Do Elections Make A Difference?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the US election of 2020 proved the truth of the phrase, often attributed to Mark Twain, “If elections made any difference, they wouldn’t let us have them.” While this paradigm is increasingly true in the US, with mail in voting, ballot harvesting and outright fraud by officials, elections are becoming merely the chiffon nighty covering our elite’s naked tyranny. Meanwhile, in other places, where the democratic element hasn’t been tamed by such measures, the will of the people is becoming apparent. In Argentina, a man was elected that appears to embody all the virtues of the International Capitalist Party. In The Netherlands, of all places, a Euro skeptic party has received a literal majority of votes. Along with other sane parties gaining ground across the planet… like Reform in Britain.

Of course, to the global elites, anyone who doesn’t zealously believe in a world government, run by a totalitarian despot with unlimited power, accountable to no one… is a radical right winger. Someone to whom no one should pay any heed. Because only a crazy person would think regular people should be allowed any freedom at all… especially the freedom to think for themselves! Like when Darius I discovered Smerdis was actually a Magi and murdered the impostor. Then argued for arbitrary rule for Persia… and was rewarded kingship, after cheating in the contest for the throne. That’s the caliber of man that typically ascends to power… a murderer, cheat and narcissist. Today, that’s the cut of the jib of our elites, they all epitomize corruption, psychopathy and thirst for power. Anyone else is a radical.

Democracy is the buzzword of all would be tyrants, who immediately suspend elections once they have power. How many elections have there been in the West Bank or Gaza since the first? How many vibrant democracies did Obama’s Arab Spring birth into the world? None. How many tyrannies did it raise from the corpse of democracies it killed? Several. The reality is, the elite like democracy, only as a legitimization mechanism. If it stops legitimizing their usurpations, corruption and oppressions, with the appearance of popularity, they’ll drop democracy like a hot potato. I already see it in the mockingbird media. They’re discrediting election outcomes they disagree with, with propaganda, claiming only the elections of globalist Marxists are legitimate.

If we measure failure as a declining standard of living, war and rising crime, and success in a rising standard of living, peace and a lowering crime rate… by those measures, our elites are failing miserably. Trump had the US and part of the world turning around and getting on the right track, so the elite released the Kraken, Covid 19, to upend the success. Because the elite in the UN, Europe, China, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and especially the US, are selling us poverty. They want us to get used to a declining standard of living, high crime, and constant war. Generational poverty driven by the welfare state is a feature, not a bug, in their new world order. That’s why examples of success are to be stopped at all costs. Even a pandemic. Because failures can’t allow the example of success.

If Geert Wilders gets a coalition government together, and stops immigration, sends back the terrorist element, NEXITs from the EU, lowers taxes and cuts regulation… Wilders will be wildly successful. That can’t be allowed. His majority party will be shut out, politically or by the court. Even as Javier Milei’s policies, if he’s telling the truth, will result in amazing economic prosperity in Argentina. Which will get him framed and arrested. The example of Argentina abandoning the fascist corporatist rent seeking system, for a free market one, can’t be tolerated by the rent seekers. There is the chilling possibility they could change the paradigm though. Despite the forces that’ll be arrayed against them. We’ll see if Wilders, Milei, and Meloni’s elections actually make a difference. I hope and pray they do.


John Pepin

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