The Phenomenon Of Anti Truth

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, nowadays, the elite tell us anti truths, instead of lies. An anti truth is the opposite of the truth where a lie is a mere bending of the truth. Someone may see a broken vase, and ask, “Who broke the vase?” A lie would be, “The dog did.” An anti truth would be, “The vase isn’t broken.” Anti truths are the antithesis of the truth. They are so unbelievable they generate waves of cognitive dissonance that reverberate throughout society. People believe the elite wouldn’t lie, so they have to believe, but the lie is so obviously a lie, it is unbelievable, but not to believe the elite would collapse their worldview… so they believe. Anti truths like, the Russians blew up their own natural gas pipeline, Trump was a Russian agent, and Biden is competent. Lies are bad but anti truths are outright evil.

Many of us think to ourselves, if the media tells us a thing, it must be true, they are the information authorities. Some even refer to Walter Cronkite and think the press is an inviolate source of news. As Mark Twain once said, “If you don’t read the newspaper, you are uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are misinformed.” So, even more than a century ago, the media was a poor delivery mechanism for the truth. In Twain’s day, the media was bending the truth to get the US involved in a war with Spain, today, they are telling us anti truths to get us into a war with nuclear armed Russia and China. Both the means and consequences are far worse. To believe the media today, one has to discount the Russian collusion hoax, the Bush military service hoax, and the Biden laptop lie.

Lies deceive but anti truths destroy the foundation of communication. A lie usually has a kernel of truth in it, whereas an anti truth contains no truth whatsoever. Since an anti truth literally denies reality itself, it cannot be challenged. Because to challenge an anti truth, an absurdity, is to instantly discredit it. That’s why the Jan 6 protesters are still in prison, three years later, denied access to exculpatory evidence, while awaiting their speedy and fair trial. Anti truths cannot exist in a land without censorship. Therefore, anti truths destroy our ability to communicate, with censorship, absurdity and by criminalizing debate. Language is already a poor system of communication, but until we can read minds, it’s the best we have. Anti truths starve communication in a dialogue famine.

When we are expected to believe an anti truth, we experience cognitive dissonance, due to our knowing we are “believing” a lie. Our actions do not align with our philosophy, ethics or self concept. Our belief misaligns with all of them in the case of an anti truth. Cognitive dissonance often presents as a feeling of unease. Sometimes it can lead to depression. Especially when we act on an anti truth. Doing a thing that appears to discredit our belief in who we are. When we believe an anti truth, on some level we ask ourselves, “Is this who I am? Someone who believes lies to get along?” Then if we act on those anti truths, we ask ourselves, “Is this who I am? A violent extremist who does bad things to people?” The answer is, yes, you are a bad person, because you do bad things. There is no other definition.

One way to expose an anti truth is to laugh at it. Absurdity is the basis of humor, and our elites have become as absurd as it’s possible to be. They are idiots who believe anti truths, they know to be anti truths, to get along. They are bad people, because they do bad things to others, in the name of those anti truths. So I ask you, who is more worthy of ridicule? Did you hear about the elite who bought a condo on the Moon? When she discovered the Sea of Tranquility is a vacuum, she tossed her Hoover. Biden was giving a lecture on the merits of socialism. He said he loves the badges. No one cuts inflation like an elite. They usually wipe after. Publicly ridicule our absurd leaders who tell us anti truths. Because, once we make them jokes, their anti truths will bring us laughter, instead of cognitive dissonance.


John Pepin

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