Voting, By Election And With Your Feet

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, since the franchise has been removed by mail in “voting,” many people in the US are now voting with their feet, and moving to places where their vote still counts. Unfortunately, some of them will vote for the very things they are fleeing… because it could work this time. If other people are in charge. So the song goes on. Most of those fleeing oligarchical states however, are probably fed up with the high taxes, regulations and corruption. Most of the states being emptied of citizens are using illegal aliens as replacements. To maintain their power in the US House. No matter, soon the demographic changes will be undeniable and even the most ardent deceiver will have to acknowledge, it means something important. Moving is a form of voting outside the control of the oligarchy.

People are not as foolish as our stupid elite think we are. How can it be lost on anyone in Pennsylvania, Arizona or Michigan, that democracy has been replaced by oligarchy? Natives, I am sure, are hoping they can get a handle on the cesspool that their state governments have become. Grasping at liquefied feces however is a fool’s errand. Once the electoral process has been so perverted, the oligarchy decides not only who can run but who wins, everything is lost. There is no way back short of violent uprising. Which plays right into the hands of the oligarchs. Such a reaction to their corruption, would justify all their corruption, to prevent and stop the “right wing violence” and restore order. “Obviously,” the only way to do that would be more power to government and less to the people.

Why would anyone live under oppression when there is a way out? Unless they are trapped by economics. Sadly, in most places that have become oligarchies of the administrative state, the economy has been so corroded by graft, corruption and rent seeking, house values have plummeted. Trapping home owners in a place that is collapsing at the speed of gravity. Many were and are pragmatic and took a loss so as not to throw good money after bad. In a place that clearly cares nothing for its citizens. Many if not most feel trapped. They watch their kids get on drugs, while they get laid off, and the government gets more corrupt. Then again, there are those that get while the getting is good. They take the hit and move on. That is pragmatism in action.

In the United States, at least for now, until the federal government finds that freedom of movement within the nation is a violation of the Interstate Commerce Clause… people can flee states that disregard democracy. History shows, the courts ignore the Constitution when it suits them and magnify out of proportion those parts, that increase the power of the administrative state. The three most glaring examples are, Korematsu, Wickard v Filburn and Buck v Bell. If too many citizens flee the anti democratic states for the free states, the federal government will have to step in. Such an imbalance might tip the US over! Like Guam… That, or the clear loathing of the American people for the administrative state and its open election fraud, would become too obvious even for the brain washed.

The result of all this is that states like New York, Pennsylvania and California are hemorrhaging residents to states like Texas and Florida. People are fleeing the taxes, regulation and corruption. Fortunately, for their power in the US House, those citizens are being replaced by illegals. Making election fraud easier. As the oligarchs in the anti American states use regulation, taxes and graft to get rich, they are squeezing regular people out. Like toothpaste from a tube. The short term gain of the state oligarchs comes at the long term viability of the states they are sucking dry. People are not trapped though, we can move, even if we think we cannot. Those who are pragmatic will, and vote for the opposite of what they fled in their next homes. If enough do, everything will change.


John Pepin

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