Mankind’s At A Turning Point

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re at a turning point, will we enter a golden age of mankind… or will we collapse into the Beast System? While our scientists and technicians are scaling new heights of technology, our elites are plumbing new lows of human behavior. What an interesting dichotomy? As our technology and thus ability to kill ourselves grows, our wisdom diminishes. Exactly a recipe for catastrophe. What makes our present dilemma so interesting, is that we should be advancing in philosophy as well as technology. The fact we are digressing culturally, ethically and morally leads one to presume there is a force driving it down. Not gravity. Because we have the advantage in ethics, as we do in technology, of human history. We can choose to enter a Golden age, or the Beast system, so why not choose wisely?

The reason we have the technology we have is because it’s been accumulated over the course of centuries and indeed millenia. “Rome wasn’t built in a day,” and neither was our science or technology. They were a combined effort over thousands of years. When the library of Alexandria burned, it set mankind back a thousand years in progress… it didn’t advance it. Knowledge destroyed is knowledge that must be won back, often at great cost. That’s why the printing press was such a watershed moment. It not only allowed backup copies of important books to be saved, across the planet in small libraries, but more importantly, the mass printing of books allowed knowledge to be widely disseminated. Culminating in our age and necessarily passing through Christianity and the Enlightenment.

We have the advantage of the moral, ethical and religious teachings of all mankind throughout history, at our fingertips, yet we choose to ignore all of them, and go it ourselves. Because our cultural elite want to re-debate every moral question. Even established facts. Only a fool would think our technology could be recreated in a generation, so how foolish is it to believe all human morality can be recreated, by egoistic half wits? Morality has to be judged by the outcome… pragmatically. An ethic that leads people to poverty, drug addiction and suicide, is clearly sub optimal. Why is it then, that with all the wisdom handed down throughout the ages, by prophets, sages and even the son of God and Man himself, we ignore them and embrace the teachings of evil men, that only result in pain and suffering?

If we ignored the history of man’s scientific knowledge, and tried to go it alone, we would fall back into the stone age immediately. To emulate the accomplishments of all the great men in one generation, would require that generation to be filled with nothing but Newtons, Archimedes and Einsteins. Since we all know that isn’t the case, and never will be, the notion of recreating all our scientific knowledge and technology in a single generation… is absurd. Yet that’s exactly what the progressive post modernist faction believes it can do… with morality and ethics. While they have no Confucius, Jesus or Buddhas in their ranks, they have Hitlers, Tamerlanes and Alexanders to spare. So we can expect an ethic of the entitled usurper, hypocrite and warlord to come from them.

We could turn away from the post modernist redefinition of ethics. Instead embracing traditional morality… as we do traditional science. Sadly, even as our ability to screw things up is growing at a deadly pace, our wisdom is dropping, like Bud light’s popularity. There are two bright spots on the horizon though. The first is that people are seeing what the elite are doing, and the results, and we’re repulsed by it. The second, is that science has slowed its advance, due to the introduction of post modernism to the scientific endeavors. Given enough woke and science will quickly become the acme of Idiocracy. The first would lead us to a golden age, the second solves the existential dilemma of us destroying ourselves, by removing the ability. If the witless elite don’t blow us up first.


John Pepin

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