Firing Tucker Carlson Is A Victory… For The Univoice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is time to add Fox News to our boycott list… joining such malevolent forces as Disney and Blackrock. Our tolerance of the intolerable has to stop. Fox News firing of Tucker Carlson exposes them for who they are and the entity they serve. He was the top rated news show in prime time. So, I will never again accept the argument, the media puts trash on the air because it makes money. This action proves, unequivocally, that is a lie. Only a zealot flushes millions down the drain, canceling their top show… because the anchor told the truth. Yet that is exactly why Carson was canceled. He exposed the Jan 6 lies. Moreover, he showed what an evil corporation Pfiser is. As Voltaire said, “If you want to know who rules you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”

The boycott is our most effective weapon against the woke mind virus in corporations. Bud Light and Anheuser Bush is learning that right now. Their embracing of sterilizing our little boys has paid off… With plummeting stock prices and beer sales. I personally will NEVER buy an Anheuser Bush product again. Boycott them to bankruptcy. I hear, bars are calling their distributors and telling them to come pick up the Bud light they have already delivered, lest it go bad due to lack of demand. That is exactly right. Disney has suffered some for its anti human stance, but nowhere near enough. That company, a perversion of its founders intention, needs to be boycotted to oblivion. As an example to other corporations that would use their power to push pedophilia, perversion and sterilize children.

Some companies that need to be destroyed, like Blackrock, TBTF Banks, and Blackstone, are not as subject to the boycott. Since they don’t sell a product, they make corporations malignant. They are the source of the cancer that is metastasizing throughout our system. Boycott any company that is owned by Blackrock? That is nearly impossible since Blackrock has a finger in everyone’s pie. Moreover, Blackrock, TBTF Banks and Blackstone have garnered so much political favor from their evil deeds they are nearly untouchable, and would be bailed out no matter what. The Securities and Exchange Commission is in their back pocket, most senators and representatives owe their reelection funds to Blackrock, and the media is their property as well. Proven by Carlson’s termination.

There is always the option of naked short selling the shares of Blackrock, Blackstone and others that are the sources of ESG, impactful investing and Stakeholder Capitalism. Without some triggering event however, that strategy is likely to be expensive and will probably backfire. Buying shares and voting in the annual meeting for board members who will eschew Fascism, for making money might help. Except, overwhelming the power of billionaires to manipulate elections, even public elections, is proven futile. While we were obeying the law, minding our business and going to church, companies like Blackrock have been perverting the education system, usurping power, and gaining a monopoly on the media. The univoice of the press is one clue, firing the last truth teller is authentication.

The reality is, they have us by the shorts, they run our corporations, governments and media. Elections have become a joke. Our voices have been silenced by the illegal censorship as our food supply is burned up, plowed under and starved of fertilizer, because of the elite’s war on nitrogen, which is eighty eight percent of the air we breathe. Now that Tucker Carlson is out at Fox, if we don’t use our last vestige of power, the boycott, and make them pay, they will have won. Every time you choose a beer that is not Anheuser Bush, a news station that is not Fox and a doll that is not a Disney product, you are fighting evil. If we chip away at the Blackrock holdings, boycotting them to oblivion, one by one, eventually even Blackrock will have to capitulate. We failed at punishing the NFL, let’s not fail at this.


John Pepin

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