Self Lies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, there’s no more harmful lies, than the ones we tell ourselves. Lies like, “I’m a good person, my side is always right, my group is the best, we’re the only people who are virtuous, we’re so smart we should make all the decisions, I’m so smart I should make all the decisions, etc…” We lie to ourselves all the time. Some lies are harmless, but others are dangerous to our society, nation and very souls. No place do lies put us in more danger than when engaged in politics. Because politics is the nexus of so many raw nerves. Our interests, tribalism, team spirit, cultural ideas, law, religious tenets, wealth, fairness, etc… They’re tied up in politics to some extent. As a result we lie to ourselves even about our motivations. Often to suppress the cognitive dissonance that comes from those self lies.

Both the left and the right, liberal and conservative, has a role to play in governance. As long as neither becomes hegemonic. A leftist is the type of person who will witness someone diving into a pond, and smashing their face into a rock, then being rushed to the emergency room, in close proximity to death… and will jump in the pond at the same spot. Then lament how it’s possible they could have smashed their face on a rock too. Because they’re adventurous, care free and heedless of danger. While a conservative will witness the same thing, and swim elsewhere. Without the adventurous, we stagnate, without conservatism, we smash our faces into rocks. Making the lie, our side should always have hegemonic power, because, whatever self lie we currently believe… very dangerous.

The “I’m a good person…” lie is deadly. It can be exploited to cover a multitude of sins. This is a reason that when we do a bad thing to someone, even by accident, we tend not to like that person. Because, since we ourselves are good people, and we wouldn’t harm an innocent person, because that would conflict with our self image, that other person must be bad. This calms the cognitive dissonance that we feel from harming an innocent person, even accidentally. Do you think the Nazi death camp guards thought themselves evil people? Of course not. They thought themselves the good guys. They justified their atrocities by believing wholeheartedly, the innocents they were murdering were bad. Even the children. Like abortionists, Islamists and elitists do today.

The simple fact of the matter is, your not a good person, nor am I, at best we’re bad people trying to be good. Bypassing that truth with a lie isn’t going to make us good people. It’ll only make us demons without a conscience. Moreover, holding to a belief, in the face of obvious evidence to the contrary, makes us stupid. Believing in absurdity is one of the hallmarks of stupidity. Plus, being unwilling to reexamine a belief, is proof of stupidity. The elite then, who believe killing a large percentage of the human race, to bring humanity in line with the planet’s carrying capacity, to maybe prevent a greater catastrophe later, is engaging in this kind of stupidity. Thinking they’re good people, and doing evil, is justified by the logic, the people they harm must be bad. Like those bad Maga republicans.

Lies are dangerous but the ones we tell ourselves are the most dangerous. Because they sooth our conscience making us demons, allow us to believe absurdities, and make us stupid. I would argue that most if not all the problems we face as a species, now, are due to our lying to ourselves. The elite today believe absurdities, that fly in the face of history, because they’re lying to themselves. Do you think “judge” Engoron thinks his abuse of the law to get Trump is a bad thing? Or makes him a bad person? Of course not. He knows in his carbide heart, he’s the good guy. What other role of law than to be exploited to destroy bad people like Trump. Why is Trump evil? Because Engoron hates Trump, and since the “judge” is a good person, Trump must deserve it. So, again, we smash our faces into a rock.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The courts are as crooked as a coil,

Anti law is their sod and soil,

Impartial adjudication,

Is a historic aberration,

And on the rear of our civilization, they’ve become a boil.


The omnipotent elite want you to know,

They have it in hand so go with the flow,

Censorship’s a must,

Freedom’s a bust,

And the the unbiased media is only a game show.


Election interference has been disproved,

Your evidence leaves the elite unmoved,

Crooked as lightning,

But what’s really frightening,

Is the visage of the privileged now the mask has been removed.


A creche can’t be displayed on a public street,

So say the lawmakers, judges and police,

Satan’s more equal,

But wait for the sequel,

Because Iowa was just displaying the god of the elite.


In Poland the people will pout,

Their free press is in a rout,

You thought Tusk a win,

When you voted EU tyranny in,

But now your discovering you can’t vote it back out.


Democrats are experts at projection,

Exploiting power as a means of protection,

When they point at a crack,

Three fingers point back,

So their attacks are really a confession.


If your scared that the German military will grow,

Because history proves it’s a dangerous place to go,

With Panzers adept,

Blitzkrieg the Steppe,

Just wait until the Islamists run the show.


Propaganda has become a deafening thrum,

The will of the people is merely a hum,

Burn it til it crashes,

Rule over the ashes,

And after that a crackdown will come.


Don’t believe your eyes everything’s going swell,

Just put more perfume on that rancid smell,

The elite are fine,

So don’t whine,

But the future’s bleak when you poison your own well.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Destruction Of The Nation State

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the chaos we’re living through, is part of the plan the elite are implementing to break the nation state system. Like Lenin said, “If you want an omelet you have to break a few eggs.” And if you want a global despotism, you have to kill a few billion people. That’s the price you and I will have to pay for the elite’s vision. What’s a nation… a race, a religion or a people? It’s a culture. The nation, city state or any other political entity is a culture, else it’s an empire. A culture is a common set of feelings, ideas and an ethos. Once the city state’s culture was expanded to a larger land area, the city state grew into the nation state. The globalists want to move us to the next level… the global state. Like in Star Trek. As a result, we have to experience the suffering that comes with any birth.

The nation state has to go. It’s the primary impediment to their global utopia. Just ask George Soros. The problem is, the people in each nation share a common culture, that unites them. We become tribal in our perception of our culture. A culture may be based on our race, religion… or philosophy, as the United States culture is. To destroy a nation then, all a scumbag need do, is destroy the culture. Not an easy task but doable. If enough people are imported, who subscribe to a different culture, the clash will destroy both. Better yet, import millions of people who despise the culture, and the people of that nation, and the ensuing chaos will ruin that nation as effectively, as soothing a fearful person with nightshade tea. Destroying a nation’s culture is destroying that nation.

The US is a unique culture, one that other nations have tried to emulate, with little success. The US culture is a philosophy, not a race, religion, political party or elite. American culture is the American way… self sufficiency, hard work and thrift. As Ben Franklin might have put it and maybe did. America is good because Americans are good, is how Alexis De Toqueville called it. The moral culture of the US is to be spiritual, ethical and honest. Moreover, the culture of the US is accepting of anyone, as long as they embrace American culture. That’s why tens of thousands of immigrants came to America and became Americans. By the second generation, most immigrant families back then only spoke English. My father went to first grade, only speaking French, I was never taught a word of it.

Mass immigration can’t but destroy the culture of any nation that experiences it. Which, I contend, is the real goal. Changing the electorate for a one party state is a valid theory, but I think it’s too narrowly focused. I would agree that many of the politicians abetting the crime, have this in mind, but the real, long term goal, is the destruction of the United States as a political entity, as well as all nations across the planet. In this the CCP is stupidly weaving their own hangman’s noose. Western elites in Europe think they’ll be the new global rulers, but we all know what happens to traitors. New regimes always sweep the traitors out first thing. Because no one with a brain trusts a traitor. Even if there are no elites who have the total destruction of the nation state, in mind, that’s what they’re doing.

I believe there are a few, who not only know the goal is the destruction of the nation state, but are guiding the process. Those malevolent souls are willing for the rapes in the Darrien Gap, the millions dead from fentanyl, Covid and vaccine that isn’t, to weigh on their souls. The goal is so wonderful, a global totalitarian government, inescapable, where the survivors will own nothing and be happy… is worth burning in Hell. The human suffering is worth it for such a glittering vision of dystopia. We need not be unwilling participants though. We could act up. Civil disobedience, ridiculing the elite, and speaking up to our, ahem… “representatives.” There’s no need for our children to live in fear, want and oppressed… when they could live free, prosperous and happy lives. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.


John Pepin

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The Year Of Chaos

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, I predicted 2020 would be the year of election fraud, and was I spot on. I predict this year will be the year of chaos and terror culminating in magnificent election fraud. New reports are saying there was 28% fraud in 2020. Better than 1 in 4 votes, mailed in, were fraud self admitted in polls. So, as it turns out, the US need not have experienced the invasion of illegals, the coming waves of terror attacks in the homeland, the debacle in Afghanistan, the Ukraine Russian war, the Hamas Israeli war, record inflation, and the Yemen conflict. These disasters and more, are directly traceable to the 2020 election fraud, that put his Fraudulency II in office. Moreover, that they got away with the fraud in 2020 and 2022, means the corruptocrats will redouble their efforts in 2024.

The election fraud has become so obvious, a blind and deaf mouse, without the ability to smell or touch, could find that piece of cheese. That the mockingbird media claims there “wasn’t enough” is laughable. Biden “won” by razor thin margins in every swing state, and that with a total disregard of election laws. So, the “fraud wasn’t enough to swing the election…” is a pure lie. Any fraud was enough. The exact opposite of the truth. Which is what we have come to expect from the media that told us covid came from a pangolin, and if you questioned that narrative… your a racist. A media that’s so full of lies, even their most ardent fans are getting sick of the rotten sugar. One thing all liars have in common, they insist we believe them, because they’re the most honest people ever! Pinky swear!

When someone gets away with a crime, they don’t sit back and live off the dividends, no… they do it again. For the rush of pulling one over as much as the profit. And boy is there profit in election fraud! Look at the billions the deep state progressive faction has dropped into a black hole. The faction of zero ethics, anti American and mindlessly stupid, has no problem engaging in election fraud, then jailing anyone who protests it. Proven by the January 6th false flag. Where the pipe bomber(s) and the only one on camera calling to go into the white house, skated on jail, but grandmothers who were waved into the capital by the capital police, went to prison. The only people killed were protesters, one shot, the other beat to death. Only truly evil scum would be so bereft of humanity as to do such things.

People utterly lacking any semblance of ethics rule us, and will continue to rule us, no matter how we vote… as long as they’re allowed to get away with election fraud. New reports claim Bill Barr knew about election fraud, going on in realtime in 2020… and covered it up! Bill Barr was in on the fraud. As was the entire bureaucracy. The same bureaucracy that refuses to charge Biden with high crimes against the US government, while charging Trump with having a Presidential Library. Why is the world melting down under this illegitimate regime? Because they have no morals, brains or wisdom… their only attribute is their psychopathy. Because only real psychopaths would flood a nation with terrorists, who will certainly act up this year, to effect the election.

2024 will be the year of chaos. Wars will break out, most funded on both sides by the US… as the Hamas Israeli war is. If it breaks out, the CCP Taiwan war too. China gets US foreign aid. What good is there in having a trillion dollar military if there’s no one to fight? Since no one else has the money to build up an army worth fighting, its up to us to do it. Now our kids are refusing to go fight, for cheaper bananas, the elite have decided to bring the war here. That’ll do it. The Houston church shooting last weekend was a down payment on what we have coming. He/she was an illegal with “Palestine” on it’s gun. The government wants you to know, they’re very worried about this, it might give you a bad impression of illegals. Remember, vote in November, else the deep state will do it for you.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Dear Friends,


The elite work hard and they toil,

To pass off as other than a boil,

lie as they might,

Truth is a light,

And it’s hard to be straight when your crooked as a coil.


They say only the good die young,

Or that’s the way the song is sung,

Life is temporary,

Serve the adversary,

And knowing their destination to life have they clung.


Europe is digging itself a hole,

A magnet drawing in the flow,

Open the doors wide,

Then divert and vilify,

And the solution is to ban immigrants from the dole.


It starts with obsessive classification,

Separating us by extraction and persuasion,

Confuse left from right,

Push darkness not light,

As the elite guide us into doomsday by manipulation.


Collapse of society comes from the top,

The elite are as crazy as Corn Pop,

Up is now down,

They’re all clowns,

And the insanity from our betters has to stop.


Once you’ve lost in the competition of opinion,

Silencing and outlawing becomes a condition,

If democracy doesn’t serve,

Outlaw it as absurd,

So the privileged can permanently maintain their position.


Add more flesh to the fire,

400,000 dead starts the pyre,

Kill them all,

Until we fall,

So elite can live in the utopia they desire.


The elite the administrative state like to boost,

Despite the want and despotism it’s produced,

Regulate and tax is a mire,

The State’s budget is on fire,

Now the chickens have come home to roost.


Democrats have spines that are stout,

A foot in the gutter they’ll fight it out,

Democracy’s at stake,

But for heaven’s sake,

Can there be enough election fraud to pull it out?



John Pepin

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Climate The EU And Farming

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elites in Europe must be stark raving mad. Who shuts down farming? No nation in history has had rulers that stupid. Let alone an entire continent! In what universe does it make sense to force your people to be dependent on unreliable supply chains and foreigners to feed them? That didn’t work out so well for Germany during and after World War One. When an entire generation of German youth were starved to death by the British blockade of Germany. Maybe it will this time though. Especially since they’re picking a fight in their bread basket. There’s always the possibility their actions stem from malevolence instead of stupidity. Which, of the two, is better for us. Because evil defeats itself and isn’t interested in blowing up the world. While idiots would do it out of stupidity.

I strongly support the citizen farmers movement in Europe. The elite get confused about the role of government. Being so smart, wise and doggone it, just better people than the rest of us, the pedophile elites should make all the decisions, and enforce those wise, benighted and benevolent orders on us, at the end of a machine gun. If our betters decide farming is a danger, then we have to starve, it’s our duty, or not. The correct role of government is to protect the citizens from other governments, provide a means to settle disputes and damned little other than that. Especially not telling farmers what to do. The most important industry we have. Our lives literally depend on it. And the elites are throwing a monkey wrench into the works? They didn’t even resort to eating bugs during FDR’s great depression.

Running a con game is one thing, letting it get so out of control it threatens mankind, is quite another. A player who games a rube out of a few dollars is a bad guy. He’s heartless and belongs in prison. The dirt bag who swindles an entire nation and people out of their inheritance, Rights and wealth, is a demon deserving of life in prison. Our elite have let the con get so far out of control, our very planet and mankind’s existence is threatened, now that’s the epitome of a piece of excrement. With the caveat that feces is less stupid. The global warming swindle has been lucrative. I have to admit that. To push the con though, the climate alarmists have spent an astonishing amount in wealth, political favor, and credibility. The IPCC are proven liars, and their predictions have never come true, so we should listen.

Then there’s the regulations the elite across the West are implementing at the behest of corporate farms. Because, divesting farmers of their land worked so well for Ukraine, after the Kulaks were killed. Only five to fifteen million died in that famine. The latest absurdity, vilifying backyard gardening as detrimental to the climate, is exactly wrong. Can you imagine the mindset, the stupidity, of someone who thinks Monsanto’s industrial farms, with GMO crops, Roundup ready and spraying vast regions with pesticides, is more environmentally friendly than you tilling a few square feet in your backyard, and planting a tomato. Those First Nations peoples must have been a real bull in a china shop, farming maze, beans and squash, on a small and sustainable scale! The bastards!

The elite are playing a dangerous game. Trying to move us to eat bugs before the infrastructure is ready. Like they’re doing with electric cars. The trouble is, if your car won’t run, oh well, but if you can’t eat, that’s a problem that requires a solution. A violent one if necessary. Famine as a tool of control, terror and punishment is only effective on an ignorant people. When folks have access to information they act up. This con game has got out of hand. We’re onto it. When global warming was only about control, that was bad enough, but now the swindlers are tempting literal starvation… and that’s simply not acceptable. There has to be serious consequences. Millions are dead from their released bioweapon, Covid, now they’re shutting down farms. Evil or stupid… enough is enough.


John Pepin

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Too Incompetent To Charge

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the story that Biden won’t be charged with mishandling classified documents, despite the grievous way he allowed them to potentially fall into the CCP and other enemies hands, is because he’s incompetent… is not that the man has late stage dementia, that’s been obvious since his installment as a puppet president, the real story is, if he’s too incompetent to be held to a basic criminal standard, why is he still in office? His supporters who claim he’s above the law due to ineptitude, should be the first ones asking him to step down. If they’re the least bit consistent. Republicans should be impeaching. Especially since they recently tossed out one of their own over an allegation of corruption, while Biden’s corruption and dementia poses a real and present danger to the world.

The lead executive of a nation has to be on the ball. Democrats would insist on nothing less from a republican President. To argue that the bureaucracy can do the job of running the government, is arguing we don’t need elected representation. That a special prosecutor has now made a sworn statement, President Biden engaged in the mishandling of classified documents when a senator, and vice president, yet can’t be prosecuted because he’s incompetent, must be addressed. That this is the main thrust of the story, yet remains unaddressed, says a lot about our ruling elites. Republicans want him to be the democrat nominee because he’s so universally loathed, while democrats want him to remain in office so history’s brush will paint them in a better color. Both are wrong.

To someone on the outside looking in this looks like a classic cover up. Trump was President while he declassified the documents his lawyers took for his Presidential library, as had every other President before him, yet has been charged with mishandling classified documents. The case is in the court system now. Meanwhile, Biden was a senator and vice president when he took classified documents from a SCIF and stored some at a university the CCP had access to, his garage that Hunter would do lines in with his foreign bosses, and strewn anyplace Biden has been. The bureaucracy had quite a greased hog chase running them all down. Yet, while Biden’s mishandling is clearly a crime, he’s not being charged. While it’s debatable whether the deep state has the Constitutional authority to override a President.

Both cases involve the bureaucracy’s contention, it alone, has the authority to classify and declassify national secrets. In Trump’s case, his declassification was without the consent of the administrative state and so is a crime. In Biden’s case, his taking classified documents without authority or permission is irrelevant, since only our foreign adversaries got access to them. Trump might have allowed Americans to see what their government has been up to. Now that’s a heinous criminal offense… transparency. Just ask Julian Assange. The contrast is as stark as it is illustrative of the corruption and inability of a bureaucracy to run itself. People drunk on their usurped power are sub optimal choices to give unlimited authority to. Proven by recent history.

The same bureaucracy that’s charged a former president… isn’t charging a former senator and vice President for the same crime, because they claim he’s incompetent? Yet they say he’s competent to stay in office? Seriously? Moreover, the democrats in the house and Senate are unanimous he should stay in office… or else. So we have democrats and the deep state saying the President is corrupt and incompetent but should stay in office. Like the Arizona judge who found there had been fraud and probably enough to effect the outcome of the election… but he didn’t want to overturn a democratic election. The bureaucracy is becoming ever more absurd by the day. They want to cover it up, but their insanity effects us more and more, and so is becoming impossible to hide.


John Pepin

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Parasitic Bureaucracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the role of bureaucracy, is to limit the power of the populace, to change the course of a nation. A permanent managerial government, amoral, above the law, and accountable to no one, can insure longstanding anti Constitutional policy is carried out, despite the protestations of the victims. Unelected they face no political repercussions for anything they do. As long as they put the staple in the correct corner, the proper number of paper clips denoting how many copies, and follow procedure to requisition those staples and clips, they can do no wrong. Being a bureaucrat removes a person’s very soul. Since the incentives are all pernicious. No one is more heartless than a bureaucrat, doing the most horrible things to someone, and sleep well at night, knowing they served the bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy is always at odds with the people. Because there’s no political consequences for anything they do, the politicians get those, the bureaucrat can enact the most inhuman policies and be protected by anonymity. Making 100k plus a year, with gold plated benefits and an 80% retirement, they have it made. A bureaucrat is the closest thing to an oligarch there can be, without calling them, oligarchs. The bureaucrat spends all day, dutifully working for that gargantuan paycheck… by figuring out ways to make life harder for the people. Their friction comes at great cost. It’s worth it though… if you want to lower the lot of mankind. The regulations bureaucrats create, always benefit a politically favored group, at cost to the nation. They’re a cog in an economic mutilator.

The machine that is bureaucracy is run by and for the shadow government. Think tanks, corporations and non governmental organizations (NGO’s) form the shadow government. Each allowing a power broker access, while keeping the populace and anyone the elite don’t like, far away from the levers of actual power. Republic, democracy, etc… these are only games the elite play on us, to keep up the appearance that we have a say. But as 2020 and 2022 proved, it’s theater. Protest for election integrity and go to jail without trial. Proven by the Jan 6th grandmothers cooling their jets in a prison cell right now. Each power broker has their lever. The billionaires the NGOs, the intellectuals get the think tanks and the Military Industrial complex run the corporations. Bureaucracy is a tool of elitists.

Bureaucracy is justified by the philosophy, the only way to protect the weak from the strong, is to empower the strong to harm the weak. Then remove all consequence for it. That way the benevolent strong can protect the weak from the malevolent. If a few of us little people have to be crushed underfoot, by the benevolent strong, so be it, it’s for our own good. The bureaucrat sees every problem as needing a regulatory solution. Stub your toe now you have gout? Pass a regulation. Got in a car accident? Pass more regulations to make driving safer. Like to parade around in front of children half dressed as a harlot? Pass regulations to prevent parents from complaining. Simple. Every problem has a governmental solution. It’s not big brother that’s watching… it’s the all consuming mother.

Bureaucracy is the dream of those who favor unlimited government. The administrative state, they reason, is filled with loyal, hard working patriots, who only want to serve, and make 100k plus a year, with gold plated benefits and an 80% retirement, for the low low price of… their souls. Without consequence for harming the public, the incentive is for bureaucrats to become sociopaths. Relishing in the harm they do. That’s why there’s always a line at the DMV, a missing dot over an I will get a years worth of work returned, and why a bureaucrat will walk onto your land and order you around. Of all the forms of government, the administrative state masquerading as a republic is the worse. For the reasons I’ve laid out. Bureaucracy is like a parasite, that thinks it’s the host, until it kills them both.


John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Paradigm Of Crime

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem with being above the law, as the progressive, Marxist and socialist factions are, is that their criminal behavior will grow and grow until they end up doing something so undeniable and evil, the paradigm breaks down and someone goes to jail. From the murders of Seth Rich and Jeffery Epstein to the wiping of hard drives, Biden bribery and covering up the Awan brothers, the politically favored have surpassed themselves in crime. Exploiting law as a political weapon however is too public and obvious. Then there’s the election fraud that was covered up by the Jan 6 false flag event. Another public and obvious crime. Coupled with the pipe bomber, who increasingly looks like a federal agent on official business, makes the crimes impossible to cover up. They’re in CYA mode now.

Fani Willis thought she was above the law. Hiring her boytoy, billing the state twenty four hours a day seven days a week… to the tune of millions, and signing off on the payments herself, she epitomized corruption, and that’s before she abused her authority to effect election interference. Prosecutors are above the law in all but name. They’re the right hand of the State that never slaps itself. You and I will never know the multitude of crimes prosecutors in the past have got away with… because they’ve been covered up and left unpunished. I would wager good money that better than seventy percent of prosecutors are literal psychopaths in the DSM. Fani’s crimes would have been unpunished and covered up… had they not been so public and obvious. She’s backed the deep state into a corner.

The Biden syndicate thought it was above the law, and their deep state masters are doing everything in their power to insure it stays above the law, but Biden’s ineptitude, dementia and kids, keep exposing the crimes to the public. Then the bureaucracy goes to extreme lengths to cover them up. Like raiding James O’Keeffe’s home in the early morning (over the Ashley Biden diary that O’Keeffe had already given the FBI) and the FBI gave all the seized lawyer client data to the NYT, to help with their lawsuit against O’Keeffe’s Project Veritas… very corrupt. Meanwhile, the republican leaders in both the House and Senate have been grandstanding, instead of working, and have run out the clock on impeachment. Which I’m sure their handlers in the deep state intended from the get go.

Nancy Pelosi is above the law… but for how long? As her complicity in the events of Jan 6th become more and more exposed to the public, and those crimes tie in with innocent Americans being sent to prison, like Chewbacka guy, I have to wonder how much longer the deep state will cover for her. The DOJ has gone full retard in punishing her political enemies. Even attacking a former President in an clumsy attempt at election interference. A crime if anyone else does it. Hillary Clinton got away with astounding crimes against this nation and it’s people because of Trump’s magnanimity. Not because of any charity of the masses. People cooling their heels in a jail cell for a minor crime, I’m sure, had no mercy for her and her munificent crimes against national security and the rule of law.

Law breakers, when not caught, always up their game. It’s human nature. Petty criminals evolve into hardened criminals. That’s the trajectory of all criminals, small time and big time… Tony Soprano to Joe Biden. Add to this natural evolution, a total lack of consequences, and the progression is sped up by orders of magnitude. That’s why we’re seeing people, groups and entities that were always above the law in the past, getting themselves in the cross hairs of a law enforcement that’s on their side. The crimes are becoming too public, too obvious and thus fail the plausible deniability test. I predict, they can’t help themselves, whether because they’re stupid or malevolent, they’ll keep committing ever more public and undeniable crimes, until someone loses an eye… or goes to jail. Because it’s human nature.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Chaos, crime and suicide can be ignored,

Despotism served on a plate of cardboard,

Go for the win,

Never give in,

Because to a progressive like Trudeau failure is it’s own reward.


A State that serves a faction exclusively,

At cost to the nation, people and majority,

It serves itself best,

Screw the rest,

And that form of government is called oligarchy.


The left has given up on the poor,

There aren’t enough anymore,

Intersectionalism instead,

With Satan in bed,

That’s why they find economic progress a boor.


Once the only thing left is calamity,

The British people will see reality,

Vote in a Churchill,

Then only until,

He’s diverted the nation from impending catastrophe.


The experts created the problems by degree,

That we can’t do without them they agree,

Brilliant in name,

Stupid and lame,

And the experts suck our blood like a flea.


Don’t look now but everything’s fine,

Questioning the narrative is now a crime,

Go with the flow,

America’s got to go,

It’s hard to rise when the elite want a managed decline.


In Biden’s America the deep state lives large,

The rest of us are lucky to live on a barge,

I can’t pay the rent,

Then live in a tent,

And prosperity’s gone with old Joe in charge.


All Jews are evil is the subtext,

Our outrage is a muscle they do flex,

To dross you have to hand it,

Ethnically cleanse the planet,

And once the Jews are gone Christians will be next.


They seem self evident if thought is brief,

Notions if not believed will get you grief,

Echo chamber’s wise,

Don’t get ostracized,

Because you can’t fight a politically favored belief.



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment