The Billionaire’s Tax

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the so called billionaire’s tax will never be paid by a billionaire, it will be paid by the middle class… you, me and our children. It is only being sold as a Billionaires tax, because they are a disliked minority, exploiting our dislike of them to trick us into demanding a wealth tax on ourselves. That way, the elite can perpetually keep the rest of us as a serf class, forever. Once wealth can no longer be accumulated by the grazing masses, then only the political favor of the elite will be able to protect wealth. As it always is. Political favor will hide one’s wealth from the greedy eyes of the administrative state. Guns and fortifications will be of no avail, since the elite wield the police, laws and army. Yes, the billionaire’s tax will be an epic swindle… on us.

Why do I say, no billionaire will ever pay a penny of that tax… targeted at them? Because they have accountants and tax lawyers who are paid handsomely to make sure they don’t. Tax attorneys and CPAs you and I cannot afford, and so we pay, where they don’t. Doubt it? Take a gander at history. When the income tax was initiated, the politicians were adamant, that no working man’s head would ever be touched by the income tax! Of course, that was a lie, as everything the elite say, has a lie in it somewhere. The income tax was to level the playing field for the little guy against the big guy. It did the opposite, the income tax and indeed all regulations, fall on the little guy, like a flower pot. The reason I know that no billionaire will pay that tax, is history tells me so… in no uncertain terms.

Taxing wealth is a sure way to impoverish a nation, there is no more efficient means to that end… than squandering the saved prosperity of the people. Think about the incentives such a scheme sets up in a society. Money, to a working man, represents his or her time (life) converted into a means of exchange. If you save then, the money will not only be taxed when earned, but then taxed for being saved, until the bureaucrats have taken all your work (life). Essentially reducing the worker to a slave of the state. The other option would be to ride the wagon instead of pull. Why be a draft animal for an administrative state that hates you, so that others can ride… when you can ride? Only a masochist would take the virtuous path, everyone else will ride, until the cart grinds to a halt.

How long do you think it would be if that tax is enacted before it becomes a political weapon? I would argue it already has. The faction that proposes it, intends to use it to destroy any opposition, economically. No matter how well suited monetarily, to take on the progressive globalist corporatist oligarchs, anyone that has the impudence to stand up, will be made an example of. Economic ruin is a strong disincentive for everyone. The billionaires tax will give the progressive faction just that weapon. Like everything else in corporatist Amerika, the only quality that matters, is political favor, and like everything else, a billionaire’s tax will be wielded politically. As the courts, media and Department of Justice is nakedly political. Giving the progressive faction that much power is a mortal threat.

The administrative state, globalist corporatist progressive faction and world fascists, but I am being redundant… want unlimited power over us, and allowing them to take our accumulated wealth at their arbitrary discretion, would give them just that power. Their grasping has gone too far. History shows, the rich will not pay it but the middle class will… sooner or later. The progressive faction will use the wealth tax to take not only what you are earning but what you earned in the past! Taxing your labor 100%. Reducing you to a slave of the state. Is that the future you want for yourself and your children? Since every word that flows from the mouths of the elite are filled with lies, with an eye to fraud, why would any sane person think the Billionaire’s tax would be anything but… an epic swindle on us?


John Pepin

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