Stealth Socialism, Famine And Central Planning

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what we are facing is a centrally planned famine, because with central planning, famine is not a failure, it is a feature. With the federal reserve squeezing demand out of the public economy with raising interest rates, and the federal government increasing spending into the trillions, with over a trillion in interest payments a year now, aggregate demand still increases, but the portion that is in the hands of the American people diminishes. This, and the inflation they created with shutting down supply while ginning demand with stimulus… creates stealth socialism. With the unequaled power of the administrative state, the real rulers of this planet are implementing their ideal for a new world order, stakeholder capitalism or global governance. Call it what you will, I call it… global fascism.

Food processing plants across the US are burning flat. That may be a consequence of stupidity, or malevolence, neither is a resounding commendation for those in charge. Moreover, using regulation to suppress the production of food, suggests the industrial fires may be part of a long term Hegelian manipulation. Luck runs in streaks, but bad streaks are only made possible by stupidity. Just as good streaks of luck are precipitated by wisdom. Like a gambler who looses everything in a card game… over and over. Then gets kneecapped for welshing, and laments, how could this have happened? I think it was Confucius who said, The sage takes the safe path while the fool takes a dangerous one. The train derailments are another example of stupidity in action… of those in charge.

The war on nitrogen fertilizer is really a war on humanity. It was fertilizer that changed the dire predictions of the 1970’s Marxists (today’s post modernist) from worldwide famine by 1990, to the least number, both in actual numbers and as a percentage of the human population, living in absolute want. In other words, because of fertilizer, people have more to eat today, than at any other time in human history. The experts in the administrative state believe that nitrogen is a toxic and dangerous pollutant. Apparently unaware that over 80% of the air we breathe is nitrogen… or not. So they are waging war on it. By doing so they have bankrupted farms across the planet and set us up for a world wide famine. One I am sure they will blame, not on their own stupidity or malevolence, but on capitalism.

The elite have been preparing the ground for rationing, making bugs and pond scum part of our daily cuisine, for at least the last decade. One thing you can say about creating such poverty, want and suffering in the world is… nothing makes a Wagu Chateau Briand taste better, than knowing the rest of us are eating crickets, worms and pond scum. Rationing is the ultimate expression of power over a people. Under a regime of rationing, the people must ask permission even to eat. Now that is power. The only way to make it better is to force us to use CBDCs. With a central bank digital currency, our rulers could control every aspect of our lives, to the minutest detail. With the flip of a switch. If all we can buy are bugs and pond scum, then bugs and pond scum are for breakfast, lunch and supper.

All these problems with the food supply are imposed from the governments of the world, not due to some global climate disaster. They are a Hegelian manipulation to usurp power. I fail to understand how global warming, makes it colder, leading to industrial fires, train derailments and making people flood across our boarders to get free stuff? Hot or cold, people want free stuff. Train derailments are typically a failure of the tracks or wheels, not racism. Industrial fires usually are the result of a multitude of failures. Of the fire detection system, the suppression sprinklers and management, not typically from a lack of intersectionalism. How long before bridges start collapsing? From the war on nitrogen fertilizer and inflation to crime, every problem we are seeing is a failure of government.

Back when we had freedom, capitalism was allowed to work and people were sane, the US produced too much food, so much so we dumped it on other nations, crushing their domestic farms. Now, due to the centrally planned famine, eggs, meat and potatoes are expensive! The more our economy is usurped by the central planners the worse it operates. I think one thing we all agree on is, our lives are far too important to put in the inept hands of central planners. Mao did it best but they all had a shot at the marks. Stalin starved millions in Ukraine, Lenin starved the Kulaks out of existence and everywhere central planning is applied, there has been similar results. That our wannabe central planners are stealth socialists is no surprise, what is surprising, is that the rest of us are foolish enough not to notice.


John Pepin

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The Top Organized Crime Syndicate

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, how could anyone be the least surprised, that the people who brought us the Russia collusion hoax, sold US uranium to Russia and destroyed people for power… would not inevitably do every crime detailed in the Twitter files, the Jan 6 manipulation and engage in open election fraud? Criminals will criminal. Once we discovered the leaders of the US are anti American criminals, we should have done something, but we didn’t. So they election frauded themselves back into power. Expecting them to change once they had near total power, was like thinking a cat would become a vegetarian, once it tasted lettuce. The nation and world will continue down this dark path, until the criminals are apprehended, charged, tried and punished… appropriately for their crimes.

There is a reason people seeking to rob a bank hire bank robbers, experience. The depraved progressive faction were corrupt, are corrupt and will always be corrupt. It is in their DNA. The progressive ideology arose from putrefaction. The rot of pride, envy and arrogance. Woodrow Wilson wanted the administrative state to replace our constitutional government. Is that not the epitome of pride and arrogance? Then there is the over arching envy that all progressives have for those with more then they. Bernie Sanders used to loath and despise the millionaires. Now he reserves that vitriol for the billionaires. If he were to become a billionaire, he would turn his hate towards the trillionaires. Envy is their driving emotion. Progressives are good at corruption because they have experience.

Past action is always the best predictor of future action. We see this in our daily lives. A spouse who cheats will cheat, a shoplifter will shoplift and a politician will lie. We are creatures of habit. Moreover, the more we do a thing, the better we get at it. The more a cheater cheats the better they will get at cheating. The same is true of shoplifting and lying. Eventually, once someone does an action long enough, it becomes second nature and they don’t even have to think about it, to excel in it. The action becomes habit. That is who you would seek out, the person who has become proficient. If you are robbing banks you get a bank robber, if swindling old people out of their life savings you get a swindler, and if you are undermining democracy, you get a democrat.

Someone so bereft of character they would concoct the Russian collusion hoax, then use it to get a special prosecutor installed, before the president is even sworn into office, is someone who would do anything… and I mean anything. Most people are limited only by the threat of being caught, exposed and punished, remove those exigencies from someone then, and they will likely fulfill their deepest darkest desires. Our leaders have reached this point. They have been exposed as liars, murderers and thieves… yet stand there, unabashed, shouting us down as haters, Putin apologists and transphobes. Zero shame at the Russian collusion hoax, the lies, and even creating covid, denying treatment for it and coughing up the clot shot. These people have no character… they are criminals.

The worst people to have ever lived, well, judged by ethics, morality, actions and outcomes, rule the world with unaccountable power. How do we know they are unaccountable? The fact so few dare call for prosecutions of them for their crimes. Eight years of investigating Trump, to find anything and they have yet to find a crime, yet the permanent government in Washington is guilty of numerous transgressions. Crimes we all know of, are proven already, and are far worse than anything they have ruined their political foes over. Criminals run America. One thing we know about criminals, they are likely to commit more crimes. That is why we have police, prosecutors, courts and jails. Now they are run by criminals, the system itself has become a criminal organization… Time to RICO it.


John Pepin

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Exposing The Lies

Dear Comrades,

You are ordered to think, the release of January 6 footage was a crime against inhumanity! How can we tolerate other voices, at all, now they are openly exposing our lies? Tucker Carlson must be silenced. Sadly, we have tried over and over to no avail. We have boycotted his advertisers, attacked his family in their home and libel him daily. None of it has worked. Our friends in the republican party, Mitch McConnell and his ilk, are bullying Fox News into silencing that mouthpiece of the truth. If that doesn’t work we may have to do something serious. In his relentlessly truthful book, The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn blurted it out, that lies lead to gulags, and exposing those lies is an escape. That is why those who expose our lies must be silenced. Our future dystopia hangs in the balance.

It is easy to tell those news outlets that serve us and our cause, by the way they attack Carlson, and his exposing our manipulations. They dutifully perform their function, to promote the lies we want the people to believe. It is music to our ears, when a dolled up news anchor sets there with a straight face and says, allowing the American people to see the video would lead them to the wrong conclusion. Some reporters still have a soul, so if any would balk at our commands, the videos we have of their bosses on Epstein isle provide the ultimate leverage. Most we have bribed to submission but there are those who will not board the train. They have been a source of great frustration up to now, and going forward, their blurting out truths will have to stop. Our puppet media will be invaluable in this regard.

If this continues and our manipulations, lies and crimes are exposed, like Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson have, sooner or later the whole thing will go sideways and we may lose power. Going to prison however is not a worry. The DOJ has our back, and they are the only force in the country, able to charge us with federal crimes. Even if we lose some political power, there is a lucrative job awaiting us at the military industrial complex, CNN or academia. Where we can continue our fifth column activities under cover of the “private sector.” Continued exposure will have the effect of diminishing the power of our lies. Lies without power are not manipulative they become comedy. That is the worse thing we could become… the butt of jokes. Which would be easy since we push such insanity.

For our lies to work, everyone must repeat them, they need not believe at first. No one can be allowed to point out the obvious and get away with it. In this fear is our best weapon. Turn people’s friends into our tools of oppression and no one will dare tell a truth. Few will go against public opinion especially that of their crowd. To do so will lead to their ostracism. We have to make sure of it. Any good game is based on a fundamental lie. Oh, there are many others that creep in, during the act of swindling a patsy, but there is always one fundamental lie that should the mark discover it, the game falls apart. Each lie of ours that is exposed, gets the marks that much closer to the fundamental lie… that we care about them. If they discover all our lies are self serving, the game collapses, and the marks escape.

Our future dystopia depends on our intolerance, closed mindedness and people’s fear of us. Three people have emerged as our mortal enemies, Trump, Carlson and Musk. If we can make examples of them, no one else will ever dare stand up to us again. They will send their children to be sterilized, disemboweled in senseless wars, believe anything we tell them, turn on their friends and give up all agency to us. They better not cry too loudly, when holding the mutilated abused corpse of the child they brought into this world by suffering and sweat. It’s distracting. They will give up any hope of grandchildren, a career or a future. The plebeians will finally be back in their place. Our dystopia will be glorious, we and our posterity will reign forever from a keep, over a dark hellscape of our making.


Commandant John

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ESG, Social Impact And Sustainability

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when the progressives use the term “sustainability,” they mean it the same way the Mayans did. That they must sacrifice people and throw the carcass into their water supply. Sustainability, to progressives, means the promotion of a political ideology. That is where the confusion comes in. Most of the rest of us think sustainability means, the ability to sustain across time… decades and even centuries. An archaic definition to be sure. Today that word, along with much of the lexicon, has been evolved to mean the opposite of what we assume it means. Making our manipulation much easier. A sustainable corporation today is one that is “impactful” of the social situation. Which means they use investor funds to fight white supremacy, hate and the capitalist system itself.

If your driveway needs a new layer of road base, it may be cheaper to smash the foundation of your home to get it, the carbon footprint is much lower, not having to blast it, grind it and haul it. So it’s ESG score would be very good. Moreover, such action could be very impactful of the social situation if workers of the right color are hired. Just smash up the concrete and use wheel barrows to haul it to the drive. Spread it out with a rake and voila. A newly graveled driveway, ESG compliant and socially impactful. There is the worry that the house may collapse on the workers. That issue is readily solved, by claiming the problem is evil white people and their laws of physics, and so the rulers need more power to overturn those deadly racist laws.

A corporation that adopts post modernist ideology, like ESG and trying to be impactful, will also adopt the mindset as well. That is, merit is the acme of white supremacy, so it is to be eschewed at all costs. The able are offensive to the inept. That offense cannot go unaddressed. So, to have the most social impact possible, the hierarchy of a corporation must reflect the diversity found in the society as a whole. If societal diversity is not diverse enough, then the society itself must be changed, demographically, to reflect the diversity the ESG advocates want to see reflected in the boardrooms. The janitorial staff, on the other hand, need not reflect any diversity. It is best filled out by those who lost their jobs to diversity hires. Managers under such a system would naturally be impactful.

Using corporations to do what government is barred from doing does not make it right. The reason government is barred (under the enlightenment paradigm of constitutional limits) from censoring, forcing thought and systematically identifying groups of people to abuse… is not because government doing it is bad, but because doing those things themselves, are bad. You have no right to censor me, demand I think the way you want or being a demagogue… and I have no right to do those things to you. That is the basic social contract that is being rewritten by ESG and impact. It is the Golden Rule in operation. ESG and judging the social impact of an investment violates the Golden Rule, so is doing an evil. Doing evil is evil, no matter who or what does it, or whatever reason it is done for.

The fact is, we should be seeking sustainability, the sustainability of our investments to pay dividends, grow and provide something of value to the customers, so the profit can continue. By this measure, any rent seeking activity, while impactful and ESG compliant, is off limits, since it cannot be sustained over the decades and centuries. Grinding a foundation for road base is not a sustainable activity because eventually the edifice will collapse on the workers. Elevating inept people because of their social correctness is not sustainable either. No matter how much one might want to be a tyrant, tyrannizing people, by whatever means, is immoral. Even if those oppressions promote ESG and are socially impactful. You see, we define sustainable differently than the post modernist globalists.


John Pepin

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The Paradigm Of Crime

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now that crime pays, you can expect lots of crime. As in any profitable enterprise, if the profits are too high, that company can soon expect competition. The competition will rise until there is perfect competition in that field. I imagine crime will go this way as well. The amount of crime will continue increasing, until there is so much crime, that the competition will become perfect. Perfect competition is where there are so many people vying for a limited customer base, or in the case of crime, victims, the ability to make a profit depends on efficiency. The less efficient criminal enterprises will be driven bankrupt, else be executed, by the more efficient ones. In this paradigm, there is no criminal enterprise more ruthless, greedy and efficient, than government.

Indeed, it is government that funds almost all the rent seeking activities in an economy. If not for the incentives to graft, because of over regulation, rent seeking would become impossible. Regulations are why someone needs to go to a bureaucrat for permission to do something in the first place. Then the bureaucrat can squeeze the victim for as much as possible. Another rent seeking activity created by regulation is the entire industry that arises to get around them. People in those “industries” would argue they have a legitimate role to play, helping people and firms, get past the regulations. If those regulations didn’t exist however, their entire industry would collapse. Income tax lawyers for example, if income taxes were eliminated, billions of dollars of rent seeking would be destroyed.

There is of course traditional organized crime. The protection racket is simply a derivative of the government’s police game. Then there is the cut a criminal has to kick up to the boss. Gambling is another lucrative source of rent seeking that traditional organized crime has taken advantage of. Of course there is the classic stealing truckloads of un-stamped cigarettes and electronics, as well as other expensive items and selling them on the black market. There are non rent seeking activities of organized crime too, like prostitution and selling drugs. Governments do that as well. If the CIA has a source that wants a child to molest, the CIA will procure a child. Making the government far worse than any mafia don or drug kingpin. Dons do it for money… government does it for egoistic power.

You can see the beginnings of total crime in the US and I suppose elsewhere as well, evolving to become perfect competition for victims. Once a victim is cleaned out, it takes awhile for them to rebuild enough wealth to be stolen. So the profitability of this paradigm is limited. Most of it is front loaded and only for those with the ability to protect it. Identity theft, stealing mortgages and fishing are very efficient rent seeking activities, since the FBI is deployed against parents. People openly take things from stores. Even as employees are forbidden to stop them. Prosecuting thieves is a waste of time anyway. The government could care less. Moreover, illegal immigrants will simply flee the moment they are released. Such common crime proves our system is nearly saturated.

Why is crime becoming so ubiquitous that competition for victims is becoming perfect? Because people follow their leaders… and ours are criminals. Government itself is a rent seeking enterprise, it need not be, but today that is what it has become. Government not only openly steals elections, prints the currency to debasement and prosecutes based on politics, it leads by example. Open boarders don’t scream law and order, do they? Hoards of illegal immigrants, not abetted but encouraged by the government, is a sure sign to citizens the government hates us. Sooner or later, under such a paradigm of crime, even criminals will have had enough of being victims, then will rise up and install a tyrant, to oppress us back to law and order… else we get a handle on it now.


John Pepin

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Trust Betrayed Is Trust Lost

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the mrna covid vaccine has the exact same effect at stopping the spread of covid, as a severed chicken leg, waved over my head, while the medicine man dances and chants… but the chicken leg has far less adverse reactions. You know… like sudden death. I strongly believe that by the end of 2023, most people, even the most beguiled, will realize what the medical system has done. Not only in its response to covid, but by creating covid in the first place. That realization will not come without cost, to society, human health and especially the medical system itself. The system will have lost credibility, good faith and even their basic standing. Which is a terrible thing, because not everything the medical system does is bad, but once the covid cat escapes the bag, people will be livid.

You have to ask yourself why would the medical system so discredit itself? The results of their lies are becoming ever less deniable. As the sudden deaths mount from the “vaccine,” the medical elites are closing the wagons, guns aimed out and shouting, “There is nothing to see here!” With the constant parade of conspiracy theories, that are being proved true by the day, like, masks had zero effect on slowing the transmission of covid, the Vaccine is neither safe nor effective, and now we hear that the government has known all along that covid came from the Wuhan lab. All conspiracy theories that would get one banned from social media should one have the audacity to say them… only a few months ago. The censorship and intolerance made people believe lies… and took lives.

The practice of medicine is based on trust. How likely is it someone will undergo a dangerous painful procedure, for someone they do not trust, has a dubious outcome and will probably harm them in the long run? Even the most amiable person would balk. I personally have zero trust in doctors now. Especially those who still push the lies. Sadly, they are almost all mesmerized by the glitter of the WHO, NIH and CDC. No matter how many lies those agencies put out, the medical experts will believe them all. Because not to believe would make them a conspiracy nut! Ivermectin even today is banned across the US. Don’t believe it? Ask your doctor if he or she would prescribe Ivermectin for Covid? Their posture will tell you all you need to know. They are terrified of the establishment.

The first order of all physicians was, do no harm, but that has been thrown under the bus of politics… run down, then backed over. The heart defects, still births and sudden adult deaths are testament to the medical establishments wholesale abandonment of the ideal, do no harm. Harm is where the money is. A cure for cancer would cost the medical establishment billions of dollars a year, a cure for the common cold might cost tens of billions a year, and a cure for type I diabetes would bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Clearly, economic factors alone are sufficient to make the adage, do no harm, as antiquated as it is unprofitable. In the face of so much money, only someone truly committed to human health, would stick to such a drag on wealth, as, do no harm!

The practice of medicine has utterly discredited itself, ruined decades of trust and intentionally does harm to the patients. It may not recover its reputation in our lifetimes. Because, the greater the deception, the angrier the betrayed. With every lie, secret and manipulation exposed, the medical establishment looses credibility. I bet most doctors feel the change in temperature, as people become colder to their doctors, making the practice of medicine more difficult. Especially since the doctor’s job is now to write reports instead of see patients. How far medicine has fallen. Back in the day, a doctor would come to your house, birth a baby, set a leg, or sew an ear back on, for a buck and a half. No money in that! The real money is in creating chimeric viruses in a lab… ask Fauci, Moderna and Pfizer.


John Pepin

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Stop Tolerating Intolerance

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the globalist elite’s nuclear weapon is… intolerance. They wield intolerance like an epee. That intolerance leads to fear. That fear then leads to silence. Even in the face of absurdity. Because, no one wants to lose their job for pointing out boys are not girls. Who is willing to take the character destruction that comes with saying the wrong thing? Moreover, no one is safe. Look at Ellen DeGeneres and J K Rowling. They were both queens of the movement, but made the mistake of thinking the left was able to process a truth, so were canceled. The intolerant not only can ostracize people effectively, but can enforce that ostracism, with effect. Intolerance however has a kryptonite, that is the recognition that it is based on a power dynamic… and not on ethics.

The globalists use ostracism to keep their zealots controlled. Deviate even a smidgen from the party line and you will be attacked on every front. The progressive shock troops know this all too well, since they are the ones who set upon other NPCs, who have the audacity to try to think for themselves. Not only the rank and file progressives are subject to the ostracism, should they use wrongspeak, but since the post modernists have taken over the boardrooms, Dean’s offices and the media, the establishment, strict thought control is enforced. The intolerance can bee seen in the faces of post modernists. Their perpetual seething anger makes them a raw nerve looking to be bumped. A progressive will turn on his best friend, in a heartbeat, because any disagreement could reveal their intolerance.

Intolerance induces fear in people. Who wants to be set upon for an opinion? So most people dummy up. I have been told it is not safe to speak out today. “This is not the country you grew up in anymore…” It isn’t, because people fear to speak. When I grew up, freedom of speech was the paramount Right. Now it is subject to the censors, should it contain anything they find vexing… like truth that exposes their ineptitude. The post modernists have made the consequences of having an opinion, that differs a Plank length from orthodoxy, the loss of a career, friends and even the ability to bank. Now that is intolerance on steroids. Most of the rest of us cannot even understand this mindset. I would never ruin someone’s life for disagreeing with me. Progressives, sadly, would.

Fear of the intolerant makes people remain silent in the face of crazy. This leads to people actually believing the demented. Because to discuss it in anything but reverence would lead to one’s ostracism. An echo chamber completely isolated from the real world by intolerance. In such a situation, an idea gets introduced that is insane, but no one is allowed to point it out, so it gets repeated. The simple minded and children believe it. Each reverberation from the walls of the echo chamber distorts it a little more. So a slightly insane idea can grow to absolute hair on fire madness. This is not the first time such crazy has happened. The Mayans got the idea it would be a good idea to drop the bodies of their human sacrifices into their wells. Polluting their water turned out to be crazy too.

Fortunately, intolerance is like smoke, a little breeze of truth will blow it away. Simply pointing it out thins it. That is why the intolerant need to constantly become ever more intolerant. To protect their vapor from even a whiff of truth. Our fear would quickly turn to disgust, were it to become common knowledge the left’s intolerance is based on a power dynamic, not a moral ethic. It is utterly self serving. If they are actually morally outraged, a decent person will back down, but if it becomes known progressives are using emotion to grab power, like a toddler, they will be exposed, as childish, petulant and spoiled. Once that happens their nuclear weapon is disarmed. It is up to us then, to fire up the fan of truth and blow away the crazy, the lies and the intolerance. Stop tolerating intolerance.


John Pepin

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How We Can Fight ESG

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we can force corporations to drop ESG (Environment, Social and Governance), a globalist means to the great reset and the new world order. How? By contacting corporations and demanding they drop ESG, looking up people recommended for the boards of directors to find if they promote ESG and sell companies, funds, etc… that are involved. If you own a share in a company, you have a right to address the CEO, board and annual meeting. You are the owner and they are your employees. If one of many owners demand a stop to ESG, the CEO will probably trust his elitist gut, but if many owners demand an end to ESG, the executives will puke it up. If those demands are backed up by a drop in share value, should they not be met… rest assured, no CEO will fail to bend.

ESG is a scheme to corrode the West from within. The elite are almost all on board with it. Because nothing is more sanitary than pooping where you eat. Under the ESG regime of oppression, the supply chain has broken down, inflation is being driven up relentlessly, the CCP is being propped up with our money, censorship is a feature and anything that is good is perverted from within. All in a pathological attempt to fundamentally change America. You and I understand that if the globalists succeed in their plan to remake the world into an unlimited, inescapable and unaccountable global administrative state, the dystopia that follows will make North Korea look like heaven. That’s why we must fight tooth and nail to expose it, rid our corporations of it, and alienate the elite from it.

A closed end fund I own is Reaves Utility, UTG. It is a fund that invests in utilities and pays a good monthly dividend. A retired person stock. I just received the proxy statement from the board of directors. One of the two people they recommend is an ESG advocate. He has written extensively on ESG. [Turns out I might have been wrong, UTG assured me they are not pro ESG] Which makes perfect sense, because if you are trying to ruin a nation, destroying the utilities from within would be ideal. Moreover, the “shareholders,” lets call them the marks, will pay for the obliteration of their investment with a malignancy. Introduced by the board of directors. The very people who’s fiduciary duty is to protect our investment. As a result, if that ESG guy gets in, I will liquidate every share I own, and I suggest anyone else who owns UTG do so as well.

UTG is not the only fund that ESG is oozing into. There are many REITS and ETFs, etc… that are surreptitiously becoming advocates of ESG. It is like a cancer. Vanguard claims they have eschewed all association with ESG but I wonder if that is not a scam. The fact is, the elite lie without consequence, whether to us or under oath. Since ESG is the favored policy of the brain washed elite, its advocates are not only pervasive but intolerant. Once ESG gets a foot in the door, it eliminates push back, with character assassination and social ostracism. It is to the point that in our corporate board rooms, no one dares speak out against ESG, lest they become pariahs. That is where we come in, a deluge of angry letters from shareholders against ESG, will grow a spine on a jellyfish.

You have far more power than you realize. If you truly want to force ESG out of our corporations, then all you need do is buy a single share of a stock, and write letters to the executives telling them where you stand. If you own stocks that become entangled in ESG, let the CEO know why you are selling your shares. If we all become insurgent shareholders, and advocate against ESG, even the most intransigent boards will have to bend. They are after all, our employees, not our rulers, we own those companies, we are not subjects of them. The executives and boards might like to think they are our superiors… because they have gone utterly insane. Let’s splash a little cold water on their faces. If we do, ESG will be upended and with it, the globalist plan for world domination.


John Pepin

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Voting, By Election And With Your Feet

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, since the franchise has been removed by mail in “voting,” many people in the US are now voting with their feet, and moving to places where their vote still counts. Unfortunately, some of them will vote for the very things they are fleeing… because it could work this time. If other people are in charge. So the song goes on. Most of those fleeing oligarchical states however, are probably fed up with the high taxes, regulations and corruption. Most of the states being emptied of citizens are using illegal aliens as replacements. To maintain their power in the US House. No matter, soon the demographic changes will be undeniable and even the most ardent deceiver will have to acknowledge, it means something important. Moving is a form of voting outside the control of the oligarchy.

People are not as foolish as our stupid elite think we are. How can it be lost on anyone in Pennsylvania, Arizona or Michigan, that democracy has been replaced by oligarchy? Natives, I am sure, are hoping they can get a handle on the cesspool that their state governments have become. Grasping at liquefied feces however is a fool’s errand. Once the electoral process has been so perverted, the oligarchy decides not only who can run but who wins, everything is lost. There is no way back short of violent uprising. Which plays right into the hands of the oligarchs. Such a reaction to their corruption, would justify all their corruption, to prevent and stop the “right wing violence” and restore order. “Obviously,” the only way to do that would be more power to government and less to the people.

Why would anyone live under oppression when there is a way out? Unless they are trapped by economics. Sadly, in most places that have become oligarchies of the administrative state, the economy has been so corroded by graft, corruption and rent seeking, house values have plummeted. Trapping home owners in a place that is collapsing at the speed of gravity. Many were and are pragmatic and took a loss so as not to throw good money after bad. In a place that clearly cares nothing for its citizens. Many if not most feel trapped. They watch their kids get on drugs, while they get laid off, and the government gets more corrupt. Then again, there are those that get while the getting is good. They take the hit and move on. That is pragmatism in action.

In the United States, at least for now, until the federal government finds that freedom of movement within the nation is a violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause… people can flee states that disregard democracy. History shows, the courts ignore the Constitution when it suits them and magnify out of proportion those parts, that increase the power of the administrative state. The three most glaring examples are, Korematsu, Wickard v Filburn and Buck v Bell. If too many citizens flee the anti democratic states for the free states, the federal government will have to step in. Such an imbalance might tip the US over! Like Guam… That, or the clear loathing of the American people for the administrative state and its open election fraud, would become too obvious even for the brain washed.

The result of all this is that states like New York, Pennsylvania and California are hemorrhaging residents to states like Texas and Florida. People are fleeing the taxes, regulation and corruption. Fortunately, for their power in the US House, those citizens are being replaced by illegals. Making election fraud easier. As the oligarchs in the anti American states use regulation, taxes and graft to get rich, they are squeezing regular people out. Like toothpaste from a tube. The short term gain of the state oligarchs comes at the long term viability of the states they are sucking dry. People are not trapped though, we can move, even if we think we cannot. Those who are pragmatic will, and vote for the opposite of what they fled in their next homes. If enough do, everything will change.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Judicial Sysytem, Law, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Zelensky is not a villain, nor is Putin, they are chumps, being manipulated into fighting by the villainous globalist elites. Zelensky tried to reach out to Trump but Trump was impeached to keep the cat in the bag. I am sure when Zelensky saw just how much power those evil subhumans have, he decided to toe the line. Let’s just say, when dealing with Toni Soprano, it is best to stay on his good side… and the globalist elite make mobsters look like saints. Like all criminal enterprises, they needed a laundromat. Now that WWIII is going on the amount of grift going through Ukraine has become a tsunami. Nevertheless, with the inverted demographics of the world, squandering those precious lives seems a poor choice to me. Let alone our own beloved kids if it goes nuclear. What do you think?

At the fall of communism, at the end of the Cold War, NATO ceased to have a function. The Warsaw Pact had dissolved, Russia had dropped communism, which permanently discredited it as an economic system. Like all government programs however, NATO is immortal. It needed something to do. So it took up it’s old goal, conquer the Soviet Union, but the USSR was gone, so instead NATO absorbed former Warsaw Pact nations, until it was knocking on Russia’s door. A CIA sponsored color revolution coup in Ukraine put a US puppet government in power and the stage for WWIII was set. NATO’s titular supreme commander, George Soros, wrote the game plan. Use Ukrainians as cannon fodder. Feed the patsies NATO weapons and let them sap Russia until NATO can step in and take over.

When Trump was elected, the globalist elites needed a villain to point at, to justify their outrage that a non insider got power. So they used politically isolated Russia. Since the fall of Putin, and Russia’s becoming a vassal state of the new world order was always the goal, that scheme worked perfectly. The trouble was, Trump stumbled in the way by talking to Zelinsky. So the progressive faction immediately impeached him. To keep him away from their laundromat. It worked perfectly. The mockingbird media dutifully misdirected the public’s attention, to Trump having the audacity to talk to a foreign leader, and away from why is the deep state so upset that Trump was talking to that world leader? Now we know, they had a profitable business going there, and Trump might have messed it up.

Billions of dollars have been laundered through the laundromat that is Ukraine. Over a hundred billion is in cue to go through. The calls for audits will almost certainly go unheeded. There are too many rent seekers, politicians and the military industrial complex, folding the clothes, to let an audit go anywhere. If you think different, how many of Epstein’s pedophile clients have been arrested, or even pointed out? Other than Prince Andrew? The Soros’ of the world have the power to stop just about anything. With the tens of billions flowing into their greedy pockets, the war propaganda and their capture of the entire judicial systems of the world… that power is magnified tenfold. With every death, their share of the world’s fortune goes up, making this war a win win, for the globalist elites.

The boys being killed, on both sides, are victims of psychopaths who are willing to break a few eggs to get the omelet they desire. The world lacks youth, the demographic curve is inverted throughout the world, and the elite’s solution is to kill those we do have, in a pointless war of conquest… to satiate their greed for power, money and fame. So, what if Putin is felled, what then? Would the US go in like in Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya and force a vassal government on the Russian people? Isn’t that likely to turn out the same way the others did? Which makes me wonder if the killing isn’t the point? When us old people die, with no children to replace us, the human species will as a consequence, experience an explosive drop in population. Perhaps that is the point of this exercise in inhumanity?


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment