The Desecration Of Armistice Day

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the British people have put up with too much from their elites. No elites have been as hateful of the people they rule… as the English aristocracy. With them allowing a pro Palestinian march, on Armistice day, is another poke in the eye to the British people. Does anyone think the march on Armistice day, the day commemorating the mass slaughter of British people by their own government’s failures, idiocy and carelessness, is by chance? Of course not, the march is to show the British people just how little the elites think of them, their great grandfathers, and the sacrifice that was demanded of them. I mean really, how low can they go? Fifty thousand men died a month, during the Great War, and the commemoration a century later is being desecrated?

The First World war, a failure of the elite that dwarfs most others, resulted in the deaths of millions of young men. The war only created more problems with Sykes Picot, and the fines imposed upon Germany, led directly to the rise of Adolph Hitler and the Second World War, with it’s slaughter of humanity. The leaders back then were every bit as stupid, malevolent and corrupt as they are today. Woodrow Wilson saw the slaughter going on and thought, “I gotta get American boys into that!” So he sent the US army in a plague filled ship, to die by flu, machine gun fire, artillery barrage and poison gas. Very humanitarian of him. WWI stands out in human history as a singularly stupid event brought to us by our elites. Now the memorial is going to be vandalized by people who despise the British.

At least the world elite didn’t create the Spanish Flu, in a gain of function lab… it was natural. Unlike the Covid virus. Which was created in a gain of function lab, then released, probably intentionally, to derail Trump’s Make America Great Again program. It worked, and the elite got what they wanted, Trump out, their flunkies in, and the world back at war. Isn’t it strange how history has repeated itself? A century after the Great War, we have another pandemic, and the world devolving into war. The institutions set up for preventing world war have acted to facilitate it. The war to end war started because of a series of miscalculations and historical forces that drove the world to madness. Today, our elites know full well what they’re doing, so world war is what they want.

Maintaining that day of remembrance is the VERY LEAST the psychopathic British elites could do. Families decimated by war, the Spanish flu exacerbated by the government’s reaction, and that war in fact ended the British Empire in all but name. Since the island couldn’t come up with the necessary troops to maintain it after that. The apatite for war had been permanently slaked in the British people. Not the British aristocracy though. It seems, ordering men to bayonet charge water cooled machine gun positions, isn’t as devastating, as being ordered to charge water cooled machine guns with bayonets. The survival rate was much higher. Allowing the stupid to survive, while the brave died. No wonder the British elites want the remembrance of their idiocy forgotten.

I’m so glad my British ancestors fled the isles. Today the British elites love Britain, but for the British people, culture and history. Across the Western world the elites are waging war, not on Russia, Gaza, Israel, Syria, or China, but against their own people. Allowing the desecration of Armistice day is simply a manifestation of the rot. A putrefaction that’s so ripe, it can be smelled against the wind and across the ocean. The British elites, inbred and retarded, have run the show for far too long. They have become a turd that thinks it’s still a steak. It’s time to replace the Western ruling class wholesale. If you people of England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland and the Hebrides don’t replace your rulers, they’ll certainly replace you. To see what your leaders think of you… watch what happens on Armistice day.


John Pepin

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