Our Culture is Broken

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there is something very broken in our culture… and I blame the cultural elite for it. Like woke CEOs, Hollywood and the media. Broken, in that girls have never been a source of violent crime in the past. Now it is common to see a pretty little sweetheart, who should be planning a prom, instead doing a home invasion. In the past, on the rare occasions a girl was involved in crime, it was because a boyfriend coerced her into it. Today a girl is as likely to be a ringleader as a stooge. A modern cultural innovation is young children involved in violent crime. Recently two kids instigated a violent standoff with police. Might as well get them started early, to beat the crowd. Not to mention the overdoses. The point is, the elite determine the direction of culture, so they are responsible for its destination.

A culture as awash in wealth as ours is, that is so damaging to children raised in it that overdosing is the primary cause of death of people under 30, with suicide following, must be corrosive. It is hard to comprehend how our culture could have got so malevolent without real leadership. What would a disinterested party say about a nation of 300 million, who lose 70 thousand a year, to overdoses? A society that teaches sloth, envy and pride, instead of reading, writing and arithmetic? Perhaps they would consider our society to be lost. Maybe they would think us so spoiled we cannot see reality. Else they might think us insane. By any rational measure, our culture is actually harmful to our children, our psyche and our existence. Wealth only goes so far when the people spending it are crazy.

Do you want your children growing up in a culture that is this broken? If there was a war going on that was killing more kids annually, than the 10 years of Vietnam, people would speak up. That we don’t with so many kids overdosing dumbfounds me. Every day you are rolling the dice if your kid will get addicted to opiates, and if he or she gets hold of fentanyl, then, instead of visiting your beloved grandchildren, you visit your child in a cemetery. Why do so many become addicted to opiates? Our culture teaches them to. Do you think it a coincidence, once the US invaded Afghanistan and needed a market for the opium, the opioid problem in the US exploded into a crisis? Our culture erases their stake in society, inculcates a deep hatred for it and instills the nihilism of atheism.

You have to ask, are our cultural leaders actually malevolent? How could our culture become so malignant organically? I suppose it is possible… only if our cultural leaders turned a blind eye. Making them complicit if not ringleaders. Of course there is always the possibility they are stupid. That cannot be ruled out. An idiot with power can do real damage. That is why we need a license to use dynamite, drive a car, or fly fish. If they are not too dumb to think, then we only have the two options, they are complicit by negligence else actively involved. If you left a loaded revolver in a kindergarten, and six kids got shot, that would be criminal negligence. What about negligence that leads to the deaths of 70 thousand children a year? At what point does a good person stop reloading the gun?

We like to think ourselves powerless. Saying, “I cant do anything,” as we check Facebook on our I Phone, for the next Hollywood smear of a once great franchise, on the way to an NFL game, wearing Nikes, drinking a Coke… and whining, “those people are so evil it sickens me to enrich them.” When there are plenty of other sugar water flavors, diversions that don’t take a knee, firms that don’t use slave labor, are CCP lackeys, or engage in brain washing. Buy stock and attend stockholders meetings, stand up, and complain. Write letters to Hollywood moguls, the media and woke company CEOs. Call them out on social media, blogs and in conversation. Teach them there are consequences, for the overdoses, crime and hopelessness they created. Make them pay socially, financially and politically… then just do it.


John Pepin

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