The Land Of Lies

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we’re flooded with a tsunami of notions that have political favor, but no substance, and as a result we don’t know the truth of anything. Examples abound… to fight hate you must hate, to fight racism you must be a racist, to be enlightened you must let others do your thinking, gender affirming treatment is sterilizing little boys and girls, the planet’s climate changed for billions of years without our help but now it’s all on us, to be a non conformist you must conform, etc… the list is endless. How can we know the truth when lies are so carefully melded into our media for us to consume? Discerning truth in the land of lies is like finding a needle in a haystack. Which is hard… unless you burn down the haystack, or use a magnet. Once we discern a lie, notice who’s selling it, and we’ve found a magnet.

Edward Bernays charted the waters for the elite to manipulate the masses. He is the reason women smoked cigarettes. He invented popular mind control. The nephew of Sigmund Freud. He applied individual psychology to groups. In order to manipulate them. His group psychology was groundbreaking when exploited by despots. It allows a tyrant to manipulate the hoi polloi into acting against their own interests. Despite their knowing better. Because of the power of group psychology to overwhelm the individual’s wisdom, intellect and ethics. That’s why a mob of rational, reasonable people will beat a person to death, on the orders of a demagogue. Bernays understood the effect of group psychology on the individual and created an entire science dedicated to manipulating the masses.

If someone is selling a lie, they’re probably shilling others. That’s how we can distinguish not only the liars from the truth tellers, but the lies from the truths. Liars tell lies, and once we catch them in one lie, it follows, nothing they say after that, can be trusted as fact. No matter how many times they claim to be the most honest politician, party or election in history. Because in reality the very act of claiming virtue almost always guarantees villainy. Therefore, we can look at other things the liars claim and presume they’re also lies. For example, everyone who claimed the Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, claimed the Russian collusion story was fact, 2020 election was secure, and that Covid came from a meat market… are liars. Which, sadly, includes the entire bureaucracy. Liars every one.

When a statement contradicts itself, like, to fight racism you must be a racist, it must be false. So, when a politician says, only white people can be racist, they are indeed saying, “to fight racism you must be racist… against whites.” When something affirms another, it enhances and encourages that thing… affirming doesn’t means destroying the thing affirmed though. The statement then is self contradictory. The contradictions are always couched in politically favored terms and obtuse language. Gender affirming, one would think affirms the gender, but in the twisted double speak of today’s elite, it means ripping out a little girl’s vagina, or a little boy’s penis. Gender destroying. Language is manipulated to mean the opposite of what the speaker is saying.

Lies pervade our society, culture and especially government. The effect of those lies is to diminish our standard of living across the entire spectrum of domains. Our economic well being is eroded, our social cohesiveness is corroded, and our health itself is harmed. With the tools given to the manipulators by Bernays, those lies have all the more negative effect. How many times have you and I acted against our self interest because we were manipulated into it? The first step is always to admit we were tricked. Then establish how they did it. Making it critical that we discern those lies and that those lies discredit the liars. Because that will tell us who we can’t trust. It won’t tell us who we can trust, but eliminating liars wholesale, is a good start. We’ve been fooled, let’s try not to get fooled again.


John Pepin

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