Climate The EU And Farming

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elites in Europe must be stark raving mad. Who shuts down farming? No nation in history has had rulers that stupid. Let alone an entire continent! In what universe does it make sense to force your people to be dependent on unreliable supply chains and foreigners to feed them? That didn’t work out so well for Germany during and after World War One. When an entire generation of German youth were starved to death by the British blockade of Germany. Maybe it will this time though. Especially since they’re picking a fight in their bread basket. There’s always the possibility their actions stem from malevolence instead of stupidity. Which, of the two, is better for us. Because evil defeats itself and isn’t interested in blowing up the world. While idiots would do it out of stupidity.

I strongly support the citizen farmers movement in Europe. The elite get confused about the role of government. Being so smart, wise and doggone it, just better people than the rest of us, the pedophile elites should make all the decisions, and enforce those wise, benighted and benevolent orders on us, at the end of a machine gun. If our betters decide farming is a danger, then we have to starve, it’s our duty, or not. The correct role of government is to protect the citizens from other governments, provide a means to settle disputes and damned little other than that. Especially not telling farmers what to do. The most important industry we have. Our lives literally depend on it. And the elites are throwing a monkey wrench into the works? They didn’t even resort to eating bugs during FDR’s great depression.

Running a con game is one thing, letting it get so out of control it threatens mankind, is quite another. A player who games a rube out of a few dollars is a bad guy. He’s heartless and belongs in prison. The dirt bag who swindles an entire nation and people out of their inheritance, Rights and wealth, is a demon deserving of life in prison. Our elite have let the con get so far out of control, our very planet and mankind’s existence is threatened, now that’s the epitome of a piece of excrement. With the caveat that feces is less stupid. The global warming swindle has been lucrative. I have to admit that. To push the con though, the climate alarmists have spent an astonishing amount in wealth, political favor, and credibility. The IPCC are proven liars, and their predictions have never come true, so we should listen.

Then there’s the regulations the elite across the West are implementing at the behest of corporate farms. Because, divesting farmers of their land worked so well for Ukraine, after the Kulaks were killed. Only five to fifteen million died in that famine. The latest absurdity, vilifying backyard gardening as detrimental to the climate, is exactly wrong. Can you imagine the mindset, the stupidity, of someone who thinks Monsanto’s industrial farms, with GMO crops, Roundup ready and spraying vast regions with pesticides, is more environmentally friendly than you tilling a few square feet in your backyard, and planting a tomato. Those First Nations peoples must have been a real bull in a china shop, farming maze, beans and squash, on a small and sustainable scale! The bastards!

The elite are playing a dangerous game. Trying to move us to eat bugs before the infrastructure is ready. Like they’re doing with electric cars. The trouble is, if your car won’t run, oh well, but if you can’t eat, that’s a problem that requires a solution. A violent one if necessary. Famine as a tool of control, terror and punishment is only effective on an ignorant people. When folks have access to information they act up. This con game has got out of hand. We’re onto it. When global warming was only about control, that was bad enough, but now the swindlers are tempting literal starvation… and that’s simply not acceptable. There has to be serious consequences. Millions are dead from their released bioweapon, Covid, now they’re shutting down farms. Evil or stupid… enough is enough.


John Pepin

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