Is Fascism The Future?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, gave up on communism and turned to fascism in the 1980s. Since then, their economic fortunes have gone up dramatically, while the liberty of the people has flat lined. Today’s CCP is a full blown nationalist, imperialist and expansionist power. They seek Lebensraum in the First Island Chain and have marshaled their society along military lines. Just as Hitler envisioned it. The fascism practiced by the CCP is a blending of Nazism and mercantilism. Very effective at increasing national prosperity at the cost of other nations. With the added benefit that the subjects are told they are supermen and so are willing to die for their oppressors. Which makes a war over Taiwan, another war between fascists and the rest of the world, almost inevitable.

Racism is inseparable from classical fascism. Even the globalist fascists, like George Soros, have racism as one of their core principles. In the case of Nazi Germany, they hated the Jews, today’s globalists hate Europeans. The CCP hates everyone, who is not Han Chinese, and doesn’t especially like them either. The racism that fascists promote fuels nationalism based on race. When Chinese students attack students from Hong Kong in Canada, over protesting the suppression of Hong Kong by the CCP, it’s nationalist expansionism that’s their justification. Is Hong Kong seeking to Invade mainland China and impose freedom on its people? Of course not. Hong Kong is occupied by the CCP… as is Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang. The Han are expedient… but any race would do.

Communism is united in one thing… economic disaster. It may be wonderful at marshaling the poorest into a fighting force, to usurp power, but it fails miserably at producing enough food to feed those people once in power. The CCP discovered this first hand. Tens of millions starved to death by economic centralization. Mao saw that there wouldn’t be enough food to go around, so he made the hard decision, to round up all the food from everyone’s pantry, at gunpoint, and store it in a central location. To be handed out at a rate so it would last until the next season’s harvest. The result was, as Mao became obese… some say, fifty million people starved to death. Others say it was only ten million. No one will ever know because records were not kept and most died in the bar ditch.

Fascism and mercantilism, are good at hording money, but poor at leading a people to anything but oppression. The CCP gave up on communism and instead embraced fascist economics, Corporatism as Goebbels and Mussolini called it. Privately owned publicly controlled is another way to describe fascist economic theory. All for one and one for all, led by a single titular head, who chooses the overall path and takes responsibility for the results. No need of elected representatives, who talk incessantly and do nothing, and take responsibility for nothing. It has been a process though. The economy was mutated first, and now, the CCP may have found the leader it’s looking for… in the personage of Xi. A lifetime dictator who will lead the CCP to ultimate victory and Lebensraum!

What we have in the CCP, is an expansionist, fascist empire (in the classic definition) that’s cut from the same cloth as Nazi Germany. Our globalist rulers appear to be on the same track as Xi. They are expansionist fascists as well. We’re advancing to Russia, for the glory of globalism, while creating a valid excuse why we can’t come to the aid of Taiwan. In WWII, Japan was busy in the Pacific, while Germany expanded throughout Europe, and into Russia. Just as NATO controls Europe and is expanding into Russia. Almost like the new Axis is NATO and the CCP. The thing that stands in the way of that beautiful friendship, is the military industrial complex. They’ve never seen a war they didn’t like. I suspect they’re licking their chops at the idea of war with the PLA. Korea was a moneymaker.


John Pepin

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