Theater or Cave?

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything that we are shown is theater. From the newest lockdowns in China, to the subway black supremacist, everything we are presented is a carefully scripted narrative. Why else would the billionaire elite be so freaked out about another billionaire buying a stake in Twitter? It is because their entire malevolent edifice is a house of cards, requiring “information supremacy,” because the slightest breeze of truth would topple it. If you think these stories don’t make sense, your right, they don’t… as told. Once you realize they are all tales to trigger your emotions, change the economic paradigm and keep the ground dancing under our feet, they are no longer absurd… but diabolical. The elite have us in a cave, and what we see are shadows on the wall… to channel Plato.

The fable that the lockdowns in China are for some patently absurd “zero covid policy,” does not jibe with reality. Why clean a single stair on an escalator, test fish and tackle women on the streets to force testing? Theater, its all theater, to impress stupid Westerners that the CCP is serious about preventing the Wuhan flu. We fixate on the distraction, cats and dogs being beaten to death by shovel, to keep us from looking at the truth, the lockdowns will create more shortages, since everything is made in China, and those shortages will inevitably lead to more inflation. That increase in inflation will eventually drive foreign central banks to sell their US government bonds, causing the free fall of the dollar and its loss as the worlds reserve currency. Catapulting the CCP to a leadership position.

The black supremacist subway shooter, who the elite told us is not a terrorist (presumably because he is not a white supremacist) supposedly, left the credit card he used to rent the truck at the scene of the crime, only got off a few rounds before his gun jammed so badly he couldn’t clear it, no one tackled him when his gun jammed, when the car stopped he escaped unseen with a gas mask on in a crowd of onlookers, he had a bag of ordinance that he also left at the scene and shouted anti white racial epithets. Makes perfect sense… to no one. This whole story is clearly a lie. I suspect this was a false flag carried out by an FBI patsy to create racial animosity, “hopefully” triggering some crazy low IQ white person to do a similar thing, then voila, they have the excuse to round up conservatives.

Meanwhile, Elon Musk is threatening a hostile takeover of Twitter. That has the elite in a total panic. They thought they could control him by giving him a board seat and then shadow banning his votes, but he has no need of a hack job, the man is building the infrastructure to make mankind a space faring species, he has no need of lucrative make work. Musk has however mentioned, on more than one occasion, that he does not believe in censorship. That puts him at odds with the current crop of elite who do. Were he to pry open the town square to all ideas again, including constitutional concepts, the house of cards the elite have built from CRT, confusing boys with girls, teaching stupidity, rotting the system from within, and openly defying our Constitution… would collapse instantly.

I think it was Mark Twain who said, If you don’t read newspapers, you’re ignorant, if you do read newspapers, you’re misinformed. The meaning is obvious. That media doesn’t inform, it misinforms… to manipulate us. That was the case then, how much more so now that the pathological globalist progressive elite have monopoly control of the digital town square, newspapers and television? From their vantage of “information supremacy,” they can manipulate us into… taking an experimental biological agent they called a vaccine, accede to shutting down small businesses but not Walmart, and mask our children doing permanent social, linguistic and intellectual harm. Too many of us still believe the lies. That’s why I am cheering for Elon’s hostile takeover of Twitter… and will help if I can.


John Pepin

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