“Bad Guys”

Dear NPCs,

We are ordered to believe, calling criminals “bad guys,” is a practice that has to stop. Shame naming people lowers their self esteem. Just because someone has decided upon a career that involves home invasions, rape, murder and violent assaults, doesn’t mean they are bad people. So calling them bad guys is wrong. Especially if they are minorities. Then it is racist to call criminals bad guys. Moreover, the term wrests language from our control. It allows the racists a handle on their fate. This simply cannot be allowed. That’s why we need to go into an instant conniption fit, anytime we hear the term, “bad guys.” Use your legendary intolerance of other points of view to shut that one down. We need not think for ourselves, we have the wise and all knowing experts to lift that burden from us!

No single mother wants to have to worry her son’s victim might be armed. What if the girl has a gun and shoots her son? The only way to prevent these kinds of tragedies is to disarm the victim pool. If a minority teenager breaks into a home at night to rob and terrorize a majority family, like Spartans did of old, what right does the family have to resist? If guns are widely available, as they are in the US, that majority family’s mere existence is a mortal threat to the minority home invader. Calling him or her a bad guy only adds insult to injury. As long as guns are available to the victim pool, as well as the virtuous minority criminals, single mothers will have to worry every time their kids wake up at seven PM, and go out to prowl the streets all night. Focus on her worry. Not your selfish interests.

George Soros is keeping our streets safe for criminals to work. With his Soros prosecutors, violent crime is not punished, only crimes against criminals are. Thank you Mr Soros. Clamping down on free speech is even more important than gun control. If the victim class gets riled up enough, they could do something about it. That’s why Soros prosecuting people for standing up to us is so important. You should send your next welfare check to him to help the cause. Remember when Rudy Giuliani was mayor of NYC? What a disaster that was. Crime was nonexistent, no one was shoved on the subway tracks in front of the train, and the streets were clean. Good thing we got him out of office. Now NYC can reach its true potential. Abetted by the Soros installed prosecutor criminalizing self defense.

The throngs of better people that are now flooding the US and Europe, thanks largely to the elite who are initiate, are the ones we are protecting here. They are risking life and limb, traveling across continents and seas, to replace the evil natives of Europe and America. If we let the natives call criminals, bad guys, what about all those virtuous illegal aliens who will be committing crimes? Are we to allow them to be called bad guys? Of course not! The lessers have no right to call their betters, bad guys. That is absurd. You can’t criticize those who rule you. The undocumented rightful heirs of America and Europe have every right to take what they want, because their wants are their needs. Those of us who are being replaced, if we are to be good people, have to help them.

Criminals are the downtrodden, not bad guys, they deserve respect and indeed admiration, for doing a hard and difficult job. A necessary job. If necessity is the mother of invention. The criminal introduces chaos into society, and that chaos creates, necessity. Rather than call criminals bad guys then, we need to force everyone to call them “Chaos Conquerors.” Soros can’t do it himself. Prosecuting the victims of crime for defending themselves can only go so far. We have to step up. Be loud, violent and obnoxious. It has worked for us in the past, and will continue to work for us, as long as we are shrill enough. As you shout down anyone who as the audacity to call a criminal a bad guy, keep the NPC motto in mind, “Thinking is a sin, it leads us away, break heads for the win, and be a hero today!”


John Pepin

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Rule By Halfwits, Psychos and Klutzes

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with government, is it only makes things worse. Those of the elite who want to improve the lot of Mankind, are inept, else stupid, since all their hard work always and everywhere makes the world worse, instead of better. Then there are the malevolent rulers, like we have today, that can only make the world a terrible place. Because a person’s works are a reflection of their soul. Lastly, there are the sloths who get power, as a place to retire. They are worthless at anything good, but quite helpful, when a bad idea comes along. All types agree, increasing the power of the State is of paramount importance. One believes the government has a legitimate role in helping people, the other that government has a role in helping themselves, and the last sees it as a retirement home.

The ideal role of government would be to continually make the lot of Mankind better. I should think that everyone would agree. What would be the opposite view? That the role of government is to make it worse? Well, if that is the goal, then kudos! If, on the other hand, the right end of government is to improve the lot of mankind, then we are clearly on the wrong track. As the crime rate skyrockets, mass shootings fill the news, a hundred thousand plus die of fentanyl overdose a year, taxes rise while wages decrease, inflation destroys wealth, nuclear war is on the horizon and our governments are creating deadly viruses in labs across the planet… prove. There can be no question governments, all governments, are continually making things worse, by trying to make things better… the halfwits.

Leaders, rulers and politicians are all inept, stupid or evil, every one of them. As such, government will never be able to make the lot of Mankind better. It can only make things worse. The enigma of democracy is that it both gives the people a say, and elevates the charismatic psychopath, over the thoughtful sage. Once psychopaths are in power, their works will reflect their malignant souls. Since they work within the State, it will be the State that is the reflection of their inhumanity. Even the works of the few good people, that get swept up and somehow get power, are perverted by the plurality of evil actors. Nothing clean can emerge from the greasy, filthy, and ink stained fingers of politicians. The alternative, tyranny, is no better. It’s the end goal of our malevolent rulers anyway.

The best government can hope for then, is to not make it worse. The way to do that is to continually limit the power, role and scope of government. In a factory, one doesn’t increase the responsibilities of a klutz, you fire him, or at least keep them where their ineptitude will do the least damage. In government however, we have put the klutzes in charge. They are in positions where they can do the maximum harm. Moreover, since politicians must be klutzes, wouldn’t it make more sense to limit their ability to damage society, the economy and humanity? How to do that? Limit the role, scope and reach of government. Take away their ability to break things. It is as simple as that. Rather than try tyranny, as the fascists did and are trying again, let’s go back to limiting the klutzes.

We all want the lot of Mankind improved, yet we use a method that will result in the opposite, then fail to learn from the disasters that resulted. We fall for the glittering lie, that government can help us improve our lives, every time. Especially if things get good. In times of plenty, when the power of government is weakest, politicians will unanimously shout, “More government could make it even better!” Failing to understand that government is like poison, a little might make you sick, but won’t kill you, take enough though, and it will. Adding to our toxin load until sickness and then death results. The nation is a reflection of their tortured souls. Because government, always and everywhere, is rule by halfwits, psychos and klutzes. How could empowering such people possibly make it better?


John Pepin

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A Complex System Of Potential

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, communists and fascists, despite their rhetoric, see people as cogs in a great machine, while free marketeers see our fellow human beings, as possibilities in a great complex potential. What is the world? It cannot be a machine invented by man, since it preexists man. Machines are contraptions that mimic the animations of life, but are dead, and incapable of self expansion. The world is a complex system because it grows, evolves and exists as interacting, interconnected and interdependent organisms. Which suggests that the communist and fascist worldview is brittle. It only fits that which it wants to fit and shatters when it comes in contact with reality. Leading to famines, wars, and final solutions. A more nuanced view might behoove us. Don’t you think?

The great machine is the world as we know it. A world where the strong take from the weak and call it just, one where the strong are empowered to oppress the weak, to protect the weak from the strong, and a world in which people are ground like flour in a grist mill. Every day we march back to the rights of kings. Where the aristocracy was unlimited in power and the hoi polloi were serfs, but now it is worse, the masses are fashioned into cogs, and fitted to sprockets on a great wheel. If a few don’t mesh and are crushed, that’s good. No more misshaped cogs. A machine however is not able to evolve, it can only be upgraded or replaced. Thus it’s potential is limited by the engineer who upgrades or replaces it. It can never surpass its design and function, no matter if it has unlimited power, its potential is limited.

The world is complex potential in that almost anything is possible. If people are allowed to be free. Where people are unlimited possibilities, the world is unlimited potential. Even a kind of utopia is possible. A utopia that is unimaginable to us, but cannot manifest with a human with a limited imagination at the helm of a great machine. A bulldozer in a swamp. Either God or Complex systems created the world. It’s possible God created complex systems to do much of the work for him… as we do machines. Nevertheless, the world is a complex system of potential, made up of complex organisms. To force a view of it on oneself that does not comport with reality, no matter how comforting, is madness. One engages in madness at one’s own peril.

The machine concept of mankind is the fundamental weakness of communism and fascism (socialism). Oh, there are myriad failures of those two systems of organization, but those other failures are the result of the fundamental failure, that of understanding. The world of Man is not a machine. Mankind is a complex system of potential. We are complex organisms. No system of management can function with a warped understanding of what it is managing. Communists and fascists believe that they are so smart, wise and imaginative, they can upgrade the machine to be a utopia. For the cogs that fit anyway. The world could be anything they imagine, and only what they can imagine. If we accept the free marketeer vision, that the world is a complex organism of potential, our futures could be unlimited.

That’s why I maintain that mankind will never reach its potential under communist or fascist (socialist) rule. No matter how wise, smart or ruthless the rulers. Their worldview is fundamentally flawed. Other explanations why they all failed spectacularly… the “wrong” leaders, real communism has never been tried, cultural defects, communism needs to be worldwide, or the capitalist apologies, the lack of price feedback, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the distribution of information, are all consequences of a warped worldview. Only with the understanding that Mankind is a complex system, and working with it instead of at odds with it, is the way to allow mankind to reach our true potential. Not as cogs in a machine but as evolving organisms, in an complex system of potential.


John Pepin

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The Villainy Of Regulation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, regulations only apply to the poor and politically disfavored. The rich and politically favored, on the other hand, find regulations to be no burden. In fact, regulations pave the way for their projects. How do I know this? Because regulations are not evenly applied. Moreover, the rich can afford lawyers to get around regulations while the poor can’t. Regulations and law then are simply means to transfer wealth from the bottom to the top. The really elegant part, is that the people who are being stolen from, are told the mechanism that steals from them, is “just.” Whenever a small business is driven to bankruptcy, a poor person railroaded into jail by his “free” council, or the favored steal land from farmers to build a green plant, wealth has been transferred from the poor to the wealthy.

Regulations are a real burden on small businesses. Not so much on the corporations that write them. The attorneys on staff are a real help to the multinationals. Regulations are a maze that a good lawyer can turn into a superhighway. Meanwhile, the small business trying to compete with the corporation, that hasn’t the largess to hire top lawyers and keep them on staff, is disadvantaged. That small business is stymied by the myriad of regulations, that only someone trained and expert in that area of law… can understand them. There is a fantastic documentary by Milton Friedman called “Free To Choose.” In it, he explains the problem of regulations and their exponential growth. Regulations then are a way that corporations limit competition from small firms. Moving wealth from the bottom up.

The poor don’t break the law more often than the rich but go to jail for it much more often. Because the rich have access to the best attorneys while the poor get “free” lawyers. Why else would the rich spend so much an hour for a lawyer? It is true however, that the most violently disposed will be poor, because their lack of self control forbids their holding down a job. Therefore they will be better represented in prison than any other segment of society… other than the railroaded. Since those most violently disposed, only make up a small segment of the population, most of the violent crime would be controlled by locking them up. Allowing the violent to roam free, while locking up non violent political prisoners however, is a solution to the problem of crime free streets.

It is truly deceitful to use law and regulations to outright steal land from poor people, but that is perhaps the most lucrative way to use regulations. What good is having the power of law, unless you use it to take the most valuable thing a family has, their heritage. In fact, that is where the term, “railroaded” came from. In the 1800’s the railroads controlled US courts. The courts switched masters. They had a new master that would alleviate them of the burden of having to decide law, justice or constitutionality… the railroads. Today is no different. The courts are shamelessly political. Judges use pathetic excuses like, “standing and latches,” to get around having to do their job. Not because they are lazy, although their penchant to distraction is legendary, but because they are corrupt.

Law and regulations are the rich and powerful’s ace in the hole. They use it to steal from us, oppress us and hold us down, and call it just. Exactly like the pervasive idea, that the only way to protect the weak from the strong, is to give the strong more power to oppress the weak. The only question is what strong men to shore up? The bourgeoisie, the communists or the corporatists. The post modernists have a point there. Politics really is all about power and the rhetoric about protecting this or that group is all BS. The US Founding Fathers had it closest to correct. Power needs to be lowered as much as possible, and held there by a transparent, accountable and fair court system. Government, and therefore law and regulation, must be limited as much as possible. Else the transfer will continue.


John Pepin

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The Phenomenon Of Anti Truth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, nowadays, the elite tell us anti truths, instead of lies. An anti truth is the opposite of the truth where a lie is a mere bending of the truth. Someone may see a broken vase, and ask, “Who broke the vase?” A lie would be, “The dog did.” An anti truth would be, “The vase isn’t broken.” Anti truths are the antithesis of the truth. They are so unbelievable they generate waves of cognitive dissonance that reverberate throughout society. People believe the elite wouldn’t lie, so they have to believe, but the lie is so obviously a lie, it is unbelievable, but not to believe the elite would collapse their worldview… so they believe. Anti truths like, the Russians blew up their own natural gas pipeline, Trump was a Russian agent, and Biden is competent. Lies are bad but anti truths are outright evil.

Many of us think to ourselves, if the media tells us a thing, it must be true, they are the information authorities. Some even refer to Walter Cronkite and think the press is an inviolate source of news. As Mark Twain once said, “If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” So, even more than a century ago, the media was a poor delivery mechanism for the truth. In Twain’s day, the media was bending the truth to get the US involved in a war with Spain, today, they are telling us anti truths to get us into a war with nuclear armed Russia and China. Both the means and consequences are far worse. To believe the media today, one has to discount the Russian collusion hoax, the Bush military service hoax, and the Biden laptop lie.

Lies deceive but anti truths destroy the foundation of communication. A lie usually has a kernel of truth in it, whereas an anti truth contains no truth whatsoever. Since an anti truth literally denies reality itself, it cannot be challenged. Because to challenge an anti truth, an absurdity, is to instantly discredit it. That’s why the Jan 6 protesters are still in prison, three years later, denied access to exculpatory evidence, while awaiting their speedy and fair trial. Anti truths cannot exist in a land without censorship. Therefore, anti truths destroy our ability to communicate, with censorship, absurdity and by criminalizing debate. Language is already a poor system of communication, but until we can read minds, it’s the best we have. Anti truths starve communication in a dialogue famine.

When we are expected to believe an anti truth, we experience cognitive dissonance, due to our knowing we are “believing” a lie. Our actions do not align with our philosophy, ethics or self concept. Our belief misaligns with all of them in the case of an anti truth. Cognitive dissonance often presents as a feeling of unease. Sometimes it can lead to depression. Especially when we act on an anti truth. Doing a thing that appears to discredit our belief in who we are. When we believe an anti truth, on some level we ask ourselves, “Is this who I am? Someone who believes lies to get along?” Then if we act on those anti truths, we ask ourselves, “Is this who I am? A violent extremist who does bad things to people?” The answer is, yes, you are a bad person, because you do bad things. There is no other definition.

One way to expose an anti truth is to laugh at it. Absurdity is the basis of humor, and our elites have become as absurd as it’s possible to be. They are idiots who believe anti truths, they know to be anti truths, to get along. They are bad people, because they do bad things to others, in the name of those anti truths. So I ask you, who is more worthy of ridicule? Did you hear about the elite who bought a condo on the Moon? When she discovered the Sea of Tranquility is a vacuum, she tossed her Hoover. Biden was giving a lecture on the merits of socialism. He said he loves the badges. No one cuts inflation like an elite. They usually wipe after. Publicly ridicule our absurd leaders who tell us anti truths. Because, once we make them jokes, their anti truths will bring us laughter, instead of cognitive dissonance.


John Pepin

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The Injustice Of Our Justice System

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there could be no more damning statement about our “justice” system, than what every lawyer will tell you, “Never talk to the police.” Think about the premise of that statement for a moment. It makes it clear the police are not out for justice, truth or enforcing law, but to screw you over. “Anything you say can and will be held against you… “ is not a statement about the fairness of the courts, their wisdom or intelligence, it is a statement that clearly says, the government is out to destroy you. Then there is the ever famous, “No one is above the law!” Always proclaimed loudest by those who are above the law. Our courts have as much connection to justice as the earth to the Moon, they might have been connected at one point, but now they merely orbit one another.

A nation state depends on its court system to adjudicate law, parlay grievances between citizens and since Montesquieu, limit government. In every one of those roles, they have failed. The fairness of the courts is paramount, even the appearance of bias discredits a court. Once a court has been discredited by open bias, it becomes a joke. What does the government get when it goes to court? Anything it wants. Things that really discredit a court system are absurdities like “Standing.” Apparently, in 2020, voters didn’t have “standing” to address open election fraud. So the courts simply denied discovery, let alone a hearing. The media then proclaimed the matter had been “settled” by the courts. Nevertheless, we all know, our courts are wholly worthless. They are merely rubber stamps.

The justice system should never be at odds with law abiding citizens. It exists to serve us not to oppress us. It’s common knowledge never to talk to police… but how does that improve policing? How does that lower crime? How does that improve our lives? Yet, it is a maxim we must adhere to, else be victimized by the very government we support with our tax dollars. As the Jan 6 political prisoners await their speedy and fair trial, in prison without bail, three years later. The patsies who talked to the police, we all know, will never get out of prison… for trespassing. (While engaging in a constitutionally protected action… ie. seeking a redress of grievances). I wonder, does any sane person believe the police are here to protect us? Yet we need them because the elite are such bad examples.

The chaos of the defund the police movement is the goal of this Hegelian manipulation. An openly biased court system, coupled with police who arrogantly loath the citizenry, must generate mistrust. How could it not? Then there is bad law. Bad law is a blessing to the bastards. Laws like the anti constitutional, Restrict Act, open the floodgates to oppression by the department of “justice,” as the Patriot Act was the most unpatriotic law ever passed. Couple bad law with pathological policing and biased courts, and you have a justice system that is trusted by, no one. A system used as a means of oppression, rather than a protection from oppression. A tool of the strong to oppress the weak, to protect the weak from the strong. Mistrust impels people to defund the police and suffer chaos.

Fixing our badly broken legal system starts with realizing it. Contacting our governors, representatives, senators, Bar associations, supreme courts, etc… is next. Tell them to follow law instead of politics, precedent instead of expedience, and strictly test every bill for Constitutionality. Work at the local level to get better policing. If the foundation is brought into order, the edifice above will be forced back into order. If the system continues to be criminal, people will follow the example, and become criminals. Never give up a single Constitutional Right. Fight bad laws and stand up for yourself. If the ATF shows up loaded for bear, because you legally bought a gun, for God’s sake, don’t talk to them… call a lawyer and have the sheriff’s department remove the trespassers from your property.


John Pepin

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A Crat Is A Crat

Dear Friends,

I wonder… does anyone think the scum that rule us today, are any different than the scum that ruled us in the Dark Ages? Back then it was the aristocracy, today it is the bureaucracy. What’s the difference if you are robbed by Philip Marc (Prince John), or a nameless, faceless, and heartless government bureaucrat? The result is the same. I am of the opinion that abuse is abuse, no matter who does it, or for what reason. That’s why, during the Enlightenment, the thinkers of the time seeing the excesses of unlimited power given to the aristocracy, thought it wise to limit their power instead. The means they chose was constitutional, judicial and democratic limits. All of which have been bypassed. Bringing us full circle. Back to the Rights of Kings and away from limited government.

Human nature is human nature. I wouldn’t expect water to refrain from flowing downhill, without a dam, nor would I expect people to limit our self interest, without law. We are all self interested. If not humanity would have perished from the Earth millennia ago. Most of us channel that self interest to our immediate family and town. We have been domesticated to be human hearted. There are others however, who are not domesticated but are feral. Psychologists say they have the “Dark Triad Personality Disorders.” Lacking empathy, remorse and fear, they seek a position where they can abuse others, while those they abuse are powerless to resist or fight back. They used to be called aristocrats, now they are called bureaucrats, the one was the feudal system, the other is the administrative state.

One main difference between the bureaucrat and the aristocrat, is the aristocrat does most of his evil deeds in the light of day, in full view of the people. Today the bureaucrat can abuse from the privacy and safety of a cubicle. While the politician hide their abuses by calling them, “National Security.” The aristocrat has to ride in and out of the city through the throngs of people. His splendid clothes and carriage expose him for who he is. Meanwhile, the politician and bureaucrat rides in a nondescript car, like a zebra in a herd of zebras. Hidden in all ways and in every way from the consequences of their actions. So we could say that an aristocrat is, in this way, more honest than a bureaucrat, or politician. Because they face consequences should they get too evil.

What was called torture, execution and running down, is now called wet work. A much more descriptive word don’t you think? There are thousands of kids begging to sign up to do wet work for the administrative state every year. They are bureaucrats, but they deal in blood instead of ink. People with dark triad personalities seek these jobs because they fulfill their deepest darkest fantasy. To be able to kill someone, anyone, with the full sanction of the powerful. They refrain from abusing people only due to the threat of punishment. Remove that threat, and such people will gleefully act. Moreover, the same personality traits that enable one to do wet work, become claws when climbing the flesh ladder of a bureaucracy. That’s why all bureaucracies are run by psychopaths. The dross floats to the top.

Who could stop such abuses of power, the judiciary that enabled it, the psychopath bureaucrats and politicians that benefit, or the media that is in their pocket? Maybe a strongman will take power and save us? In other words, empower the strong to abuse the weak, to protect the weak from the strong. That was the paradigm in the Dark ages as it is today. Only during the Enlightenment did those that make the rules, decide it is better to empower the weak to defend themselves from the strong, by limiting the power of the strong to abuse the weak. The mechanisms the Founding Fathers put in place worked for a few decades before the elite started chipping away at them. Because pathological types disdain restraint. At least let’s admit, a bureaucrat is no different than an aristocrat, but is less limited.


John Pepin

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Firing Tucker Carlson Is A Victory… For The Univoice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is time to add Fox News to our boycott list… joining such malevolent forces as Disney and Blackrock. Our tolerance of the intolerable has to stop. Fox News firing of Tucker Carlson exposes them for who they are and the entity they serve. He was the top rated news show in prime time. So, I will never again accept the argument, the media puts trash on the air because it makes money. This action proves, unequivocally, that is a lie. Only a zealot flushes millions down the drain, canceling their top show… because the anchor told the truth. Yet that is exactly why Carson was canceled. He exposed the Jan 6 lies. Moreover, he showed what an evil corporation Pfiser is. As Voltaire said, “If you want to know who rules you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”

The boycott is our most effective weapon against the woke mind virus in corporations. Bud Light and Anheuser Bush is learning that right now. Their embracing of sterilizing our little boys has paid off… With plummeting stock prices and beer sales. I personally will NEVER buy an Anheuser Bush product again. Boycott them to bankruptcy. I hear, bars are calling their distributors and telling them to come pick up the Bud light they have already delivered, lest it go bad due to lack of demand. That is exactly right. Disney has suffered some for its anti human stance, but nowhere near enough. That company, a perversion of its founders intention, needs to be boycotted to oblivion. As an example to other corporations that would use their power to push pedophilia, perversion and sterilize children.

Some companies that need to be destroyed, like Blackrock, TBTF Banks, and Blackstone, are not as subject to the boycott. Since they don’t sell a product, they make corporations malignant. They are the source of the cancer that is metastasizing throughout our system. Boycott any company that is owned by Blackrock? That is nearly impossible since Blackrock has a finger in everyone’s pie. Moreover, Blackrock, TBTF Banks and Blackstone have garnered so much political favor from their evil deeds they are nearly untouchable, and would be bailed out no matter what. The Securities and Exchange Commission is in their back pocket, most senators and representatives owe their reelection funds to Blackrock, and the media is their property as well. Proven by Carlson’s termination.

There is always the option of naked short selling the shares of Blackrock, Blackstone and others that are the sources of ESG, impactful investing and Stakeholder Capitalism. Without some triggering event however, that strategy is likely to be expensive and will probably backfire. Buying shares and voting in the annual meeting for board members who will eschew Fascism, for making money might help. Except, overwhelming the power of billionaires to manipulate elections, even public elections, is proven futile. While we were obeying the law, minding our business and going to church, companies like Blackrock have been perverting the education system, usurping power, and gaining a monopoly on the media. The univoice of the press is one clue, firing the last truth teller is authentication.

The reality is, they have us by the shorts, they run our corporations, governments and media. Elections have become a joke. Our voices have been silenced by the illegal censorship as our food supply is burned up, plowed under and starved of fertilizer, because of the elite’s war on nitrogen, which is eighty eight percent of the air we breathe. Now that Tucker Carlson is out at Fox, if we don’t use our last vestige of power, the boycott, and make them pay, they will have won. Every time you choose a beer that is not Anheuser Bush, a news station that is not Fox and a doll that is not a Disney product, you are fighting evil. If we chip away at the Blackrock holdings, boycotting them to oblivion, one by one, eventually even Blackrock will have to capitulate. We failed at punishing the NFL, let’s not fail at this.


John Pepin

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Your Outrage Is Manufactured

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, most people would be shocked to learn, more Americans have died of Fentanyl overdose in the last year, than Ukrainians died that year in the war with Russia. Moreover, more Americans have died of Fentanyl in the last three years, than all the Russians, Ukrainians and civilians have died in that war in total! That is a lot of people. Why is it not common knowledge though? Why are Americans lackadaisical about all those people dying, tragically and preventably? Because the cultural elite, who control the media and thus the narrative, don’t want us upset about it. That’s why they don’t report it. They report what they want us to be outraged about, as a tool of manipulation. The press would be outlawed otherwise, as a tool of foreign enemy countries “misinformation.”

Whatever you are upset about in the world, is probably because you were told to be disturbed by it. The lack of outrage at children being sterilized, the invasion of the US at the southern boarder, and the chemical weapons attack on the US, that is killing so many of our kids… is because we have not been told to be outraged by it. Instead we have been told these are non-issues. The lack of reporting highlights the fact the elite don’t want us to be upset about them. They have other things they want us angry about. Like the climate. Instead of worrying about your children dying of fentanyl, being sterilized, or simply becoming a drug addicted derelict. Many of us let the media do our thinking for us. They want us not to worry about things that affect us, and instead, worry about fictional problems.

If we had been told the truth about election fraud, the Deep State Biden lap top lies and the open interference of billionaires on the election, people would justly be outraged by it. Democracy depends on free and fair elections. We all know that. The elite however, by carefully redirecting our attention away from their election manipulations, to a fictional “insurrection,” keep most of us from seeing the ugly truth. That our elections are a fraud. They don’t in any way reflect the wishes of the people but instead, the wants of the elite. Through media lies, propaganda and censorship of the truth the elite control the narrative. Then, with mail in voting, the elite control the outcome. Democracy is thus reduced to a rubber stamp. We are far more outraged by men in women’s sports though.

Ethnic cleansing is easy when no one knows about it. Especially those being washed away. There is not a people on the planet that would go along with their own extermination… unless they didn’t realize it was happening. That, or they thought their own race was evil and deserved it. Such perverted thinking though, is only possible where the education system is utterly warped. People have a great tendency to normalcy bias. Despite the fact a building is on fire, some employees will try to finish their work before leaving the office. The thought of such drastic change is impossible for them to process… so they don’t. If a building on fire is not enough to shock some people into action, because of normalcy bias, how much harder, when they have been programmed to think working in a structure fire is normal?

The press is nothing but a tool of manipulation. Our outrage is manufactured in a C suite office on Madison Avenue. As our attention is directed away from the outrageous and to the absurd. We are bedazzled with spectacle to keep us distracted while the real show goes on behind our backs. Our elections are now theater, our education system is brain washing, the population of Europe, the US and Canada are being replaced, as our children are being sterilized, killed with fentanyl and sent to far away lands to die on a battlefield. We are like cattle led into a chute for the slaughter. As long as we don’t get a whiff of the death, sight of our future, or hint of reality, we go along passively. Like… not noticing over three hundred fifty thousand Americans have died from fentanyl, in the last three years alone.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

We Are Products Of Our Culture

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are a product of our culture, as much as our parents and our genetics. Take the example of someone born in nineteen ten compared to twenty ten. Back in nineteen ten, a teen would be working on the farm, able to read, write and do mathematics, their education in history was far superior… and the child of the early Twentieth Century would go on to have a family and a life. While the kid born today will probably die of a fentanyl overdose or suicide, has no education, doesn’t even know if they are a boy or girl… and will die alone, lonely and barren. This is not because the genetics of the children born today are defective, or the parents don’t love their children, it is because of the perversion of our culture. Pragmatically, the results of our culture condemn it.

Culture has an overpowering effect on people and especially the children raised in it. Because children are starting from zero and learning everything… thus absorbing the lessons the culture teaches. Those lessons can be good or bad, the culture cares not. It only transmits those lessons. Like water seeping into a submerged dry sponge. The sponge has no other source of water to fill it. So it absorbs the local culture. As we grow and the culture changes, often we chafe at it, but the kids are molded by it. If the culture lionizes a thing, those raised in it will also lionize it. No matter how absurd. Often we even make our decisions based on cultural convention, rather than self interest, magnanimity or pragmatism. The kid who grows up in the thug culture, will be a thug, it’s not his choice, its the culture.

The thing about culture is that it is pervasive and invisible at the same time. We float in the culture like a fish in water. We take it in and we expel it. The more social among us require it like air. Even the loners need a little. Culture then is a thing that surrounds us, is inside us, we breathe it in and out… yet we hardly notice it, unless we look. That invisibility of culture makes it easier to manipulate. We don’t notice changes in a thing we don’t notice. How could we? Yet those changes we don’t notice have become a mortal danger. Not only to us and our children, but the human race itself. Those who actually look at our culture today are horrified at its heinous visage. A seven headed demon, that promotes the gang lifestyle, normalizes pedophilia and eats babies, is not a pretty sight.

One would like to think that morality comes from our religions, but I think a careful examination reveals that it comes to us, through the culture. Religion is often one source of culture and by that mechanism, morality comes to us from religion, through the culture. It is culture that is the direct transmitter of ethics. Today we get our morality from our “idols of the theater, the marketplace and the cave.” Some stand outside the culture and so derive their morality from religious teachings, but they are not the average today, they are the exception. Moreover, they have always been the exception. Archaeologists digging in Israel have discovered many pagan idols in ancient Jewish homes. They didn’t have them because Judaism told them to, they kept them because it was the cultural convention.

Since culture is so important, perhaps we should stop taking it for granted, and instead take an active role in shaping it more to our liking? Instead of letting the cultural elite have carte blanche with our children’s minds we need to act. The first thing to do is take a good long hard look at the ugly thing our culture has become. Next we have to beat that hideous face into a shape that is less obnoxious. How? By becoming intolerant. Stop tolerating the intolerable. Boycott early and often. Write letters to your senators and representative. Speak up when lies are told. Tell people, “Lies lead to Gulags.” Disengage from it by turning the TV off. Home school your kids. Take a stand. Since we breathe culture in, and exhale it out, we can change it. So… change it.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment