Military Versus Economic Might

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, instead of being the military engine of the world, perhaps it would behoove the US, to become the economic engine of the world again? Not by financial shenanigans, or service sector growth… but by becoming an industrial power house again. Of course the government would have to get out of the way. That’s the biggest challenge. Regulation and taxes have chained down US entrepreneurs. How do I know this? Ask your friends, “If they’re not, why aren’t they an entrepreneur?” They’ll generally answer, “It’s too hard to start and run a business today.” Proving the point. The elite would ask, why should the US become an economic power house, instead of a military monster? Because, there’s no future in military might, but there is in economic superiority.

Financial shenanigans have kept the US economy afloat for the last few decades but they’re losing their effectiveness. How could I say such a thing? Because of the huge budget deficit. If we take the elite Keynesian economic experts at their word, that deficit spending is a means to shore up dwindling aggregate demand to keep up with aggregate supply, then apparently, the US has been in a near permanent recession since the 1970’s. Since we’ve had deficit spending every year since then, with the exception of the years Gingrich was speaker of the House. Lacking the huge deficits shoring up the otherwise crumbling economy, and the literal gaslighting of the government, (as proved by Wikileaks), the US economy would grind to a halt under the friction of regulation and taxes.

Regulation and taxes are like a car’s brakes and emergency brake. Regulation is the emergency brake because once they’re in place the friction never goes away. As taxes are the brakes, because they’re raised and lowered depending on the administration. But are never fully released. Which means the government is constantly holding back our economy. Like a granny that rides the brakes with the emergency brake on. Who complains her brake pads are constantly worn out and she gets terrible gas mileage. Failing to see how her own actions are causing the problem. That granny would freak out at the mere thought of lifting her foot from the brake peddle. The car could careen out of control! Which is exactly the reaction we get from the elite when faced with lowering regulation or taxes.

Being the world’s policeman is not only a thankless job but a self serving one at that. When you treat people like children they act like children. It’s human nature. We do what’s expected of us. So when the US treats the rest of the world like children, in need of spankings, time outs and naps, the rest of the world is aggravated and lashes out… like children. Meaning, the simple fact the US has become the world’s policeman, makes the world a less mature place. Add to that, most nations across the globe are on US foreign aid… and you get a world ruled by teenagers. With all the negative outcomes associated with it. Living in their parent’s house (receiving US financial aid), eating their parent’s food (getting US food aid) and being defended by the US (military aid)… why grow up?

Being a military superpower requires the economy to back it. Deficit spending will only maintain a military for so long. Moreover, hollowing out the population’s wealth, isn’t conducive to recruitment. In order for the US to remain a superpower it needs a roaring economy. But the elite are terrified of lifting their foot off the brake. Like that Granny. Maybe if they also lifted their foot off the Keynesian accelerator, the economy might normalize. Because national power comes from the worn handle of a tool, not the hot barrel of a gun. Many military powers have been swept away by history… but not one economic powerhouse. Until they hollowed out their economy with regulation and taxes. Like Rome. Of the two, leading by example bests leading by might, every time. Our elites should try it.


John Pepin

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Constitutional Rights

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now the precedent has been set that a constitutional Right can be removed, by criminal statute, we can expect to see a full assault on them all. Via criminal law. Since anyone can have their constitutional Right to keep and bare arms removed by a complaint of criminal intent, why not the freedom to speak, freedom of association or of religion? Should those charged with wire fraud be allowed freedom of speech? How can we tolerate crackpots preaching disliked ideas, when all we need do is charge them with something, to remove that Constitutional Right? Why should any criminal have any rights? Then all the state need do is make everyone a criminal, and voila, Constitutional protections only apply to politically favored people. As the elite want.

The US Supreme Court recently ruled, all it takes to have one’s second amendment rights removed, is an allegation of domestic abuse. Not a conviction… merely and allegation. Rest assured however, that while an allegation would be sufficient to get you or I disarmed, a criminal conviction wouldn’t be enough to have an elite’s guns taken away. The hypocrites need them for self defense. Bestowing the power on all angry women to have their ex-husbands abused at the hands of the State. Now that’s progressive! Especially because, to remove someone’s firearms over an allegation, negates all Constitutional protections. The politically disfavored already have little access to protection against state abuse, and with this ruling, they’ll have none whatsoever.

This ruling shows that our Constitutional Rights are subject to allegations of intent. An ex charged with domestic abuse, who is disarmed, is being charged with the intent to do a crime… not a crime itself. Apparently, our courts are mind readers… or corrupt. Because only a mind reader can know if someone is about to commit a crime. Else are so corrupt they deny their obligations. Now this example has been set, this tactic can be used against all of our Constitutional protections. Freedom of speech could be taken away by the mere allegation of intent to misinform. How is that any different? The mere allegation of intent to do a crime is now enough to have a Constitutional Right removed, therefore, any allegation of intent will be sufficient. SCOTUS has taken us on a slippery slope wearing skis.

Why not use the same strategy on all our Constitutional Rights? That simply follows logically. How can we be safe in our person or papers… if there is an allegation we’re considering doing a swindle? That allegation alone should be sufficient, under the new rules, for government to search our premises without warrant or court order. You have to admit, that would be much more effective at law enforcement. The fact violent crimes aren’t prosecuted in many cities now, depending on who the victim is and who the attacker is… only serves to enhance the despotism. What if someone is charged with wanting to start a cult? Can their freedom of religion be taken away? Of course it can! Now that SCOTUS has negated our Constitution, as it pertains to citizens, we’ve entered a brave new world.

Constitutional protections are only for the elite and illegal aliens today. Citizens are on the outs with our courts. Today, if the police order you to self incriminate, SCOTUS stands behind them 100%. Proving our Constitution is merely pacifying prose written on friable paper. Hiding their naked despotism behind a cheesecloth of court rulings. We can fight back though. Follow the tactic they used in Scotland. Use the elite’s own despotism against them. Demand local prosecutors charge national elites with their obvious crimes, and order their weapons removed… as well as their security detail. Who are essentially a weapon. Remove their constitutional rights, and you’ll find our Constitution is important to protect after all. But only when their rights are at stake… not and never ours.


John Pepin

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Astonishing Hypocrisy

Dear Friends,

It seems astonishing to me, that Israel is supporting Azerbaijan, in its genocide of Armenians!? I thought the words, “Never again,” rang in the minds of Jews across the world? Is it the case that the phrase is hollow? Depends on your definition of “never,” and “again.” While I fully support Israel’s right to exist and defend itself… I don’t support this move. Moreover, Israel is being charged with genocide of Gazans, in their war with Hamas, as a strategy to weaken it. A charge that’s mere rhetoric. Because if they are, Israel is the worse genocider in history. The population of Gaza is growing fast… not shrinking. Like the population of Nagorno Karabackh. Yet Israel is actually guilty now of abetting genocide. Not of Gazans, but of Armenians. Like I said… astonishing!

When Hitler proposed the final solution, the genocide of Jews in Europe, he was asked by an astonished OKH, what would history think of Germany for such a heinous act? Hitler slammed his fist on the table and shouted, “What does history say of the Armenians?!” Meaning, no one cared, that the Young Turks had systematically exterminated every Armenian they could get their hands on. Especially relishing cutting the babies from pregnant women, in front of their husbands and fathers. To show their superiority. Since history had recorded these atrocious crimes against humanity, and has passed judgment… that it was perfectly acceptable, Hitler thought exterminating the Jews in a far more humane way, gas chambers, would be even more acceptable. Boy was he wrong.

While the continued liquidation of Armenians by famine, is acceptable by the world elites, the arming of Armenia against genocide is not. The world is livid that France had the audacity to send arms to Armenia. The globalist shills in the media are already exclaiming Armenia will attack Azerbaijani occupation forces in Nagorno Karabackh! Where Armenians have been systematically exterminated since it was surrounded by Azerbaijan. As the Armenians are exterminated, their cemeteries are plowed under, their homes razed and their churches burned to the ground. All traces of the existence of Armenians in former Armenia are destroyed. Total erasure of the people, culture and past. As if they never existed. Which is what Hitler wanted to do to the Jews, Gypsies and Russians in Leningrad.

None of this would be possible without the coordinated efforts of the unbiased media. The presstitues whore themselves out to the globalist elites, for money, prestige and privilege. While there are lots of articles vilifying France for hindering genocide, and many praising Israel and Azerbaijan, Nargono Karabackh is never mentioned. I suppose, because letting the masses know there is an actual genocide going on there, right now, might change their perspective. Just remember, everything the media tells us is a lie. A lie of omission, commission or yellow gaslight. Even as the media laments the continued war in the Caucuses, because it distracts from the wars in Ukraine, Middle East and the pending war in Taiwan. You can count on the press to lie when the truth would serve them better.

Even as the media shouts about a fake genocide, and covers up a real one, we’re left wondering what’s true and what’s not. We become agitated when propaganda is applied in liberal doses. Becoming a mindless mob instead of mindful men. Which is the idea. Bernays would be proud of today’s media. Making genocide palatable and self defense a crime is a rhetorical coup. Which makes it all the more astonishing that Israel, the former victim of genocide, and the present victim of propaganda, is hiding behind the media’s propaganda and abetting genocide. Supporting Israel’s right to exist and right of self defense, as well as Armenia’s right to exist and Armenia’s right of self defense, is no inconsistency. To support Israel, and not support Armenia however, is the acme of inconsistency. It’s hypocrisy.


John Pepin

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Some Are More Equal

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, that “some are more equal than others” (under the law) isn’t only a communist philosophy, but the core philosophy of all elitist ideologies. Aristocracy, oligarchy, socialism, communism, corporatism, fascism… despotism of all breeds hold that the elite are more equal. Only under pure free enterprise are all equal under law. That’s why it doesn’t exist and never will. The elite detest capitalism. It lowers them to the common lot. But, people get rich under capitalism, and the rich have an advantage in court! Which is true. Pareto can’t be denied. Wealth however, when distributed by merit alone, proves a system’s equality under the law. Courts are always corrupt. Elitist systems seek to distribute wealth by political favor instead of merit. To everyone’s disadvantage.

Millions of things are distributed on a Pareto curve. The math is simple but has deep implications. Pareto theorized, 20% of sewer pipes do 80% of the work, in a wastewater system. That curve then applied to electrical grids, highways and musical talent. Moreover, if 20% of a group does 80% of the work, then 20% of the 20% does 80% of that work. Meaning 10% does 64% of the work, has talent… or earns money. The scale then becomes logarithmic. Leaving the square root of the multitude producing 50% of that thing. That’s how 1% end up controlling 90% of the wealth, singing the top songs or write the best books. Under any system. Except communism… where 1 man controls 100% of the wealth. Which I think we can all agree is far more unequal.

Elitists and their ideologies adore unequal treatment under the law. That some are more equal than others is built into the very fabric of every legal system that has ever existed. Think the US is different? Ask any lawyer this question, “Is there any time you know you’ll win in court?” (If they’re honest) Their answer will be, “When I’m facing a pro se litigant.” In other words, the facts, law and justice are irrelevant… the only thing that counts in court is political favor. Defend yourself, and the judge has every incentive to rule against you, and none to rule fairly. Because a judge is an attorney, thus has a monetary interest in enriching lawyers, and so himself. Add to that only the rich can afford good lawyers, and every legal system proves, some are more equal than others.

How about pseudo capitalist legal systems then? Why yes, they’re just as skewed to the powerful and wealthy as all others. Unless they provide free lawyers to everyone without favor. Socializing the legal system. No system does that. The elite would never allow it to exist. It would eliminate their legal privilege. The US provides “free” lawyers to poor people, but those free lawyers aren’t even worth the money the defendant pays for them. Often over worked they don’t have time to defend anyone, low pay gives low incentive, and often they could care less about their clients. Since the state pays the bill, they work for the state, not the defendant. Moreover, if a rich person sues a poor person, no where is the poor person given an attorney, they have to defend themselves pro se. Therefore they lose.

Then there’s the inherent advantage of political favor above and beyond that of the lawyer. A defendant with huge political favor is unconvictable. Even as one with huge negative political favor, cant win, with video proving him innocent. This factor in and of itself shows legal systems are failures at justice. Because they epitomize the adage, some are more equal than others, under the law. The difference between the past and today is, we see it now, in vivid color. The elite have used the Pareto curve to justify their usurpations. To make everyone economically “equal.” By making some more equal under the law. The courts are inherently biased to the wealthy and politically favored… and always will be. So what’s the answer? Fight to limit the power, role and scope of the government, and especially, the law.


John Pepin

Posted in business, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The elite care only about appearance,

As they crush reality and resistance,

Though try as they might,

Darkness fails in light,

And God willing they’ll get their comeuppance.


Ever striving for their award,

Living and dying by the sword,

Demons on Earth,

Evil by birth,

And racing off to their eternal reward.


There once was a faction traitorous,

They’re progressive and laborious,

Despots in parks,

Vanilla oligarchs,

And shouting absurdities vaporous.


The Nazis were bad we can all agree,

Abwehr, Gestapo and SS were villainy,

Bad back then,

We’ll do it again,

At the hands of those who rule you and me.


What Adler fails to see,

And befuddles you and me,

Despots are aware,

They just don’t care,

So they crush our Rights with glee.



John Pepin

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As The World Burns

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, to borrow a phrase, our elites would rather rule over Hell than serve in Heaven. Which is one reason I worry the elite will burn the world down, before they cede control to populists. Our elite are people driven mad by lust. Lust for power. They start as ignorant teenagers, protesting and demanding others do as they foolishly order. They may not have a clue if their demands make any sense but are all too willing to use violence. Look at how the elite today are so willing to discredit the legal system in their pursuit of power? Breaking their best tool. A sage looks at the world as it is, a pragmatist does what’s effective, and a good person serves mankind. While a fool sees the world as a pastoral, an idealist does what they want, and a bad person expects to be served.

There’s a ruler mindset. Plato described it in his work, The Republic. Those who would rule call themselves “Great men.” They consider the rest of us mere bricks for their castles. You see it manifested when a teenager, with zero practical experience and darned little book learning, demands someone else follow their orders. In doing so harming themselves. A thing a solidifying elite would never do. Molding ignorance with hubris in a base of hypocrisy to forge an elite. The climate change vandals are an example. They destroy that which they could never create, to protest a hoax, so the pathological elite can have more power, to make the world worse. That’s the price the elite are willing for the rest of us to pay… so they can have more power over us. Is it really for our good though?

Sooner or later they will have started a nuclear war with Russia. NATO has advanced to Russia’s very border and is amassing armies around it. Meanwhile claiming Russia is the aggressor. Then the elite flip out when Russia sends a fleet to Cuba to threaten us back. Psychopaths love victimizing others… especially when the victim is powerless to fight back. They epitomize the typical bully. Russia is ruled by a bully as well though. So, if pushed far enough, there’s no telling if Putin would use nukes. If he did, and the world ends, Western elites won’t be able to blame Putin, they’ll try, but will have to take the blame themselves. If history is recorded, it’ll record them as the worse people to have ever lived. Do you think the elite would nuke the world… rather than accept defeat at the ballot box?

If you use a knife as a pry it’ll break. Because tools have limits. A knife slices, a pry bar pries and screwdriver cuts your hand. The elite’s best tool of subjugation is the legal justice system. By using it the way they have, openly and publicly as a tool of political oppression, they’ve broken it. That tool is only as sharp as the people’s opinion of it though. Dull it in our minds by political bias and it doesn’t cut as well. Use it as a pry though and it breaks off. The elite have been using it as a political lever. Dulling it first by public corruption, and now breaking it, with their insane persecution of conservatives, MAGA, Trump and anyone else that stands in their way. Destroying the legal system in the process. How do you think a society functions without an operational legal system?

Pragmatists look at results and idealists look at intentions. Our elites could care less about the collapsing standard of living in the US and Europe. They’re ruling for “our” good making their intentions pure. Even if the results are evil. Someone aware, pragmatic, who has the best interest of the nation in mind, would step aside. Without grasping to power by election fraud, criminal prosecution of opponents and propaganda. As a person mesmerized by ideology, idealistic and haughty clutches onto power. Even as our economy collapses, crime escalates, and nuclear war is at hand… our elites call hard working Christian Americans, (the majority), America’s biggest threat. As the world burns, the elite prove daily, they’d rather rule over a hellscape than live in powerless opulence.


John Pepin

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Oligarchy By Another Name

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the administrative state is a euphemism, for aristocracy. As elite is for aristocrat. People have been programmed to think aristocracy is bad, so the name had to be changed. Why? Because the elite want an “aristocracy” and therefore it needed a makeover. The elite’s manipulation of language to suit their needs has a long and storied past. At least back to Thrasymachus, in Plato’s Republic, who blurted out what the elite think of Justice. It’s a swindle they play on us, so they can take our stuff and abuse us… while calling it just. Modern examples appear in NY courts today. Aristocracy is merely a system. That system can be perverted though. Oligarchy is its perversion. The difference being, the aristocrat serves everyone’s interest, while the oligarch uses political power, to serve himself.

Confusing terms confuses our idea of them. That’s why, if a law is designed to allow child slavery, it’ll be titled, “The anti child slavery act.” Once passed, it’ll assist and protect child slavers. As Section 230 of the Decency act didn’t stop kiddy porn, it abetted it. While also allowing political censorship. The same malevolent logic is used when aristocracy is called administrative state, elitism or collective. The elite are fascinated with gender bending, so have coined the term, “gender affirming,” to mean surgically removing a child’s genitalia. Examples abound of this tactic to twist evil into good and good into evil. It’s a function of intellect. If not wisdom. Because by making the logical ground on which we reckon, liquid, they risk all of us drowning in it… like in quicksand.

Since the elite wanted a return to aristocracy they changed the name to administrative state. Not for linguistics, but to make the idea more palatable to people who grew up in a civilization that abhors anything but, a republic. An aristocrat is defined by their privilege. Is an aristocrat still and aristocrat, if they’re called a public servant? Calling an aristocrat an expert makes them sound much more, well, expert. Most people would rather answer to a judge or bureaucrat, than an aristocrat. Wouldn’t you? We’ve been programmed to believe a judge or bureaucrat is fair, while an aristocrat is haughty. Yet, look at our elites, is there anyone more haughty than a judge, or more petulant than a bureaucrat? They’re privileged aristocrats pretending to be public servants.

A system where only the elite have a say, is elitist, and when the people have no say… it’s called a democracy. By the elite. Since elections can be controlled with propaganda, censorship, vote harvesting, criminal law, mail in fraud, bussing, ballot box stuffing, and whatever closing the counting location over a puddle of pee, then pulling boxes of ballots out from under a table and running them through the machines over and over is… they are. Giving the appearance of democracy where none really exists. Elitist systems such as ours serve themselves openly and without shame. Because the aristocrats decide who’s charged, who’s vilified in the press, and who’s an enemy of the state. The elite can never be any of these things, they are the state, under elitist aristocracy… and oligarchy.

Aristocracy in and of itself isn’t a bad system. Most importantly, however, is that the elite serve the interests of the whole society. Enforced with transparency and consequences for failure. Else it’s oligarchy. Because oligarchy is aristocracy that serves itself. Oligarchy is the natural evolution of aristocracy. As tyranny is from oligarchy. Their actions allow us to  discern our system. Are the courts fair? Is there a double standard? Is there political censorship? Are some citizens the elite’s enemies? Do we have fair elections? Are some favored? Is the standard of living rising or dropping? Are the elite drowning us in illogic? Do the elite serve society… or themselves? These tell us if we live in a republic, aristocracy or oligarchy. What do you reckon, is your country a republic, an aristocracy or oligarchy?


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


When you’re disconnected from reality you’ll find,

You’ll believe in anything wrong absurd or unkind,

Have some candy,

Censor Jim Dandy,

As the elite shill high fructose corn syrup for the mind.


The globalist elite are done with Europeans,

Our existence is offensive to elitist opinions,

So take them in,

Pay for your sin,

Of civilizing the world of pagans.


Hurrah to post modernism the elite do cheer,

Lend them a hand and drink a cold beer,

Suicide cuts a fetter,

Torture though is better,

And hurrah for the the Beast system is almost here.


Hey ho what do you know,

The elite have it by the toe,

Squeal and fight,

A terrible sight,

But they’ll kill it before they let it go.


Wealth is distributed on a Pareto curve,

Bolstered by merit politics and deserve,

When socialism abides,

The system decides,

Who wins and who loses by political verve.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Manipulating Language, Thought And Action

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the left’s ability to manipulate language, allows them to flip right into wrong and good into evil. In doing so they control thought itself. This strategy to manipulate the masses has worked astonishingly well. Control what people think of a thing and you can make the most evil palatable. Edward Bernays noticed the low spot, dug the channel, and others have widened and deepened it since. In Nazi Germany there were propaganda films, justifying the heartless extermination of the mentally retarded… in the name of compassion! With public support the Nazis systematically then liquidated the mentally retarded. Manipulation of language then precedes that of thought and then of action. Which makes the manipulation of language more dangerous than bank robbery, murder and wire fraud.

There’s the example of the nuns in Canada saving orphans, who’s reputation was turned from selfless and nurturing, to mass murderers… by the media. The result has been multitudes of retaliatory church burnings. The story was eventually discredited as a hoax… but the churches still lay in ashes. Stochastic terrorism at it’s most effective. In this case, we see the good flipped into evil, by media propaganda. Next that language effected thought, creating anger and ideas of just retribution for the perceived evil. Lastly the manipulation of language and thought culminated in arson. Literal destruction of places of worship… without consequence for those truly responsible. This is but one example of multitudes in the media, where the innocent were set upon, due to lies.

Puritan is now a negative word. It’s a pejorative. Because we all know that adherence to God and his laws is too zealous. Better to be zealous about abortion. Mangling the word has had many benefits for the manipulators however. Any good act, thought or even compassion itself, can be denigrated as “puritan.” Humility can become a negative if it’s puritanical. No one wants to be puritan in their thinking… better to be cosmopolitan. Because, the slut life is far better than having a family, cooking Christmas dinners and sleeping with the same man. Sure, you die alone, lonely and hopeless, but at least you weren’t puritanical about it. The perversion of that word is but one example. Gay used to mean happy, now it means homosexual. Mixing happiness with homosexuality is pure manipulation.

The left gets around establishing atheism as the State religion, in direct violation of the US Constitution, by claiming it’s not a religion. Which is another manipulation of language. As Kung Sung Lung (an ancient Chinese philosopher) once said, “A white horse is not a horse but a black or yellow one is…” He used language to prove the impossible, establishing language as a poor medium of communication. When is a white horse not a horse, or a religion not a religion? When the elite want it so. Therefore, even as the elite claim the state must be atheist, and thus hostile to Christianity as the predominant religion, atheism isn’t a religion… and so establishing it as the state “philosophy,” is acceptable under the non establishment clause of the US Constitution, in Amendment One.

By changing the definition of words elitists work great mischief in the world. Stochastic terrorism, relabeling as a political expedient, and establishing their religion, (atheism) as the state religion, for example. This has been a profitable tactic for the progressive elite for so long, they’ll never give it up… willingly. People are noticing the manipulations though. Manipulation of language and thought must be done in the dark. Once seen, the slight of hand becomes obvious, and the mark becomes aware. Giving us a window of opportunity to make manipulation of language as hated as cigarettes… by vilifying it so much. Any hint of language manipulation, should be considered by the people, like lighting up a Lucky in a bureaucrat’s office, blowing smoke in her face, and using her floor as an ashtray.


John Pepin

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The Swindling Of America

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, in Biden’s America you feel swindled, because you are being swindled. The clear and obvious double standard in law enforcement, mind numbing inflation as the Fed strangles us and our pay, are a few signs. While the media claims everything is fine and GDP is rising fast! Not because your fortune is rising, it’s falling, but because the government is printing and spending so much. The government is stirring up a nuclear war, like a batch of biscuits. Which creates angst. Our cities are being flooded with people from across the world, with only one skill… how to apply for welfare. Meanwhile, taxes are rising fast to make the creditors think they’ll get their money back… before it’s inflated away. Which makes us feel swindled… because we are being swindled.

Biden’s administration’s policies, and the government’s response to Covid, took the US from a peak of prosperity to a low in poverty. Shutting down all “non essential” business was the acme of stupidity. The very pinnacle of idiocy was surmounted by adding stimulus to the shutdowns. Which, put another way, stimulated aggregate demand while suppressing aggregate supply. From that singularly bad decision came waves of inflation. Magnified by the Biden administrations’ fascination with regulation, government spending and war. The Fed thinks it’s possible to strangle the little guy fast enough to keep up with government printing and spending… the little guy, who’s face is turning blue, disagrees though. Which is why we feel like there’s an economic elephant on our chests.

Chaos has become normalized under the Biden administration. Mass shootings have become like a dog mauling. No matter how horrific, the media downplays it, if they report it at all. Being careful not to let out the reasons for the mass shootings. We’re left to our own devices to come up with why. Because the government prosecutes those who release manifestos like Audrey Hale’s. Streets that were perfectly safe only four years ago have become like movie sets from Mad Max. Would you walk alone down the streets of San Francisco, Portland or Seattle at night? The homeless tents, feces and needles littering the streets might give some pause. Even as the government is exploited as a political weapon against Rudy Giuliani, the city he cleaned up has become a dumpster fire, again.

For the first time in forty years we’re under the literal threat of nuclear annihilation. Now that’s progress! Since Reagan defeated the Soviet Union in the Cold War, and Russia became an ally, the US has lived under relative peace and prosperity. The Biden administration fixed that. Now they’re actually talking about instituting a draft, to amass an army to send to Ukraine… and obviously, fight Russia. An alliance with Russia had some benefits, cheap energy for Europe, a source of cultural exchange, and a lack of threat of nuclear annihilation. There are trade offs though. Peace isn’t profitable to the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). And when the MIC is low on cash… so are the bribes they hand out to the elites. So the elite’s had to solve that problem… and war with Russia solves it nicely.

Perhaps the threat of burning to death in nuclear fire, the chaos, and our diminishing standard of living are what’s causing us to feel betrayed and swindled… or maybe we’re just whining. Perhaps the elite are right we just need to tighten our belts for the betterment of mankind. Like they’re doing. Or are they? Do you see any elite tightening their belt? Are any of them wasting away as they waddle to the all you can eat surf and turf buffet? If there are… I haven’t seen them. The elite live higher off the hog today then ever before. Making them hypocrites. Even as we wade in crime, poverty and fear of war. They get rich, live in opulence, and have well stocked bunkers, we paid for. That’s why we feel like we’re being swindled… because we are being swindled. Realization is the first step to stopping it.


John Pepin

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