
Dear Friends,


In a land where the truth has a perimeter,

While the law plays itself out in miniature,

One thing’s imperative,

Don’t fight the narrative,

Proving the whole thing’s nothing but theater.


Intellectuals will cut you down to size,

Staring at you with emotionless eyes,

Razor sharp tongue,

Cutting fresh dung,

Because they’re smart but not very wise.


Starting from the outside and working in,

The elite have redefined the nature of sin,

Think as they want,

Constitution to flaunt,

And as the world burns they play the violin.


The deep state will win don’t fret or pout,

Our wise elites have it all worked out,

Count all that are able,

Even from under a table,

No matter if it takes a two hundred percent turnout.


The elite’s excuses are lame,

They’re barbarians not tame,

Constantly braying,

Proving the saying,

The more things change the more they stay the same.



John Pepin

Posted in Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Vampire Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our elites thirst for blood is insatiable, their sere mouths need slaking as if they were tied down in the desert sun. Not simply Western elites but elites the length and breadth of the planet. That’s why it’s so important to murder the Jews, slaughter the Russians, exterminate the Ukrainians, crucify the Christians, kill the Hindus, starve the poor, draw Europe into the death fest, and goad Putin into using nukes on America… as the CCP’s greedy eyes peruse Taiwan, India, and Vietnam, as stepping stones to the rest of the world. Africa needs to be held in perpetual poverty by the socialists, as South America must be fed propaganda, to starve them. Over one hundred thousand Americans a year die of Fentanyl overdose. Twice the deaths of ten years of Vietnam. Making Dracula look like a gnat.

The US government spends untold billions a year on spying. Are we to presume such a magnificent amount of money is insufficient to determine the source of the fentanyl? When the news reports it regularly? For free. The CCP even has tax incentives for producing fentanyl, and its components, to send to Mexico for use in the US. Which makes the CCP over the last two decades the most effective murderer of American citizens there has ever been. One hundred thousand a year, times twenty years, is two million Americans the CCP has murdered. That death count exceeds any foreign war the US has ever been in. In fact it exceeds all the foreign wars combined. That level of slaughter couldn’t have been accomplished without the help of parched US elites though.

European elites are salivating at the thought of getting in a dust up with Russia. They think they can take it this time. Even if they have to nuke the world… to protect it from peace. Even as the elites help China’s military buildup, as their grandfathers did to the Germans earlier. While European and American elites abet the importation of fentanyl to kill their citizens by the truckload. Open borders, a media that downplays and distracts from the death count, as well as keeping their mouths shut when talking with their accomplices in the CCP. Of course, it’s fun to jet off to some exotic land to chat about how the people in Africa and South America must be kept in perpetual poverty, for the planet’s sake. Socialism has worked fine, so far, so why change direction? Since famine is almost as good as war.

The propaganda we’re inundated with, and the news denied to us speaks louder than a thunderclap, as to our elite’s desires. How often is the ethnic cleansing of Nagorno Karabackh talked about in any news? The Armenians have lived there since before the time of Jesus, and are being exterminated by the Azerbaijanis. That’s perfectly acceptable though. Because it helps slake our elites thirst for blood. The Genocidal Gazan propaganda has to be maintained, to keep the war between the Jews and Muslims going, forever. A critical base load source of blood for our elite. That’s one of the reasons George Soros bought up a bunch of Spanish language radio stations. To maintain the drumbeat of chaos inducing propaganda insuring our jugular veins stay open.

It appears the biggest problem the elites had with Trump, and still do, is his peacenick stance on perpetual war. How dare he want to stop the slaughter?!?! He tried to stop the fentanyl deaths too! They say Trump even wants to raise the standard of living of people in Africa and South America… The intolerable human heartedness! Doesn’t he realize those poor elites are dehydrated from being tied down in the desert sun? No wonder they’ve gone completely insane. Insane from thirst. A mere one hundred thousand deaths from fentanyl a year, isn’t enough to keep their mouths moistened, let alone slake an insatiable thirst. Our elites need blood. Our blood. The only other solution would be to replace them with elites that aren’t vampires… before God turns the water into blood. To finally slake that thirst.


John Pepin

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Buying Justice

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, while the recent Supreme Court ruling restoring property rights to American citizens, and chastising the EPA is a victory… it came at a cost. I don’t know what the lawyer bills for the Sackett family were, but I guarantee they were in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not the millions. There aren’t many people with that level of wealth enabling them to successfully protect their Constitutional Rights. Which means… only the rich have actual Constitutional Rights, the rest of us get the scraps from the table, breaded in dirt . How many families have been abused by the EPA, and indeed all the other bureaucracies that exist only to make life harder for the average American? They didn’t have millions set aside to pay for attorneys. Doesn’t this paradigm seem unjust to you as well?

The court system is based on political favor. We know this by their actions, past and present. By those actions, showing their political bias, we can predict with some accuracy their future actions. Obama could murder a child in public, and the media would say the kid had it coming, the DOJ would say it’s not their jurisdiction, and the NY prosecutor would play Pontius Pilot. Because Obama has too much political favor to charge with a crime. At least in NY. Courts use political favor as the primary source of their decrees. Then backtrack with reason to justify their rulings. A smart jurist like Oliver Wendell Homes, can make a perversion of justice so seamless, abuse looks like love. As in Buck v Bell. That’s why we buy lawyers… to lease their political favor, for our benefit.

It’s good that we get the scraps from the table. Those scraps are getting fewer and further between though. For example, the legal system in NY is showing itself to be utterly corrupt. But here’s the rub… if they’re willing to violate a billionaire’s Constitutional Rights, in public, then what limit is there on the NY “justice” system abusing you or I? Nothing. Other than political favor. Once the court system has grudgingly allowed us a Right, they not so studiously, enforce it. We have many Constitutional Rights on paper, but I know people who’ve had their Constitutional Rights abused, that abuse exposed to the courts, and the consequences were for the victim, not the perpetrator. Because the victim didn’t have political favor. That’s where the law and order people have it wrong.

Lacking the political favor to get the courts to rule on one’s side, a litigant can take the case to a higher court. Where he or she hopes the notoriety and publicity will force the court to rule justly. Which is usually a fools errand. Especially if the litigant has negative political favor. Unless the case is making the courts a laughing stock, making it’s patently in the system’s best interest to tamp down the knowledge of its corruption, so they rule justly. To protect their image. This paradigm however demands a great deal of wealth from the victim, to protect their Constitutional Rights… and ours. Even after having spent millions on lawyers, with strong political favor, many victims are crushed in the process. Making the legal game one for the rich… not the average Joe.

A litigant with sufficiently negative political favor risks their attorney’s political favor as well. To the point of getting them disbarred. The system will steal the assets of a victim they don’t want fighting back. Especially one who’s been obviously aggrieved. Like Trudeau did to the Canadian Trucker protesters, and Gofundme shut down Kyle Rittenhouse’s fundraiser. Stealing their ability to fight back. Proving our system of “justice” is nothing of the sort. It replaces actual justice for Thrasymachus’ version. Where law is a swindle, so the powerful can steal from the weak, and call it just. If the weak fight back, now, that’s unjust. This inhuman system is gated by the huge cost of lawyers. Holding the hoi polloi ever at arms length from justice. They don’t call it the “Bar” for nothing.


John Pepin

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A Free Ride

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the elite have made the US and Europe a wagon, for migrants to hop on for a free ride. While us citizens are yoked to the contraption. The elite are guilty of this crime. An elite who went to great trouble, enabling it with legislation, encouraging non citizens to collect the dole. That non citizens can vote in many localities, for the faction that enabled them, is a bonus. Moreover, if casting a ballot is illegal, they can mail in their vote, no id, no signature match… no problem. Some may argue the cost in inflation is an issue. Not for the people who get the money first, Before it inflates the value of our money away. What is a bored MS13 gang member to do with their time? Crochet? Probably not. I’m sure most have more exciting ideas. It might be fun for them to drag their feet…

The cost is no problem to the elite, who merely print up the money on a computer, and use it to pay for the non citizen’s welfare, social security, WIC, aid to needy families, home heat assistance, medicaid, free Obama phones, a pile of cash simply for getting here, and a free plane ticket to anywhere in the US they want to go mooch. Inflation steals the money from the citizenry without needing to put a gun to our heads. The theft is subtle and disguised, so the elite can claim, it’s “those greedy stores…” Like Eggbert’s grocer is getting rich selling potatoes for 50 cents a pound. Especially when the elite print up 60 billion, and flush it down the toilet in a foreign war… instead of using a penny of it to shore up our borders. Because that would cut off the supply of valuable freeloaders.

The crime the elite expected is already paying dividends. In Australia, stabbings by members of the religion of pieces is skyrocketing. Following the trajectory of terrorism in Britain and Europe. Soon Europe, Australia and the US, will become the new Nagorno Karabackh. Crime, especially random stabbings, cause people to be uncomfortable. They’re a pain in the stomach. That discomfort leads to demands for more laws. But as Cicero said, “The more laws the less justice.” Which is obviously the goal of the elite. To create so many laws justice drowns in them. Mass shootings by illegal alien trans people is on the rise. That’s new. Even as whole sections of our cities are being abandoned because of rampant retail theft. Despite the demand from customers.

There were a couple back in the nineteen sixties that came up with a plan to destroy the US. Making way for a communist takeover. They were Richard Cloward and Francis Piven. Their brainchild was to bankrupt the US by overwhelming it’s social safety net. Put so many people on the dole, the net snaps, and the US is bankrupted. Then the dollar is ruined, the people lose their jobs, resulting in general poverty, and chaos… then the Constitution becomes mere prose on friable paper. Paper the elite will be only too happy to set fire. To warm their egos by. A person who uses her right brain now and then, might look around and notice the parallels. Another, focused on his task, heedless of the outside world, a left brainer, won’t even notice. Our lack of contact with reality blinds us.

The beauty of bringing in millions of people who despise us and our culture, is that they won’t simply ride in the wagon… they’ll drag their feet. What’s a bored migrant to do but pass the time engaging in crime? It’s exciting, rewarding, and with Soros prosecutors, no risk. Every illegal who works also gets welfare, wic, etc… which means, the citizen who competes with an alien for a job, has to make enough to pay his or her whole ride, and help pull too. While the person they’re competing against only needs mad money. Even as the wheels threaten to come off under the weight of the millions of new welfare recipients. Inflation is no problem to someone on welfare, the dole is tied to inflation. It’s the working stiff who gets it, and we get it alright, we get it good. It’s almost like the elite want to destroy America.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Partisans claim others are political,

Experts on tv waxing analytical,

Donations in kind,

Oligarchy’s one mind,

Making the elite’s hypocrisy as obvious as it is empirical.


To people who’ve been paid for and bought,

Power’s the goal and truth is not sought,

Now we learn,

Your videos burn,

The elite’s plans to control our thought.


Elitists always have their say,

For their ideas others must pay,

No matter the cost,

Else all is lost,

And so the rest of us have to suffer today.


The hypocrites who want to censor and ban,

Are elitist scoundrels and egoists to a man,

Shut up and sit,

Or you’ll get hit,

But the censoring the censors would be partisan.


It’s time to get on a rooftop and shout,

Law is now a tool for a worthless lout,

Double standards abound,

Our Rights can’t be found,

This is the tyranny the founders warned us about.”



John Pepin

Posted in business, economy, Group Politics, International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Carbon Credits Are A Con

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, carbon credits are simply another way for the rich to steal from the poor. By creating an entirely arbitrary market, they can “create wealth” in the form of script, and sell it to dupes. Making real money. Then that swindle increases the cost to everyone for everything. Which, obviously, effects poor people far more than the rich, who are getting richer, selling carbon credits. What makes this scam so vile, is it pretends to be virtue, when it’s in fact vice. Even if anthropogenic climate change were real, which it isn’t, the carbon credit system would still be a game. That’s why I believe that the carbon credit swindle needs to be outlawed, the swindlers charged, tried and sent to prison. Anything less would encourage the elite to come up with other scams to pull on us.

The world we live in has gone to the dogs, because there have been no consequences for criminal actions, by our elites. Moreover, they’ve exploited law as a means to injustice. Using law vindictively, egoistically and unjustly. The myriad of absurd charges against Trump are proof enough. Then there’s the fact, the more criminals are allowed to commit crimes, the worse those crimes will become. It’s human nature. Ask yourself, have any of the elite been punished for any crimes in the last few decades? What were the consequences for starting a decade long war based on lies? How about consequences for the Russian collusion hoax, that tied up our government for years, and cost this nation tens of millions? Who could forget the Covid pandemic, created by the elite, along with the vaccine that isn’t?

The carbon credit swindle is just another in a long list of crimes by our elites. Crimes against humanity. Because, who can argue stealing from widows, the elderly and orphans… is noble? It’s malevolent. Raising the cost of everything breaks the backs of those barely making it. If the wealth the elite skim off the poor, with inflation generated by carbon credits, forces the working poor to choose between food and electricity, that’s the price the elite are willing for the poor to pay. With their bellies full of fillet mignon, pom du terre avec fromage, and chocolate souffle for dessert, they don’t feel any hunger pains from the shortages created by carbon credits. Lowering the lot of Man to make superfluous wealth… now that’s progressive! It’s a brilliant crime.

You can tell people’s intentions by their actions. Our words being a poor determiner of intent. A liar will tell you what you want to hear all day. But their actions won’t match their rhetoric. Which always means they don’t believe their rhetoric. It’s manipulation. Let’s say for example, someone is in a panic about the planet warming, and extinguishing all life… due to CO2 in the atmosphere. Forget that historically CO2 in the air has been exponentially higher than today. So much so that if you went far enough back in time you would die of CO2 poisoning. Be that as it may, I would act in a way that accords with my stated fear. I wouldn’t buy a house one foot above high tide, nor would I fly a private jet to Paris for lunch, but I would lead by example… not from a luxury suite on my personal yacht.

The climate change swindle always accompanies the over population scam. The two work hand in hand. Heavens to Betsy, the planet can’t take more people, let alone handle the teeming masses of third world nations, raising their standard of living! That’s why the jet set are morally obligated to hold the poor down. It’s for the planet. If a few billion die of want, then so be it, their deaths will result in less carbon output. How virtuous of the elite, who deny themselves nothing, yet deny others life itself. Nuclear power can’t be implemented, because, “split wood not atoms.” Of course, you can’t burn wood either, because it contributes to climate change. Gas stoves are out as well since they use fossil fuel. You’ll have to eat your bugs raw. Else you could tell everyone… Carbon credits are a swindle!


John Pepin

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Attitude Leads Outcome

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, attitude leads outcome, most think it’s the other way around, but they’re wrong. Good attitudes lead to success and poor attitudes lead to failure. Oh, there are examples of those who’ve got ahead with a poor attitude, but they’re also examples of corruption, graft and privilege. The heir to an estate needn’t have a winning attitude. Those with a poor one however will be wearing shirtsleeves in short order. The entrepreneur with a poor attitude is sure to go bankrupt, while the businessman with a winning one, could go far indeed. This is true for a multitude of reasons. Primarily, because business is the art of falling and getting back up again. A poor attitude will keep one on the ground at the first fall, a winning one will get them back up, no matter how many falls they’ve had.

The art of falling down and getting back up is a hard one to master. No one likes to fail. We often go to great lengths to avoid it. Sometimes missing opportunities for fear of failing. The thing about anything is, the more you do it, the easier it gets. This goes for sin as well as virtue. The more we fall, and get back up, the easier it is to get back up. Your idea could be brilliant, but if it’s out of place or time, it will fail. Later someone else could make a fortune on the same idea. So success isn’t entirely based on intellect, wisdom and judgment… it has a bit of luck. As we all know, the more you roll the dice, the more likely it is to roll a hard seven. The more chances you take the more chances to succeed. If you only take one chance though… failure is assured.

A winning attitude is magnetic, to customers, employees and investors. Go get ’em Liam’s positive attitude, draws people in, but is also contagious. Others become infected with Liam’s gusto. Making success ever more likely. Enthusiastic employees work harder and smarter because they’re motivated. Customers will buy from an enthusiastic person before a lackadaisical one all else being equal. Investors who catch the winning attitude are happy to invest. Because, where a business is motivated, enthusiastic, and has a winning attitude… the likelihood of profit is great. The opposite is also true if the entrepreneur has a bad attitude. They will have a hard time getting motivated employees, willing customers or investors… no matter how great their ideas, products and plans.

Sad sacks seldom go far. Unless it’s on a vacation. Since someone with a defeatist attitude has already lost. This isn’t simply because their attitude is repulsive, but because one’s attitude and motivation, show up in their work. Two equally skilled craftsmen creating a piece of furniture, one is enthusiastic for the project the other unmotivated. Which one will build a better piece? We all know the answer. Another problem with a bad attitude is it’s also contagious. “A bad apple spoils the barrel…” as the saying goes. This is one way corporations are rotted from within. The executives get a bad attitude, That motivation or rather, anti motivation, oozes down the levels and once it’s corrupted the bottom, that corporation becomes a zombie company. All because of a bad attitude.

If we want to get ahead, there’s no better way than to adjust our attitude. You are what you think. Control your thoughts to stay motivated. It takes will. If it was easy, everyone would be rich, motivated and have a winning attitude. That so many of us don’t… proves the difficulty in it. Few are happy when they get punched in the face. They’re called masochists. The rest of us resent it. But, we have to learn to take it, with a smile, maybe missing a tooth. Become inured to getting back up from a fall. No one likes it, but once your used to it, it becomes second nature. Like playing a guitar. It’s hard at first but as you practice you get better. A winning attitude is like playing a guitar. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Unlike a guitar though… the better you get at it, the further you go in life.


John Pepin

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Dear Friends,


Bureaucrats can lie with impunity,

The courts gave them immunity,

Narrative’s not truth,

Seeing it is uncouth,

So why would a bureaucrat ever have integrity?


The elite are wary of droll askance looks,

Won’t eat their own food the nasty cooks,

Tictok is bad,

It’s just a fad,

Because banning apps is like burning books.


There once was a company Tyson,

They don’t sell anything like bison,

Dealing in woke hugs,

You’ll eat the bugs,

And destroying America is their mission.


Wisdom tact and smarts are utterly absent,

From the elite with their sick pedophile bent,

Watch their wrath,

It’ll be a blood bath,

When Trump wins against Biden by thirty percent.


Playing the national anthem on a tin harmonica,

The Rights of Man has been made an anathema,

Mockingbird media demands,

The government tie our hands,

Now that we live in post Constitutional Amerika.



John Pepin

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Value, Utility and Perception

Dear Friends,

Its seems to me, value is entirely a perception, and not reality. Sometimes we value the utile but most often we value the things we’re told are valuable. No independent thinking necessary. When we do think for ourselves, our value judgments are based on our perception, and not reality. I’ve heard it said that we don’t see things… we see utility. A rock is invisible, else it’s a hammer, knife or tripping hazard. We don’t perceive “rock” as much as the things we can do with it. The same goes for money. The utility we see in things gives value to those things. That value however, is a perception, not intrinsic to the thing perceived. This value as an idea and not reality carries into the ephemeral as well. We value relationships, beauty and the sublime… though they exist within our minds, and not the world.

If beauty was a universal, then everyone everywhere, would find the same things beautiful. Empirically that’s not the case. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder…” as they say. Since beauty is a central notion of value, we value the beautiful, and beauty itself is subject to personal differences, then clearly, the value attached to that beauty changes as well. Table salt is NaCl, all salt, on Earth as well as on Pluto. Table salt can be reduced to its components, reconstituted, and remains the same. Unlike beauty, which is subject to preference, can’t be deconstructed, and changes over time. The value we place on beauty then is person dependent. The ancient Chinese sage, Mo Ti it’s said, hated music. Yet others value music above all else. Proving value, like beauty, is a perception and not reality.

I don’t know if it’s true, that we don’t see things, we only see the utility of them… it sounds true enough but I suspect no human quality can be reduced so. Nevertheless, it’s a starting point to examine value as it relates to utility. Different people see money differently. Some see it as the be all end all, we call them misers, others see money as a means to an end, we call them entrepreneurs, then there are those who couldn’t care less about money, we call them spendthrifts. In each case the value given to money differs depending on the goals of the individual. Showing that even money, the thing so many of us believe is a “store of value,” is nothing of the sort. It’s a perception, we value in accordance with our ideas, mindsets and goals. There’s no intrinsic value in a piece of printed paper. Except as tinder.

It’s often difficult to differentiate perception from reality. Our perceptions are so tied up in our reality. Moreover, who has time and energy to burn doing so? Especially when our perceptions have so much effect on our lives. We chase money, beauty and status for the value we perceive in them. Else are told is in them. So we see value as a tangible thing. Gold is a store of value because its rare. Yet if gold became in glut, the value would go away fast. Tulip bulbs were a store of value in Denmark back in the day. Until it was discovered that the beautiful lines and streaks weren’t from genetics, but from a virus. Then the value of tulip bulbs dropped wiping out the national economy. Bitcoin’s value is perceptional as well. In every case, value is a perception… and perceptions change.

Most are too lazy to think for themselves so they let others do their thinking. Allowing someone else to determine what’s valuable. Then die unhappy and unfulfilled, after spending their lives chasing the things they’ve been told are valuable, and achieving them. Because they chased the value of others and not what they themselves valued. Perhaps we should use value as a measure of that which we should seek, instead of blindly grasping after that which we’re told to seek. Because value isn’t a universal nor is it reality. Don’t let others choose what you think is valuable. Choose for yourself. Assign value to what you want, not what your told by the experts you should want. Since value is only a perception, use value to get a good life, instead of letting value use you, striving after a bad one.


John Pepin

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Moderate Inflation

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the experts claim inflation is under control, if you simply change what you buy. Instead of beef switch to pork, if that becomes too expensive, switch to chicken, and then roadkill… you see, its all in the budgeting. That’s how they come to a 3% inflation rate. After a few more years of this moderate inflation… only the rich will be able to afford road kill. The rest of us will be eating bugs, greenbriar and grass tops. Meanwhile, the federal reserve wants you to know they have it well in hand, but since raising interest rates in an election year would be bad, for the deep state president, they’ll use the wishful thinking method. That should do it. The fact is, inflation wont stop until the incentive for government to cause it, is stopped. There needs to be consequences for deficit spending.

If you believe inflation has “only” gone up 3.8%, there’s a nice water front property on the Sea of Tranquility for you, I’ll sell it cheap. Insurance has doubled in my area. Food has doubled in some cases. Then again, who needs to eat? If you have a dog or cat, has your vet bill only gone up 5%? Mine more than doubled. The price of cars has gone up way more than 10%. A “cheap” car today is 20k. Electricity has risen far more than a mere 4%. Have you filled your car’s fuel tank lately? For the Bureau of Labor Statistics, (BLS) also called Bullshit, Lies and Spin, to come up with that number took some pretty brilliant lying. Then again, exposing the BLS as liars is one reason Snowden lives in Russia and Julian Assange resides in the Belmarsh super max prison.

The Federal Reserve is trying to control inflation by raising interest rates. But the government spends two dollars for every one squeezed out of the little guy by higher interest rates. Milton Friedman’s theory on inflation… growth in money must match the growth in GDP to have zero inflation, if the growth in money is less than the growth in GDP, then you have deflation, and if the growth in money exceeds that of the economy, then you have inflation. Which dovetails with, John Meynard Keynes theory of economic growth, if aggregate demand exceeds aggregate supply, you have growth, and of aggregate demand is less than aggregate supply, you have recession. He didn’t make a distinction between government demand and individual demand.

Aggregate demand is aggregate demand, no matter who is demanding the supply. Aggregate supply is the ability of the economy to supply that which is demanded. Therefore, the Federal Reserve raising interest rates to drive down aggregate demand, to match aggregate supply, is a fools errand. Since the government increases spending. Keeping aggregate demand higher than aggregate supply. Moreover, government spending doesn’t have the economic effect of individual spending. Economic growth is slowed by toxic government demand. Even as a dollar printed by government is more inflationary than one created by an entrepreneur. Because, a printed dollar comes into being out of nothing, while one created by economic growth, is backed by that growth. Even as taxes are a drag to economic growth.

The government can lie all they want, but anyone buying insurance, eating or driving knows it’s gone up closer to 100%. We all know it. The problem is, the people that receive the newly printed money get to use it, before it triggers inflation, so they have no problem with the government’s print and spend policy. In fact, they want more of it. Since they benefit. Societal wealth in the long term, however, is being hollowed out by their profligate taxing, printing and spending. Transferring demand from the people to the State lowers the efficiency of our economy, and increases the monetary base, far in access of GDP growth. So what we have are elites who benefit from rotting our economy from the core out. That’s why we have pernicious inflation. Government’s failed policies are creating it, as they always do.


John Pepin

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