Christianity Is Europe’s Source Of Vitality

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason Europe went from besieged on all sides in the 1400s, to conquering the world by the 1800s, is because of Christianity. Others would point to warfare, technology or maybe forced evolution, from the existential catastrophes Middle Ages Europeans had to suffer through. Like the Plague, Islamic invasions from the south, and the Vikings from the north. I argue Christianity is the first cause, the rest are resulting causes. Why? Because philosophy presages science, technology and innovation. Moreover, Christianity introduced several philosophic innovations. The idea we are made in the image of God himself, our sins can be forgiven, and the Golden Rule. Each mundane sounding but seismic in outcome. Leading to Europe’s vitality and conquering the world.

Philosophy must come before new science, technology or innovation. Because a new philosophy gives people a new way of thinking. That new way of thinking opens up a multitude of possibilities, that were unthinkable before. Which allows science to advance. With the follow on increase in technology. Both of which further open the minds of men allowing for innovation. All based on a new philosophy, or new way of looking at the world. If someone went back in time to ancient Rome, and told them how to become an industrialized modern society, that time traveler would have been crucified. Because the changes needed would so upset the society and elites, the promoter of it would have to be made an example of. Because the philosophy of ancient Rome wasn’t up to the task.

Christianity introduced several critical philosophies to Europe that completely changed the paradigm. The idea you and I are made in the image of God is one. It opened up a whole new way of looking at people. From then on, no Christian could enslave another human being, because that would be figuratively enslaving and abusing God himself. Which made human slavery unthinkable. An idea that circled the world along with colonization. The divine nature of Man opened up the possibility that people could voluntarily work for pay instead of as slaves. Who then could buy the output of the economy, increasing aggregate demand. Leading to an economy with high and growing productivity, the need for industrialization, as well as free speech and thought, opening up innovation.

Some claim the unlimited power of European monarchs was a deciding factor. They say, the constant religious wars generated innovations, that allowed European armies to outmatch any other on the planet. Unlimited power then, they claim, was the primary cause. To which I might say, unlimited power was certainly not limited to Europe. The Islamic caliphs had far more power, as did many other despotic governments around the world. Moreover, tyrannical power was nothing new. Plus, history is unambiguous, tyranny leads to poverty, across cultures and time. So tyranny couldn’t have been the primary cause of European dominance of the world in 400 years. The primary cause must have been local, significant and unique. Otherwise Europe’s advancement would have been mirrored in the past.

In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Caliphate, Spain was fighting Islamic rule, Vikings were raiding the northern coasts of Europe, Islamic Pirates in the Mediterranean were taking Europeans as slaves, the Silk Road was closed, and the plague had several more rounds to go. Europe was on the rocks and about to go under for the third time. Christianity, which had once been the religion of the Holy Roman Empire, had been concentrated to a small section of the world. Yet European civilization not only survived but thrived. As the Caliphate rotted, that took young Christian men as slaves who would serve as Janissary. While Europe grew healthy. Leading to a world dominated by Europeans in 400 years. Sadly, a people who have abandoned that source of vitality, and it shows.


John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


General Smedley Butler said “War is a racket.”

It’s hard to understand so let’s unpack it,

Some people in blood pay,

Others get money and sway,

So the elite can wear a new leather jacket.


When politics has the power to ruin people,

We must seek power to insure we’re equal,

Then sold a lie,

To take our pie,

Because the elite have made theft legal.


Trudeau is no innocent prankster,

He’s more of a political gangster,

Truth dost bespoke,

He does promote,

The politics of a searing canker.


There once was a demagogue called Brandon,

In everything bad and evil he had a hand in,

Destroying a nation,

With sly ingratiation,

And he was lost in space with the finesse of a cannon.


Wrongthink and wrongspeak are a terrible sin,

Putting ideas and concepts in a rubbish bin,

The hypocrite knows best,

Censoring us ignorant rest,

And an Orwellian oligarchy they’re ushering in.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Tipping Point Between Tyranny And Liberty

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there are two modes of governing, one where the government is limited and the people are unlimited, or one where the people are limited and the government is unlimited. There is no middle ground. Because the two states are like sinks next to one another. One is limited government the other is unlimited government. The rest state is either despotism or liberty. Any state between is a traveling state, that either takes energy, or releases energy. It releases the potential energy built up pushing the ball to the tipping point. If the force is taken away, the ball will return to the rest state of the sink it’s in. Up to the twenty first century, the rest state in the West was that of freedom. Since then the elite have been expending huge amounts of energy pushing the ball towards despotism.

When a state is moving away from liberty and toward unlimited government, the sides are steep, until the rest state (the bottom of the next basin) is reached again. Initially its hard to get up to the lip, but once the lip is passed, the slide to totalitarianism is rapid. Like the old saying, “Slow at first then all at once.” The same can be said of both states. It’s as hard to move a free people to despotism as it is to move tyrannized people to freedom. It requires huge amounts of energy. Once a tipping point is reached though, the slide to the other side becomes rapid. Converting the potential energy built up in the climb to kinetic energy in the descent. Our elites have used titanic volumes of political energy, moving us up that steep side, striving to get us past the tipping point to totalitarianism.

The rest state of a free people is limited government. Which is a problem to those seeking to rule. The globalist elite want unlimited government tyrannizing a limited people. They want the ball in the other basin. The problem for the would be despots is the longer a ball rests in a basin, the deeper that basin becomes. So it takes that much more energy to surpass the tipping point. The West has become very used to freedom though. So used to it our basin is deep. So it takes a great deal of shock to wake us up. Those who do, find themselves way up on the side of the basin, being pushed inexorably towards totalitarianism. That awareness adds to the gravity pulling the ball back into the basin. Amounting to more energy needed to over come each aware person.

Meanwhile the rest state of abused people is unlimited government. Plus the longer a people live under despotism, the deeper that basin becomes. In the Middle East, people have incorporated totalitarianism into their psyche. Making that basin of despotism very deep and steep indeed. Proven by the titanic effort the US and Europe expended, in money and blood, to introduce freedom to people used to tyranny. Who then rejected ill fitting liberty in favor of comfortable tyranny. Because the energy expelled wasn’t sufficient to get them over the tipping point. Who knows how much it would take to make any state there, other than Israel, a liberal democratic republic that practices free enterprise? Maybe nothing short of an existential crisis. God forbid.

I believe the global elites thought they had reached the tipping point, where people become comfortable with tyranny, making despotism inevitable. The governments of the West have spent huge amounts of energy. They’ve enacted laws against wrongthink, and wrong speak, that are far more enthusiastically enforced than laws against the rape of little girls. In the UK, the government refused to investigate multi generational rape gangs, yet imprisoned Tommy Robinson for speaking out against it. The UN demands farms, nuclear power plants and industry in Europe be shut down. Even as the globalists wax their mustaches for war. What they haven’t counted on is the depth of the West’s loathing of despots, making our sides as difficult to overcome as the Middle East’s.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There once was a socialist Bernie,

In Plainfield he started his journey,

He stole firewood,

Lived like a hood,

And became the millionaire of which he was so worried.


While the elite cheer our soon demise,

They order us not to believe our eyes.

Laughingly they say,

You won’t go away,

As our servitude the elite do normalize.


There once was a genius named Jordan,

Often doing battle with a political gorgon,

He said with a smile,

It may take awhile,

But right thought and action leads to good fortune.


There once was a media you couldn’t beat,

Speaking as one they ruled by copy sheet,

Evacuated in their food,

I don’t want to be rude,

But everyone knows you don’t poop where you eat.


There’s one thing we all do know,

Taxes empower despotism’s show,

Thrasymachus had sight,

Wrong is now right,

And unrealized gain can’t be allowed to grow.



John Pepin

Posted in economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Waste, Fraud And Abuse

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it takes a special kind of zealot to defend government waste, fraud and abuse. One with no self-awareness, or an entertainer type whose reputation is that of an entertainer, or paid shill, not a serious pundit. The legacy media had a reputation of honesty. As did the courts. They savaged that like a Bobcat does a goose. The golden eggs have stopped but the goose made a great meal. Now the same people that gaslit us for decades, abused us under color of law, and have lost all credibility for it, demand we pretend they can be trusted. I do give them some sympathy though, imagine having to defend waste, fraud and abuse, to those whose money is wasted, the victims of fraud and people who are abused? Shredding any mote of trust they may still have, and thus, their business model.

I’m not sure defending waste fraud and abuse is organic nor authentic. Put another way, those who are defending waste, fraud and abuse, would not tolerate it in their own lives. Yet they expect us to tolerate our money wasted, us being defrauded and abused by the courts under color of law? That’s hypocrisy. No hypocrite should ever be taken seriously. Even a Pharisee. Because the hypocrite always uses hypocrisy to lower, never to elevate. Even if the message sounds good. Therefore following a hypocrite leads to disaster. Take the examples of Mao, Stalin and Marx, each the acme of hypocrisy. Leading their followers to hell on Earth. Moreover, the hypocrite can’t be authentic, our authentic self is in our actions, not our rhetoric. Even as organic ideas come from within, and aren’t bought and paid for.

We know the legacy media took payola from the government because DOGE exposed it. USAID was giving money to the main stream media literally for “mass deception.” Which suggests the strident defense of waste fraud and abuse indeed, isn’t intuited, but a product. A product like advertising, that’s sold to fund the enterprise. The other parts are to increase the profitability. Attributes like trust, honesty and good intentions, merely increase the profitability of propaganda. The more viewers who trust a media organization then, the greater the profitability of their propaganda. Which is the incentive for them to demand censorship, thought laws and licenses to speak… profit. It’s their business model. The mouth of Sauron will always have a voice. It’s the whistle blowers who will be silenced.

We used to have great confidence in our courts. US courts were known around the world as a bastion of fairness. That, of course, was all a lie. US courts as well as all courts, operate on political favor… not justice or law. From the New York courts abusing Trump under color of law, to Delaware courts abusing Elon Musk, and even Texas and Connecticut courts abusing Alex Jones under color of law, in plain sight, our courts have proven they are the mouths of Sauron. Not arbiters of justice or law. Today the courts are openly usurping the role of the Executive. In open violation of the plain wording of our Constitution. And they do it with impunity. Judges and prosecutors have ruled they are above the same laws they impose on others. Totaling their reputations.

As you and I struggle to make ends meet, we’re told by the media and courts, we have no right to know how the government spends the money it takes from us at gun point. Don’t believe taxes are taken at gun point? Try not paying and see if armed men don’t show up at your door. The threat is implicit. So we have courts and a media that claims unelected bureaucrats wasting our money is of no concern of ours. We should accept the administrative state abuse of us and our trust. Fraud in government is for our good. Yet those are clearly self serving lies. Foisted on us by paid shills, people who killed the goose that laid the golden egg, by defending waste, fraud and abuse, and ruining their reputations because of it. This is a lesson in organizational seppuku.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Transparency & Accountability

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the solution to all the worlds problems, are transparency and accountability. I offer that every problem faced by mankind today is of our own making. The only reason for hunger are regulations, grift and war. Tyranny, well, that’s obviously of our own making. Why is there mass migration? Because of poor governance. We have solved all the major diseases of mankind, so USAID spent forty million dollars to create some new ones. If there’s a shortage of housing you can bet rent control and regulation are behind it. A lack of career opportunities in a formerly industrialized nation is because of intentional deindustrialization. Any problem you can think of is man made. Created by elites in governments. Which can then be solved by transparency and accountability.

Government is sold to us as the solution, but in reality its the problem, or at least the source of the problems. Many people honestly believe government has a valid role to play in helping people improve their lives… despite all the evidence to the contrary. Instead of elevating people out of poverty, welfare traps people for generations. Even the most virtuous and well meaning government program will, sooner or later, be exploited by bad actors. Distributed blame means no bureaucrat is ever held accountable for the failures of the bureaucracy. Meanwhile, the more government supposedly does, the bigger the ATM it becomes to politically favored cronies. Moreover, the war on drugs, war on poverty and war on terror have all been absolute utter and complete failures. Normalizing failure.

Transparency is the start of accountability. Unless we see the crimes the bureaucrats are committing we can’t charge them. Moreover, normal people are unwilling to commit crime in the light of day in a crowded place. Because they know they’ll be seen, identified and charged. No criminal wants that. It increases overhead to the point where crime doesn’t pay. So transparency is the way we start to add accountability to the elite. The first thing that needs to happen is to make transparency the default. Anything that needs to be hidden should be granted by a judge beforehand. In a confrontational court. Not a rubber stamp like the US courts have become. If everything every government worker does, is put on the internet in real time, nothing will go unnoticed.

Accountability is the cornerstone of all occupations. Imagine an engineer who’s planes exploded, buildings collapsed or cradles folded into baby killing machines? Would such an engineer be allowed to continue drawing such deadly prints? What about a manufacturer who was producing dangerous and defective products? How about a doctor who never had a patient recover under his care? We would never allow such failures from any professional… except a government expert. They can be wrong all the time. Leading to death, disaster and catastrophe. Yet the more wrong they are, the more power we give them. Because there’s no accountability in bureaucracy. Although, if a bureaucrat puts a paperclip in the wrong corner denoting two copies instead of one, she will be punished.

If we agree that government is indeed the source of our problems today, then controlling government would solve them. The way to do that is with transparency and accountability. Transparency so we can see what’s going on, and accountability so the failures, fraud and scandals of officials can be punished. Providing incentive not to violate our Constitution, our interests or their own laws. Those who thrive in the dark are the likeness of mold, and do the same thing, eat prosperity. Turning the useful into the useless. Doing nothing hasn’t worked, so why not try something? Contact Congress, senators, judges, the press and anyone who will listen… then demand transparency and accountability in government. DOGE is cutting the ditch, let’s build the road to a better world.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There’s nothing wrong with loyal opposition,

Especially in a major government transition,

But democrats aren’t loyal,

Instead they’re traitors royal,

Which means it’s time for their investigation.


Evil simply can’t go away,

It’s with us every single day,

Participate at leisure,

At the Devil’s pleasure,

And suffer in our own way.


The next few weeks we could see amazing events,

Which is because the elite don’t make any sense,

Polluting their well,

Self serving as Hell,

And lowering the lot of Man in ways intense.


No job no education those poor terrorists wont go far,

Conniving daily and praying nightly upon a dark star,

Terrorism’s expensive still,

But someone pays the bill,

Because who can afford to ruin such an expensive car?


Government is doing fine,

Criminals are doing time.

They’ll get to the root,

And give us the jackboot,

Now that wrongspeak is a crime.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Grift And Executive Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason Biden could do anything with his pen and Trump is stymied at every turn, is because of the logic of collective action. The grifters who receive the grift, keep close track of the grift. Because their incomes come from it. While the victims of the grift don’t. Because individually our harm is small. So when Trump cuts the grift, the grifters fly into a rage. After careful judge shopping they sue. So when Biden added grift, the grifters cheered, while the victims grumbled. Even as when Trump cuts the grift, the grifters fly into a rage, as the victims cheer. The logic of collective action at work. Those with the greater stake will take the greater action to protect their stake. Which presents a huge obstacle to Trump succeeding in cutting the fat from government.

Let’s face it, our government has become an inferno of grift. The USAID scandal is mind blowing. Almost 50 billion a year entirely dedicated to grift. Were that the whole story, it would be bad enough, but it’s only the tip of a budget ripping iceberg. Social Security is filled with fraud. The elite can distract with arguments about COBOL being old so it’s unreliable, their shoes are untied, and the sun was in their eye, but they amount to excuses for failure. It appears the whole world was on the US government’s payroll! No wonder the budget is a raging chemical plant fire, no one wants to get near, let alone extinguish. As that fire burns up the wealth of the nation, our elites warm their hands by its heat. Now we hear that 4.7 trillion dollars of government spending is unaccountable?!

Grift is like cocaine, the more one gets the more one wants. People take the easiest route. It’s because humanity evolved or was created in a system of perfect competition. The ecosystem. In such a system, any advantage no matter how small, can mean the difference between life and death. This is programmed into all of us. Residing in our collective unconscious or some such place. As a result, we act out our programming even when the stakes aren’t life and death. Because of mankind’s history in the state of nature. So when offered the option of hard work or taking grift, most people will take the grift. It’s simply human nature. Plus, the more grift is available, the more the grifter wants. Again human nature, in that there’s no such thing as enough good, but even a bit of bad is too much.

No one addicted to a drug willingly lets it go until forced. Since grift is drug like in its effect we can apply this to government grift. The answer to both then is keeping people from trying them. Instead, our elites all get a taste of grift the moment they get power. It’s like having all teenagers try heroin, meth and crack at the age of sixteen. The one is as stupid as the other. Because a taste is all that’s needed to create addiction. Which means, drugs have to be limited to medical uses and government must be limited to the basics. Any more power in the hands of weak human beings and an opium epidemic of grift will happen. It’s human nature. What we need to do then is limit government to limit grift and all the associated negative results. Hindered by the logic of collective action.

That’s why when Biden sent tens of billions to Ukraine, Iran and Soros, outside congressional authority, no one judge shopped and sued. Billions went to the addicts. Taken from the pockets of working people. Who grumbled but didn’t sue. When Trump cuts grift however, that money comes right out of the pockets of some of the most corrupt and self serving people to have ever lived. They won’t hesitate to judge shop and sue. It’s the definition of Olsen’s Logic of Collective Action. Those with the greater stake will take the greater action. It’s not their fault. Since we all seek an advantage due to our programming from the state of nature. What we should do then is put our shoulders behind Trump, cut the grift and limit government, to eliminate the flow of the elite’s drug of choice… grift.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Progressives chant we must be forgiving,

So unlimiting their power is only fitting,

But try as they might,

Power slips out of sight,

Because politics boils down to the standard of living.


The Europeans are well and truly trapped,

They took the cheese and the snare snapped,

As oligarchs connive,

Expanding their beehive,

And many still are mesmerized frozen and rapt.


Wen is a conniver in the deep state’s pocket,

Fear is her tactic and you just can’t knock it,

Thinking she’s a hero,

Useful idiot and a zero,

Because she’s just a cog in an oligarchical sprocket.


There once was an elite duplicitous,

Traitors race baiters and malicious,

To stop unwanted affection,

Without offending by rejection,

And so they create a no dance sensuous.


To those who censor oppress and silence,

Expose their zealotry guile and imbalance,

For all to see,

It’s proof of tyranny,

When wrongthink is punished more severely than violence.



John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with experts telling lies is when they’re caught, and they always eventually are, people lose trust in them. Any expert who trades on their reputation would be wise to heed this advice. Because it appears they have all pooped on their reputations of late. The legacy media laments, no one trusts them, while the media experts decry our disbelief. As the courts stand in alarm that we don’t trust them anymore. The entire expert cadre has destroyed their reputation and now are whining about the result. What they didn’t understand, is that the reputations they were handed, didn’t come from effective propaganda, censorship and bullying, but of decades of honest work. Those decades of hard and diligent work were destroyed in a few years, by hubris, lies and arrogance.

The press already had a tough row to hoe with social media and the internet. What they didn’t need was confirmation that everything we had suspected about them was true. That they actually are a mockingbird media. In pay of USAID to spread false information. That revelation comes on the heels of the malfeasance of the press in not reporting Biden’s mental collapse. The complicity of the media in the Jan 6th false flag discredited them. Moreover, the blatant way they’re defending waste, fraud and abuse in our governments shows they’re cronies. One of the first things we must do when we find ourselves bleeding… is to stop cutting ourselves. The press clearly doesn’t understand the concept. Shrieking at the faith loss, they continue taking payola and lying. Which is why no one trusts them.

The medical establishment’s failures during the Covid debacle was damning. Medical expert’s total lack of curiosity about the origin was amazing. Even as they complied when told to gaslight us about Hydroxychloroquine, natural immunity and ivermectin. Then masked us up in direct contravention of the research done after the 1917 pandemic. Claiming, if one mask didn’t work, add another. Amounting to a requirement to wear political iconography as a condition of medical service. I was forced to get my high blood pressure medicine from an online doctor since I refused to wear political iconography to get medical treatment. Being told I would not be served for not wearing a mask even when they claimed I could have cancer. I have forever lost all faith in doctors as a result.

The courts have utterly discredited themselves. Using standing to deny credible claims, yet allowing any reactionary lawsuit from the left, to go unimpeded. Have you heard once, that a crazy lawsuit against Trump or DOGE has been denied due to standing, laches, mootness or ripeness? I haven’t heard of one. Yet SCOTUS refused to hear a case on standing between States in 2021! In direct contravention of their duty under our Constitution. There are double standards and there’s direct conflict of interest. Like when judges have exploited their position to protect their family’s income. Not only a clear and notorious conflict of interest, but one that undermines any credibility the courts used to have. Then there are the Jan 6th cases. Where the courts violated every constitutional obligation.

Entire professions rely on reputation. The press, doctors and the courts are but a few. People trained in those disciplines should know this, but apparently not. Because they’ve discredited themselves. No open minded person believes the legacy media anymore. Knowing they’re on the take. The courts have ruined a reputation that took two hundred fifty years to establish. What’s scary to me, is the fact doctors have proven themselves, so limited. I used to hold doctors in high regard. I don’t anymore! Now I see doctors, judges and journalists as cogs on a sprocket, without agency, independence or wisdom. As does the public. So we’re turning to other sources for news, medicine and justice. Which illustrates why experts who rely on their reputations, must protect those reputations.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment