Rule By Halfwits, Psychos and Klutzes

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with government, is it only makes things worse. Those of the elite who want to improve the lot of Mankind, are inept, else stupid, since all their hard work always and everywhere makes the world worse, instead of better. Then there are the malevolent rulers, like we have today, that can only make the world a terrible place. Because a person’s works are a reflection of their soul. Lastly, there are the sloths who get power, as a place to retire. They are worthless at anything good, but quite helpful, when a bad idea comes along. All types agree, increasing the power of the State is of paramount importance. One believes the government has a legitimate role in helping people, the other that government has a role in helping themselves, and the last sees it as a retirement home.

The ideal role of government would be to continually make the lot of Mankind better. I should think that everyone would agree. What would be the opposite view? That the role of government is to make it worse? Well, if that is the goal, then kudos! If, on the other hand, the right end of government is to improve the lot of mankind, then we are clearly on the wrong track. As the crime rate skyrockets, mass shootings fill the news, a hundred thousand plus die of fentanyl overdose a year, taxes rise while wages decrease, inflation destroys wealth, nuclear war is on the horizon and our governments are creating deadly viruses in labs across the planet… prove. There can be no question governments, all governments, are continually making things worse, by trying to make things better… the halfwits.

Leaders, rulers and politicians are all inept, stupid or evil, every one of them. As such, government will never be able to make the lot of Mankind better. It can only make things worse. The enigma of democracy is that it both gives the people a say, and elevates the charismatic psychopath, over the thoughtful sage. Once psychopaths are in power, their works will reflect their malignant souls. Since they work within the State, it will be the State that is the reflection of their inhumanity. Even the works of the few good people, that get swept up and somehow get power, are perverted by the plurality of evil actors. Nothing clean can emerge from the greasy, filthy, and ink stained fingers of politicians. The alternative, tyranny, is no better. It’s the end goal of our malevolent rulers anyway.

The best government can hope for then, is to not make it worse. The way to do that is to continually limit the power, role and scope of government. In a factory, one doesn’t increase the responsibilities of a klutz, you fire him, or at least keep them where their ineptitude will do the least damage. In government however, we have put the klutzes in charge. They are in positions where they can do the maximum harm. Moreover, since politicians must be klutzes, wouldn’t it make more sense to limit their ability to damage society, the economy and humanity? How to do that? Limit the role, scope and reach of government. Take away their ability to break things. It is as simple as that. Rather than try tyranny, as the fascists did and are trying again, let’s go back to limiting the klutzes.

We all want the lot of Mankind improved, yet we use a method that will result in the opposite, then fail to learn from the disasters that resulted. We fall for the glittering lie, that government can help us improve our lives, every time. Especially if things get good. In times of plenty, when the power of government is weakest, politicians will unanimously shout, “More government could make it even better!” Failing to understand that government is like poison, a little might make you sick, but won’t kill you, take enough though, and it will. Adding to our toxin load until sickness and then death results. The nation is a reflection of their tortured souls. Because government, always and everywhere, is rule by halfwits, psychos and klutzes. How could empowering such people possibly make it better?


John Pepin

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