to try to think for themselves. Not only the rank and file progressives are subject to the ostracism, should they use wrongspeak, but since the post modernists have taken over the boardrooms, Dean’s offices and the media, the establishment, strict thought control is enforced. The intolerance can bee seen in the faces of post modernists. Their perpetual seething anger makes them a raw nerve looking to be bumped. A progressive will turn on his best friend, in a heartbeat, because any disagreement could reveal their intolerance.

Intolerance induces fear in people. Who wants to be set upon for an opinion? So most people dummy up. I have been told it is not safe to speak out today. “This is not the country you grew up in anymore…” It isn’t, because people fear to speak. When I grew up, freedom of speech was the paramount Right. Now it is subject to the censors, should it contain anything they find vexing… like truth that exposes their ineptitude. The post modernists have made the consequences of having an opinion, that differs a Plank length from orthodoxy, the loss of a career, friends and even the ability to bank. Now that is intolerance on steroids. Most of the rest of us cannot even understand this mindset. I would never ruin someone’s life for disagreeing with me. Progressives, sadly, would.

Fear of the intolerant makes people remain silent in the face of crazy. This leads to people actually believing the demented. Because to discuss it in anything but reverence would lead to one’s ostracism. An echo chamber completely isolated from the real world by intolerance. In such a situation, an idea gets introduced that is insane, but no one is allowed to point it out, so it gets repeated. The simple minded and children believe it. Each reverberation from the walls of the echo chamber distorts it a little more. So a slightly insane idea can grow to absolute hair on fire madness. This is not the first time such crazy has happened. The Mayans got the idea it would be a good idea to drop the bodies of their human sacrifices into their wells. Polluting their water turned out to be crazy too.

Fortunately, intolerance is like smoke, a little breeze of truth will blow it away. Simply pointing it out thins it. That is why the intolerant need to constantly become ever more intolerant. To protect their vapor from even a whiff of truth. Our fear would quickly turn to disgust, were it to become common knowledge the left’s intolerance is based on a power dynamic, not a moral ethic. It is utterly self serving. If they are actually morally outraged, a decent person will back down, but if it becomes known progressives are using emotion to grab power, like a toddler, they will be exposed, as childish, petulant and spoiled. Once that happens their nuclear weapon is disarmed. It is up to us then, to fire up the fan of truth and blow away the crazy, the lies and the intolerance. Stop tolerating intolerance.


John Pepin

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