The Epic Swindle

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what we are seeing today, is the idea Joseph Schumpeter espoused in his book Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy… that the first step to making a socialist society, is destroying small businesses. He said that corporations are bureaucracy and so they teach workers how to live under socialism. Making corporations an economic Trojan horse. Training people to live under socialism… being a first step to implementing full socialism. Once everyone works for a corporation, the government can then simply print the money to buy all the stock, and voila, you have socialism. Moreover, the marks even think they were paid for their assets! An epic swindle to play on a people. He laid the whole plan out in his book and apparently the elite are following it to the letter.

Corona virus, or more correctly, the Wuhan Flu, has been a godsend to our psychopathic elite. It has allowed them to infect us with brain eating fear. Which has made us willing to give up our Rights to fight a ghost. It has nullified science. In that a small shop with one or two people in it, is a far bigger threat to public safety, than a corporate store, stuffed with hundreds of people crowded together in a long line at the checkout. The flu has enabled despots to shut down the economy. Well, not everyone’s economy, just small businesses and churches. Meanwhile, liquor stores, corporations and abortion clinics are open. You have to admit, the Kung flu is pretty sly, only dangerous in churches and mom and pop stores. Although perhaps the shut downs are not for public health… but something else?

Insurance does not cover your house or business if it is destroyed during war, rioting or unrest, which means all those small businesses that were burned to the ground, to protest the overdose death of George Floyd, are gone. The owners ruined. The best they can hope for is bankruptcy. Thousands of small businesses were torched across the nation in the protests. Not one is covered by insurance. If they were, you can bet the government would have stopped the riots, right off the bat! Insurance companies, (corporations), have political favor, while small businesses don’t. Some small businesses, that might have survived the shutdowns, could not survive being incinerated. Then again, maybe they were raised because something, other than, one out of the 80,000 overdose deaths in 2020?

Our law enforcement agencies have a motto, follow the money. When crime is being done, the criminals get rich, obviously. That tactic was used to get Al Capone in a tax evasion charge when the feds couldn’t get him any other way. Today even a cursory glance at the money flow is illustrative. The new class has become exponentially richer, the billionaires have reaped a windfall and the corporations have never had it better. Meanwhile little guy USA has been hammered. In democrat led states… small businesses are all but gone. Obliterated by the one two punch of shut downs, along with moving goal posts to suck up what capital they had, then riots flattening the rest. The trillions they printed up to compensate small businesses, went to Harvard, Planned Parenthood and large corporations instead.

In states with despots, (democratic governors) leading them, small businesses are on the ropes. Their benign extermination is opening the way to move everyone into a corporate job. Once everything is done by corporations, the government just prints the money to buy all the stock, in a forced buy back, then we have socialism. The printed money people got for their real assets, being fiat, will evaporate like so much ether in the sun. Along with our rights. Schumpeter said, the lash is as good a motivator of men, as self interest. So we can expect to replace self interest, as our motivator, with the lash. Wielded by an administrative state, run by professionals, for our own good. Because if you think of it, who needs Rights, they come with responsibilities, wouldn’t you rather be a feckless slave instead?


John Pepin

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