Parasitic Bureaucracy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the role of bureaucracy, is to limit the power of the populace, to change the course of a nation. A permanent managerial government, amoral, above the law, and accountable to no one, can insure longstanding anti Constitutional policy is carried out, despite the protestations of the victims. Unelected they face no political repercussions for anything they do. As long as they put the staple in the correct corner, the proper number of paper clips denoting how many copies, and follow procedure to requisition those staples and clips, they can do no wrong. Being a bureaucrat removes a person’s very soul. Since the incentives are all pernicious. No one is more heartless than a bureaucrat, doing the most horrible things to someone, and sleep well at night, knowing they served the bureaucracy.

Bureaucracy is always at odds with the people. Because there’s no political consequences for anything they do, the politicians get those, the bureaucrat can enact the most inhuman policies and be protected by anonymity. Making 100k plus a year, with gold plated benefits and an 80% retirement, they have it made. A bureaucrat is the closest thing to an oligarch there can be, without calling them, oligarchs. The bureaucrat spends all day, dutifully working for that gargantuan paycheck… by figuring out ways to make life harder for the people. Their friction comes at great cost. It’s worth it though… if you want to lower the lot of mankind. The regulations bureaucrats create, always benefit a politically favored group, at cost to the nation. They’re a cog in an economic mutilator.

The machine that is bureaucracy is run by and for the shadow government. Think tanks, corporations and non governmental organizations (NGO’s) form the shadow government. Each allowing a power broker access, while keeping the populace and anyone the elite don’t like, far away from the levers of actual power. Republic, democracy, etc… these are only games the elite play on us, to keep up the appearance that we have a say. But as 2020 and 2022 proved, it’s theater. Protest for election integrity and go to jail without trial. Proven by the Jan 6th grandmothers cooling their jets in a prison cell right now. Each power broker has their lever. The billionaires the NGOs, the intellectuals get the think tanks and the Military Industrial complex run the corporations. Bureaucracy is a tool of elitists.

Bureaucracy is justified by the philosophy, the only way to protect the weak from the strong, is to empower the strong to harm the weak. Then remove all consequence for it. That way the benevolent strong can protect the weak from the malevolent. If a few of us little people have to be crushed underfoot, by the benevolent strong, so be it, it’s for our own good. The bureaucrat sees every problem as needing a regulatory solution. Stub your toe now you have gout? Pass a regulation. Got in a car accident? Pass more regulations to make driving safer. Like to parade around in front of children half dressed as a harlot? Pass regulations to prevent parents from complaining. Simple. Every problem has a governmental solution. It’s not big brother that’s watching… it’s the all consuming mother.

Bureaucracy is the dream of those who favor unlimited government. The administrative state, they reason, is filled with loyal, hard working patriots, who only want to serve, and make 100k plus a year, with gold plated benefits and an 80% retirement, for the low low price of… their souls. Without consequence for harming the public, the incentive is for bureaucrats to become sociopaths. Relishing in the harm they do. That’s why there’s always a line at the DMV, a missing dot over an I will get a years worth of work returned, and why a bureaucrat will walk onto your land and order you around. Of all the forms of government, the administrative state masquerading as a republic is the worse. For the reasons I’ve laid out. Bureaucracy is like a parasite, that thinks it’s the host, until it kills them both.


John Pepin

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