Wars and Rumors of Wars

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, war is always the answer to every problem… for the pathological, psychopathic and stupid. Why discuss issues when we can just force others to agree by waging war on them. Whether they don’t want to be subjugated, a convenient villain or an Antichrist like Hitler, Stalin or Mao. War has other advantages as well. It bestows glory to the leader who wins a war, it lowers the population of potential malcontents, and is the ultimate expression of state power over the individual. Imagine the glee of a demon that manipulates people, who otherwise would be best friends, to murder each other in the most gruesome way imaginable. Moreover, having a productive discourse with someone who has his or her own self interests, and will not abandon them for yours, is too hard for the stupid.

We grew up on stories of WWII, Korea and Vietnam, we just lost a war with sheepherders and gave them 80 billion in parting gifts… and now the pathological, psychopathic and stupid elite are doing everything in their power to start another? How pathetic are we to allow such losers to not only run the show but keep getting us into needless wars? It’s not like we don’t have a history of wars or the suffering they create from prosperity. Did you see a speck of contrition, shame or introspection when the elite lost Afghanistan? I didn’t, instead, they punished the only military person to call attention to their debacle. Our administrative state has proven it is shameless, inept and wrathful… as well as unable to learn from their mistakes. In what sane universe do people give such idiots power?

Why act mature when you can send other people’s children to fight and die, to force others to your way of thinking, no matter how perverted it is. One thing the elite in the West have proven is their willingness to use force to silence their own people. Imagine explaining to George Washington how the government is justified… in punishing a citizen for growing too much corn on his property, sterilizing someone against their will, or jail a whole segment of citizens for an arbitrary attribute. Since the elite have perverted the Constitution… so they can use force, propaganda and then “democracy, instead of discourse, freedom and polity, they are like a puppy with a new bone. People tend to have fidelity to that which has worked in the past. So the elite use the same strategy on an international stage.

Wars are great distractions from domestic abuses, poverty and a diminishing standard of living. The Ukraine war for example. It is distracting us from the Durham criminal charges, historic inflation, energy shortages, the boarder catastrophe, the opioid crisis, the failing schools, targeting parents as domestic terrorists for pushing back on grooming children, the results of the lock downs, the vaccine adverse events like enlarged hearts in our teenagers, collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, epidemic of hopelessness, gutting of the manufacturing base, and that our politicians are bought and paid for by the CCP. Quislings like Biden, Schumer, Keven McCarthy, Pelosi, Graham, McConnell, and the entire Supreme Court except Thomas and Gorshuch, epitomize this pathology.

Manipulating people who otherwise would be best friends to murder each other horribly, is evil, pure and simple, and I challenge anyone to argue it is good. Taking the side of evil and calling it good is the culture which we live in today. A “just war” for example. How many Syrians have to die before it is enough for the western elite? Are the psychopaths who run the world willing to fight to the last Ukrainian to unseat Putin? The calls for nuclear war resound from the lips of the elite like the screams of the damned in Hell. You have to ask yourself, “What kind of evil half wit calls for nuclear war over ANYTHING?” Tolerating these pathological psychopathic fools, is now become a mortal threat to us and our children. Speak up, boycott and do whatever it takes, to get these demons out of power.


John Pepin

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Theater or Cave?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything that we are shown is theater. From the newest lockdowns in China, to the subway black supremacist, everything we are presented is a carefully scripted narrative. Why else would the billionaire elite be so freaked out about another billionaire buying a stake in Twitter? It is because their entire malevolent edifice is a house of cards, requiring “information supremacy,” because the slightest breeze of truth would topple it. If you think these stories don’t make sense, your right, they don’t… as told. Once you realize they are all tales to trigger your emotions, change the economic paradigm and keep the ground dancing under our feet, they are no longer absurd… but diabolical. The elite have us in a cave, and what we see are shadows on the wall… to channel Plato.

The fable that the lockdowns in China are for some patently absurd “zero covid policy,” does not jibe with reality. Why clean a single stair on an escalator, test fish and tackle women on the streets to force testing? Theater, its all theater, to impress stupid Westerners that the CCP is serious about preventing the Wuhan flu. We fixate on the distraction, cats and dogs being beaten to death by shovel, to keep us from looking at the truth, the lockdowns will create more shortages, since everything is made in China, and those shortages will inevitably lead to more inflation. That increase in inflation will eventually drive foreign central banks to sell their US government bonds, causing the free fall of the dollar and its loss as the worlds reserve currency. Catapulting the CCP to a leadership position.

The black supremacist subway shooter, who the elite told us is not a terrorist (presumably because he is not a white supremacist) supposedly, left the credit card he used to rent the truck at the scene of the crime, only got off a few rounds before his gun jammed so badly he couldn’t clear it, no one tackled him when his gun jammed, when the car stopped he escaped unseen with a gas mask on in a crowd of onlookers, he had a bag of ordinance that he also left at the scene and shouted anti white racial epithets. Makes perfect sense… to no one. This whole story is clearly a lie. I suspect this was a false flag carried out by an FBI patsy to create racial animosity, “hopefully” triggering some crazy low IQ white person to do a similar thing, then voila, they have the excuse to round up conservatives.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk is threatening a hostile takeover of Twitter. That has the elite in a total panic. They thought they could control him by giving him a board seat and then shadow banning his votes, but he has no need of a hack job, the man is building the infrastructure to make mankind a space faring species, he has no need of lucrative make work. Musk has however mentioned, on more than one occasion, that he does not believe in censorship. That puts him at odds with the current crop of elite who do. Were he to pry open the town square to all ideas again, including constitutional concepts, the house of cards the elite have built from CRT, confusing boys with girls, teaching stupidity, rotting the system from within, and openly defying our Constitution… would collapse instantly.

I think it was Mark Twain who said, If you don’t read newspapers, you’re ignorant, if you do read newspapers, you’re misinformed. The meaning is obvious. That media doesn’t inform, it misinforms… to manipulate us. That was the case then, how much more so now that the pathological globalist progressive elite have monopoly control of the digital town square, newspapers and television? From their vantage of “information supremacy,” they can manipulate us into… taking an experimental biological agent they called a vaccine, accede to shutting down small businesses but not Walmart, and mask our children doing permanent social, linguistic and intellectual harm. Too many of us still believe the lies. That’s why I am cheering for Elon’s hostile takeover of Twitter… and will help if I can.


John Pepin

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The Wisdom Of The Second Amendment

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a state like Texas, Tennessee, or Maine, is invulnerable to invasion by any foreign power. These places would become meat grinders for an invading army. Not only are guns prolific in these states but their safe, effective and judicious use is widespread. As is a huge depository of ammunition held in the hands of the people. Militias, consisting of battle hardened former military, avid deer hunters and weekend gun sports enthusiasts… would form instantly. Guns are so ubiquitous in many US states, that even once an area was “cleared,” insurgents would turn up well armed and trained the next day. The only hope of truly subjugating these states, is by having an “American army” lead the invaders, giving them enough of a sense of legitimacy, many people would stand down.

No nation that has a well established shooting culture can be successfully invaded, unless the population is first exterminated with Neutron bombs, poison gas or race specific biological warfare. All of which are (or should be in the case of neutron bombs) illegal under international treaty. In the State of Maine for example, somewhere around 200,000 people deer hunt… with a high powered rifle. That constitutes a large army by any standard. When you consider that over 9,000,000 people hunt in the US, hunters alone rival the largest standing armies that have ever existed… and doesn’t count those who don’t hunt but simply shoot skeet, targets or plunk. Then there is the standing army to provide air cover, indirect fire support and close combat support, and the US is uninvadable.

Other nations have the same ability… if their leadership is not made up of psychopaths grasping for power. Making guns legal only takes the stroke of a pen. Fostering a hunting and shooting culture is pretty easy after that. The more widespread the use of guns, the more difficult it would be to invade, until invasion is off the table. In a generation, any nation that adopts the widespread safe, effective and judicious use of firearms, would become invulnerable to invasion. With the above mentioned caveats. This applies even to small nations, because if there is a “gun behind every blade of grass,” no matter how few blades of grass, even a small country becomes a meat grinder for invaders. Think of it this way, a thug doesn’t pick out the Kung Fu expert, he targets the weakling.

Of course, that invulnerability comes at a cost to the elite, they are limited in the usurpations, oppression and outright anti constitutional actions they can take. This irks the elite more then you can imagine. Some old dead dudes are still hindering them with their out dated notions as… the will of the people, limited government, and free enterprise, among others. The elite have understood for many decades, that they need to get guns out of the hands of the people, in order to implement their plans for us. Plans that would inevitably result in some malcontents violently resisting oppression, enslavement or extermination. To that end, making the US vulnerable, is the price the elite are willing for us to pay. Not only the US, every nation that outlaws guns… has made that Faustian bargain.

The elite have been brainwashed into loathing themselves, their nation and the Western ethos, making them a foreign enemy’s best friend. Which is why they are so adamant we give up our guns, and rely on the Military Industrial Complex, and their quislings in the CIA and FBI to protect us. Many elite today gleefully side against our Constitution, to create an administrative corporatist global government. That participation would give an invasion an air of legitimacy that would get some to stand down. In the end… any elite who would trade the nation’s invulnerability for more power over the people, forfeits their authority, since the role of government is to protect the nation, not make it vulnerable to invasion. If you think of it though, making the nation vulnerable to invasion, is the very definition of a traitor…


John Pepin

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Twentieth Century Mullet

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we should go back to the US Constitution as it was in 1900, its correct interpretation, and take a mullet on the 20th Century. Virtually every “innovation” of the Twentieth century has been to further the cause of an unlimited totalitarian administrative state. Instead of advancing philosophically, the human race has regressed, to an ethic that predates the Iron Age. Things recorded in Herodotus, used to be considered absurd, creepy and immoral, now they could happen at a mall, playground or school near you. This has been made possible by the recent innovations to the US culture, education and Constitution by the elite. These innovations have lowered not only the lot of the average US citizen in relative terms, but lowered the lot of mankind itself.

The US Constitutional amendments of the 20th Century have been universally bad. From the 16th Amendment’s perversion of an income tax to the laughing stock 27th Amendment, they are theater that has served to empower the elite, while disemboweling the people’s power. Direct election of senators simply removed the reigns that the State legislatures kept on them. The 18th amendment had to be rescinded by another amendment, yet the door it cracked open has resulted in the failed war on drugs. Giving women the right to vote gave the propagandists the keys to the kingdom. The 20th is mere housekeeping. The 22nd to protect the nation from another FDR. Then there are the voting expansion amendments. All of them the result of the elite’s perversions needing to be reigned in.

There have been innovations in the Twentieth Century that were not horrible, Pragmatism for example. William James theory of Pragmatism has been called the quintessential American philosophy. Pragmatism allows the person who practices it, the ability to cut losses, jump on opportunity and succeed though the bureaucracy has tied us down. Pragmatism has been a godsend to the human race. Which makes it all the more strange, that government is the only institution on the planet, that eschews pragmatism for idealism. If a program fails, or worse, results in the opposite of its stated goal, it is never stopped but expanded, increasing the harm, with the intent to lower it. Government cuts no losses… it doubles down. Pragmatism is an innovation the administrative state obviously despises.

Not just the Constitutional amendments of the Twentieth Century, need to be deleted, but many of the absurd rulings of the Supreme Court as well. This is where the US government has most gone off the rails. In Buck v Bell the Supreme court gave the US government totalitarian power over the individual’s health choices. It has never been rescinded, and was cited as proof of innocence by the Nazis, in the Nuremberg trials. In Kormatsu, the Supreme Court deemed the Government can arbitrarily detain people, by Presidential fiat, for political disfavor. Then, in the famous Wickard v Filburn, the Supreme court granted the government the authority to starve a family to death, by ordering them not to grow food on their own land. That perversion resulted in the administrative state we suffer under today.

You have to wonder, why did the US run along great, until the Civil war, then it enacted a few Constitutional Amendments to address issues that arose during that existential crisis. The Twentieth Century however has seen a flurry of Constitutional innovations. More than the text of the original Constitution. Clearly the people of the Twentieth century had the hubris to consider themselves to be much smarter, wiser, and dog gone it, just better people than the Framers. Now that we have some time to digest the results of the Twentieth Century’s innovations, we can pragmatically cut our losses, and jump on opportunities. One opportunity is to behead the Administrative state, by rescinding Wickard v Filburn, and reestablish individual sovereignty, by erasing Buck and Korematsu.


John Pepin

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Out With The Old

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, before you build new, you destroy the old… to make way for the new. That is how it has to be done. The same holds true of a new world order. The old order must be smashed to make way. Klaus the Varmint Schwab, has called on his minions embedded in the world’s governments to work as a team, to establish a one world government. That is a pretty clear indication the end game has started. The globalists apparently believe the edifice that stands in their way, Soros identified it as the United States of America, is about to collapse. Due to their clever rotting the system from within. Once the US is out of the way, Russia and Europe will go, then the Chinese Communist Party model (Fascism) will be implemented the world over. The resulting population collapse fits perfectly with their plans.

You have to hand it to the progressive globalists, they have worked diligently to destroy the US and indeed the West. It’s not like their antipathy towards the West is any secret. Talk to a hard core progressive, and in a moment of truth they will tell you, the US has to step aside for a global government… like on Star Trek. They honestly believe they are the good guys in destroying the old to build a glorious new. In that they have worked out in the open, so to speak, is credit to them. That we were too distracted, ignorant or lackadaisical is our detriment. Going back to the 1960s, a KGB defector famously warned the elite at the time, that in 50 years the youth would welcome communism. He was laughed at, not so much anymore, eh? Now that we have open indoctrination in the classroom.

They believe themselves to be the good guys in this story, just like Hitler, Stalin and Mao did. I am sure they lament all the suffering destroying the old will bring in. Millions will die of famines, but they will be heroes of the revolution, anonymous and ignominious heroes but heroes nonetheless. The real champions however, the ones they hope history will remember, like Marx, will be the ones who did the hard work of smashing down the old, to make way for the new… themselves. In many cases, razing their own lands, like the US elite are doing, to clear the way for the new world order, as Klaus the Varmint calls it. In the end, the untold suffering will have been worth it, because mankind will be able to finally evolve into Marx’s “social man.” Made possible by the elite’s total lack of self awareness.

Perverting an existing system from within is not the same as reanimating a functional system from the corpse. The elite believe that they, like doctor Frankenstein, will be able to reanimate the economy, technology, science, medicine, philosophy, the arts, etc… with just a few jolts of lightning. They expect their innovations to make these systems “better, stronger, faster than they were before…” Bionic so to speak. Expectations often fall short of reality however. Breaking a thing is much easier than building a thing. When a building is smashed to make way for a new one. You don’t pay the wrecking crew as much as the finish carpenters, plumbers or electricians. That would be foolish. It takes much more skill to plumb a building, so effluent doesn’t backup and come out the walls, than to wield a sledge hammer.

One thing that is highlighted by this call to action, is the progressive faction, globalists or fascists, whatever you want to call them, should they succeed and destroy the US… should not be allowed anywhere near the drafting table of the new system. You wouldn’t put an oaf who has only wrecked buildings in charge of drafting the blueprints for a new one. Putting this wrecking crew in charge of building the new system is just as foolish. Since they wield the media, bureaucracy and courts, the elite think themselves invulnerable, and who could offer anything to surpass their global corporatist administrative state? I would offer, the framers of the US Constitution created a far better system than anything our elite’s pathological minds could ever devise, they are a wrecking crew… no more, no less.


John Pepin

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Should You Prep? (Hint, the answer is yes)

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the elite have created the conditions conducive to catastrophe. Since action plus reaction equal outcome, the wise will think about getting through the coming calamity, getting ready to react. When you are caught in an avalanche, the only hope is to be prepared and have the equipment… like a shovel, cover and a radio beacon. In our case, there may not be anyone coming, so we may have to dig ourselves and our neighbors out. If you haven’t already, set aside some extra food, get a few tradable items and get as independent of the system as possible. For those so inclined setting up “Stone soup” kitchens might be an option. Inflation has only just started, who knows how far the heartless half wit’s pulling Biden’s strings will go with WWIII, so get ready now before it’s too late.

Get a few extras set aside in case you need them. Things with a long shelf life and can potentially be traded for other things you get low on, or forget about, are the ideal. Sugar, instant coffee and matches have an infinite shelf life. Moreover, they can be traded for other necessary items. Live chicken eggs for example. A few chickens, a milk cow and a garden fed almost everyone in the US in 1900. The American boys that went to Verdun, were called “dough boys,” because they were so much plumper than the European boys… or should I say, cannon fodder. Medicines are extremely handy to have. Imagine how valuable an aspirin would be if nothing was available and you have a splitting headache? Get a giant bottle, and any other medicine you can think of. Bismuth clay lasts forever…

A more social way to get through is to organize “Stone soups.” Based on the fable of the Stone soup. It would be a get together where everyone is invited to get a bowl of soup and all they need contribute is whatever they have. A potato, veggie, random meat, basically, anything you can eat goes into the soup. It is then divvied up among everyone. That way everyone gets a better, more nutritious meal than they otherwise would have. Plus it generates a sense of community that can tackle other local problems that crop up. In a situation where there would otherwise be starving people, with all the dangers a starving person portends, mitigating that would be a large step to regaining civilization, at least locally. No fortification can withstand siege and direct assault forever… look at Masada.

Skills are perhaps the most important things you can accumulate that are desirable in any emergency. From electrician to underwater basket weaving, any skill that you can think of could be life saving. Accumulating skills can be as easy as getting a hold of an old encyclopedia set. They are a wealth of knowledge on how to do things. That in and of itself gives you an advantage. There are courses available, innumerable videos and people who would love to be mentors. It is never too late to start learning new skills. Imagine how valuable knowing how to make aspirin, weave rope from grass or know the difference between edible, medicinal and poisonous wild plants would be? Moreover, the sooner you start the more you will know if you need them, and pray God you never do.

Who knows if the elite have a fool proof plan that will get their globalist utopia… without starving to death millions, using nuclear war as a means to change, or collapsing the dollar, but only a fool fails to prepare for an obviously impending emergency. Since there is no getting out of the way, it is wise to think of a plan, in case things get bad. If bread is fifty bucks a loaf what will you do without to get it? Will others do the same or will they steal it from you? A bag of beans costs pennies, Harbor Freight batteries are cheap and a carton of cigarettes could be invaluable. Those small inexpensive steps now could keep you our of a FEMA camp. (Which are to be avoided at all costs)! After the Great Depression, some became rich, because they prepared before it happened… be like them.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are thrown into the world, with the attributes, atrocities and miracles that are attached to us, with all the original sin, glory and humanity that we must therefore bare. It is, to use an existentialist phrase I recently heard in a Jordan Peterson video, “Thrownness.” How we deal with all that entails is largely a factor of our culture. An effective culture brings children into adulthood by exploiting both the positive and negative factors of our thrownness, to forge and temper children into individuals, men and women capable, wise and humane. A weak culture exploits the negative factors, to mold kids into unfired bricks, susceptible to crumbling at the slightest jolt, servile and with an aching ego. How we deal with the realities of our thrownness, in large part, determines the future.

Some people consider the miracles of the past their own. This is a fallacy that materialists are prone to. Even imagining they themselves could recreate the technological world we live in, in paleolithic times, had they been born then. Electric lights seem so common that most people today cannot even imagine living without them. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the human race’s existence has been in darkness, by rushlight or candle light… not light bulb. Such thinking makes one arrogant, condescending and egoistic. This attitude is often reflected in the way some people address waiters and waitresses. Clearly using thrownness in a negative way. By identifying our species miracles as our own, and the evils as those of someone else, we become the present villains we detest in the past.

Some identify with the sins of the past as their own and by doing so become their own victims. To claim any race, religion or anyone, has a monopoly on past sin, is not only ignorant to the Nth degree, but stupid, in that it leads to stupid behavior. If you identify the West, as uniquely responsible for slavery, your ignorance is only surpassed by your gullibility. Especially given the fact the ethics of the West and Christianity is the reason slavery is outlawed in all Western nations today. Nevertheless, labeling a group as perpetrators, is a way to manipulate not only them, but society at large to hate them. Lenin couldn’t exterminate the Kulaks until he used their thrownness to get society to hate them first. Someone who uses the past to vilify the present is a swindler.

A wise, strong and lasting culture will educate, raise and nurture children, and use their thrownness as a way to strengthen them. The past of any random group we may or may not belong to, doesn’t define us, as the sins or inventions of other groups don’t. We have the “advantage of the present,” to judge the past, with an eye to our own advancement… philosophically, morally and scientifically. A foolish, weak and waning culture will focus on their past evils, attributing them to another group, rather than the human race, then arrogantly identify past accomplishments as uniquely their “group’s” own. Foolishly making themselves weak, arrogant and easily manipulated. Both cultural paradigms use our thrownness, to weaken us, or make us admantine individuals.

People in the future will have the same, “advantage of the present,” to judge us and our actions. Those that use our thrownness to weaken us do not seem to recognize this fact. They apparently think our present is the all and ever unchanging forever. Lacking the self awareness to realize, that the future will be as harsh a critic of us, as we are of the past. Our actions, good and bad, will change their thrownness for the better or worse. This will happen whether we like it or not. So why not embrace our role, and make the thrownness of the future better, by embracing the sins of the past, as not those of a group, but of our species. Then understand the heroism, inventions and advancements are ours as well. All of ours. Embrace our thrownness and we enhance the thrownness of future people.


John Pepin

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The Billionaire’s Tax

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the so called billionaire’s tax will never be paid by a billionaire, it will be paid by the middle class… you, me and our children. It is only being sold as a Billionaires tax, because they are a disliked minority, exploiting our dislike of them to trick us into demanding a wealth tax on ourselves. That way, the elite can perpetually keep the rest of us as a serf class, forever. Once wealth can no longer be accumulated by the grazing masses, then only the political favor of the elite will be able to protect wealth. As it always is. Political favor will hide one’s wealth from the greedy eyes of the administrative state. Guns and fortifications will be of no avail, since the elite wield the police, laws and army. Yes, the billionaire’s tax will be an epic swindle… on us.

Why do I say, no billionaire will ever pay a penny of that tax… targeted at them? Because they have accountants and tax lawyers who are paid handsomely to make sure they don’t. Tax attorneys and CPAs you and I cannot afford, and so we pay, where they don’t. Doubt it? Take a gander at history. When the income tax was initiated, the politicians were adamant, that no working man’s head would ever be touched by the income tax! Of course, that was a lie, as everything the elite say, has a lie in it somewhere. The income tax was to level the playing field for the little guy against the big guy. It did the opposite, the income tax and indeed all regulations, fall on the little guy, like a flower pot. The reason I know that no billionaire will pay that tax, is history tells me so… in no uncertain terms.

Taxing wealth is a sure way to impoverish a nation, there is no more efficient means to that end… than squandering the saved prosperity of the people. Think about the incentives such a scheme sets up in a society. Money, to a working man, represents his or her time (life) converted into a means of exchange. If you save then, the money will not only be taxed when earned, but then taxed for being saved, until the bureaucrats have taken all your work (life). Essentially reducing the worker to a slave of the state. The other option would be to ride the wagon instead of pull. Why be a draft animal for an administrative state that hates you, so that others can ride… when you can ride? Only a masochist would take the virtuous path, everyone else will ride, until the cart grinds to a halt.

How long do you think it would be if that tax is enacted before it becomes a political weapon? I would argue it already has. The faction that proposes it, intends to use it to destroy any opposition, economically. No matter how well suited monetarily, to take on the progressive globalist corporatist oligarchs, anyone that has the impudence to stand up, will be made an example of. Economic ruin is a strong disincentive for everyone. The billionaires tax will give the progressive faction just that weapon. Like everything else in corporatist Amerika, the only quality that matters, is political favor, and like everything else, a billionaire’s tax will be wielded politically. As the courts, media and Department of Justice is nakedly political. Giving the progressive faction that much power is a mortal threat.

The administrative state, globalist corporatist progressive faction and world fascists, but I am being redundant… want unlimited power over us, and allowing them to take our accumulated wealth at their arbitrary discretion, would give them just that power. Their grasping has gone too far. History shows, the rich will not pay it but the middle class will… sooner or later. The progressive faction will use the wealth tax to take not only what you are earning but what you earned in the past! Taxing your labor 100%. Reducing you to a slave of the state. Is that the future you want for yourself and your children? Since every word that flows from the mouths of the elite are filled with lies, with an eye to fraud, why would any sane person think the Billionaire’s tax would be anything but… an epic swindle on us?


John Pepin

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How Will Our Age Be Remembered?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our times will be remembered like the Japanese internment, the eugenics movement and slavery in the US… as a stain on the honor, status and dignity of the United States of America. Not only is our nation being smeared in the eyes of history, by the elite, its very existence is in danger from their machinations. In 2063, kids will be taught in their private boutique schools paid for by public vouchers… that in the 2020’s the elite went crazy. The abortion industry, military industrial complex, globalist banker cabal, the administrative state’s usurpations, crimes and outright oppression, as well as the elite’s fascination with exterminating the human race… all these will be history to them. Our job, is to make sure that they are history lessons and not their contemporary dystopian life, as it is ours.

History has a way of putting politics into perspective. What we understand is truth today, given the distance of time, correct knowledge and the benefit of knowing the results, bestows perspective to see events clearly. Most people look at WWII and say that the Nazis were the bad guys, because their system of government, fascism, corporatism or national socialism, whatever you call it, was bad. Moreover their rule was characterized by exploiting race as a weapon. That the German people went along, without thinking it through, was a testament to the propaganda of Goebbels. We see the National Socialists for what they were… yet lack the self awareness to see we are falling into the same trap. We are allowing a global corporatocracy to be fashioned around us as we hang on every lie.

The bastardized system of government in the US, is finally being exposed, and people are seeing for themselves just how ugly it is. Most people were taught a fallacy in school. That the US government was composed of three branches, and there are checks and balances, that prevent any branch from becoming tyrannical. We were assured that the Constitution was inviolate and that it is the contract between the people and the government. As we now know, that is all a fairy tale told to children, to get them to mind their betters. Now, with Biden pleading to his masters, whomever they are, not to get mad because he spoke too much, it is clear the President is not the boss… someone else is. The Administrative state, the extra constitutional real government, that does all the work.

The world is waking up to what the Chinese Communist Party really is… a national socialist party, cut from the same cloth as every other fascist party that has ever existed. What is perhaps most disturbing, is that the globalist banker cabal as well as the administrative state, see the CCP as their template. Our grandparents fought WWII, apparently, not to stop fascism but to stop the Germans from implementing it. Our elite today, judging by their actions, clearly appreciate the subtleties of corporatocracy and its potential for mankind on a global stage. The CCP never switched to capitalism, they switched to fascism, and the globalist elite watched with glee as it worked. In fifty years I wonder if school kids will look at our elite today, as villains or as Lenins.

Time may expose the evils of our age, if we demand from our representatives, senators and courts, that there be consequences for the elite. Instead of the DOJ wasting resources tracking down parents, who think that CRT should not replace the ABCs, as domestic terrorists, the DOJ should focus on obvious law breaking by the elite. The Biden Lap tops would be a good place to start their investigation. We hold the future in our hands. Do we cede it to the malevolent elite, and allow them to rule the world with unlimited power, given their ineptitude, or do we get off the couch and do something? Calling a senator is not that much work to save the world. Its easier than watching your family herded to a death camp anyway. Lets insure that today is a lesson for the future… and not the future.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Intimidating Lawyers… Very Progressive!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the progressive faction has staked out it’s new battle on the US Constitution… lawyers. Has anyone else noticed that every single lawyer Trump has hired, has faced criminal charges, intrusive investigations and open violations of attorney client privilege? Can it be a coincidence that Sidney Powell, who was foolish enough to step into a trap laid for her by the progressives, is facing disbarment? This level of intimidation is why no big law firm with experience in election fraud would join Trump’s lawsuit. They were intimidated that they would be ostracized, were they to advocate for legal, free and fair elections. Today’s legal landscape is far different from what the founders envisioned. The courts are nakedly political, lawyers are intimidated and law is a tool for arbitrary rule.

The progressive faction has effectively canceled the US Constitution in the courts but lawyers still pose a threat to their dreams of word domination. By bringing up inconvenient lawsuits, requiring the use of corrupt means to quell, exposes their malevolence to the world. Eventually those inconvenient lawsuits will sway public opinion to the point violence has to be used. Then no one can pretend the government is anything but a tyranny. As long as the progressive faction, through their captured entities like the administrative state, Courts and media, can intimidate and silence good honest lawyers (both of them) justice will be a pipe dream in American courts. Their canceling the Constitution, but still using it to give their oppression a veneer of authority, is dependent on the public maintaining the lie.

The courts have shown by their highly political use of “standing” that they don’t care that they are recognized as tools of a political faction. Because they think that faction can never lose now. The courts have become our Constitution’s most pernicious, deadly and conniving enemy. Working from within the system the founders set up, to protect the Constitution and the founding principles, they pervert it into its opposite… then viciously attack anyone who has the impertinence to point it out. This is because progressives are not honest people, they lie, connive and steal, to get power. In their worldview, they are the good guys because, when it all sugars off, the world will be a global utopia under their enlightened rule. The path to utopia though, is through chaos, suffering and oppression.

Intimidation of lawyers, so that politically disfavored people cannot get representation, is an anathema to the founding principles of the US. Which is the duty and obligation of the courts to mitigate. That they haven’t, and refuse to, is proof of their total utter and complete corruption. If the Constitution was followed, the legislature would impeach judges who impose their personal views on the Constitution. Can you imagine the progressive faction allowing one of their lawyers to be intimidated like they do conservatives? Heck, their lawyer, Kevin Klinesmith was only disbarred for a year, for perjury to the FISA courts! Remember when the democrats wanted to put Roger Stone in prison the rest of his life for perjury? Even as several attorneys are facing permanent disbarment… for representing Trump.

It’s time to move the US back to Constitutional rule. The first step will be to criminally charge anyone who intimidates a lawyer, especially, anyone with political, cultural or bureaucratic power. The legislature needs to wrest it’s constitutional role back and start impeaching judges who don not follow our Constitution. The Constitution is not written in Latin, it is written in English, so we can all read it and understand it. There are a multitude of documents written by the founders on their thinking. Which means it is not hard to see when the courts are imposing their will on the Constitution. Moreover, true perversions of the Constitution, like Buck v Bell, Korematsu and Wickard v Filburn must be overturned by constitutional amendment if needed. Demand no less from our representatives and senators.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment