How Will Our Age Be Remembered?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our times will be remembered like the Japanese internment, the eugenics movement and slavery in the US… as a stain on the honor, status and dignity of the United States of America. Not only is our nation being smeared in the eyes of history, by the elite, its very existence is in danger from their machinations. In 2063, kids will be taught in their private boutique schools paid for by public vouchers… that in the 2020’s the elite went crazy. The abortion industry, military industrial complex, globalist banker cabal, the administrative state’s usurpations, crimes and outright oppression, as well as the elite’s fascination with exterminating the human race… all these will be history to them. Our job, is to make sure that they are history lessons and not their contemporary dystopian life, as it is ours.

History has a way of putting politics into perspective. What we understand is truth today, given the distance of time, correct knowledge and the benefit of knowing the results, bestows perspective to see events clearly. Most people look at WWII and say that the Nazis were the bad guys, because their system of government, fascism, corporatism or national socialism, whatever you call it, was bad. Moreover their rule was characterized by exploiting race as a weapon. That the German people went along, without thinking it through, was a testament to the propaganda of Goebbels. We see the National Socialists for what they were… yet lack the self awareness to see we are falling into the same trap. We are allowing a global corporatocracy to be fashioned around us as we hang on every lie.

The bastardized system of government in the US, is finally being exposed, and people are seeing for themselves just how ugly it is. Most people were taught a fallacy in school. That the US government was composed of three branches, and there are checks and balances, that prevent any branch from becoming tyrannical. We were assured that the Constitution was inviolate and that it is the contract between the people and the government. As we now know, that is all a fairy tale told to children, to get them to mind their betters. Now, with Biden pleading to his masters, whomever they are, not to get mad because he spoke too much, it is clear the President is not the boss… someone else is. The Administrative state, the extra constitutional real government, that does all the work.

The world is waking up to what the Chinese Communist Party really is… a national socialist party, cut from the same cloth as every other fascist party that has ever existed. What is perhaps most disturbing, is that the globalist banker cabal as well as the administrative state, see the CCP as their template. Our grandparents fought WWII, apparently, not to stop fascism but to stop the Germans from implementing it. Our elite today, judging by their actions, clearly appreciate the subtleties of corporatocracy and its potential for mankind on a global stage. The CCP never switched to capitalism, they switched to fascism, and the globalist elite watched with glee as it worked. In fifty years I wonder if school kids will look at our elite today, as villains or as Lenins.

Time may expose the evils of our age, if we demand from our representatives, senators and courts, that there be consequences for the elite. Instead of the DOJ wasting resources tracking down parents, who think that CRT should not replace the ABCs, as domestic terrorists, the DOJ should focus on obvious law breaking by the elite. The Biden Lap tops would be a good place to start their investigation. We hold the future in our hands. Do we cede it to the malevolent elite, and allow them to rule the world with unlimited power, given their ineptitude, or do we get off the couch and do something? Calling a senator is not that much work to save the world. Its easier than watching your family herded to a death camp anyway. Lets insure that today is a lesson for the future… and not the future.


John Pepin

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