Too Incompetent To Charge

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the story that Biden won’t be charged with mishandling classified documents, despite the grievous way he allowed them to potentially fall into the CCP and other enemies hands, is because he’s incompetent… is not that the man has late stage dementia, that’s been obvious since his installment as a puppet president, the real story is, if he’s too incompetent to be held to a basic criminal standard, why is he still in office? His supporters who claim he’s above the law due to ineptitude, should be the first ones asking him to step down. If they’re the least bit consistent. Republicans should be impeaching. Especially since they recently tossed out one of their own over an allegation of corruption, while Biden’s corruption and dementia poses a real and present danger to the world.

The lead executive of a nation has to be on the ball. Democrats would insist on nothing less from a republican President. To argue that the bureaucracy can do the job of running the government, is arguing we don’t need elected representation. That a special prosecutor has now made a sworn statement, President Biden engaged in the mishandling of classified documents when a senator, and vice president, yet can’t be prosecuted because he’s incompetent, must be addressed. That this is the main thrust of the story, yet remains unaddressed, says a lot about our ruling elites. Republicans want him to be the democrat nominee because he’s so universally loathed, while democrats want him to remain in office so history’s brush will paint them in a better color. Both are wrong.

To someone on the outside looking in this looks like a classic cover up. Trump was President while he declassified the documents his lawyers took for his Presidential library, as had every other President before him, yet has been charged with mishandling classified documents. The case is in the court system now. Meanwhile, Biden was a senator and vice president when he took classified documents from a SCIF and stored some at a university the CCP had access to, his garage that Hunter would do lines in with his foreign bosses, and strewn anyplace Biden has been. The bureaucracy had quite a greased hog chase running them all down. Yet, while Biden’s mishandling is clearly a crime, he’s not being charged. While it’s debatable whether the deep state has the Constitutional authority to override a President.

Both cases involve the bureaucracy’s contention, it alone, has the authority to classify and declassify national secrets. In Trump’s case, his declassification was without the consent of the administrative state and so is a crime. In Biden’s case, his taking classified documents without authority or permission is irrelevant, since only our foreign adversaries got access to them. Trump might have allowed Americans to see what their government has been up to. Now that’s a heinous criminal offense… transparency. Just ask Julian Assange. The contrast is as stark as it is illustrative of the corruption and inability of a bureaucracy to run itself. People drunk on their usurped power are sub optimal choices to give unlimited authority to. Proven by recent history.

The same bureaucracy that’s charged a former president… isn’t charging a former senator and vice President for the same crime, because they claim he’s incompetent? Yet they say he’s competent to stay in office? Seriously? Moreover, the democrats in the house and Senate are unanimous he should stay in office… or else. So we have democrats and the deep state saying the President is corrupt and incompetent but should stay in office. Like the Arizona judge who found there had been fraud and probably enough to effect the outcome of the election… but he didn’t want to overturn a democratic election. The bureaucracy is becoming ever more absurd by the day. They want to cover it up, but their insanity effects us more and more, and so is becoming impossible to hide.


John Pepin

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