Should You Prep? (Hint, the answer is yes)

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… the elite have created the conditions conducive to catastrophe. Since action plus reaction equal outcome, the wise will think about getting through the coming calamity, getting ready to react. When you are caught in an avalanche, the only hope is to be prepared and have the equipment… like a shovel, cover and a radio beacon. In our case, there may not be anyone coming, so we may have to dig ourselves and our neighbors out. If you haven’t already, set aside some extra food, get a few tradable items and get as independent of the system as possible. For those so inclined setting up “Stone soup” kitchens might be an option. Inflation has only just started, who knows how far the heartless half wit’s pulling Biden’s strings will go with WWIII, so get ready now before it’s too late.

Get a few extras set aside in case you need them. Things with a long shelf life and can potentially be traded for other things you get low on, or forget about, are the ideal. Sugar, instant coffee and matches have an infinite shelf life. Moreover, they can be traded for other necessary items. Live chicken eggs for example. A few chickens, a milk cow and a garden fed almost everyone in the US in 1900. The American boys that went to Verdun, were called “dough boys,” because they were so much plumper than the European boys… or should I say, cannon fodder. Medicines are extremely handy to have. Imagine how valuable an aspirin would be if nothing was available and you have a splitting headache? Get a giant bottle, and any other medicine you can think of. Bismuth clay lasts forever…

A more social way to get through is to organize “Stone soups.” Based on the fable of the Stone soup. It would be a get together where everyone is invited to get a bowl of soup and all they need contribute is whatever they have. A potato, veggie, random meat, basically, anything you can eat goes into the soup. It is then divvied up among everyone. That way everyone gets a better, more nutritious meal than they otherwise would have. Plus it generates a sense of community that can tackle other local problems that crop up. In a situation where there would otherwise be starving people, with all the dangers a starving person portends, mitigating that would be a large step to regaining civilization, at least locally. No fortification can withstand siege and direct assault forever… look at Masada.

Skills are perhaps the most important things you can accumulate that are desirable in any emergency. From electrician to underwater basket weaving, any skill that you can think of could be life saving. Accumulating skills can be as easy as getting a hold of an old encyclopedia set. They are a wealth of knowledge on how to do things. That in and of itself gives you an advantage. There are courses available, innumerable videos and people who would love to be mentors. It is never too late to start learning new skills. Imagine how valuable knowing how to make aspirin, weave rope from grass or know the difference between edible, medicinal and poisonous wild plants would be? Moreover, the sooner you start the more you will know if you need them, and pray God you never do.

Who knows if the elite have a fool proof plan that will get their globalist utopia… without starving to death millions, using nuclear war as a means to change, or collapsing the dollar, but only a fool fails to prepare for an obviously impending emergency. Since there is no getting out of the way, it is wise to think of a plan, in case things get bad. If bread is fifty bucks a loaf what will you do without to get it? Will others do the same or will they steal it from you? A bag of beans costs pennies, Harbor Freight batteries are cheap and a carton of cigarettes could be invaluable. Those small inexpensive steps now could keep you our of a FEMA camp. (Which are to be avoided at all costs)! After the Great Depression, some became rich, because they prepared before it happened… be like them.


John Pepin

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