
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the power to label is perhaps the greatest political power there is. The faction that labels therefore is the hegemony faction. Because he who labels controls the language. Once you control the language, there’s little anyone else can do but violence. If you further have a monopoly on violence, then you’re the arbiter of truth. With control of language, elections become a rubber stamp. As Klaus the Varmint Schwab says, we no longer need elections. The elite can deem what the people want with computers. Today both a monopoly on violence and the power to label rests firmly in the hands of the post modernist progressive faction. They control the labels and thus the language. They control the bureaucracy and courts so have a monopoly on violence. Totalitarian power in all… but label.

Reality is to people that which we believe. No matter if what we believe is true or not, we act on those ideas we believe, and don’t act on ideas we don’t believe in. Labels drive our perceptions and so determine what we think. If we’re told a thing is bad by an authority, we believe it to be bad and act accordingly… whether or not it’s in fact bad. We’re manipulated this way into acting against our self interest. The more knee jerk we react, the easier it is to manipulate us. When the media labels itself “unbiased,” does that mean they’re unbiased, or that they’re manipulating us? When something is called “misinformation,” yet is later discovered to be true, like that Covid came from a laboratory not a food market, is it still misinformation? If something is labeled safe, yet is deadly, is it really safe?

If we believe that calling our representatives is useless, we won’t let them know our opinions. If we believe eating saturated fat is deadly, we’ll avoid butter and choose oleo instead. Despite the fact oleo is a hydrogenated seed oil, highly inflammatory, often rancid with the smell stripped away and the flavor added chemically… while butter has tons of micro nutrients, the saturated fats in it are healing and ideal for cell wall repair. In that case harming our health to protect it. Because we’ve been told a lie, by the experts, and the truth labeled misinformation. That little manipulation might cost a few tens of thousands of lives a year from heart disease, but how many more lives are lost from the vaccine lies? Or more importantly, the lies that cause wars. We act on our beliefs.

Since voting is an act based on our beliefs, and our beliefs are set by the labels we accept… elections are manipulated by the people who label, constantly. Not for our interests but for theirs. When someone is labeled dangerous, a far right extremist, or a criminal liar, especially without example, and we accept the label… we’re being manipulated. Add to the manipulation of our thoughts by the people that label, election fraud by mail in voting, and elections are all but nullified. The post modernist progressive faction, the faction of the global administrative state, has nearly unlimited power in their monopoly on violence, especially street violence as the summer of 2020 proved, as well as State violence, added to the power to label, and we have a Juggernaut steaming to planetary despotism.

Consider that when looking at the election results and polls from Europe and the polls in the US, as we approach election season. You know every one of those polls are biased against the right. Yet the conservative’s are running away with public opinion, despite being censored, banned, sued and even criminally charged… for wrongthink. The fact is, manipulation only works on the stupid and distracted, it fails utterly when applied to people aware of the manipulation. The post modernist elites exposed their ugly visage too soon, and now the people across the planet are aware, and revolted by what they see. Poland is proof enough that the progressive globalists mean business, like the CCP, they’re balls to the wall totalitarians. Now it’s a race to get them out of power, before they label humanity… redundant.


John Pepin

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