
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Zelensky is not a villain, nor is Putin, they are chumps, being manipulated into fighting by the villainous globalist elites. Zelensky tried to reach out to Trump but Trump was impeached to keep the cat in the bag. I am sure when Zelensky saw just how much power those evil subhumans have, he decided to toe the line. Let’s just say, when dealing with Toni Soprano, it is best to stay on his good side… and the globalist elite make mobsters look like saints. Like all criminal enterprises, they needed a laundromat. Now that WWIII is going on the amount of grift going through Ukraine has become a tsunami. Nevertheless, with the inverted demographics of the world, squandering those precious lives seems a poor choice to me. Let alone our own beloved kids if it goes nuclear. What do you think?

At the fall of communism, at the end of the Cold War, NATO ceased to have a function. The Warsaw Pact had dissolved, Russia had dropped communism, which permanently discredited it as an economic system. Like all government programs however, NATO is immortal. It needed something to do. So it took up it’s old goal, conquer the Soviet Union, but the USSR was gone, so instead NATO absorbed former Warsaw Pact nations, until it was knocking on Russia’s door. A CIA sponsored color revolution coup in Ukraine put a US puppet government in power and the stage for WWIII was set. NATO’s titular supreme commander, George Soros, wrote the game plan. Use Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Feed the patsies NATO weapons and let them sap Russia until NATO can step in and take over.

When Trump was elected, the globalist elites needed a villain to point at, to justify their outrage that a non insider got power. So they used politically isolated Russia. Since the fall of Putin, and Russia’s becoming a vassal state of the new world order was always the goal, that scheme worked perfectly. The trouble was, Trump stumbled in the way by talking to Zelinsky. So the progressive faction immediately impeached him. To keep him away from their laundromat. It worked perfectly. The mockingbird media dutifully misdirected the public’s attention, to Trump having the audacity to talk to a foreign leader, and away from why is the deep state so upset that Trump was talking to that world leader? Now we know, they had a profitable business going there, and Trump might have messed it up.

Billions of dollars have been laundered through the laundromat that is Ukraine. Over a hundred billion is in cue to go through. The calls for audits will almost certainly go unheeded. There are too many rent seekers, politicians and the military industrial complex, folding the clothes, to let an audit go anywhere. If you think different, how many of Epstein’s pedophile clients have been arrested, or even pointed out? Other than Prince Andrew? The Soros’ of the world have the power to stop just about anything. With the tens of billions flowing into their greedy pockets, the war propaganda and their capture of the entire judicial systems of the world… that power is magnified tenfold. With every death, their share of the world’s fortune goes up, making this war a win win, for the globalist elites.

The boys being killed, on both sides, are victims of psychopaths who are willing to break a few eggs to get the omelet they desire. The world lacks youth, the demographic curve is inverted throughout the world, and the elite’s solution is to kill those we do have, in a pointless war of conquest… to satiate their greed for power, money and fame. So, what if Putin is felled, what then? Would the US go in like in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya and force a vassal government on the Russian people? Isn’t that likely to turn out the same way the others did? Which makes me wonder if the killing isn’t the point? When us old people die, with no children to replace us, the human species will as a consequence, experience an explosive drop in population. Perhaps that is the point of this exercise in inhumanity?


John Pepin

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