Lack of Outrage Creates Lack of Shame

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the theme of the elite today, is their deficiency in shame. The lack of which enables them to do things others, those with a sense of shame, would not be able to do. Not just shame in the present but shame in the future. They are like people empty inside. A sheep has no shame nor does it have reason. Although, people have no shame before an animal… which may be why the elite have no shame before us and our heirs. Perhaps they see us as animals not equals. Which, I think, is far worse than if they simply lack the attribute altogether. Because it makes them subhuman. Both by reciprocal attribution, and by their lack of empathy, because shame is based on empathy. Nevertheless, a society that is led by shameless people, is one that will suffer indignities and stumble constantly.

There was a time when the elite would be abashed at being caught in naked fraud. Today not so much. The bureaucracy is openly corrupt, the pollsters are liars and the courts practice arbitrary rule. While the media has utterly disgraced itself as propagandists. Even the medical community has besmirched its reputation with it’s flip flopping Covid response. Back in the day, people caught in fraud, lies and corruption would beg forgiveness. Not progressives, they will take it as far as it will go, in acts worthy of true psychopathic narcissism. Denying what is in front of our eyes, obstructing investigations and misdirecting us. Like from clear election fraud, by saying, “Even if there was election fraud, it wasn’t enough to effect the outcome.” Instead of normal shame at being caught… they have doubled down.

You could say that the elite today are so focused on power, and the future abuse of it, they care not if we see their machinations, they are too single minded. Yet that argument forgets their legacy. It may be they plan on being the victors and thus writing the history, ala 1984, but with the internet and it’s deep memory, that may not be possible. Therefore, no matter if they win or not, they will go down in history as villains. It is too late to stop that outcome. In the future, school kids will be taught how utterly corrupt the democrat party was, back in 2020. Historians will use this election as the yard stick of corruption. The measure of all other elections in the future. People will say, “Hey, at least it wasn’t as bad as 2020…” Progressives who engaged in the fraud will be remembered… as scoundrels.

Sadly, election fraud is only the culmination of progressive shameless acts. Their Brown Shirts, ANTIFA and BLM rioting in the streets, burning our cities, beating shop owners for protecting their businesses (that are not covered by insurance if they are looted or destroyed by riot), torching public buildings, police precincts and even hunting down conservatives like feral hogs. Then blame white supremacists for it! Normal people are limited by our sense of shame. While ANTIFA and BLM often wear masks and black uniforms, like the Schutzstaffel, yet when arrested and pictured, they don’t look the least embarrassed at being outed as barbarians. So we see that progressive zealots for the most part, top to bottom, are shameless. They will do anything because they are empty inside.

We live in momentous times. 2020 will go down in the history books. The bureaucracy, medical profession, courts, media, and indeed the entire progressive edifice, will be remembered as villains. Our heirs will ask, as we do the Germans from the 1930’s, “How could they have been so stupid?” How is it we cannot see the villains for who they are? Because people are people. Most of us follow the sergeant Schultz archetype, while others don black uniforms and become the modern Bully Boys. Neither group cares what the rest of us think… so the Bully Boys get the upper hand. History will record them for who they are, and give us a well deserved lambasting… as being the worthless, lazy and ignorant louts, who’s lack of outrage abetted the shamelessness of the elite.


John Pepin

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