Our Unjust Legal System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… our court system is rotten to the marrow. I should think, even a corrupt court system would attempt to maintain the appearance of impartiality, but not ours. It has thrown off all vestments of justice, and now stands before us nakedly political, unjust and serving evil instead of good… very progressive! I could fill pages with examples where the US court system is obviously unjust but that would be redundant. Colbert’s news crew trespassed and actually confronted a setting congressperson, and the charges were dropped… even as Jan 6 trespassers are still in prison, denied bail, a year later, and awaiting their speedy and fair trial (of which they will get neither). That this example is widely known, yet the courts stand unabashed in their dishonor, proves their open perversion.

The court systems of the world were originally designed to distribute justice to create civilization. Lawgivers like Numa Pompilius, Solon and Lycurgus, set up systems so that citizens would be treated equally (justly) under the law. Much debate was heard on the subject and much of it existent today in Plato, Aristotle and Livy’s works. Because civilization requires that all parties are treated equally, by the court, despite political favor, wealth or friendship. In a just court an innocent person need not fear even if they are pro se (for self). The lawyer would have the effect of increasing the efficiency of the process. A poor man who’s land was taken by violence, would have a strong advocate in a just court system, but would become victim again in an unjust court, ie Railroaded. Ala Alex Jones.

In the ecosystem of law there has been an ongoing war of adaptation. Laws were created to reign in the unjust elite. So the elite enforced the law arbitrarily. Courts were created to stop arbitrary rule. So the elite seized control of the courts and perverted them to their own ends. The entire judicial system was ripped from the executive branch (of a republic) and made its own branch. So the elite swindled the legislature to delegate its power to the bureaucracy (the executive) and hold hearings so that senators and representatives can grandstand. They amassed power in the executive branch absent a powerful executive. Then established the weakest branch as the preeminent one, ruling by fiat in everything from economics to social questions. Injustice has us on our heels. Now it’s Justice’s move…

Once one’s eyes are opened to it, how can anyone hold our court system in anything but, the deepest of contempt? Our judges are held to no standard whatsoever. They demand superhuman effort on our part to knuckle under to their oppression, yet cannot even follow their own self serving rules, let alone the Constitution they are obligated to enforce. What do you call people who piss on their obligations? A judge that openly serves injustice is not a judge, but something else, something dark, twisted… and creepy. A legal system run by this caliber of person, is not a justice system, but one that has perverted the law, as Bastiat predicted in his short book, The Law. Doing the opposite of their obligations and duties, without consequence, and so, grind civilization into barbarism, one injustice at a time.

The courts need to be reformed, political judges and prosecutors fired, and some sent to prison for many decades. I am not, and will never argue for retribution, as did Robespierre, but there needs to be just consequences for those that so pervert their obligations. Especially a duty so important to the well functioning of our nation, society and economy. Even as a judge sent doctor Simone Gold to prison for thought crimes, they should be held to the same standard they enforce on society. Anything less would be the acme of injustice. A judge that would send a woman to a penitentiary, for a thought crime (blatantly unconstitutional) should spend the rest of their natural life behind bars… as an example to the rest. Our court system damns itself with its every action. So the war of adaptation goes on.


John Pepin

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