Innovation: Why Republics Outperform

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, nature appears to have given us four choices… all political, economic and coercive power in the hands of one, a very few, or distributed among all the people. Each system has its benefits and costs. Aristotle said, in his Nicomachean Ethics, that there are three right forms of government. Monarchy, aristocracy and polity. In monarchy all power is invested in one person. In aristocracy power is given to a cadre of elites. Finally, in polity, power is distributed to all the people. He went on to say that there are three wrong forms, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. “Wrong” because those with power use it to serve themselves. He said the ideal is a republic. Blending the three right forms. A pragmatic look at the results of each, will give us an idea what we should seek, for us and our posterity.

Under kings there was little economic, intellectual or technological growth. Someone born in Bronze age Mesopotamia who was transported to 1400 AD, would have little culture shock. Since there was almost no innovation in that 2000 years. Iron would be amazing but was on the horizon in his time. Grain mills may or may not be an innovation to him. Otherwise, horses would still be the primary source of transportation, houses would be roofed with thatch, looms would still be hand powered and ceramics would be a primary form of cookware. While individual kings may have delivered a relatively high standard of living. History shows that monarchy, let alone tyranny, delivered stagnation at best and collapse at worse. Exposing the weakness of monarchy and tyranny as forms of government.

Rule by philosopher kings has been a ideal since Plato wrote his Republic. Today that ideal is being addressed by the expert managerial class. They consider themselves to be the philosopher kings Socrates was so enamored with. Bureaucrats, NGOs and think tanks are our aristocrats… or oligarchy. Depending on what they do. The history of rule by an elite class isn’t as rosy as that of monarchy. Every incarnation of elitist rule has resulted in disaster. Delivering human suffering on an industrial scale. Which is quite impressive. The French Revolution brought rivers of blood, Bolsheviks greased their politics with the inwards of Mensheviks, as the CCP starved tens of millions. The suffering goes on today in North Korea and Islamist countries. Idealists make the best oligarchs.

Polity is non existent and hasn’t really ever existed. Democracy is the closest thing to it. Rule of the majority over the minority. As a system democracy hasn’t done that great a job. Since the minority is oppressed. While democracy has brought in atrocities, it hasn’t fostered innovation, technology or moral enlightenment. Socrates was executed because it was the unjust will of the majority. Democracy then is mob rule. Then there’s a republic. Blending of monarchy, aristocracy and polity into a self correcting form of government. The Enlightenment saw the innovation of constitutions. A means to legalize and control the rule of men over men. Since then, while there have been a myriad of governments that failed, innovation, science and technology have flourished.

The improvements in the lot of Man since the Enlightenment have been nothing but astonishing. Take a woman from 1400, move her to today, and she would be shell shocked. So much has changed. From indoor bathrooms, to central heating, our way of living isn’t even imaginable to her. Because of the rapid innovation that came with limitation, legalization and self correcting government. Each republic failed due to the elite falling away from the societal myth and exceeding their constitutional authority. They became idealists who thought their constitution a burden on their plans to improve the lot of Man. Foisted on us by force if necessary. Which suggests that limited republics a blending of monarchy, aristocracy and polity, and limited by constitution, though not perfect… give us the best results.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


There once was a place called the green mountain state,

Visitors had fun saw sights and claimed that it’s great,

Though the elite try to hide,

There’s a very dark side,

The government there thinks the natives worthy of hate.


To become the twenty percent that are wealthy,

Is to learn what you love and to work diligently,

The ignorant and idle are the rest,

It takes gumption to pass the test,

But our culture works against it to make us lazy.


There once was an argument based on a flaw,

Convincing us to throw our money into a maw,

If costs go down,

Stores will leave town,

But that didn’t happen in the nineteenth century we saw.


Inflation is a vile swindle by any measure,

Designed and connived to steal our treasure,

Inflation’s a con,

We play along,

As the wire pullers thrive and seek their pleasure.


Labour and the Tories are but playboys,

With elitism thick that melds and alloys,

Wearing Oaklies,

Smoking stogies,

And pushing an agenda that only destroys.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


At the sound of war the MIC never balks,

Eschewing anything productive like talks,

Send in the foreign aid,

All American made,

But in truth they’re nothing but chicken hawks.


John Deere forgot to add their factors,

Customers are self interested actors,

DEI was uncovered,

So they discovered,

That bureaucrats and trans kids don’t by tractors.


Turns out Fredrick Bastiat was a prophet,

Now despotism has come out of the closet,

The law doesn’t protect,

Instead it’s a suspect,

Proving Thrasymachus right in his posit.


I have a stake in this race I must confess,

Prevent the world from becoming a mess,

The opinions of others,

But to have my druthers,

I want more life in the world not less.


The progressive faction whines and whines,

Apoplectic screaming and showing signs,

You know whats sad,

The reason they’re mad,

Is because we stopped them from bringing on the end times.



John Pepin

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Woke Corporations vs Customers

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the reason most big businesses are openly leftist, is because they’re terrified of being targeted by the leftists. It used to be that corporations kept a strictly neutral stance on politics and especially social issues… but not today. Our corporations are often at the cutting edge of societal revolutions. Like sterilizing children, alienating customers, and driving DEI down the throats of their employees. The reaction has been the gutting of Budweiser as a brand, with Harley Davidson and Disney right behind. Why did they destroy brands that took decades to build? Because of their fear of the globalist progressives. A fear that’s well founded I might add. Since the glee with which progressives burn institutions to the ground for political purposes, is as astounding, as it is terrifying.

We all know how the globalist progressive faction reacted the first time Trump was elected. Their wrath, gaslighting and lawfare was on full display. As was the lack of accountability for perverting their positions of authority after. From the Steele dossier and a special prosecutor awaiting Trump, to an impeachment for a protest, the progressive faction went “full retard.” Moreover, there have been zero consequences for them. Bolstered by Biden’s pardons of unindicted people. The insanity went on, after they swindled the American people in 2020, to include open lawfare. With a gusto that was only matched by their lack of self awareness. Using law to interfere with an election, by charging Trump with election interference, for asking people to follow the law. Showing their gaslighting and wrath.

Not only are the executives at our corporations afraid of crossing the globalist progressives, in many cases, the corporation itself is largely run by globalist progressives like Black Rock. Knowing most stock holders don’t bother to look into the background of candidates for executive positions, outfits like Black Rock put people on boards, who actively sabotage the companies. Destroying shareholder wealth in the process. As they did in Anhieser Bush, Harley Davidson and Disney. These are but a few of the many corporations the progressive faction has usurped, and put to their purposes, instead of providing value to customers and making money for shareholders. Because the progressive faction perverts everything it touches. Unlike Midas they have a touch of rot.

The reaction by the public has been loud and undeniable. People who drink Bud light are now subject to ridicule. Because of Bud Light’s commercials promoting the trans lifestyle. As are Harley riders. It’s like those companies didn’t know who their customers are? Try calling a biker gang a bunch of gays… and see what happens. Talk about not reading the audience. Did those executives planted by Black Rock and the others cowed into acceding, think driving woke down the throats of red blooded American men would go well? How about Disney executives pushing trans on kids? Such executives can be counted as some of the stupidest people to ever draw a breath. Yet their six figure incomes belay the fact. Confounded by their destroying brands in weeks that took decades to build.

Firms are starting to realize they have as much to fear from their customers, as from the progressive globalist faction, and even their rulers, Black Rock. While Black Rock may control the board and the rest of the executives rightly fear them, the collapse of Bud light, Harley and Disney are also strong motivators. Add shareholder revolts and legal entanglements, to the backlash from customers, and executives may think twice before throwing themselves on the sword of DEI. Which may be signaling a shift in the tide. While most executives couldn’t care less about shareholders or customers, but fear their progressive masters, they also fear losing their cushy jobs. So, I wonder if the days of Black Rock sabotaging corporations to forward progressivism, are numbered? I hope and pray so…


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, media, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


There once was an elite class so terribly foul,

Lying and conniving so we throw in the towel,

Bothering kids,

Making their bids,

To forever have a place in Tartarus’ bowel.


One can deny the truth for awhile,

Even doing so with gusto and style,

But reality bites,

Humanity lights,

And in the end we’ll be judged by our file.


The globalist faction and Satan are in bed,

With both something’s wrong in their head,

Nuclear war is a ready option,

To save them from conviction,

They’d rather do life in an underground bunker instead.


Apparently what we experience isn’t finality,

It’s not a blip in our psyche or personality,

Quantum theory arrange,

The world is pretty strange,

So the Mandela Effect could be retrocausality.


There once was a judge perverted,

Criminals and victims he inverted,

Saying with a squint,

He’s a good immigrant,

And thereby justice was safely averted.



John Pepin

Posted in International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Under Color of Law: Exploitation and Power

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, judging by the actions of our elite, law is a means to control our actions and not theirs. How many climate change zealot elites rode bicycles to the latest COP meeting? I suspect they all came in private jets, one to a jet, no carpooling for them. Even as Hunter Biden gets a blanket pardon for all crimes for a decade the poor are held to the highest legal standards. Meanwhile, the courts ignore the law and even our Constitution, if it suits their political interests. Elevating political favor above law, justice and even public opinion. As was the case in the Jan 6th political witch hunts. Remember Gingrich’s Contract With America? It was loathed by the elite because it explicitly stated it would limit the elite. Who consider themselves above the law as proved by their actions of late.

That’s probably why Constitutions are so appalling to them. Obama said many times, he isn’t fond of our Constitution. It being a charter of negative liberties. “Negative liberties” means it limits the government. He would prefer a charter of positive liberties. Meaning the government would have to do things to us. Removing all limits to governmental power. Showing the elite feel comfortable only under a totalitarian system. The same people who refuse to follow any of their own laws. Then again, why should they, has Hunter Biden suffered legally for any of his self filmed crimes? How about the Jan 6th pipe bomber? Will Fauci face punishment for creating Covid in a lab, releasing it and using the fear to scare us into taking a shot with deadly side effects, then lying about it under oath?

The idea of limiting the actions of the elite is acid in their face. Think about it, what person who censors others, uses false flags and becomes rich by legal insider trading, is interested in fairness? Such a person exploits the law to their own ends. The law becomes a tool for self enrichment. Not and never a means to social concord. So they write in a myriad of ways around the laws they pass. Many loopholes were addressed by Gingrich’s Contract, and since, have been opened up again. Because those who seek power, seek it to use it, to help themselves… not others. Good guys don’t get far in politics. It’s a psychopath’s game. You have to really want power over others to endure the filth of politics. So they can exploit law to bind others, to be better victimized.

Our elites firmly adhere to Thrasymachus’ version of justice. Thrasymachus was a character in Plato’s Republic, and I am to understand, a sophist of the ancient Greek tradition. In that book, Thrasymachus makes the point, justice isn’t fairness. Justice is instead a tool, for those with political power, to exploit those without it. By claiming it’s justice. Compelling people to go along with their own mistreatment. Law, or government enforced justice, then becomes a means to rob the nation. Just as Bastiat said. Government that exploits law, as a means to wealth for the elite, causes several symptoms. High inflation, high crime, lowered expectations, the need for belt tightening, eroding individual rights, censorship and lawfare. Where these things are present; know that government follows Thrasymachus.

Every crime, exploitation and usurpation is always, “Under color of law…” They deny us our Rights under color of law. Deny us our property under color of law. Even as they deny us our bodily autonomy, with vaccine passports… under color of law. Why do you suppose it’s more profitable for a firm to lobby government… than to innovate? Because law is now a means to enrich the politically powerful by robbing the politically weak. Do you feel comfortable when you get pulled over by a cop? Does the presence of the law make you more or less at ease? Moreover, if you were arrested for a political crime, do you feel you would get a fair trial in court? The answer to that question, more than others, defines if your government exploits law to get rich, or for social cohesion.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The administrative state is quite a biz,

Passing laws like the great war’s blitz,

Always working,

Never shirking,

But the more laws the less safety there is.


Thou shall not speak ill of some today,

Feelings are damaged you can’t repay,

Don’t make them blue,

They’re better than you,

But the beatings and rapes are okay.


The inept, and foolish with large egos see,

The real value in stealing other’s property,

They couldn’t have made it,

But they demand to trade it,

And so lower the lot of mankind exponentially.


When truths are too uncomfortable the elite change the name,

Wrongthink is now called misinformation in the newest game,

Watch what you say,

They’ll take speech away,

Because the tyranny of hypocrites always ends the same.


There once was a lawsuit to smother,

The people’s voice and that of another,

When law’s a tool,

Breaking it’s cool,

And getting caught is minor little bother.



John Pepin

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Conditional Knowledge: A Path to Wisdom

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that the problem with knowledge is that it isn’t fixed but liquid. Most people think of knowledge as cast in bronze. Instead if you clutch it, it contorts, and slips away. The fixed knowledge fallacy leads to many mistakes. Accepting the word of experts as gospel is one. A lack of critical thinking is another. Then there’s the ever popular, allowing others to decide your fate. These are life altering mistakes that come from our trust in the fixed nature of knowledge. If we examine history however we find that knowledge is never fixed. It changes over time. What is known to be true today is found to be false tomorrow. New discoveries often change our understanding of old ones. Then there’s the two categories of knowledge. That which we know, and that which we accept, conditionally.

The only things we actually know are those things we have directly observed. Those things others have observed, that we haven’t, are everything else… which is accepted conditionally. Conditionally, in that we accept them as true, contingent upon new observation. Because, if we are unwilling to update our opinion when new information comes in, we’re guaranteed to be wrong. Not all new information is true. So we have to discern. The foundation is that which we know by direct observation. If new information doesn’t fit, it’s probably not true, alternatively it may refine our understanding. It’s up to us to discern why. Only those who constantly update their opinion, based on all the information they have, can be considered wise. Since the sage understands and sees the world holistically.

Our understanding of knowledge evolves based on new observations and re imagining the consequences of old ones. Fixed ideas lead to fixed minds, and mired minds aren’t capable of leaps in understanding. So are always at the mercy of the opinions of others. Incorporating them as their own. Leading inexorably to ideological capture. Where others decide your fate for you. They program a person like a robot. Yet the robot bears the consequences for the programmer’s code. An alien mind app. Even as the discerning accept ideas contingently, and incorporate them into their own world view, or more wisely, only the parts of new ideas that make sense. So the sage’s worldview is always changing based on new information. Yet the acceptance of new information is discerning.

Believing a fallacy must lead to mistakes. The fallacy of knowledge being fixed leads to many dangerous assumptions. Like a blind belief in the experts, lack of critical thinking, and even allowing others to decide our life path for us. Moreover, a lack of discernment makes us vulnerable to psi ops. Where we’re manipulated to the benefit of others. Because appeals to emotion, authority, popularity, and patriotism are often manipulations. Easily seen through, if one has discernment, an open mind and a constantly updating worldview. Which is all well and good for those with life experience. For the kids who are being programmed, this paradigm fails. Because without context it’s hard to contextualize new information. They’re likely to simply adopt the worldview of whomever philosopher they admire.

Once we understand the mercurial nature of knowledge we can operate efficiently. Conditionally accepting most of what’s called knowledge today, subject to change, means we’re less likely to stake more on an outcome than it can payoff. Because we keep a foot behind to catch us should we be wrong. Those who believe knowledge is fixed, and the experts have it all, don’t leave a foot behind and so fall the moment they’re wrong. They’re subject to ideological capture. The youth are the most vulnerable to this mind trap. Lacking the life experience to contextualize new information. What we need to do is adopt a mindset of discerning open mindedness. Understand that the only thing we really know is what we have observed. All other knowledge is contingent. While teaching this to the kids.


John Pepin

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Pardons Confirm Guilt

Dear Friends,

It seems to me that blanket pardoning one’s administration, family, and cronies, upon leaving office is clear proof of guilt. Why pardon an innocent person? Which confirms what many said was the case. That the Biden administration was engaged in political lawfare, abuse of citizens under color of law, and selling US secrets for profit. An utterly corrupt administration led by a villainous faction. In fact, we’re seeing the collapse of the progressive faction yet again. Once the mask comes off… people scream and flee. Because the utopian facade is only that, a facade. The reality is absolute dystopia. With the European progressive faction following in the footsteps of Biden’s buddies. They’re so drunk on power they think they can outlaw their political foes and cancel elections.

They can outlaw their foes and cancel elections… unjustly and by force. Proving they care nothing of the will of the governed. In fact, highlighting their absolute disdain for the citizenry, and our opinions. Democracy be damned if it stands in the way of their power. As long as people can be manipulated to vote against our self interests the elite are fine with elections. They illustrate their authority by implying it’s the will of the people. Then rule against the interests of the citizenry. Which just happens to enrich the elite, empower them and justifies unlimited power in their hands. The more the governors fail, the more power and wealth they receive. Making failure a means to wealth, power and ultimately… success. The progressive faction’s only moral is power and it’s ethic is the ends justify the means.

The actions of Biden and the European elite show they see law as a tool to meet their wants and needs… not as a means to social cohesion and stability. The millions that the Biden crime family received while Biden was in office, the top secret documents that turned up anyplace Biden had met with foreign adversaries, and the astonishing diary, can’t be prosecuted at the federal level now. So they’ve got away with the tens of millions of grift. Even as the European progressives who’ve enjoyed unbroken decades in power are staring at the abyss. Outcomes have a way of surpassing rhetoric, when a faction leads the people to be cold, hungry and hopeless. Like in Europe with the colossal failures of progressivism there.

The progressives think they’ve won, but Biden’s pardons only count at the federal level, states are free to prosecute officials like Fauci at will. Plus the democrats paved the road with the Trump prosecutions. Any prosecutor in any jurisdiction could charge Fauci with multiple counts of aggravated homicide, for his role in creating the virus, for every citizen who died by Covid, or the mRNA shot. Both of which he was behind, then promoted and got rich from. If I knowingly pushed a deadly snake oil, every prosecutor in every jurisdiction I sold it in, would want a piece of me. So too should they want a piece of Fauci. Which means, his liability is not over. Not by a long shot. I’m sure some prosecutors around the nation right now are considering the charges they could levee against the criminal elites.

Far from indemnifying progressives from harm, Biden’s pardons have only shined a spotlight on them. There’s now proof they’re criminals. Criminals responsible for horrendous acts. Could a prosecutor in Georgia charge Biden for abetting the crimes of illegals in his jurisdiction? How about Liz Chaney if a local resident was wrongly imprisoned because of her testimony? Could Miley be charged in Texas for endangering Texas citizens? They would charge me, if I endangered a single person… let alone all of us. How about Hunter charged with reckless driving, for filming himself doing 140 MPH, in that state? Local prosecutors could take up the slack. In fact, that’s their role, to enforce the law. The corrupt feds however have trained us to be reverent to them. Even accepting open corruption by the feds.


John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


Law is a deterrent for little guy’s who fail,

But not the Alec Baldwins and the upscale,

Justice be done,

But not on this one,

Since Smollett has too much political favor to jail.


The elitist globalists are struggling to hold the line,

Standing before a dumpster fire claiming it’s fine,

Start the con,

The race is on,

But will the people wake up in time?


We maybe going for a ride,

Chaos from which we can’t hide,

Skleletor is calling,

If the nukes start falling,

You might want to have potassium Iodide.


The rampaging enemies of mankind,

Look closely at them and you’ll find,

Members of a court,

The globalist sort,

And they serve the same demonic mind.


Respect isn’t fear nor is it scolding,

It’s earned through acts beholding,

The despot said with a grin,

Respect me and not him,

As he discredited himself with scandals unfolding.



John Pepin

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment