Exposing The Lies

Dear Comrades,

You are ordered to think, the release of January 6 footage was a crime against inhumanity! How can we tolerate other voices, at all, now they are openly exposing our lies? Tucker Carlson must be silenced. Sadly, we have tried over and over to no avail. We have boycotted his advertisers, attacked his family in their home and libel him daily. None of it has worked. Our friends in the republican party, Mitch McConnell and his ilk, are bullying Fox News into silencing that mouthpiece of the truth. If that doesn’t work we may have to do something serious. In his relentlessly truthful book, The Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn blurted it out, that lies lead to gulags, and exposing those lies is an escape. That is why those who expose our lies must be silenced. Our future dystopia hangs in the balance.

It is easy to tell those news outlets that serve us and our cause, by the way they attack Carlson, and his exposing our manipulations. They dutifully perform their function, to promote the lies we want the people to believe. It is music to our ears, when a dolled up news anchor sets there with a straight face and says, allowing the American people to see the video would lead them to the wrong conclusion. Some reporters still have a soul, so if any would balk at our commands, the videos we have of their bosses on Epstein isle provide the ultimate leverage. Most we have bribed to submission but there are those who will not board the train. They have been a source of great frustration up to now, and going forward, their blurting out truths will have to stop. Our puppet media will be invaluable in this regard.

If this continues and our manipulations, lies and crimes are exposed, like Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson have, sooner or later the whole thing will go sideways and we may lose power. Going to prison however is not a worry. The DOJ has our back, and they are the only force in the country, able to charge us with federal crimes. Even if we lose some political power, there is a lucrative job awaiting us at the military industrial complex, CNN or academia. Where we can continue our fifth column activities under cover of the “private sector.” Continued exposure will have the effect of diminishing the power of our lies. Lies without power are not manipulative they become comedy. That is the worse thing we could become… the butt of jokes. Which would be easy since we push such insanity.

For our lies to work, everyone must repeat them, they need not believe at first. No one can be allowed to point out the obvious and get away with it. In this fear is our best weapon. Turn people’s friends into our tools of oppression and no one will dare tell a truth. Few will go against public opinion especially that of their crowd. To do so will lead to their ostracism. We have to make sure of it. Any good game is based on a fundamental lie. Oh, there are many others that creep in, during the act of swindling a patsy, but there is always one fundamental lie that should the mark discover it, the game falls apart. Each lie of ours that is exposed, gets the marks that much closer to the fundamental lie… that we care about them. If they discover all our lies are self serving, the game collapses, and the marks escape.

Our future dystopia depends on our intolerance, closed mindedness and people’s fear of us. Three people have emerged as our mortal enemies, Trump, Carlson and Musk. If we can make examples of them, no one else will ever dare stand up to us again. They will send their children to be sterilized, disemboweled in senseless wars, believe anything we tell them, turn on their friends and give up all agency to us. They better not cry too loudly, when holding the mutilated abused corpse of the child they brought into this world by suffering and sweat. It’s distracting. They will give up any hope of grandchildren, a career or a future. The plebeians will finally be back in their place. Our dystopia will be glorious, we and our posterity will reign forever from a keep, over a dark hellscape of our making.


Commandant John

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